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Official TIMELINE | Karakura's 2021 Monsoon Season

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Level 138
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
The Annual Monsoons of Karakura
A special thanks to the Event Team for putting together all of the wonderful events mentioned.

At this point, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to many long standing citizens upon the Japanese island that is Karakura, that June is a month of rain, rain that at some points can seem almost unstoppable in its downpour, leaving the small bits of sunlight that poke out throughout the month to be cherished greatly.

While the anticipation for the warm, summer season is easily detoured by the monsoons, Karakura is thankfully quite hospitable in its regards to the impactful weather, and umbrellas alongside other accommodations are oftentimes distributed to those in need. Civilians have also prepared themselves for the weather, with colourful raincoats and rubber boots becoming quite prominent outdoor apparel to combat the storms. Along with this, celebrations of pride month have still been apparent throughout the city even during such stormy times.

Sadly, sometimes certain weather precautions weren’t enough, and the change in weather wound up with many different civilians becoming ill thanks to it. Hence, citizens are advised to be careful about their outdoor activities during the season, even though Karakura is a city that adores being outside and in touch with nature, and many of their sports teams are based in outdoor areas.

While inconvenient rain might be a nuisance to all sorts of events, the downpour was fully embraced at certain times throughout the month, here or there. Perhaps one of the first rain-enthusing events of the month had Miyu Masayoshi, alongside mall emo sidekick Tetsuya Yamashiro breaking into a broadcasting tower to announce a rain dance party underneath the Eden tree in which the storm was embraced by partygoers, and dance competitions were held by the famed Yamato Ozaki.

Other times, when the sky was rarely clear, civilians decided they already missed the feeling of getting drenched and had to remake it- in the form of super soakers. Nearly halfway through the month, a city wide water gun fight was hosted, in the broad sunlight because apparently, no one had missed the humid warmth.

That was far from the end of fun as the school itself was quick to get in on the action, hosting a waterworks event for all Karakura students. With lifeguards present, entertaining and competitive pool relays took place for all, with carnival games such as ring toss. You could even dunk a faculty member if you tried!

Sure, the rain month posed a multitude of slight inconveniences and poorer health for its civilians. But on the other side of things, it proved just how close Karakura can come together as a community in light of what might seem to be something miserable and make the most of it. Whether through lending each other a helping hand to combat the weather, or even taking advantage of it, the resilience and optimism of the seaside town we all know and love is as evident as ever.

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