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Timezones during KPD arrests


Level 3
Thread starter
I think you guys are missing the point. No one is breaking rules, people wait their 48 hours. The problem at hand is when two people are arrested at the same time but someone's bail is logged a day later. Here's a new example

Two people are arrested on the 10th, however one of the people's arrests was logged for the 11th. They both wait their 48 hours, and they are GangRP'ing on the 12th, however, the person who's arrest was logged the 11th gets warned because staff thinks they aren't properly waiting their time. The PROBLEM is that when KPD are logging different time zones, people are now getting falsely accused of rule-breaking, as you all are currently, when the problem isn't the player, it's the logging.
12-10 = 2
11-10 = 1

You see the problem? Since someone logged the person's arrest for a day later, it makes it seem like the person only waited 24 hours when in reality, they waited 48 hours as well. I've seen people get falsely warned because of this. Before you respond, take time to actually think about what I'm saying.


Level 129
I think you guys are missing the point. No one is breaking rules, people wait their 48 hours. The problem at hand is when two people are arrested at the same time but someone's bail is logged a day later. Here's a new example

Two people are arrested on the 10th, however one of the people's arrests was logged for the 11th. They both wait their 48 hours, and they are GangRP'ing on the 12th, however, the person who's arrest was logged the 11th gets warned because staff thinks they aren't properly waiting their time. The PROBLEM is that when KPD are logging different time zones, people are now getting falsely accused of rule-breaking, as you all are currently, when the problem isn't the player, it's the logging.
12-10 = 2
11-10 = 1

You see the problem? Since someone logged the person's arrest for a day later, it makes it seem like the person only waited 24 hours when in reality, they waited 48 hours as well. I've seen people get falsely warned because of this. Before you respond, take time to actually think about what I'm saying.
And again as I previously stated, this is not an issue, and you seem to be deflecting on the KPD timezone issue as an excuse.

Staff doesn't use the KPD arrest logs to determine if someone is breaking the rules. They use information provided via a report. And they are perfectly capable of verifying timezones aswell!

If yall start gangrping less than a day after you were arrested, you're going to get warned, those are the rules.


Level 105

u get arrested at 6pm (your time) on june 21st, 2023, u wait until 6pm (your time) on june 23rd, 2023 to gangrp again. simple as that, there is no need for timezones to come into play


Level 124
What ghost said. Seeing as this whole suggestion / conversation is based on the arrest I made, here’s how it happened.

I’m in the UK, the other officer is not. I arrested the person on the 21st, whilst the other officer arrested your friend on the 20th. I can’t travel back in time for the benefit of less confusion. If you didn’t know, ask. There’s been so many problems with gangrp lately with them just not asking staff and making up rules / potentially getting warned for it… staff won’t kill you, they’re literally there to answer questions you don’t know or you’re contused about !!


Level 100
Community Team
Lore Team
I’m in the UK, the other officer is not. I arrested the person on the 21st, whilst the other officer arrested your friend on the 20th.
Even with this in mind, they don’t need to look at what day they can start, but instead just wait 48 hours.


Level 353
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to implement it.

- The Police and other factions will soon operate on the UTC time zone, pending changes and announcements.​

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