
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
'Tsuryoku' (This is my alt account, my main being 'Bouryoku')
(this account is also currently animal white-listed, however if I am accepted I will obviously be removing this.)
I'm currently in 'BST' time zone.
(British Summer Time)
No previous bans.
I do have a microphone and am prepared to use it if needed.
Overall, my activity on the server varies due to OOC events and what's going on in my life, but I'm on mostly every day for 5+ hours, apart from the odd week where I'll take a few days break. At least, I'm online 5 days a week. (Again, this is based off of my main account. I've also had a recent extended length of inactivity due to very important final exams OOCly, that I've had to very much prioritise over SRP, but they're finally coming to a close at the end of this week, so my activity will begin to rise again, across both my accounts.)
I am applying for the position of Shinkan (Shinto Priest).
Since applying for the role of Miko in October of 2021 (See HERE), my knowledge on the subject has dropped, but I still am indeed aware of the basics of Shintoism, and the origin of the religion is still a topic that deeply interests me. I've read over SRP documents such as 'Karakura's Two Religions', and I've scanned through information online, but I am always more than ready to discover and learn more, broadening my knowledge on the subject.
Since my original application, my experience on SRP has become much more refined. I've got first hand experience from all kinds of roleplay types across the server, and have had a wide-range of unique characters, each with different beliefs and ideals, but never with Shintoism or religion, and I personally think it would be a really fun, new and over-all refreshing roleplay experience that I would like to put effort into and try out. From tidying up the shrine to interacting with visitors, I'll make sure to put a fine mix of passion and determination into my actions, creating both a detailed and unique feel, making it fun for both parties involved. I am a very quick-learner, and can pick up on how things run very smoothly, allowing me to learn this new roleplay type and I hope to use the knowledge I gain here throughout many experiences within the Shrine and throughout SRP.
I am fully aware, and will always try my very best to attend. In the odd chance that something comes up and I am unable to make these, I will immediately make aware of my situation to whoever I need to.

In-Character (IC) Section
SECTION 1: Character Details
'Smokey Toshima.'
CHARACTERS TITLE (E.g. Mr. Mrs. Miss):
'Mr. Toshima'
CHARACTERS AGE (E.g. 21-80):
27 Years old.
Currently a 'Widower'.
Asian - Japanese
'My grandfather on my father's side of my family was a heavily Shinto man, and attempted to force his beliefs onto my father, who didn't conform. So instead, he forced them onto me. Though not fully Shinto, I do believe deeply in the Kami, and that their blessing is all around us. This feels like a lost piece of my families history, and I'd like to reclaim it. Although I don't condone forcing ideals and beliefs on one another, I believe this job will give me the perfect insight into the religion, allowing me to see how my grandfather lived as a fellow Shinkan on a much more personal level, that none of my other current family members have experienced. I've always had Shintoism in my bloodline, I just had a non-believer father. I often find myself growing bored of my everyday life. Work, eat out, sleep, repeat. The mundaneness of this lifestyle isn't doing it for me, so here I am, applying for this position, trying something new and interesting to me, and rekindling a sacred piece of my families history in the process.
I have faint memories from childhood, of my late grandfather talking to me about the Kami, and how "their blessing is within everything we do. Every action we take, every word we speak. If you are true to them, they will bless you with everything you deserve". I'm not sure why, but these words have stuck with me throughout my 27 years on this planet, and they have affected my judgement more times than I can count. I believe I owe it to my Grandfather to give his way of life a chance, and I owe it to the Kami.'
From my understand, The Shinsei Seinaru Monastery, originally planned by emperor Genmei, begun construction along Mt.Daichi on June 6th, 744, only finishing later, in the cold winter of 762. This was far before the drastic civilisation and urbanisation of the area later named Karakura City, when the Monastery was surrounded by stillness, peace, and tranquillity. Although many gods were believed to have visited these scared grounds, it had one true owner, The "Yama-no-Kami", or The "God Of The Mountain". With the arrival of the 9th century, also came the combination of Shintoism and Buddhism, Japans two most well-known religions, in which became the religion of "Ryobu Shinto", this lead to the desecration of the original Shintoism
As the 18th century came around, a colossal 9 centuries after its desecration, the original Shintoism began to resurface, and the Monasteries original purpose with it. Pilgrimages were made to visit the holy grounds, and the religion, once again, thrived. However, it was not long-lasting. The 18th century came to a close, and so did much of the monasteries plot, which was cultivated and ploughed, allowing for the growth of nearby civilisations.
What was left of the shrine was once again left to the the priests of "Ryobu Shinto", and around a thousand years later, in the early months of 2004, the head-priest, or kannushui Ginjiro, set ablaze the Monastery, under the belief that Karakura had grown into a city of impurity and filth, and thus the holy grounds were unfit for the Yama-no-Kami, or for any gods to visit.
This devastating fire left total destruction. The entire shrine was gone, except for one single building. The original shrine to the Yama-no-Kami.
Shinei Seinaru Monastery Lead,
Hello, I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I'm writing to you today about the current lack of Shinkan within the Monastery, and mainly to offer myself for this position, if you're taking on priests currently, of course. I'm not about to tell you I know every single thing there is to know about Shintoism, because quite frankly, I don't. I know just about the basics needed to qualify as a priest. But I assure you if I am accepted within the Monastery, I will devote my time there to widening my knowledge, and creating a sacred and holy environment, worthy of the Yama-no-Kami, and any other Kami that wish to reside among Mt.Daichi. I can clean if needed, clearing the shrine for any Kami, and I will thoroughly keep everything in order around the shrine with visitors, etc. I assure you, if you take me on, I will not be a burden to the monastery. I'm personally and whole-heartedly determined to rekindle this lost part of my family, and this is the perfect place for me to start, so please allow me this opportunity.
Signed, Smokey Toshima, S.T.
BACKSTORY (100+ Words):
Born into an middle-class family in Takayama, Gifu prefecture, Smokey Toshima was eldest of three children. He lived in a fairly large home, with his two parents, two siblings, and his grandfather. Though he enjoyed spending time with his father and the rest of his family, he was far closer to his grandfather, and thus, was the most effected by his death, with his closest relative gone, Smokey felt lost. At around age 17, he began to go through a slightly rebellious phase, with his younger brother, Satomi. They'd tear down the streets of Takayama together on Smokey's highly modified motorbike, terrorizing the peace, until a close friend of Smokey's was arrested for a burglary turned homicide. Smokey, seeing how stupid and dangerous this silly phase was, left it behind upon his 19th birthday, exactly 3 years after his grandfather's death. He tried to dye his hair back to black, as best as he could at least, finished school with slight-above-average qualifications, and sold his motorbike. With the funds, he began saving for a deposit on a small one-room apartment within Karakura. His brother was enraged by this, and his admiration turned to bitter hatred and scorn.
Smokey, lost and unsure what to do, moved to Karakura, in hopes of finding purpose, and meaning. He got an average part-time job in a small store within the shopping district and slowly, over the course of multiple years, began to conform to his everyday, repetitive life, but it all just felt off. He'd done everything you're supposed to, yet he still felt empty. He realised it must be something other than a need for routine, but he just didn't know what. It was around this time that Smokey began recalling where he went wrong in life, which got him thinking about his grandfather, and his Shinto wisdom. Smokey realised that this was the only way he could connect with his late relative, and make up for all the wrong he had done in the youth. What started with basic research within Karakura's library on the religion, became a deep passion, and need to further his knowledge. Smokey had found something he loved, and didn't hesitate to pursue it. Cut to a year later, and he decided to consider the position of a Shinkan as a life-style.

SECTION 2: Self-Knowledge Details
What duties do Shinto Priests and Maidens have?:
The job of the Shinto priests is to keep the connection between the sacred Monastery grounds and the Kami strong and perfect. He must keep the grounds clean, and up to standard fit for a Kami. Priests also officiate all Shrine ceremonies on site, at the request of the worshippers, while accepting and transferring all offerings to the Kami. It is his duty to keep order within the Monastery, and assure things keep running smoothly to allow a satisfactory relationship with the Kami. A Maiden's job is equally as vital and important. They are trained to perform many shrine related tasks, which include a sacred dance (kagura, which is often used to entertain Shinto deities), divinations (gaining knowledge of the future/unknown through spiritual methods), sacred cleansing, studying of communications with the kami and many other spirits, and much more. Maidens' also often coincide with the Priests' cleaning and rituals on the sacred grounds, by helping one another to the best of their abilities.
What are the steps needed to be taken at the purification trough before entering the Shrine?:
Upon approaching the Chōzuya (sometimes referred to as a Temizuya), you would take the ladle in your right hand and sink it slowly into the pavillion, picking up water in the process. Next, you'd pour it into your left hand in an attempt to cleanse yourself, following through with the same action, however this time, on your right hand. Once thoroughly completed on both hands, you next must clean your mouth. To do this, you start by taking up another scoop of water with the ladle, and carefully pour the liquid into your left hand, allowing the substance to run through, and into your mouth. Lastly, the ladle must be cleaned. This is done by simply filling the bowl end with water, and vertically tilting said ladle downwards, pushing the scoop into the air. This allows for the water to run down through the handle of the ladle, cleansing and cleaning anything that may have found it's way onto the ladles handle.
How are offerings to a Kami performed?:
To give an offering to a Kami, one must approach the shrine to the kami of your choice, and bare your offering. This is often things such as fruit, rice, water and sometimes sake (excluding meat). Next, bow deeply twice, bending slowly and arching your back to a 90-degree angle. This separates the regular world from the world of the kami, strengthening the spiritual connection between yourself and the kami. After completing both bows, clap twice. This should be done at chest level, and your hands should reach shoulder-width before completing your clap. This symbolises your appreciation to everything the kami has done.
How do you perform a tea ceremony ritual?:
The traditional Tea ceremonies are often completed tearooms set in places of heavy nature, for example, a forest, or a garden, and the participants are advised to avoid wearing things that distract and damage the ceremony equipment. Any participants must show respect to themselves and the Kami by cleansing themselves before the ritual begins. Upon entering the tatami room a bow is required, before the head guest/participant sits closets towards the small shrine present within the room. Upon guests sitting in the form of a seiza (knelt down on knees, with both hands cupped neatly on lap), they must bow once more, before observing the near-by small shrine.
The equipment used in the preparation of the tea is a vital step, and must be followed very carefully. The host must prepare the tea in front of the guests, and the main equipment contains a chasen, a natsume for the powdered green tea, a chashaku, a tea bowl, a plate, and finally kettle and brazier. Each piece of equipment is positioned differently depending on the nature of the ceremony.
After eating a Japanese savoury sweet, guests must pick up the tea-cup from the tatami mat in front of them using their right hand, before placing it upon their left palm. The guest must then again, using their right hand, turn the tea clockwise, 90 degrees. The guest then takes one to two sips before placing it back down on the tatami mat in front of them. They must then bow, and express gratitude before finishing their tea. The tea ceremony is only over once the host washes the tea utensils and returns each piece of equipment to it's original starting position.
Explain what a Tamagushi, Ofuda and Kagura Suzu is and what they're used for:
A Tamagushi is a ritually presented sakaki-tree branch, decorated with shide strips of washi paper, silk, or cotton. They are a Shinto offering, often presented at weddings, funerals, and Shinto shrines to the Kami, by Shinto priests or Maidens.
An Ofuda is a talisman, often made of card, plate, or a sheet of paper. They are considered to be blessed (imbued) with the power of the Kami, and have a wide variety of uses, such as protection against misfortune, or finding love, or even simply just for safety. These are most often kept around the house, but are sometimes carried with people around who require the blessing of the Kami.
A Kagura Suzu is a set of twelve bells, used to aid the Shinto Maidens, partaking within a Kagura (Sacred dance). It is a sacred instrument, which allows the Maiden to dance.
(OPTIONAL) Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship?:
Smokey, like his late grandfather, worships Izanagi, the god of creation and destruction, and the Yama-no-Kami.

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
'Tsuryoku' (This is my alt account, my main being 'Bouryoku')
(this account is also currently animal white-listed, however if I am accepted I will obviously be removing this.)
I'm currently in 'BST' time zone.
(British Summer Time)
No previous bans.
I do have a microphone and am prepared to use it if needed.
Overall, my activity on the server varies due to OOC events and what's going on in my life, but I'm on mostly every day for 5+ hours, apart from the odd week where I'll take a few days break. At least, I'm online 5 days a week. (Again, this is based off of my main account. I've also had a recent extended length of inactivity due to very important final exams OOCly, that I've had to very much prioritise over SRP, but they're finally coming to a close at the end of this week, so my activity will begin to rise again, across both my accounts.)
I am applying for the position of Shinkan (Shinto Priest).
Since applying for the role of Miko in October of 2021 (See HERE), my knowledge on the subject has dropped, but I still am indeed aware of the basics of Shintoism, and the origin of the religion is still a topic that deeply interests me. I've read over SRP documents such as 'Karakura's Two Religions', and I've scanned through information online, but I am always more than ready to discover and learn more, broadening my knowledge on the subject.
Since my original application, my experience on SRP has become much more refined. I've got first hand experience from all kinds of roleplay types across the server, and have had a wide-range of unique characters, each with different beliefs and ideals, but never with Shintoism or religion, and I personally think it would be a really fun, new and over-all refreshing roleplay experience that I would like to put effort into and try out. From tidying up the shrine to interacting with visitors, I'll make sure to put a fine mix of passion and determination into my actions, creating both a detailed and unique feel, making it fun for both parties involved. I am a very quick-learner, and can pick up on how things run very smoothly, allowing me to learn this new roleplay type and I hope to use the knowledge I gain here throughout many experiences within the Shrine and throughout SRP.
I am fully aware, and will always try my very best to attend. In the odd chance that something comes up and I am unable to make these, I will immediately make aware of my situation to whoever I need to.

In-Character (IC) Section
SECTION 1: Character Details
'Smokey Toshima.'
CHARACTERS TITLE (E.g. Mr. Mrs. Miss):
'Mr. Toshima'
CHARACTERS AGE (E.g. 21-80):
27 Years old.
Currently a 'Widower'.
Asian - Japanese
'My grandfather on my father's side of my family was a heavily Shinto man, and attempted to force his beliefs onto my father, who didn't conform. So instead, he forced them onto me. Though not fully Shinto, I do believe deeply in the Kami, and that their blessing is all around us. This feels like a lost piece of my families history, and I'd like to reclaim it. Although I don't condone forcing ideals and beliefs on one another, I believe this job will give me the perfect insight into the religion, allowing me to see how my grandfather lived as a fellow Shinkan on a much more personal level, that none of my other current family members have experienced. I've always had Shintoism in my bloodline, I just had a non-believer father. I often find myself growing bored of my everyday life. Work, eat out, sleep, repeat. The mundaneness of this lifestyle isn't doing it for me, so here I am, applying for this position, trying something new and interesting to me, and rekindling a sacred piece of my families history in the process.
I have faint memories from childhood, of my late grandfather talking to me about the Kami, and how "their blessing is within everything we do. Every action we take, every word we speak. If you are true to them, they will bless you with everything you deserve". I'm not sure why, but these words have stuck with me throughout my 27 years on this planet, and they have affected my judgement more times than I can count. I believe I owe it to my Grandfather to give his way of life a chance, and I owe it to the Kami.'
From my understand, The Shinsei Seinaru Monastery, originally planned by emperor Genmei, begun construction along Mt.Daichi on June 6th, 744, only finishing later, in the cold winter of 762. This was far before the drastic civilisation and urbanisation of the area later named Karakura City, when the Monastery was surrounded by stillness, peace, and tranquillity. Although many gods were believed to have visited these scared grounds, it had one true owner, The "Yama-no-Kami", or The "God Of The Mountain". With the arrival of the 9th century, also came the combination of Shintoism and Buddhism, Japans two most well-known religions, in which became the religion of "Ryobu Shinto", this lead to the desecration of the original Shintoism
As the 18th century came around, a colossal 9 centuries after its desecration, the original Shintoism began to resurface, and the Monasteries original purpose with it. Pilgrimages were made to visit the holy grounds, and the religion, once again, thrived. However, it was not long-lasting. The 18th century came to a close, and so did much of the monasteries plot, which was cultivated and ploughed, allowing for the growth of nearby civilisations.
What was left of the shrine was once again left to the the priests of "Ryobu Shinto", and around a thousand years later, in the early months of 2004, the head-priest, or kannushui Ginjiro, set ablaze the Monastery, under the belief that Karakura had grown into a city of impurity and filth, and thus the holy grounds were unfit for the Yama-no-Kami, or for any gods to visit.
This devastating fire left total destruction. The entire shrine was gone, except for one single building. The original shrine to the Yama-no-Kami.
Shinei Seinaru Monastery Lead,
Hello, I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I'm writing to you today about the current lack of Shinkan within the Monastery, and mainly to offer myself for this position, if you're taking on priests currently, of course. I'm not about to tell you I know every single thing there is to know about Shintoism, because quite frankly, I don't. I know just about the basics needed to qualify as a priest. But I assure you if I am accepted within the Monastery, I will devote my time there to widening my knowledge, and creating a sacred and holy environment, worthy of the Yama-no-Kami, and any other Kami that wish to reside among Mt.Daichi. I can clean if needed, clearing the shrine for any Kami, and I will thoroughly keep everything in order around the shrine with visitors, etc. I assure you, if you take me on, I will not be a burden to the monastery. I'm personally and whole-heartedly determined to rekindle this lost part of my family, and this is the perfect place for me to start, so please allow me this opportunity.
Signed, Smokey Toshima, S.T.
BACKSTORY (100+ Words):
Born into an middle-class family in Takayama, Gifu prefecture, Smokey Toshima was eldest of three children. He lived in a fairly large home, with his two parents, two siblings, and his grandfather. Though he enjoyed spending time with his father and the rest of his family, he was far closer to his grandfather, and thus, was the most effected by his death, with his closest relative gone, Smokey felt lost. At around age 17, he began to go through a slightly rebellious phase, with his younger brother, Satomi. They'd tear down the streets of Takayama together on Smokey's highly modified motorbike, terrorizing the peace, until a close friend of Smokey's was arrested for a burglary turned homicide. Smokey, seeing how stupid and dangerous this silly phase was, left it behind upon his 19th birthday, exactly 3 years after his grandfather's death. He tried to dye his hair back to black, as best as he could at least, finished school with slight-above-average qualifications, and sold his motorbike. With the funds, he began saving for a deposit on a small one-room apartment within Karakura. His brother was enraged by this, and his admiration turned to bitter hatred and scorn.
Smokey, lost and unsure what to do, moved to Karakura, in hopes of finding purpose, and meaning. He got an average part-time job in a small store within the shopping district and slowly, over the course of multiple years, began to conform to his everyday, repetitive life, but it all just felt off. He'd done everything you're supposed to, yet he still felt empty. He realised it must be something other than a need for routine, but he just didn't know what. It was around this time that Smokey began recalling where he went wrong in life, which got him thinking about his grandfather, and his Shinto wisdom. Smokey realised that this was the only way he could connect with his late relative, and make up for all the wrong he had done in the youth. What started with basic research within Karakura's library on the religion, became a deep passion, and need to further his knowledge. Smokey had found something he loved, and didn't hesitate to pursue it. Cut to a year later, and he decided to consider the position of a Shinkan as a life-style.

SECTION 2: Self-Knowledge Details
What duties do Shinto Priests and Maidens have?:
The job of the Shinto priests is to keep the connection between the sacred Monastery grounds and the Kami strong and perfect. He must keep the grounds clean, and up to standard fit for a Kami. Priests also officiate all Shrine ceremonies on site, at the request of the worshippers, while accepting and transferring all offerings to the Kami. It is his duty to keep order within the Monastery, and assure things keep running smoothly to allow a satisfactory relationship with the Kami. A Maiden's job is equally as vital and important. They are trained to perform many shrine related tasks, which include a sacred dance (kagura, which is often used to entertain Shinto deities), divinations (gaining knowledge of the future/unknown through spiritual methods), sacred cleansing, studying of communications with the kami and many other spirits, and much more. Maidens' also often coincide with the Priests' cleaning and rituals on the sacred grounds, by helping one another to the best of their abilities.
What are the steps needed to be taken at the purification trough before entering the Shrine?:
Upon approaching the Chōzuya (sometimes referred to as a Temizuya), you would take the ladle in your right hand and sink it slowly into the pavillion, picking up water in the process. Next, you'd pour it into your left hand in an attempt to cleanse yourself, following through with the same action, however this time, on your right hand. Once thoroughly completed on both hands, you next must clean your mouth. To do this, you start by taking up another scoop of water with the ladle, and carefully pour the liquid into your left hand, allowing the substance to run through, and into your mouth. Lastly, the ladle must be cleaned. This is done by simply filling the bowl end with water, and vertically tilting said ladle downwards, pushing the scoop into the air. This allows for the water to run down through the handle of the ladle, cleansing and cleaning anything that may have found it's way onto the ladles handle.
How are offerings to a Kami performed?:
To give an offering to a Kami, one must approach the shrine to the kami of your choice, and bare your offering. This is often things such as fruit, rice, water and sometimes sake (excluding meat). Next, bow deeply twice, bending slowly and arching your back to a 90-degree angle. This separates the regular world from the world of the kami, strengthening the spiritual connection between yourself and the kami. After completing both bows, clap twice. This should be done at chest level, and your hands should reach shoulder-width before completing your clap. This symbolises your appreciation to everything the kami has done.
How do you perform a tea ceremony ritual?:
The traditional Tea ceremonies are often completed tearooms set in places of heavy nature, for example, a forest, or a garden, and the participants are advised to avoid wearing things that distract and damage the ceremony equipment. Any participants must show respect to themselves and the Kami by cleansing themselves before the ritual begins. Upon entering the tatami room a bow is required, before the head guest/participant sits closets towards the small shrine present within the room. Upon guests sitting in the form of a seiza (knelt down on knees, with both hands cupped neatly on lap), they must bow once more, before observing the near-by small shrine.
The equipment used in the preparation of the tea is a vital step, and must be followed very carefully. The host must prepare the tea in front of the guests, and the main equipment contains a chasen, a natsume for the powdered green tea, a chashaku, a tea bowl, a plate, and finally kettle and brazier. Each piece of equipment is positioned differently depending on the nature of the ceremony.
After eating a Japanese savoury sweet, guests must pick up the tea-cup from the tatami mat in front of them using their right hand, before placing it upon their left palm. The guest must then again, using their right hand, turn the tea clockwise, 90 degrees. The guest then takes one to two sips before placing it back down on the tatami mat in front of them. They must then bow, and express gratitude before finishing their tea. The tea ceremony is only over once the host washes the tea utensils and returns each piece of equipment to it's original starting position.
Explain what a Tamagushi, Ofuda and Kagura Suzu is and what they're used for:
A Tamagushi is a ritually presented sakaki-tree branch, decorated with shide strips of washi paper, silk, or cotton. They are a Shinto offering, often presented at weddings, funerals, and Shinto shrines to the Kami, by Shinto priests or Maidens.
An Ofuda is a talisman, often made of card, plate, or a sheet of paper. They are considered to be blessed (imbued) with the power of the Kami, and have a wide variety of uses, such as protection against misfortune, or finding love, or even simply just for safety. These are most often kept around the house, but are sometimes carried with people around who require the blessing of the Kami.
A Kagura Suzu is a set of twelve bells, used to aid the Shinto Maidens, partaking within a Kagura (Sacred dance). It is a sacred instrument, which allows the Maiden to dance.
(OPTIONAL) Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship?:
Smokey, like his late grandfather, worships Izanagi, the god of creation and destruction, and the Yama-no-Kami.
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