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Accepted Tutor | SkyFantasyWor1d (ALT)


Level 79
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Media Team

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
(Main: SkyFantasyWorld | Alt: SkyFantasyW0rld, SkyFantazyWorld, vxnhc)

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):
16 years old

What is your time zone?:
GMT+8 | Philippines

Describe your activity on the server:
Currently, I am very active on the server! Having multiple roles such as Reporter, Lawyer, and College Football member, I try my best to log in to each account whenever I can and roleplay. Though as school starts again, my activity might have to decrease slightly since I will soon go to physical classes. But I am always active on Discord though, and will try my best that once school starts, I will do my best to answer DMs quickly whenever I can, and even join calls if necessary.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have only been banned once, an ERP Ban that took place a year ago when I was a new player. Since then I have gone on a long and clean record of no rule-breaking, warnings, or bans. Ban Appeal

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I fully acknowledge that going inactive will result in me being demoted from my position, but I will always do my best to be active and finish my tasks.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am applying for the Tutor role!

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The employee role that I will be applying for is the Tutor. Tutors help and assist students in their academic tasks, review class assignments, and discuss topics regarding the subjects they struggle in. They work with students to help them understand key concepts in things they have trouble with, whether it be school work or projects, or any misunderstanding in a lesson. Their goals as tutors are to help students learn the material and improve their academic performance.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
In general, as a child before I discovered SRP I have been roleplaying since 2015 on an app called Amino throughout the years, only recently quitting around 2019 as I then moved onto Discord RP instead, joining multiple fandoms and roleplaying as either my OCs or Canon Characters. I gained experiences in meeting different people as I roleplayed, I was what they call a semi-lit RPer during those times. But as I got Minecraft in 2020, I joined multiple Minecraft RP servers and met lots of new people, and saw how different types of roleplay work, learning the mechanics before I found out about SRP last year. From then on I have improved my roleplaying skills, being taught by the best, and joining Akihito Clan to improve myself, I was able to DetailRP quickly when needed and generally just improved for the better. I wish to be able to aid and help the players around the server if I do get accepted and to be also able to experience a different type of roleplay here besides my current roles on the server.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Accepted | Lawyer Application |
Accepted | Reporter Application |
Denied | Staff Application |
Denied | Ban Appeal |

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Main | SkyFantasyWorld : Grade 8
Alt | SkyFantasyW0rld : College Bachelor, Football
Alt | SkyFantazyWorld : Lawyer
Alt | vxnhc : Reporter


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Garmadon would calmly approach the situation, informing them what they are doing is against school rules. He would then explain to them that their behavior is not appropriate and they should be more respectful to the school faculty staff, he will remain calm and civil if they continue to refuse to listen to him, issuing 3 warnings and then detention if needed. If the student still won’t listen, he will then ignore them in favor of helping other students in need more help due to knowing that he cannot stop such pathetic behavior if they refuse to listen.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Garmadon would call on the radio for backup just in case, then run in between the two in an attempt to separate the two before the situation gets worse making sure both aren't in range to hurt one another again. He would calmly ask the reason why the fight started, letting them explain first and try to understand the situation before issuing a punishment due to fighting still being against the school rules.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Garmadon would pull them away to the side for a moment, somewhere private so he could discuss his concerns regarding said employee, where students won’t hear if they talk. He would respectfully ask in a professional tone if they’re aware of the rules of being a school faculty, and that their behavior can endanger a student's life with their recklessness if they continue. He would ask them to stop with the way they are acting, if they do not comply and still continue to act with such reckless behavior he will not hesitate to call an SLT member and seek their help.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Garmadon would appear calm and collected around others and relaxed whenever he is in the break room, having an air of wisdom around him, he would not be the type to shy away when discussing History and such. Though once you truly know him, he is quite the prankster despite his old age and still has a young spirit in his heart, easily able to connect with younger or older people with any topic like gaming (shocking!). Letting himself be friendly and polite to others, he can interact with his co-workers easily as he would perhaps bring his own container filled with tea or coffee, sipping on it as he listens to the conversations around him, saying his opinion once a while.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
/me gave a warm smile at the student as they entered the tutors' area, motioning for them to sit down in the chair in front of him as he fixed his papers on the desk, making them neat as he looked at them. He would speak up once seeing them seated, his voice having a welcoming tone, "Welcome, dear, how can I be of assistance?"

/me hummed softly as he took the paper the student gave to him, placing it in front of him as his eyes scanned the page, hand tapping the red pen on the desk. "You seem to understand the topic a lot better now, my child, though as a tip you can always make flashcards and such to memorize the names and dates better," he offered a reassuring smile at them as he finished reviewing their work, quite proud that they got the majority of the questions right.

/me tapped his fingers on his desk, looking at the student with worry, "hm.. young one, you have to listen to me if you wanna pass alright..? not everything will work out if you don't work hard on your studies.." he softly said as he noticed the student not even bothering to listen anymore, his expression filled with concern as he tried to help them review for a history test.

In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):
Montgomery Garmadon Garmadon

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 25):


Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:

Academic Degree:
Bachelor’s Degree
Master’s Degree

Year of Graduation:
1980 | BA in Defence and Strategic Studies
1999 | Bachelor's Degree in Secondary Education
2001 | Master of Education

Defense and Strategic Studies
Guidance and Counseling

National Defense, Strategic Studies, and Leadership
Educational Studies
Science of Physical Activity


Current Location:

Native Languages:
Japanese, Mandarin

Other Languages:
JSL, English


Montgomery Garmadon Garmadon, or simply known by many as just Garmadon, is a Chinese descent male born and raised in Japan, in the Autumn of November 21st, 1957. Born as the eldest son of [RETRACTED] and [RETRACTED], he was taught the art of Ninjutsu as well as Martial Art at the young age of 4 until his younger brother, Wu, was born when he was 8 years old and their mother passing on shortly after at childbirth. Together they were trained under their father in the arts, him mostly being put on high expectations due to being the eldest of the two, thus creating some resentment against his father as every day he seems to lead himself down a darker path. They had a relatively somewhat normal, albeit strange childhood, being only exposed to fighting when he was younger, while his brother was taught to be the good one of the two, Garmadon was forced that he would study in the military by his father before he passed on when Garmadon was at the age of 18.

With anger fueling him, Garmadon went on to denounce his family and cut contact with his brother running away from his family and joining a man named Master Chen to be his pupil, learning the motto “to win at all costs, no matter who got hurt.” that he carried with him until his adult years. During those two short years of being Chen’s pupil, he met a woman named Misako, and Chen, being a sly man, intercepted a love letter that came from his brother Wu and had Garmadon sign it instead, leading her to choose Garmadon. Realizing his mistake, he went on to quit being Chen’s pupil and continue on his father’s original plan for him, entering college at 20 and earning his degree in Defense and Strategic Studies...

But during those years in the military, he joined the Chinese Triad without his partner Misako’s knowledge, working his way inside the crime world, connecting with people as well as doing illegal business. After he graduated, he went on to marry Misako, the love of his life who is now a professional archaeologist. For years they were living well off, him teaching students after he graduated Martial Arts while being in the Triad, and his wife doing archaeology. Managing to reconnect with Wu after years, life was going steady as he realized his potential as a teacher when he saw his own younger brother teaching his own students at an Academy, being inspired to do the same as he decide to pursue a Bachelor's in Education.

He would leave the Triad after working with them for well over 19 going 20 years, realizing that Chen’s teaching wasn’t right, taking an oath of peace with him as he would pursue his education. He would major in History and English due to his passion with the past, as well as his wife being an archaeologist, he easily finished his degree due to his experiences as he decides to might as well get a master's in Psychology and Guidance after realizing how many students are so unheard and misunderstood. Having his own sort of realization as well as he learned JSL along the way to help students with communication problems, finishing his master’s in record time.

As he graduated with his master’s, he welcomed his pride and joy, his sunshine, his son, Lloyd Garmadon in 2001 into this world. He would work as a history teacher at a local Highschool, while still pursuing his Martial Arts teaching as well on the sidelines, although he tends to teach defense only now due to his oath of peace. Everything would be well for him, watching his son grow, teaching his students, and genuinely having a peaceful life, it was bliss for him until his wife divorced him. Slightly lost on what to do, he quit teaching at the local Highschool he has been working at for years and took the job opportunity in Karakura to be a tutor instead. Due to his own son already being in college and living his own life, he was alone hence why he chose to teach somewhere else, and that somewhere else is our beloved Karakura.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
My motivation for joining KHS is that I want to help students here after being inspired by my own younger brother. Him being a teacher and tutor himself, I have seen my own potential to teach my own set of students after helping him with his work, as well as my own experience with being a teacher. My son has told me that students don’t entirely focus on their studies here, and I want to change that for the better for their future and allow them to go to someone who they can ask for help. I want to dedicate myself to the well-being of the students, to teach them to become excellent students and possibly become something big in their life in the future, and in order to do that, someone has to push them in that right direction.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):
Yes I do actually! I previously worked as a teacher at a local Highschool in Kyoto for well over 20 years or so, being a History as well as an English and Physical Education teacher from time to time. I had my fair share of experience teaching and guiding students at school, being someone who they can turn to as well for tutoring after classes, I had quite an experience working in an school environment for a long time now as I became a head department also for a short while before I quit to apply here in Karakura.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I believe I should be accepted over others because I can be the best fit for this job. With my 20+ years of experience in teaching, I have the confidence to say that I can fulfill and do a great job while also being able to expand my knowledge and my own experiences through this. I may not know what others can offer in this position, but I know myself and I can confidently say that I possess a combination of skills, talents, and experience that can deliver exceptional results to the school, and I can show it through being part of the school faculty.​

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