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To do and what not to do on SRP


Level 3
Here's my OPINION on what experiences you should and should not strive for on SRP!
Join a sports team! Volleyball is one that I really recommend, since I've had the most fun in that sport on SRP. Due note that joining a sport DOES NOT mean you have to join a Bobcats or Spartans team! For example: I know that the Golden Leos has both a Football and Volleyball team that you could join! Other teams not associated with the high school is the Royal Ravens and the Emerald Angels/Wyverns.

Attend class! When the greenies aren't being annoying brats, classes can actually be super fun and interesting! I've had my OC make a handful of friends in class, which further lead to more RP interactions in the future!

Adopt a child. The majority of the OCs on SRP are roughly 18. Adopting a child (or younger teen) at the age of 18 puts a lot of responsibility on your OC. It isn't something you should be focusing on.

Getting married. Again, most OCs are still roughly 18. YOU SHOULD NOT GET MARRIED AT 18, WHO TOLD YOU THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA? (LOOKING AT YOU HIDEKAZU). If you wanna get married, I suggest getting both of the OCs into college and proposing, now THAT's a good way to start!

ERP! We get it, you wanna get a little freaky with your significant other but the max on SRP should just be making out! If it goes further, PLEASE just f2b and continue in Discord DMs or something. Some people don't wanna read you guys doing the nasty (and its against SRP rules)!


Level 183
ERP! We get it, you wanna get a little freaky with your significant other but the max on SRP should just be making out! If it goes further, PLEASE just f2b and continue in Discord DMs or something. Some people don't wanna read you guys doing the nasty (and its against SRP rules)!

Actually, ERP is not allowed at all even in DMs. It's against the rules whether in DMs or the server and its punishment is insta-ban.


Level 67
Actually, ERP is not allowed at all even in DMs. It's against the rules whether in DMs or the server and its punishment is insta-ban.
Umm tell staff that!
Actually, ERP is not allowed at all even in DMs. It's against the rules whether in DMs or the server and its punishment is insta-ban.
That depends. If it’s someone you know then you most likely won’t. If you got reported it’s more than likely they where uncomfortable and if it’s your friend and you got reported it’s because you didn’t know they where uncomfortable. Staff actually recommends you take it to discord dms. If you are just randomly texting people ERP related things then you’ll get banned.


Level 183
That depends. If it’s someone you know then you most likely won’t. If you got reported it’s more than likely they where uncomfortable and if it’s your friend and you got reported it’s because you didn’t know they where uncomfortable. Staff actually recommends you take it to discord dms. If you are just randomly texting people ERP related things then you’ll get banned.

Not really- ERP can get you in trouble whether both parties are comfortable or not

"Explict DMs with a minor. "

Though, I think if both parties +18, maybe they can.


Level 67
Not really- ERP can get you in trouble whether both parties are comfortable or not

"Explict DMs with a minor. "

Though, I think if both parties +18, maybe they can.
This would be true if you mean in-game dms. No one is really gonna care you do it in dms as long as you aren’t sexually harassing people and both parties are ok with it. Although ERP on the server itself wether it’s /F MSG; /Looc; /Ooc; or IC Chats:
If you tried ERP related things in those chats you’ll surely get a punishment.


Level 110
Actually, ERP is not allowed at all even in DMs. It's against the rules whether in DMs or the server and its punishment is insta-ban.
no1 cares if u do it in ur dms as long as it doesnt have anything to do with srp and it's both consented


Level 39
Moving on just don’t ERP on the server and do it in consented DMs where both parties are not uncomfortable ...


Level 67
either way its weird
Not really. It’s actually quite common that people ERP in dms rather then ERP on the server. I’ve never personally done it before as I when I RomanceRP I keep it icly and just appropriately F2B (Fade 2 Black). This is why I never had a ERP ban and more than likely never will have one.


Level 38
According to my experience with ERP and the consequences it's had... Just don't ERP at all and do RomanceRP. RomanceRP > ERP

cu !

Level 127
continue in Discord DMs or something.


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