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Tournament Tickets


Level 7
What's your Minecraft Username?: rokudenashis
What's the title of your suggestion?: Tournament Tickets

What's your suggestion?:
My suggestion is implementing a "ticket" system for sports tournaments. This could involve in-character purchases with in-game yen or limiting the number of players who can attend out-of-character, or ideally both. By doing so, we can control the number of people entering the stadium at once, rather than allowing the entire server to teleport there via the bus. Not only would this reduce lag for the server and the players on the pitch/court, but it would make tournaments more exciting and competition-esque to get a place to spectate.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
The goal of this suggestion is to reduce lag during tournaments. As we all know, having a large number of players in one area can cause the server to struggle and even crash. This lag is frustrating for players, leading to interruptions and loss of focus, and can even drive some to stop playing entirely. Tournaments can be especially problematic, as the crowds often include nearly the entire server, creating significant lag for both spectators and participants. By implementing a ticket system, we can limit the number of people entering the tournament area, making the experience more enjoyable for everyone and reducing the strain on the server.

If the "ticket" system is implemented, tickets could also be sold in-character, providing players with more opportunities for roleplay. While this feature isn't mandatory, it could be a nice bonus that enhances the overall suggestion.


Level 163
If this were to get added less people would attend the sport tourneys. I don’t think this is necessary.

I know this is a suggestion to reduce lag but sometimes trying to reduce lag for specific events like sport tourneys are sometimes impossible.


Level 45

I see where your coming from however this shouldn't be the way to go about it, after all this is the main time the sport teams get to shine we shouldn't put a price on it


Level 219
-1 there would be less people. i do get what you mean so it doesn't like.. flood all at once but regardless, that would turn person's heads away


Level 113
I understand the idea of reducing lag near the stadium, and I’m all for it, to be honest, but this isn’t the best approach toward it. The tournaments were implemented after the fall of KFA (Karakura Volleyball Association), when people not on sports teams were originally allowed to play in the tournament and everything was recorded and posted to youtube. I, however, think a better solution to lag, would be to live stream it, but not let people be there. In that way, only people on teams can be at the stadium, void of unnecessary lag, and people can still enjoy the tournament if they wish. And with streaming, the quality would even be better than if they were actually there in game. I know that Tippie can record several of his accounts posted at different spots, seeing as he did so back when I referee’d for the basketball tournaments. It would be overall, a better experience for the players, and for the audience.

In fact, when I was a KFA referee, I noticed that only the teams that were playing and the referee were teleported to the court, aside from some strays. That could definitely work if we did that with the sports tournaments.


Level 199
Keep in mind the reason most people join this server is to have immersive role play which includes the ability to be able to attend little events and tournaments. Implementing a ticket system that either only allows people with a certain amount of yen to enter or having a limited amount of people enter just prevents them from doing so which causes them to lose interest in the server if they can’t watch tournaments because they don’t have any money or they’re too late because there’s limited people.


Level 3
-1 as an ex-footballer and captain I'd be upset if the amount of people coming to watch me play the plugin we work hard to get good at, by limiting the people allowed to watch limits the attention on people who have worked hard to get where they are. I understand wanting to reduce lag and yes, it can be annoying but by putting a price on the tickets it becomes almost exclusive, people would be upset, teams would be upset. This is one of the events teams get to shine, let them have their spotlight in the centre of the server, lag or no lag - someone or something will always lag.

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