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Denied Umesaka's Shopkeeper Application


Level 1
Player Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

: [HedeonRP]
Alternate : [Umesaka]

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Yes, I have a working discord account and a fully functional microphone that I'm able to use without restriction.
You can contact my discord account here -> @.hedeon

How old are you? (Optional):

16, However I turn 17 in October.

What is your time zone?:

(Greenwich mean time) - (British Summer Time)

Describe your activity on the server:

Recently my activity has boomed, in the UK we are out of school on holiday for the next four or so weeks, I however will be remaining out of school for 3-4 days a week, as College here in the UK is usually 3 days a week, if you pass your GCSE'S (General Certificate of Secondary Education). Placing my activity on a scale of 1-10 I'd set myself aside at a solid 7.8 at the moment. Just a few days ago me and my parents came upon the decision to adopt a pair of kittens, two wonderful British Shorthairs that I'm going out of my way to care for, so at some points this may diminish my activity as we are slowly getting them used to our 7-year-old Shit Zu.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes, I'm aware of the fact Inactivity is discouraged in such a highly sought after faction, and I acknowledge that If I'm to be inactive for an extended period of time I'm liable to demotion. Unfortunately It's nearly impossible to avoid all Inactivity, Emergencies, emotional distress, stress and other factors could play a role in myself or others needing to take time away from the role, however the fact remains that It's unlikely for me.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:


What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):

(HedeonRP) - [B] [Col-Cheerleader] - [Grade-12]
(Umesaka) - [Bear] - [Rabbit]

Before my application is reviewed my slots will be swapped around so that my Animal Whitelist [Bear] will have been moved to my alternate character slot on HedeonRP so I have a primary slot free for a role, if I receive the ownership of [Ryuketsu] (Restaurant and Bar).

Shop Information
/*You may add your own questions to the format*/

What shop are you applying for?:

"Natsukashii-Washoku." - Formerly known as "Ryuketsu" If the Faction Lead approves of the name change

- Is the Kanji for Natsukashii which means "Nostalgia" / "evokes a fond memory from your past."
和食 - Is the Kanji for Washoku which means "Japanese Food." Therefore the Restaurant / Bar's name means "Fond memory of Japanese Food".

Preferably I'd like Ryuketsu's Location or Shizuezka's location.
However I'm fine with the following, [Ushi No Koya] [Shizuezka] - [Ryuketsu] - [Club Umbra]
Whichever you believe to be a moderately to large enough space for a restaurant / bar.

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:

Out of many factions I've never joined, Shopkeeper has been one I've wanted to become a part of for a decent amount of time. Regrettably I've never submitted an application before this one, simply due to my own intimidation of the job and all the protocol and time, patience and effort it takes to establish a rapport such as Sayonara Gift Shop, famous for it's wide array of merchandise and excellent customer service. Hopefully with time, and luck "Natsukashii-Washoku." could become a sensation for those who wish for immersive RP and a lovely meal for their characters. Overall my motivation for becoming the Shopkeeper for "Natsukashii-Washoku." lays in the fact that in current months, weeks and even days It's been a decent sum of time since I last saw a Restaurant / Bar open, other than La Casa Nostra, there isn't really a spot for people to have a meal, a nice meal you sit down for, a place you take someone for a date, or a place you'd take your friends for a meal and chat.

The past few months I've wanted to open a shop, It wasn't in my best interest to apply when the last wave of applications came, I wasn't in a place where I could dedicate time between my hobbies, SRP and Social / School Life, therefore now, as I have more time to spare, and a spark remains I want to see what I can make of this opportunity. I hadn't expected applications to open so soon, fortunately I was much more eager than anticipated to apply - after a brief discussion with my friends about their opinions on each shop listed in the announcement, I made an informed decision to choose "Natsukashii-Washoku" The original location of the bar and restaurant had already peaked my interest, but the feedback of my friends and community is what's pushed me to actually press submit, I want to make a subtle difference, a nice restaurant filled with RP and happy customers, that's all I want.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:


Natsukashii-Washoku, under my control as Shopkeeper would become a place you'd see as more of a sit-down restaurant, with white table cloth, soft chairs, booths and individual chairs, perhaps even a small closed off room for private reservations. Overall It would be classed as a Japanese-Style Bar, with perfectly seared steaks, red-wine, sashimi and a warm wait-staff.


One feature I'd be excited to implement would be a Roleplay aspect to our kitchen, Each time "Natsukashii-Washoku." would open, a live performance occurs, the head chef makes an appearance and openly cooks a dish in front of customers, entertainment is one item I look forward to implement inside "Natsukashii-Washoku." Before the Restaurant opens our Head Chef will prepare a detailed action that relates to the live food and orders that can be placed by employees. For this feature to Occur I'd prefer a remodel of the restaurant, either by myself or a professional builder. My intention is to make sure RP is the heart and soul of our restaurant, a warm place you can enjoy a show, and eat some Japanese-Themed meals.

The example below is much shorter than I intend to produce if Natsukashii-Washoku Is accepted into the Shopkeeper Faction.




Aside from entertainment in the kitchen "Natsukashii-Washoku." would be very happy to have a small set-up of a record-player, often requests of staff or customers would make it onto the set-up via a custom made W2G by myself or a senior employee in the Bar. Hopefully the atmosphere will become relaxed, the opportunity for people to listen to music when they watch entertainment, or RP in the Bar, eat a meal or just casually stand by the entrance would be so much more inviting to potential customers, and returning ones.


Our Restaurant and Bar staff will be provided two uniforms, [F] Bartender Uniform, [M] Bartender Uniform, [F] Waitress Uniform and [M] Waiter Uniform. Each of these will be custom made by a tailor - most likely myself. Each employee will be allowed to add accessories such as bows, beanies, etc. Customisation will be kept to a minimum as the business prides itself on a neat and tidy appearance. With the Uniforms, staff will be provided with a universal greeting for customers, unless they make their own and run it past myself or a senior employee. The Uniforms are modelled after Traditional Japanese Uniforms, however Natsukashii-Wakoshu puts a twist onto the other-wise usual uniform, the crest that rests on the left side of the chest is a pale-pink, nearly white Cherry Blossom which is symbolic of "Transient Beauty" representing the brief yet beautiful nature of existence, which eventually ties back to the name Natsukashii-Wakoshu, a fond memory of Japanese food. The Female uniform features 'Geta' which are traditional Japanese sandals, usually worn with Yukata or Kimono.



"Natsukashii-Washoku." - Japanese, Traditional. I myself will take on the opportunity to start from the outside to the interior, if I'm unable to complete it myself or create a suitable atmosphere I'll pass on the Job to a certified SRP builder.

The theme of Natsukashii-Wakoshu, is Traditional.

Dark-toned walls, with texture added by stairs, buttons and various other blocks to create a sufficiently interesting build. Floors will be a mixture of birch, seaweed blocks, slabs, stairs and various other decorative blocks. Each booth will be separated by paper walls, plants that hang from the roof, bonsai trees that decorate the floors, plant-life and flowers abundant by the entrance. Inside the spoiler below, I'll provide a few pictures I found on Pinterest that peaked my interest.


A small - medium section of "Natsukashii-Washoku." Bar and Restaurant will be dedicated to a small space for Kami, specifically Chiharu, Karakura's Kami. Hopefully this will draw attention to another faction of interest, customers may ask questions, they may even take a deep-profound interest in spreading their own knowledge of the Kami to other customers. "Natsukashii-Washoku." Hopes to spark interest in more than just itself. Hopefully we may even be provided a small furniture shrine by DivingBlues (Shrine Faction Lead).

What will you sell in your shop?:

Food Items; steak, fries, fruit platters, fish, sushi, etc. Realistically a small menu, but diverse menu of food.
Alcoholic Beverages; wines, beers, vodka, whiskey, etc.

However the menu will consist of Traditional Japanese Dishes; Miso soup,

Sushi Plate (LARGE)[¥25,000]
Pan Seared Scallops[¥30,000]
Onigiri [¥5,000]
Sashimi (Salmon) [¥16,000]
Sashimi (Tuna) [¥16,000]
Udon Noodles (Beef, Chicken, Lamb)[¥12,000]
Soba Noodles[¥12,000]
Braised Pork Ribs[¥15,000]
Rice Bowl[¥5,000]

Dry roasted Edamame brittle[¥3,500]
Asian glazed tuna with vegetable tempura [¥4,000]
Prawn sushi rolls[¥4,000]
Avocado Rolls[¥3,000]

Avacado & Edamame salad[¥6,000]
Japanese Spinach Salad with Sesame Dressing[¥6,000]

Red Wine (Bottle)[¥20,000]
Red Wine (Glass)[¥8,000]
Peach Suntory Horoyoi Can[¥9,500]
Hennessy [¥16,000]
Fireball Whiskey[¥16,000]
Crystal Premium Brew[¥16,000]
Bombay Diamond Gin[¥16,000]
Grey Duck Vodka[¥20,000]

Japanese Sweet Tea[¥3,500]
Green Tea[¥4,500]

How many employees do you plan to have?:

Personally as the Restaurant / Bar would be new, a small yet reliable team of staff would be optimal, not too large otherwise It'd become hard to manage for a new owner. I'd hire between 3-5 Employee's the first round, and then when I'm more settled and comfortable, increase the staff to a maximum of 15. Preferably I'd have 3 people in EST, 3 in GMT, as those are the most popular / active time zones on the server, I wouldn't be opposed to accepting people from outside that circle of time to accommodate for those that don't often see a Shop opening.


"Kanashii Yamafuchi"

The Shopkeeper's responsibilities consist of; meeting quota, opening and closing the shop, restock, hiring and firing, adverts, customer satisfaction, ect.
The overall job is to oversee and keep the staff-team smooth, and keep customers coming back. Shopkeepers may also be expected to deal with, KPD (in the case of a rowdy customer that refuses to leave). Shopkeepers may experience EMS in their Shop, for anything so simple as an allergy - or a stab wound. A Shopkeeper is expected to prepare for most, if not any possibility or outcome and should know when to refuse service.


The Managers job is second to the shopkeepers, on a more menial level they manage grievances in the store, staff complaints or customer complaints, they assist [the Shopkeeper with many tasks. Managers often take on the brunt of the restaurant, reservations, rowdy customers, empty shelves, missing items, all these are reported from the Wait-Staff to the Manager, who then brings it to the Shopkeeper.



Waitresses and Waiters have the heart and soul of any functional business with them, they speak and greet the customers, bus them their food, clean the tables and seat more guests. Waiters and Waitresses also inform the Manager, who informs the Shopkeeper that they're out of stock, or if someone refuses to pay, or if someone's simply too rowdy.


Bartenders, as their title tells you, tend the bar, this can consist of; cleaning the countertops, polishing glasses, putting on a small performance of shaking drinks, keeping customers entertained. Bartenders are not limited to just that, a Bartender is someone you speak to if you think someone is drunk and disorderly - they then bump that to a manager, then in turn to the owner. A responsible Bartender must know when to refuse service to someone who is intoxicated above a certain amount. And most importantly a Bartender MUST I.D EVERYONE.

Character Information

Character's Full Name:
The tone of her voice soft, as the question sat in the air for a moment, she waited for a response from the candidate.
"Your full name?"

A second voice entered, warm, soft and quiet, timid. Words flow out of her mouth like honey.
"Kanashii Yamafuchi."
Yamafuchi's palm raised, fingers tucking loose strands of hair behind her ear, the subtle jingle of her jewellery echoed the awkwardly tense room.

Character's Age (if accepted):
Scribbling sounds etch across the clip-board in the interviewer's lap.
"Your Age, Please."

Cough. The question stunting the woman's response, albeit briefly.
Though Kanashii's demeanour was timid and soft, she barely struggled in answering the question.

Character’s Nationality:
The woman took a moment to examine Kanashii's features.
"What is your nationality?"

Yamafuchi spun her thumbs between the hem of her black pencil skirt.
It wasn't long before the woman's head dipped down again, looking at nothing in particular.

Characters Marital Status:
Once more, the woman peered from her board, before dipping down, scrawling more notes out.
"And your marital status?"

Kanashii was unprepared for this question, her face flush with embarrassment, nervousness and an adamant desire to shrink back into the sofa.
"Unmarried, without a significant other."
Yamafuchi's hands come to curl a round her face, in an attempt to defend herself from her own embarrassment.

Character’s Spoken Languages:
The interviewer perked up now, adjusting her posture.
"Do you speak any languages?"

Tucking a hand behind her ear, touching the back of her earing she twirled it between her fingers.
"Only Japanese."
She was a native speaker, and only that, from what it appeared.

Previous Work Experience:
Finally into the juicy part of the interview, the woman crossed her legs, concealing the clipboard.
"Ms, Please list your previous work experience, if you have any."

Kanashii rested her palm upon the black fabric covering her thighs.
"Waitressing... for four years... and a Chef for Two, Ma'am.."
Yamafuchi faltered, briefly. Obviously the woman was intimidated by the interview.

The woman's voice sounded out one final time, the end of Kanashii's time in the interview.
"Thank you for your time, Ms. Yamafuchi."

Kanashii took to her feet, a paranoid stare. Yamafuchi lowered her head, then her torso into a formal bow.


"Thank you, Ma'am."

Kanashii made a nervous exit, always looking behind her head, watching for something. Paranoid.

Restaurant Name Backstory:


"A Fond Memory of Japanese Food."


Kanashii Yamafuchi..

Kanashii Yamafuchi spent endless hours in study halls and echoing chambers of her own misery to attend culinary school. Yamafuchi worked in order to fund the expenses, tuition, ect. Kanashii worked for several years when she wasn't in school or college, her first four years were spent waitressing at a place with low-reputation and abysmal hourly rates, however Yamafuchi took what was thrown at her, the verbal abuse, the docked pay - this was all for her dream, at least that's what she told herself. Over the countless days, months, years of verbal abuse Stress took a toll on Kanashii - the severe emotional distress simply being in the vicinity of the restaurant she worked at made her panic - the stress placed on her shoulders was far to much, and perhaps that aided in her ending up with Marie Antoinette Syndrome.

Yamafuchi was unable to take a break for her mental health, her next semester was just around the corner and on her current rate, she'd never make it. So, unfortunately she was forced to continue work, alas this is the truth for many people.

Kanashii found her next place of work within her school, a friend of a friends father was in need of a Chef, said friend may or may not have put in a word for Yamafuchi, vouched for her incredible culinary expertise. Kanashii pursued a in a restaurant called Washoku-Daidokoro, if ever pressured by the media, or the friend that landed her the job, she'd obviously commend how much of a dream it was to work in a kitchen, Kanashii received mistreatment from many of the head-chefs, most likely due to her inexperience. Yamafuchi remained in this job to provide for her final two years of Culinary school, and aside from the few bad memories she'd had a pleasant time there.

Stress was unavoidable.

Yamafuchi was in need of a place to stay and with hardly any money after tuition, meals out, she was left stranded, alone. After a brief outburst of emotional distress, breakdowns in the bathroom, crashing with friends, Kanashii's hair turned white overnight , and she was diagnosed with Marie Antoinette Syndrome. Fortunately for the Young Chef, she had an opportunity to make a name for herself, a small island off the coast, where no one knew her, where no one could judge her. Restaurants open left and right, she'd have to vie for her spot, her restaurant.

"Why Natsukashii-Wakoshu?"
"I Have a fond memory of Japanese Food."

Character Description:

Kanashii | Japanese features decorate the expanse of her ethereal appearance, a soft nose with a subtle curve upward, red-tinted lips that seemed to have been constantly chewed on. Bundles of White hair cascade and curl their way down Kanashii's form, at her hips is where the wisps of hair land. Yamafuchi had a "Sorrowful" Gaze, with drooped eyes and a nervous look laced deep within. Deep circles encase her under-eyes, purple and blue hues contrast her otherwise immaculate appearance. Curled over her own form in a hunch, Kanashii held herself in a paranoid manner. Yamafuchi wasn't a woman of intense size, she rested at 5'0, maybe smaller.

Overall, Kanashii Yamafuchi is an Ethereal beauty with words unable to capture her beauty, to describe her plainly would be an injustice.

I May be busy for the following week, due to tournaments, however that won't impact activity upon acceptance.

Additional notes about your application:

Do you have any questions?:

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