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Tips for newbies and things that are needed to know

Last time this guide was edited: May 2018
If anything in this guide is outdated or confusing, seek help at the SchoolRP Discord server.
(I really do not feel like writing another 1300 words...)

For new players:

So after a few weeks since I joined this community, I figured out something that newbies need to know and some little tips to help them without having them getting in trouble. English is not my first language so don’t mind me if I said something that probably doesn’t even make sense.

So first of all, when I joined the server for the first time and played for one or two hours, I had tons of questions and no one really answers me. So I’m going to answer those questions. (Don’t worry staffs, I’m not going to give the information that they need to find out ICly) I know that these questions are already answered by the owner and the staffs. But I just want to put them together and make it clear.

I wonder how to I become a higher grade student?
So all you need to do is stay on the server. Do “/ar check” command to check how much more time do you need to get to the next grade.

I’m so hungry, where do I find food?
All I can tell you is that there’re three common food on this server. Peach Treat, Marshmallow Treat, and School Meal. (There’re more kinds but you need to find out ICly) About how to get them, you need to ask people ICly (means “In-Character-ly”) about where are the vending machines.

I saw people with so many good-looking items. Where did they get those?
They bought them. Ask people ICly.

How do I get more money?

Become a higher grade student. The higher grade you are, the more money you get. Do “/rpmoney” to check how much more time do you need to get the next hourly allowance. You will get hourly allowance per hour (in game)/ per 30 minutes (in real life). Since I mentioned this, yes, the 1 minute in real life equals 2 minutes in game.

How do I sit wherever I want?
Simply do “/sit” will do the trick. Press “sneak” to stand up.

How do I lay down wherever I want?
Simply do “/lay” will do the trick. But on your screen it doesn’t show that you’re laying down. Don’t worry, everyone besides you can see you laying down. Press “jump” to stand up. (Where you’re standing is where your head is going to be after you lay down, and where you’re facing is the direction where you stick your legs out. For example if you want to lay on the bed at daytime, or we can say anytime, you need to stand on the pillow of the bed, and face where the bed is facing, then do “/lay”)

Does /help work?
Yup, it works really well. If you’re thinking that /help is something for you to leave a message to the staff and you have to wait for 12 hours to get answered, you’re wrong. If there’re any staffs online, you will get immediately answered!

There are also things that newbies really need to know. I don’t think getting warned by staff is something that makes you feel nice. So here’s something you need to know if you’re new.

Learn when & how to use /looc and /ooc commands.

When you want to say something out of character, you use these commands. Let’s say that your Roleplay Character is John and you are actually a Derp. And when you want to say things as that Derp, you use these commands. Still don’t get it? Let me make it more simple. When you are leaving the game, you might will say “I gotta go (I gtg)” and imagine that you, in real life, says that and then magically disappear from this world... too creepy. So when you say something like that, you use /looc or /ooc commands. What’s the difference between these two commands? /looc means that you are saying thing out of your character to the people nearby (15 blocks radius). That means not the whole server can hear you. Same to your character when s/he speaks. /ooc is a command for you to say something to the whole server. The whole server can hear you if you use /ooc command. But this command has 100 seconds cool down. Because that prevents people from spamming stuff and the whole server get annoyed. (By the way you’re not allowed to Roleplay with these two commands)
If you don’t use /looc or /ooc command or didn’t use them properly, you can be warned by staff or even get banned. You’ve been warned by me now.

Don’t use emotes like “<3” ICly.
Imagine in real life, someone came to you and said: “Hello there! Left angle bracket, three.”
Isn’t that too weird? I know in game it shows “Hello there! <3” but like I said, you would never say “Left angle bracket, three” in real life and since this is a realistic Roleplay server, things like that aren’t allowed.

Don’t call someone’s Roleplay name ICly right away if you never knew that person.
Imagine in real life (again), a stranger that doesn’t even know you, came to you, and he called your name like he knew it since he’s born. Please don’t be that person. (And this counts as a FailRP)

Don’t take out an item that you don’t actually have.
One day I’ve seen a newbie without anything on her hand and said this to a Senior:“ *takes out knife* give me your money or I will stab you.” To be honest I actually laughed a bit. Listen guys, this is a RP server, if you want to ItemRP, you have to have the item! There’re weapons on the server, find them ICly.

Don’t ask questions like where-things OOCly.
You cannot just ask a question with /ooc command. That doesn’t make sense in real life if you say something and the whole city can hear you and someone answered your question with a voice where everyone in the city can hear. Don’t expect too much from /ooc command if you asked a question OOCly. You also cannot say things like “Yo dude come to the spawn” with /OOC command. That’s metagaming.

So, yeah. That’s pretty much it. I will keep updating this thread for new questions or more informations, corrections about this thread too. If you have more questions, feel free to comment below, I’m not a mean person or something, not going to eat you, so I’d be glad to answer them. But remember, I’m not going to answer the questions that are supposed to be asked ICly. Imagine in real life (that’s right you need to use the power of imagination again), you came to a brand new city. And you know where the most popular store is, you know what food does this city has the most, and blah blah blah. You know what I mean? So, enjoy this server, follow the rules, listen to those staffs, those staffs are really nice! And have fun!

My In Game Name: ModdedMari

Hey staffs! If I said something that I wasn’t supposed to say, please tell me! I’m just trying to be nice since it was a hard time for me when I joined for the first time. Please don’t delete this thread without even warning me... Thank you very much!
Hey server’s old players! You might will say that “This guide sucks, there’re so much more that you didn’t explain.” Well if there’s anything important that newbies must know, please tell me. I’d be glad to add them up here. But if it’s something like things that newbies would never even think about. Why do I need to put those onto this newbie guide then?

By the way if there’re any English grammar errors, please tell me. Since English is not my first language.
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Level 152
This seems like a general thread to help the new community as the server grows daily. I'm impressed as I can tell that this took you time and effort, and I believe you're correct in some cases. Well good luck for your guidance, good job on my thoughts.


Level 19
Thread starter
This seems like a general thread to help the new community as the server grows daily. I'm impressed as I can tell that this took you time and effort, and I believe you're correct in some cases. Well good luck for your guidance, good job on my thoughts.
Thank you! Typing is kinda tired. But it’s worth it! :D

This is a very helpful guide for new players. Thanks for doing this man. +1
Thank you! I’m doing this because I was like so confused when I was a newbie. It was such a hard time for me. People with higher grade are too lazy to answer me, people with lower grade don’t know how to answer. And I really hope this thread is helpful for those newbies like me.


Level 19
Thread starter
This is very good. I like it very much. Very neat, organized, and straight to the point. This will definitely help new people out. Although just a word of advice, there are more than 3 foods. There’s SOOO many kinds like different pizza, onions, apples, noodles, BLT, ham and cheese sandwich, cooker crab, and loads more. If you want to find them I suggest looking around IC’ly.
Thank you! And you’re right, I forgot about those food.


Level 19
Thread starter
This is very good. I like it very much. Very neat, organized, and straight to the point. This will definitely help new people out.
Do you think this thread can be put onto somewhere important on the forum? May I ask for that? I know this sounds a little selfish. But my friends said this thread is useless if no one can even see it. So I’m asking if this thread can be moved to somewhere that people can easily see or somewhere that is important to the forum.
I check this thread a lot so I think I’m able to keep updating this thread. For things like, server updates, new features, new important rules.
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Level 137
Very neat and organized! Though Lee is right about /faq and /rules, you still did a great job on this!

Tip: You could place guides for the server here

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