What is your Minecraft username?: uhav
What is your time zone?: GMT
What is your discord username? uhav_
Link all previous applications you made on the server
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I have been fairly active, I am making an effort to be more active frequently for multiple hours each day usually spending time with my friends or roleplaying in general. I may not be available on certain days due to sickness or important holidays, but I wish to bring my activity and playtime up on the server I would like to increase my popularity and become more well-known. Recently I've massively enjoyed roleplaying upon my return. I've surrounded myself with loads of people who value developing character lore, ETC. Having decent storylines going, so I will likely continue with my current activity and play SRP on a daily basis.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
2 PM - 12 AM | 10 AM - 9 PM | 2 PM - 9 PM | 2 PM - 10 PM | 2 PM - 3 AM | 8 AM - 12 AM | 8 AM - 9 PM |
(These following times indicate when I'm typically available during a regular week in GMT.)
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
After my many years of being on SchoolRP. I have a number of various experiences in roleplays from Minecraft and other platforms like Roblox as well. I have some decent experience in GangRP, CrimeRP, CombatRP, StudentRP, ETC and am trying to expand my knowledge by learning new things every day through different roleplay experiences. I used to play much more back then and knew many types of roleplays, but they definitely changed within the time I was gone off the server. I aim to try and bring my current knowledge back into the community by participating in different things and events that happen in the server which will build my experience up more, I do also have some experience in TeacherRP thanks to the Roblox platform a while back. I have gained more experience which has improved my overall knowledge on roleplay.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
☆[Grade-12] Ja Jett ☆
☆[Grade-12] Rozu Yashida ☆
What is the subject you want to teach?:
Biology (Sciences)
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
The current motivation I have to pursue a professor job is a few different things. Let me start off with the basics. Firstly, I'd like to build my experience in roleplaying by joining a faction, developing my detail, and improving in all other things in the community. Secondly, I'd want to be more known and receive more recognition among the community for what I can do, leading to my reputation being strengthened, which is a very important factor in helping lead to more opportunities. Thirdly, I want to bring my knowledge of this subject back into the community so more people can use it for different things in the future, like college exams or other events. I also want to be better known within factions to help heighten my chances of getting into other things in the future. Moreover, I'd want to be able to participate in different events such as school dances, college exams, PHD projects, and many more. Roleplaying as a professor has sparked my interest, as I enjoy roleplaying in the school environment a lot and find collaboration and teamwork among all the school employees fun and interesting. Furthermore, I want to become part of the system and do my part in it.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. Genetics
In this class, I would first introduce the main topics about genetics and how they are related to biology. I would then give a brief rundown on the things that make genetics up and how they can be related to your parents and you. I would also explain DNA structure and inheritance to them while having them take notes on what I would be teaching. They would learn about various other things that make it up, including gene expression and gene engineering. After teaching them the basics of this, I would have a brief rundown, asking the students what they learned about each thing and how they could use the knowledge in the future.
2. Microbiology
In this class I would have a presentation about Microbiology and the things that are involved in it. I would show the students about bacteria, microorganisms, fungi and how they are involved in microbiology and how they can be used to help with various other things like viruses and microtechnology. After finishing the presentation I would have students share out what they learned with the rest of the class and how it could be used to other people's advantage in the future and for the students to learn how to speak up more and use their voice to build their confidence skills as well.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
☆ The Lake☆
In this field trip I would have 2 faculty members (Myself and 1 other person) watching over the students to make sure the field trip went smoothly and no one got hurt as it'd be my responsibility to keep them safe. The idea is to give students books with things that they need to find outside near the Lake in the forest-related to biology. Some of the things that they would need to look for would be animals, plants, and many more things. The students would have periods 3 and 4 to do this before returning to the school after. After the field trip I would grade all of the answers of things they found outside and the person with the best score would receive a reward sticker from me for participation and hard work. During the field trip, the students would be able to ask questions about things outside and if they are related to biology or not but I would try my hardest to answer all of them!
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
If I witnessed this happening, I would immediately run up to them asking what was going on in the situation. If they were attacking him I'd radio for another faculty member to come and assist me because it was a group and I would struggle to deal with all of them by myself. I would then try to physically break them up anyway, even if they weren't attacking him because of the possibility that they could've just been bullying him which is just unacceptable and wrong. I would then confront all of the college jocks about the situation and what they were doing for the reasoning of why the bobcat was being surrounded for more information on the situation, with the possibility of reporting it to SLT. Regardless, if they were fighting the bobcat they'd all receive detentions as fighting is an instant detention in KHS.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
If this happened whilst I was supervising detention and a student was being idiotic and disrupting by talking and asking stupid questions, I would firstly give them 3 warnings to stop after conversing with other faculty members in the detention room (if there were any). After coming up with a conclusion I would then give them a clear final warning to stop before beginning to write them up to SLT for disobeying detention rules that are written on the board. As it is important for students to understand the point of detention and the punishment they have been given, I'd suggest a following detention for the students that are constantly disturbing the room the next day until they understand the point of why they are there and how they should behave in detention conditions.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Whilst hosting a class, if a group of cheerleaders kept playing songs I would briefly pause the lesson to call the students out to stop and turn their phones off with one verbal warning before threatening to take the phone or detention. As it is a class rule to not have phones and the professor's duty to make sure college students behave during class and act mature at all times. If they did not stop I would either confiscate their phones until the end of the lesson, give them detention or just remove them out of the class for disrupting after being told to stop multiple times, as it isn't fair on students who are attempting to learn. if giving them detention wasn't effective, I'd radio for any available SLT to deal with the situation further. There is only a set amount of time for learning periods, which makes it important that we utilise the time students are given to learn. I'd try my best efforts to deal with these situations in a quick manner and resolve them in the best way possible to minimize wasted lesson time.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Whilst walking around the school on patrol, if I witnessed a fight between a group of students and I tried to physically break it up and use my voice and it did not work, I would firstly radio for another member of faculty to come and assist me with breaking the fight up. Whilst waiting for them to arrive I would give a brief warning to stop fighting or it would be detention as fighting results in instant detention, or SLT if the detention threats weren't effective. I would secondly gather more knowledge on the fight as to why it started and why they were fighting in the first place and any injuries that the students might have received to come to a conclusion on the punishment the students will receive and if SLT is necessary for the situation. Although, my top priority would be which students that may need to be sent to the nurse's office after the situation is under control.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Rozu Yashida, A stunning 6'2 male with crimson dyed hair and sienna eyes, a striking figure with long hair descending down his shoulders with an air of confidence that lingers around him.
Rozu has always had a passion for teaching from his past experience and the different things that he has learned previously of. Rozu has a strong outlook on students and knows that some of them can be misbehaving and some can be good by participating in different things or just messing around in classes, he always wishes the best for his students no matter how they behave, aiming to help each of them build a bright and secure future for themselves after high school. Always being driven by a desire to spread his love for biology to others, and become proud of what they achieve due to his teaching.
Rozu has a charming personality that is often seen as hyperactive or friendly. Rozu likes to meet new people whenever he gets the chance, conversing with them and being friendly at all times whilst having fun conversations. He'd approach each student with encouragement and empathy, aiming to reach their highest potential and guide them onto the correct path to a successful and bright future.
Rozu is talented in many different ways with skills he put effort into building that not many people have acquired including speed, acrobatics, swimming, and much more but he understands that some people have these too. Rozu is also enthusiastic at having conversations and socialising with other people to help them calm down and such. Furthermore, Rozu embraces collaboration and teamwork between students, seeing it as a key factor to anyone's future to have the skills to work with others efficiently to create anything.
His outlook for the future includes building on his career and progressing at all times in any field he is put in, constantly aiming for new goals and achievements he may be able to reach to continuously improve on himself throughout life. Retiring from a Professor job doesn't sound bad to him, and would mean he'd have lived a life of spreading his love for biology to students in KHS. Whilst some may see teaching as a profession, Rozu see's it as an opportunity to make a meaningful impact on kids lives, and to give them the attention they deserve during education that they may not be getting at home or in other subjects. He strives to be the best in his department at all times, hoping to become a well-respected faculty at any workplace.
Above all, Rozu's greatest ambitions are to leave a lasting legacy. To inspire other generations to pursue what they love and their passions, his passion was Biology, and he always tries his best to nurture other student's who wish to pursue the same path as him and would be honoured to have shared his love for biology with the young minds in Karakura College!
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
Becoming a teacher:
Rozu spent a few years learning & researching about various different topics and the qualifications he needed to prepare himself on becoming a professor at KHS in Japan as it varies in some places. He dedicated a while working on his conversation skills and how he could become more well known throughout the new environment he was in and build connections through friendships in the high school department. Rozu spent another considerable amount of his time learning about how he could apply to work at KHS as a professor and the different things he needed to do. Once he had a strong grip on things, he decided to start typing up his application to apply and become a professor to bring the different skills and expertise that he had back into the field for college students to use in the future, as biology is a big topic within the sciences community and essential for many students who wish to pursue a career related to science. For Rozu, becoming a teacher was not just a career choice but something that he had a deep passion for from his childhood. He aims to help his students pursue their aspirations in sciences and build the minds of future scientists that graduate from KHS.
Early Life:
When Rozu was a kid he had to learn how to do things by himself and how to do simple things like chores and making money, His parents were constantly working and didn’t have the time to take care of him, so they hired a baby sitter until he was old enough to take care of himself, resulting in a lack of attention from his parents throughout his childhood which shaped the man he is today and his aspirations to be responsible and caring for students. Despite this Rozu would go on to get all A’s in school acing all his tests with his favourite subject being Science, particularly biology. When Rozu was old enough he eventually achieved his first job! to provide money for his family as his parents' job didn't provide sufficient income for the household to live comfortably. When Rozu reached high school he skipped a grade due to his pure talent and intelligence, eventually graduating and moving on to college taking more advanced classes in different topics that he could use to become a professor in the future.
Full Name:
Rozu Yashida
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Mr Yashida
Given Name(s):
Rozu Yashida
Preferred Name:
Gender & pronouns:
Male | He/Him
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karakura Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
Working Experience (# of years):
Academic Degree:
PHD in Ecology
Year of Graduation:
Chemistry, Education
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Preferred Teaching Subject:
Thank you for reading this.
(My character's skin)

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