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twothousands | KPD APPLICATION [PT.2]


Level 26

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Psychiatrist Application [ACCEPTED]
Caretaker Application [APPROVED]

Council Application [APPROVED]
KPD Application [APPROVED]

Korean Application [APPROVED]
Spanish Application [APPROVED]
JSL Application [APPROVED]
1ST Chinese Application [DENIED]

2ND Chinese Application [APPROVED]

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server is generally pretty high. It's much higher than it should be, but isn't that true for us all?

I'm on for about 5-8 hours maximum on the weekdays, and much more fluctuating on the weekends. I do have a job from Monday-Friday at 9am-whenever I get home, (5-6pm) and even then I find a way to fit SRP into my days. I'm apart of currently two other factions, one being caretaker and the other being EMS, though I will absolutely put my time equally into each, especially with caretaker as a job that can take up my time for school hours. (Since most of the time, school hours is when the least happens ICly -- especially for EMS and KPD both.)

Most of the time that I spend on SRP is on my faction roles rather than my high-school roles, since I'm not the biggest fan of playing in the student portion of the server! KPD, in serious situations or not, is entirely my favorite faction ever and I hope to never leave, ever. I've learned that the hard way!

What is your motivation for applying?:
In short, I miss you all.

I spent around 4-5? months in KPD and left unfortunately around only a month ago (so early to be re-applying, I know) and can say that I regret it. KPD was one of my first ever factions ever, and it has positively affected my roleplay experience as a whole. I've gained a bigger friend group, I've expanded my confidence on the server and have found myself slotted in so many more unique experiences on the server entirely. It was absolutely the best decision I could've made, and I regret it with all my heart. At the time that I left, I wasn't in the best place mentally and wasn't so sure that EMS and KPD would clash together, but I am absolutely sure that I love KPD as a whole with all my heart -- leaving was an absolute mistake.

Seriously, KPD truly intrigues me. Now that I've left, it's been like a missing puzzle piece for my SRP experience as a whole. I loved logging on, even during times more stressful than others, because it was fun. I gained so many friends in KPD, and I want to keep that friendship going for as long as I possibly can. Everybody in both EMS and KPD combined are some of the coolest people I've met, so making an attempt of returning is a decision that I do not regret at all! Even if it's only been a short month since I've been gone, I've most definitely regret the decision and am excited by the opportunity of returning as I'm writing this.

Multiple friends of mine, including ones who are currently applying/or are already in the faction have advised me to come back, so here I am!

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Upon being in KPD for the short amount of time I was, I learned a whole lot about KPD and it's entirety. As much as there is left to learn, I have most of the knowledge down, such as the ranks and their duties (for the most part) and the items involved!

1.) Cadet: The first rank upon acceptance into KPD! Cadets are station glued for 2 weeks or more whilst they complete their police training, learning how the station and everything works before they have the ability to move on.
2.) Patrol Officer: Patrol officers are the rank officers get after they've passed their cadet training, they're no longer station glued and have more freedom (with their restrictions) to do more work. They now have freedom to go off duty, hooray!
3.) Corporal: Corporals are the beginning of promotions when you're a patrol officer. They are able to obtain a crow-bar alongside the police bike, allowing them to make their way to calls quicker. Corporals have the ability to do trainings; even with all of these new cool items and access they've gained, they still have quite the same amount of similarities to the patrol officer role!
Sergeants: Sergeants are a role in the KPD that obtain an awesome new item: the tranquilizer! The tranquilizer helps them out in a varied amount of situations, including dealing with either angry bears or angry criminals.. Sergeants can under-go higher-up training in order o obtain more permission in the faculty if the Commissioner deems fit!

Lieutenants: The lieutenants are the first rank of higher-ups in the police force. They now have their very own officer and cruiser, along-side more permission when it comes to important decisions within the department!
Captain: There is only one captain! They are more in control of the main division, being another rank of higher-ups! The captain is the last and final (and/or "best," per se) role in the main divison that you can get, excluding commissioner!

Unfortunately, my knowledge of the detective ranks and detective portion of KPD in general doesn't go on as far as it would for the main division, but if I am accepted, I hope to expand that knowledge -- possibly by even going the detective branch this time around! The detectives do more of the research in the division, alongside responding to calls. They're the ones who help with blood testing, questioning, and more questions as to why rather than what! They're the investigators, and even without the probability of going out and doing things correlating to calls, they are equally as important as the main division entirely.

1.) Detective Constable
2.) Detective Inspector
3.) Detective Chief Inspector
4.) Detective Superintendent

The first and in my opinion most important item that you can get in KPD is the radio. With the radio, you are able to communicate with fellow officers and it can be a crucial part of your job, especially when you're in dangerous situations and need back-up, or even the code-zero button! The radio comes with two separate types: The Emergency Radio, which is a combination of both the Hospital and Police radios to allow them both to communicate with one another and the regular police radio -- which is self explanatory.

With this item, comes the different codes:
10-4: Understood
10-8: Responding
10-12: Wait/Situation Paused
10-16: Void Situation
10-19: Returning to the station
10-20: Location?

Stun Blaster: The stun blaster is used to stun criminals, such as in chases or in dangerous situations required. Most commonly it is used for evasion, from what I have seen!
Tranquilizer: The tranquilizer has a similar use as the stun blaster, though it puts criminals/people involved to sleep for an extensive amount of time.
Police Badge: A badge given to patrol officers+ to state their name, position/rank and call-sign.
Body Camera: The body camera is recording officers on duty at all times, and said footage can be looked back upon through CCTV in case of an emergency such as a location if officer is lost or if evidence is needed for a corrupt officer!
Breathalyzer: An item used to check how drunk a person is, by said person blowing into it! It is to be used by officers when it comes down to fining and/or arresting drunk civilians.
Baton: The baton is a hand-held item that is used in close-range combat and can be used in two hits to KO an individual.
Handcuffs: The handcuffs are pretty self explanatory, they are used to arrest and/or detain criminals.
Police Bike/Cruiser: Both of these vehicles are used to assess situations quicker, the cruiser having more seats (four) and the cruiser with only one. (Two seats, if one officer carries another on their back.)
Crowbar: The crowbar is used most commonly for police raids, when needed to open up doors and/or storage to find either criminals or illegal weaponry.
Med kit: Med kits are given to officers when someone is in need of medical attention when there isn't any EMS around. Pressure is applied around wounds, and can help by adding five minutes to a bleed-out timer!
Pepper Spray: Pepper spray is used to temporarily (30 seconds) blind an individual and prevent them from causing harm.
Luminol: Luminol is an item used on things such as ballistic masks, katanas, pocket knives, metal bats, etc, to check for blood. It is an itemRP item only, and isn't an actual model in game.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
What is a city filled to the brim with crime without an awesome counterpart?

The island of Karakura is absolutely filled with crime, left and right. Without KPD, the whole enitre place would be either a crime paradise or in absolute shambles. Truly, it's 50/50 on that one.. Without the police, who would be there to control the crime? Even if a sprinkle of drama and suspense can be fun to have inside of a roleplay server, there must be something that evens that out -- especially when you look at how much crime there really is in Karakura! To me, the faction adds even more roleplay opportunity to the server and it's most definitely such an important factor to it. If KPD ever disappeared for any reason at all, we'd be doomed.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I do understand and will attend all training required.


What's your character's full name?:
Rhys sits in the chair across from the interviewer, hands full with a stack of papers in hand.
"Rhys Nakao."

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
Rhys furrows his eyebrows. Somehow, this guy had to think about this.
"I am currently 27."

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Rhys straightens his back out.
"I am a male. My pronouns are he/him."

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
Rhys pulls out a diploma from his odd stack of papers he held, sliding it across the table.
"Actively, I have my Bachelors in Criminal Justice."

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Rhys clears his throat, keeping the same straight face he's kept since he walked into this place.
"Other than Japanese, I know JSL. That is all."

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Rhys' most prominent features are the scars that are marked across his entire body. He has various different small ones that trace up his neck, alongside one that ticks right across his nose. Some scars are visible, whilst some are not depending on what he wears. Rhys doesn't seem to try to cover or hide them, at least not anymore. At a certain point in life, who knows when, he found that hiding them was deemed to be useless. The man has neatly kempt dirty blonde hair that sits right above his shoulders. His skin is quite pale, no matter the amount of sun he gets -- he's stuck like this.

As for his build, Rhys seems to stand at a height of 6'0'' with an athletic build that compliments it equally. He seems to be missing his ring finger on his left hand, for reasons unspoken. His eyes are a pale gray-blue, sharp-sighted and aware. Commonly lined underneath his eyes were soft eyebags, which seem to come and go entirely randomly. Often hidden by the sleeves of his shirt are tattoos of rose-thorns wrapped entirely around his right arm. One thing to mention is his constant look of disapproval. The man carries a RBF, which you'll find he'll neutralize by raising his eyebrows or giving a smile. As harsh as he looks, he isn't all that mean!

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Rhys maintains a straight face and an upright posture in a professional setting. Regardless of the situation, he keeps his back straight and his eyes keen. His chin is usually held up, most commonly looking down to people depending on if they are taller than him or not. As one would in a professional situation: he acts professional. He can make a joke when the occasion is right for it, yet he can naturally turn from serious to light whenever deemed okay. Considering KPD is a serious job, he rarely plays around or cracks jokes. Overall, he is alert and attentive most of the time, whether on or off duty. Maybe it's the way he looks naturally or it's just how he is, but that in itself is a mystery to be solved!

In a casual situation, he's far more relaxed than he would be in the professional situation. He remains attentive of his surroundings, but it's not impossible for him to lighten up and joke around a little. His posture remains straightened, and you'll find he often stands rather than sits, but he definitely wouldn't pass up an opportunity to sprawl out onto a couch to relax. As soothing as it may seem to be in a situation that finds itself to be free of danger, Rhys is wired to keep an eye out, since you never truly know. He's careful, off duty and off, no matter where, when, and why.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Rhys is absolutely all for teamwork and co-workers combined. Despite his stand-offish look, he much rather prefers to be around other people, especially out on duty, rather than alone. He doesn't mind the idea of going out solo, but it's not something that he would prefer. Rhys, as critical and 'scary' as he may look to be, is more in fear of being all by himself. Alongside that fear, he finds teamwork to be something extremely valuable in work, especially when it comes down to police work. You need to be prepared for any situation, especially with how high the crime rate is in Karakura, so staying careful is something Rhys will never pass up the opportunity to do.

What's your character's backstory?
Rhys hands 2 stapled together pieces of paper, with a hand-written backstory, to the interviewer.
"I do warn you, my backstory is not the prettiest. Though, name one person without any traumatic issue in their past -- or present?"

████ 'Rhys' Nakao was born in Hiroshima, Japan to Ai Nakao and Ren Nakao on December 29th, 1996.

He grew up there for an entirety of his life, with both of his parents -- for as long as that did last. Rhys lived in a decently wealthy family, so there was never really any struggle when it came to finances. His child-hood was pretty boring, till it wasn't. At the age of 6, his father up and left after an argument -- around 2 days later, to as much as little Rhys was to understand, he woke up to his vision being entirely blocked, but by what? As much as he could remember, he was in a cloud of smoke that only seemed to be growing bigger. All there was to be heard was the muffled shouting of his mother and the crackling of the sparks of the fire that seemed to engulf his home. It is truly a blur in his memory, as he was so young and didn't quite understand what was going on yet. In the midst of the chaos, little Rhys climbed out of his bed and, as a curious toddler, tried to discover what exactly what was going on. That was a lost cause, because he was shortly on the floor coughing to no end. It was only a couple of steps before his mother appeared out of the smoke, bawling. Immediately Rhys was thrown over her shoulder and they eventually ventured out. Everything after this was a blur to him -- lord, almost everything was a blur -- he's heard many different stories that he doesn't know what he wants to trust at this point. One being that ███ ██████ ██████ ██ █████, but that's something he's not sure he can believe himself.

Rhys lived an as normal as normal could be childhood after this. With his mother's pay, they were able to move away to a house in the city of Tokyo, away from his father entirely. His mother never actually told him more about his father, nor does he truly want to know. If his dad was absent for 90% of his life, why would he bother to care?

Rhys went to school, though he found it hard for him to figure out exactly what he wanted. He took various classes in high-school, tried to participate in different clubs, but that didn't go as well as it would for others. He did end up in the football team for about a year, which was the most he had in high-school until his old captain quit and the new one entirely washed out the team. After that point, he gave up on all extracurriculars, and decided to focus on education. Rhys found himself quite interested in criminology and the law, which is the path he took from his sophomore to senior year. Once he graduated, he took a year off before he headed to college. He spent 4 years, 2 semesters, in college under Criminal Justice before he earned his bachelors. From there, he took off to Karakura. After his honest goodbyes to his mother, he found himself at the messy, yet some-how loveable, island of Karakura. He lived there for about 2 years to take time for himself before he found police applications, which interested him to no end.

Here Rhys is, applying for the KPD in hopes to pursue the career he's wanted for so long.


Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"No, you can not."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Eyepatch [Right or Left]
Wooden Cane

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
Rhys scoots his chair a little closer to the table, before neatly intertwining his fingers and setting them on the desk.
"If I were to see my co-worker physically abusing an in-mate, I would immediately intervene and stop 'em. Whether that be through words or physically, I would put in all my efforts to calm the situation. I would be rather careful doing this, since something must have provoked this irrational behavior and there's a possibility I would be at risk of harm as well. Once said co-worker is done and has stopped, I would check the inmate for any injury they have and promptly assess any wounds that I could personally while asking for a hospital worker to come down and treat them accordingly."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
Rhys clears his throat, maintaining the same sitting position he had previously/
"If I saw my co-worker being assaulted, I'd immediately radio for back-up depending on how many individuals are involved in this situation. If it was only one person, I'd either find myself to taze them or intervene with my baton, anything to get said person away and off. If my co-worker was seriously injured, such as a stab wound, I would find myself immediately assessing them as I can, then use my radio to call for a doctor to help. I would then assess the criminal and send them to jail, as you would. I prioritize my own co-workers safety rather than my own or anyone else at all, so assessing them first would be much more in my interest than any other."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
Rhys sets his hands back onto his lap.
"If I found my co-worker being corrupt, I would collect as much evidence as I could before I brought it to the commissioner. With body-cam evidence, CCTV, or even personally recorded evidence, I would make sure I know what I saw was true and correct before I brought that up to the commissioner to let them deal with the situation at hand. In a situation like this one must be very alert, since an officer knows more about how we work than any criminal does, so making sure you're careful when doing something like this is essential."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Rhys didn't take much time to consider this question.
"I would simply decline the offer firmly and fine them, this doesn't require a lot of thought."
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Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
Please feel free to apply during the next KPD wave after you've taken more time away from the faction

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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