The Government of Karakura holds the safety & wellbeing of it's citizens at a level of utmost importance, their safety is paramount. Here you can find a list of every law & regulation, alongside details for each one, complete with legislative acts provided to give insight into the books of law involved in keeping every person safe.
Note: [F] stands for Felony crimes and [M] stands for Misdemeanor
Fineable Offenses
Each of these offenses are minor crimes that will not result in jail time nor a criminal record, unless a fine goes unpaid.
The act of remaining on grounds operated by a private entity, extended past their welcome.
The act of crossing or stationing in a roadway without use of a marked crosswalk.
The act of harassing or disturbing an individual in any way, shape or form against their will. This includes, but is not limited to, blackmailing, verbal abuse, defamation, stalking, chasing, criminal intimidation, etc.
Illegitimate Possession of Bats/Ballistic masks
The act of possessing a ballistic mask(s) or bat(s) while having a felonious criminal record
The act of damaging someone else's reputation through slander.
Criminal Intimidation
Making verbal, physical, or otherwise criminal threats toward a person.
The act of attempting to force someone to do a specific action(s) by threats.
Possession of Un-prescribed Medication
The unlawful possession of any sort of medical item without a required prescription
-In the case of crutches, the item will only be taken away if the individual can walk properly without the need of them. Otherwise, they should be advised to go to the Hospital to get a new prescription
Irresponsible DrivingThe act of driving unlawfully by driving on the wrong side of the road (the right lane), or doing a turn in the middle of a roadway
The crime of an individual attempting to prevent the work of an officer through bribery.
Underage Possession of Alcohol or Smoking Accessories
The crime of an individual below the legal age (20) actively or previously possessing alcohol or smoking accessories.
Possession of Fake IdentificationThe crime of an individual possessing a forged or otherwise tampered piece of government identification.
Disorderly Conduct
The crime of behaving in a disruptive manner to themselves or others in public. In regards to yelling, a fine will only be put in place for yelling in a neighborhood or apartment complex
Disrespect Toward a Government Official
The act of acting unlawfully disrespecting an on-duty government official.
Public Intoxication
The act of being drunk in a public region.
Failure to possess an I.D.
Failure to show one's I.D. car to a Government official when asked. Only applicable to individuals who are 16 or older.
Motor Vehicle Offenses
These laws fall beneath the (KMVA) Karakura Motor Vehicle Act, violation of them will result in a criminal record along with jail time, as well as the potential to suspend or remove a person's driving abilities.
[F] Kidnapping with a Vehicle - 6 Months
The action of abducting someone against their will and/or holding them captive using a vehicle.
[F] Evasion With a Vehicle - 3 Months
The act of driving away from a law enforcement after being flagged during the performance of their duty.
[M] Street Racing - 2 Months
The illegal form of auto racing that occurs on a public road.
[M] Drunk Driving - 2 Months
The act of driving an automobile while under the influence of alcohol.
Animal-related Offenses
The laws listed here fall under (KAWA) Karakura Animal Welfare Act. These laws are in place to prevent cruelty & abuse toward animals.
[F] Animal Murder - 12 Months
The intentional act of killing any animals, domesticated or wild.
[F] Animal Abuse - 4 Months
The illegal practice of using an animal as a target for physical assault.
[M] Illegitimate Possession of an Animal - 2 Month
The act of abducting an animal that is not under one's existing ownership.
Minor Crimes
These crimes will result in a criminal record & jail time.
[F] Tampering with Government Equipment - 3 Months
The crime of tampering with government equipment or to make unauthorized alterations.
[F] Illegal Services - 3 Months
Any advertised or services that are deemed unlawful, such as selling alcohol to minors
[M] Theft/Scamming - 2 Months
The act of illegal taking another individual's possession through force, fraud, among others.
[M] Restraining Order Violation - 2 Months
The unlawful crime of violating the terms of an approved restraining order.
[M] Obstruction of Justice - 2 Months
The crime of interfering in police duties by physically or verbally obstructing police work.
[M] False Reporting - 1 Month
The crime of knowingly making a false statement that is material to criminal investigation.
[M] Vandalism - 1 Month
The act of involving deliberate destruction or damage to public or private property.
[M] Evasion - 1 Month
The act of escaping from or running from a police officer once halted or otherwise instructed to face a wall.
[M] Trespassing - 1 Month
The act of entering another's private property without authority of the property owner.
[M] Resisting Arrest - 1 Month
The act of an individual obstructing, resisting or delaying a law enforcement confrontation during the performance of their duty.
[M] Misuse of the 110 Hotline - 3 Day
The action of calling 110 for purposes that are not related to any emergency services.
Assault Crimes
These crimes all have to do with offenses related to unconsented instances of assault.
[F] Assault with a Deadly Weapon - 12 Months
The usage of a lethal weapon on another civilian with intent to cause major harm
[F] Assault on a Government Official - 6 Months
The intentional assault on a Government Official (KPD, EMS, KT) during the line of duty
[F] Assault with a Weapon - 6 Months
The usage of a non-lethal blunt weapon on another civilian with intent to cause harm
[F] Kidnapping - 4 Months
The action of abducting someone against their will and/or holding them captive.
[M] Assault - 2 Months
The crime of actively starting a fight against someone unconsentedly.
Government Crimes
These offenses have to do with town/executive-related matters, and can only be issued with the approval of a Mayor/trial case.
[F] Tax Evasion - Variable
The unlawful act of intentionally evading taxes after failing to comply when issued with a notice from the Government.
[F] Government Corruption - 20 Months
Any sort of unauthorized affiliation between a government official and a member of a criminal organization.
[F] Government Misconduct - 6 Months
The intentional failure to follow government guidelines, training or duties that result in someone's being harmed.
[M] Government Negligence - No Jailtime
The unintentional / intentional failure to follow government guidelines, training or duties
Major Crimes
These crimes will result in a felonious criminal record, as well as a long jail time.
[F] Weapon Trafficking - 20 Months
The act of selling or distributing illegal weaponry.
[F] Hostage Taking - 16 Months
The act of taking a hostage and or demanding a ransom.
[F] Gang Affiliation - 16 Months
The act of being apart of a group of people in which commit illegal services/crimes that has been contributed to.
[F] Possession of Illegal Weaponry - 3 Months
The unlawful possession of illegal weaponry that is capable of extensive harm.
[F] Breaking and Entering - 4 Months
The intentional act of damage to a private property to allow yourself and or others to enter.
Murder Crimes
These crimes will result in a criminal record, jail time, & may result in life sentencing
[F] Capital Murder - LIFE / 40 Months (If attempted)
Deliberate killing of a government official. (Police, Hospital-Staff, Governor, and Mayor)
[F] First Degree Murder - LIFE / 30 Months (If attempted)
Deliberate killing of another individual that is planned beforehand.
[F] Second Degree Murder - LIFE / 20 Months (If attempted)
The deliberate killing of another individual that occurs without planning beforehand.
[F] Manslaughter - 16 Months
The killing of another individual in which the offender acted without intent to kill.
[F] Conspiracy to Commit Murder/Major Injury - 10 Months
The intentional action of placing hits and/or ordering third parties to commit Murder or Major Assault on an individual
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