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Denied "Truth in your lies." | xcqu's Lawyer Application


Level 20

In-game Name:

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
I do have a working microphone and am active on discord on a regular basis.

Timezone & Country:
BST/GMT, United Kingdom.

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
Free all day.
Free all day.
Free all day.
Free all day.
Free all day.
Free all day.
Family day.
Free after 6pm.
Due to summer break and due to finishing college, my current timetable of activity looks free on all of the weekdays as well as the Saturday, Sunday is the only day where my activity is halted by me being involved with family for most of if not all of that day. I try and keep a constant schedule to make sure that I keep a presence on the server as well as reach demand of activity from many of the players I roleplay with. I consistently try and preserve this timetable, unless something serious comes up such as family related or emergency matters. I regularly play around 5 to 8 hours at a time, unless I have plans or if its eventful enough and this is near daily activity.

IN GAME Schedule

In roleplay, I usually socialise with people I've either never met and create new experiences with them to consistently make my time on SRP enjoyable for both me and others, I consistently maintain DetailRP with most of the players when interacting and create situations that create openings to storylines and develop lore. I consistently maintain these relationships and friendships and make sure to keep interactions fresh with new ideas. My day to day consists of going to either plaza or auction to view my items and others before having an interaction with somebody around the time I leave, though either F message or though seeing them OOCly and ICly. I would say I've preserved a reputation for being active with others and never leave anyone out no matter their standing or relation with me, everyone gets the same amount of time to RP with me. I'm not saying I'm popular, however I'd like to believe that I keep my head up high and do what I plan to do.


What position are you applying for?:

What is your motivation for applying?:
I am mainly motivated by the chance to explore different ways of roleplay, such as managing faction appointed roles and responsibilities while gaining a plethora of experience that would help me with gaining other role opportunities in the future. Lawyer specficially, strikes my fancy as Im one for playing it realistic and for creating situations to make it more immersive for others while getting them involved in the experience though my detailed roleplay. My current faction role as a professor has influenced me to try and get a different role on my main character, Madara, and it took me a little courage and motivation to attempt an application for a role as lawyer, however It's something I'm genuinely interested in and would like to get the chance to experience the role for what it provides to others roleplay experiences as well as my own.

Having retired after my years of roleplaying in GangRP, I would want to experience what it would be like to be on the other side of the spectrum for myself, being able to view it from the perspectives of the people that I used to avoid at any cost. I see it only fitting for me to view a different angle of how things work as a governmental figure rather than a criminal. Based on my experience with the laws and regulations firsthand, I would have the necessary knowledge to be able to keep up with the role of lawyer while assisting others with what I have learned from previous encounters with factions like KPD, giving others the insight it takes to effectively create a vibrant roleplay experience and positive relationship with the players involved.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I have a clear understanding of Karakura’s law and constitution rights as I have read them a few times myself.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
A primary goal for my character would be the inclusion of a second chance of sorts for people who struggle with talking for themselves when it comes to defending their actions good or bad in the eyes of KPD. I would appreciate the chance to allow others to put their faith in my hands and allow me to defend them against whatever situation they encounter as many of them submit to KPD without properly applying any sort of testimony against them and pleding guilty just to get it over with. My goal would be to allow them to have a voice though their characters and project it successfully with my guidance and their own opinion merged together so that we could develop a strong, intriguing roleplay environment.

Im not one for discouraging roleplay in any way and find myself interacting with new faces on a daily basis, I would never exclude anyone from getting the chance to roleplay alongside me and learn the ways the server functions though my guidance. I have helped many players and my personal goal would be to have an experienced role to prove to others that I'm someone who takes the role seriously and would be glad to help with anything they would need.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Realistically speaking, The role as lawyer acts as a representative for the unfortunate, who find themselves in a situation that requires them to speak for themselves and fight for their right to have a voice in front of a prosecutor, A lawyer acts as a way of addressing these issues with the assistance of their knowledge in lore to determine the best fitted result at the end of a determined decision maybe by the prosecutor among other roles that a lawyer would help assist in the management of.

Besides being a defendant speaker during trials, another role a lawyer would be partaking in would be the filing of restraining orders against individuals determined by law to protect against victims of crimes that may have been committed from ever happening again, restricting the involvement of that individual in their lives again, thus making it safer for the victims to return to a stable and safe environment without the fear of another crime being committed against them.

Additionally, Lawyers are required to attend Attorney calls in the case that someone in KPDs station requests the presence of a lawyer before making a plea of guilty or non guilty while KPD are able to request an attorney call for a jailed individual based on if they are requested one by the individual in question and there is sufficient grounds for an attorney call.

Similar to working as a professor, Client meetings refer to the attendance of a lawyer to give them the facts and information based on their current situation to keep the lawyer information while allowing them the time to make their decision on choice of attorney and a discussion on the actions needed to sustain good client relations and provide the necessary legal advice in terms of their sentence, acting as a consultant of sorts to the client.

In Karakura, Government figures act as a way of accessing key features to determine the identity of individuals while also investing in realism and realistic handling of these inquiries. Lawyers act as a way for the community to be able to attend the front desk of the Karakura Town hall and have the opportunity to gain an Identification card for their respective characters, providing the necessary information in a professional manner and involving a realistic approach to their characters lives and making it a key identifying factor for other roles such as KPD which rely on criminal record systems to determine the right approch to suspects of crimes.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I acknowledge that my role is subject to be removed at any given time either due to my lack of activity or amount of strikes/rule breaks.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I acknowledge that I need to be determined to my dedication of being a lawyer and am expected to reach a good amount of attendance upon being accepted.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I acknowledge that I must remain unbiased and completely neutral when discussing topics that refer to organisations, people or city activity in both an OOC and IC sense.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have read though the government factions rules and agree to abide by them.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
In a well timed event and meeting, I would be able to attend unless a certain irl situation prevents me from doing so however thats very rarely the case.


Full name:
"Percival Volkonsky"

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

Current age:
"I am 40 years of age, funnily enough I dont look a day over 30.. said my mother.."

Date of birth:
"I was born on June 8th 1984."

"I am a Male."

Academic Degree:
"I have a Graduate diploma in law and English Literature. "

"I have Majors in Criminal Law, Psychology and Sociology. "

"I have Minors in Law and Legal practice as well as History."

Work experience:
"I underwent a course in Law as an apprenticeship so I was able to understand the fundamentals about the role as a lawyer though my experience working for a retired lawyer in college. Having delved into law at that stage in my life, I was able to venture into a role of importance in my life previously working under rules as a security guard for a newly opened store in need of security and integrity of reputation. This stage in my life paved my interest in law related indevours due to having lived under rules nearly my whole life. I felt at home in law, always have and always will."

"I found myself in a tight spot in life, having finished my apprenticeship a year prior and leaving my security job due to poor decisions made by management when allocating budget and pay. After a few long cold nights, I stumbled upon a newsletter discussing a position as a teaching assistant in a school located around where I used to live in Russia. I was more than dedicated to take up the job offer and made my way to the interview, luckily securing my place as a teaching assistant to keep food on the table, little did I know this would also prove to be a valuable asset in my expansive experience."

"After a long 3 winters, I finally took my time in getting my life back into track, leaving my position as a teaching assistant made substitute teacher in 2009. I learned many valuable lessons about the way that people in assertive roles operate, allowing for diverse intellect in multiple categories, from behavioral development and patterns to advising students for the betterment of themselves and the community, valuable skills that I use in my day to day life to this very day.

Despite taking a much needed break from working in 2012 and much of the early parts of 2013, I found myself delving back into my interest in law and maintaing knowledge on the laws that made by Karakura’s government. I would later find myself reflecting on my experience with a governing body rekindling my ambitions to become a lawyer of my own from the experience and knowledge that I hold so dear to my heart."

Nationality & born location:
"I was conceived in a small town called Novgorod, located in the vast and picturesque landscape of Russia, making me born of Russian Nationality."

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
"My native language is Russian, but I have delved into other languages and dialects and am able to speak fluently in Spanish, Korean, English and Japanese."

Criminal record:
"I have been arrested a few times from evasions and obstruction of justice due to my young incompetence and have to live with the burdens of my actions but In having taken a path in law, I have later kept a clean record throughout all of my adult life."

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
"I believe my experience and education in Law is one of the key factors that make me standout as a good candidate for the job as Lawyer in Karakura's Government. My experience as a lawyer in my youth and as an assistant professor would give me vital knowledge of the interworking's of systems and methods of disciplinary actions and regulations to ensure that I work professionally and confidentially to remain an upholding citizen of the community and the truth in the court of law. Additionally my education in Law and English language as my Degrees add some credibility to my claim as being good enough. Furthermore, My Majors in Criminal Law, Psychology and Sociology allow for a diverse perspective on the working of both the human mind and for social interactions and how criminals function allowing me to differ from the real criminals and the ones who got misjudged as ones as well as my Minors in Law and Legal practice and History to add more additional education I have went though for this position. I am well aware of the constant need for participation as a lawyer and would gladly oblige to work as instructed within reason and not give into the overwhelming stress it would take to hold my role as a Lawyer. I have a record for being arrested for evasion and obstruction of justice but I ensure to maintain a non biased and open mindset when dealing with others that may have experienced the same as me, no crime goes unpunished but I believe some crimes allow for lenience towards the defendant when put into the hands of the court, I vow to keep my work completely within my grasp and not delve into situations where I myself may be breaking the law, I have done and I have learned from things that burden me till this very day and I can ensure complete control and understanding of the systems set out towards me to ensure that any situation is handled with proper professionalism."


Thank you for taking the time to read my application.

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Level 145
Government Lead

Thank you for applying, unfortunately we have decided to deny your application as others stood out more.

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