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Accepted Tutor Application (#2)

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity is dependent on how I feel that day, if I have 0 motivation to do anything I won't get on. But I am usually on about 2-3 hours a day or try to be, I would consider myself a pretty active person. If I were to rate my activity on SRP, I would probably rate it an 8 or 8.5/10.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have not been banned

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do in fact know if I am inactive I will be demoted.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Tutors are basically knockoff teachers/professors although teachers are mostly with students at all times. A tutor’s job is to help out the students who are having trouble with grades, concentrating on studying, or even trying to remember what they had learned, and they also help them do their homework. Unlike teachers who have to teach everyone, and have less time to go one and one with students tutors are to feel in and have more one on one time with them. This gives the students more time to learn and understand what they had learned.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have been roleplaying since I was about 12 years old so I have a bit of experience with roleplay in general. I took a break from 13-14 and then I went back to roleplaying with some of my close friends. Then one of them invited me to SchoolRp and I enjoyed it, so far I've come across good and bad situations in roleplay but it's for fun either way. I think I have had a pretty good with all roleplay so far, nothing really that wanted me to stop roleplaying.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I feel like having the opportunity as a tutor would be something cool to experience, though it is not something that I have ever done before and it is new. I would love to work at the faculty as a Tutor and find out where that takes me.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
HomieCupcake: Grade 12
HomieCakeCup: Grade 11/12 (I don't remember)
HomieJimmy (Bear)


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Ryosuke would look at the student in a calm manner so he wouldn't provoke the student to become a little more hostile than he already was towards him. He would then warn the student in a calm manner that what he was doing was against the rules and that he could be punished for doing the things that he is doing. If the student had continued he would hand them a detention slip for his behavior towards him.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

Ryosuke would keep calm in this situation, before approaching the two and trying to get them separated by placing both of his hands on their shoulders and try to shove them both away from each other. He would tell them why they are in the wrong even if they already knew what they were doing wrong. He would then write up a detention slip and hand them to each of the children and tell them that he would see both of them in detention.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

Ryosuke would think of the students before anything and try to get the employee away from them for the children’s safety. Once he and the other employee are away from the students he would ask them what caused the situation and if there is anything that he could help the employee with and let them know that what they had done could have been handled a little better. He would also let the higher department know about the situation.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

When Ryosuke is in the breakroom he will socialize with the other school employees and ask them how their day is. If they were to say they were not having the best day he would be one of the ones to try to make their day better by making little jokes or giving them some food. He would also let them know that if they needed someone to talk to that he was here to listen to whatever has happened.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me as he walked in a smile approached the male face, as he looked around the room at all the students and the other tutors he would put down all of his things and sit down in a chair that was open before he would say anything he would then grab all his supplies that were needed to help these students with. Looking at the student he would give them a small smile before saying “Hey, is there anything I can do to help?” he would then offer the empty chair in front of him for him/her to sit in before he would look at their notebook “So what do you need help with?”

/me as he looked around the room he saw a kid that was crying, he slightly felt bad for the child not knowing what was going on he looked at them before speaking up “Hey what's wrong? Is there anything I can help?” he asked in a calm soothing manner before showing them the open seat for them to sit in. As he watched the child sit down he would give them an ice lolly before continuing to ask what was wrong still giving no answer he decided to let them cool off and then ask him.

/me as he walked in he saw another tutor he would approach them with a small smile before holding two cups of coffee “Do you want one?” still smiling he put it on their desk before telling him that he didn't need to thank him for the coffee. He would then sit down beside him, and give him another small smile before asking, “How is your day going?” with the answer he would give a small frown “Bad day huh? Is there anything I could do to help you in the tiniest bit?”


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):

Ryōsuke Masaki

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:
Mr. Masaki, Mr. Ryōsuke

Age (Minimum is 25):


Religious Denomination:
Not Religious

Marital Status:

Academic Degree:

Year of Graduation:

English, Science

Math, History


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

Native Languages:

Other Languages:



Ryosuke was born in the later 1980s in late February, in Karakura Japan. Everyone looks to him as a child with always a huge smile on his face and always happy. He would always be seen being an overachiever even as a child always at the top of his class. He lived with his grandparents not ever knowing his mom and dad, and although he never questioned it he would always think about them seeing photos around his grandparent's house he couldn't help but wonder until he saw one of them being a picture of his dad as a tutor is made him want to become one he would then have to work even harder at school. Once he hit middle school his grades got a little bit some would say not as good as they used to be and the smile he had as a child slightly faded no one ever asked why. But truth be told he was getting bullied for wanting to become a tutor so he didn't care about his grades anymore.

Once he hit high school he was all about putting behind what happened in the past and that he was going to become a tutor he didn't care what the others thought about it, he wanted to be like his dad so maybe he would have something in common with him since he didn't know him and didn't know why he just disappeared from the universe along with his mother although he always thought about it he still had never asked his grandparents. As he started to grade up more and more he got a lot happier and wanted to stay with his dream of becoming a tutor. He would not go around kids his age, instead, he would hang out with all the tutors asking them questions about their job, and the more he asked the more he loved the job. He was really sad to have to graduate high school because he didn't wanna leave behind the tutors but who knows maybe one day he will become one and work at the same place as them. Soon later he would graduate with a very excellent GPA and at the top of the class.

As Ryosuke hit his college years, he always thought about the dream of becoming a tutor but once he got into college some would say he lost his spark once again. He would skip class to go and party with his college friends, when he should have been paying attention to what they were learning he knew if he continued to party the whole time he was gonna fail and he was already failing. He talked to the dean about his grades and asked him if there was anything that he could do to fix what he had messed up the dean told him that he was already so behind but he can try to get caught up. Once he started to go to class once again, he met a girl with really pretty ginger hair that he had to ask out, but he couldn't find the confidence to ask her out. Although he didn't have time for dating since he was already behind he couldn’t stop thinking about that one girl every single day, there was something special about her. He finally got the courage to ask her out with a bouquet that he found her favorite by one of her friends she had told him that she would. As they dated for a couple of years, when he just turned 21 she had told him some very unexpected news that she was pregnant he was quite nervous about this news because he had never even thought about a child or he didn't even know how to raise one but she was there for her either way. They talked about their future, how the babies' room was gonna be a fairytale themed if it was a girl and if it was a boy they were gonna make it construction-themed with tons of trucks. Not long into the pregnancy, they found out they were having a little girl, although they never really came up with names they wanted to wait until she was born. About 9 months in her water broke, and it was baby time! They thought everything was gonna go just fine until they were on that hospital bed and she was in the middle of the process of giving birth the doctor looked at him with a sad expression before telling him that he didn't know if either of them was gonna make it but it was too late to just stop the process. As they continued to help her with the whole process of giving birth she took her last breath but he still had the beautiful ginger-haired baby. He looked at the baby and all he saw was his fiance, as he looked at the child he couldn't help but cry, because she looked like her mother and he didn't know how he would raise her. He had a little bit to think if he wanted to give her up for adoption or not but he decided not to and decided to name the child after her mother. He had graduated from college and he was doing pretty well raising her with the help of his grandparents but once he graduated he wanted to wait until Itsu was old enough to handle herself before he tried to become a tutor

He never really found anyone else he had actually been attracted to since his fiance’s death, Itsu his daughter was growing up fast as she looked around the house he saw the picture of her mother wondering who she was he would tell her that's your mother. She would ask so many questions about her wanting to know more about her since she never fully met herself. Once he turned around 41 and his daughter Itsu was in her early twenties he decided he would apply for a tutor and follow his dream but he realized something his daughter was giving up on her dream to become a surgeon like her mother and was acting out which she had never done before. Since he had a rebellious kid on his hands, he felt that he needed to wait to apply until she settled herself down or something he realized she was also keeping to herself a bit more which she has never done so he kept someone to watch her at all time and applied for a tutor.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
Since I was younger I always wanted to know what it was like to be a school employee because I would always look at all of them when I was a young child and see how happy they were to work with these students and I always thought to myself that could be me one day then I saw a tutor job opening up and I wanted to try it out myself because I had always wanted to be one and I love the children and I love to socialize and meet more people and I feel like this job space would help me with that.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):
I would say I have a little experience working in a school because when my daughter first started kindergarten she didn't want to leave my side because she had never been around anyone but myself. So I applied for a teacher’s aid and helped out my daughter Itsu and her classmates I continued this job until my daughter was old enough to go to school by herself like the other kids even if I loved that job It wasn’t something I wanted a future in. I wanted to help the students privately then I saw that a tutor application had opened up and I went to reach my childhood dreams.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I have experience working with students in the faculty community, and I have found myself rather responsible with the students and rather calm towards them even if they try to make me upset in any way, I would never show anger towards the children even if I am a patient person I would never let the students pass without punishment if they had broke the school rules.


/*You may leave this blank*/
Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:


Level 211

Congratulations, you have been accepted for the role of Tutor! Please ping mariav#6666 and link this application on Academics Discord to get things started.

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