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Denied Uncapitable | Event Team Application


Level 68



Capitable | MAIN
Uncapitable | ALT

Explain your activity on the Server:
I am extremely active on the server- probably 5 - 7 hours a day, however- due to school, I might be able to play for like, 3 - 4 hours or so each day which is pretty much if you ask me.

What previous experience do you have working in a team?:
I have a lot of experience in working in a team; I basically have previous, and current experience.
I am currently leading a very well known organization with the name of The River. I am extremely good in working with others and/or listening to others.

The soon someone suggests me something, I always see it from their perspective first, thinking of what it could possibly look like, what the changes could possibly look like; if I don't like it, I just tell them that things can be changed to the suggestion or anything like that.

In short terms- I have a lot of experience in working with a team and/or interacting myself with them.

What makes you different from other applicants:
I do not think that I am different than other applicants. I give every applicant who is applying for this position the chance and opportunity to help the SRP Community with organizing amazing events for this server. Though- I think that I could be helpful due to the experience I have in working in a team, and/or my skill in thinking for new ways or new ideas/things.

I give everyone the chance to apply, I'd love to see them achieve so much and help the SRP community in any way. I am not different than others. I always try to help people in the best way and/or make them happy, and I honestly think that this would be the first step to begin with.

Provide a detailed event proposal that would be seen by the Event-Team:
I got 3 okay-detailed event proposals I think the Event Team would approve;

I have never, ever seen this event before. I of course have seen events where there was major weather, but not something about a tornado;

I was thinking about hosting, or making a Tornado event. The steps and all the things that has to be in the event are mentioned down below;

[STEP 1] | A live News Report.
The tornado is heading over to Karakura City; it's huge, very huge and major. A very loud siren would be heard from all over the town, broadcast messages would be send to people, mentioning the following;

"WARNING: This is an emergency message, broadcasting on all frequencies. Please, follow the following instructions and act accordingly: a tornado is coming to it's way to Karakura City. Everyone should get back to their apartments or houses and hide."

"Do not stay outside, the tornado is huge and major and will cause for a lot of destruction. Do not hide in your car. If your outside, and have nowhere to hide; look for the most nearby underground station and hide there."

"More information will be broadcasted again soon enough."

This broadcast will be mentioned in the chat through an OOC global, everyone will be able to see it.
[STEP 2] | The arrival of the tornado.
Now, I'm not quite sure if there are any tornado plugins or anything like that- though I think that it is not necessary to use a tornado plugin; the only things that are necessary in order to make this tornado happen, are /playsounds, staff members that have access to creative mode, and a full IC broadcast message.

People who stay outside whilst the tornado is in the city were warned when the tornado made it's way to Karakura City; which means that if they stay outside whilst the tornado is in the city, they would be harmed, or even killed because of the major weather.

The amount of staff members and event members that are needed for this event are mentioned down below;



[STEP 3] | The tornado heading out of Karakura City.
This event will last for a max of 45 - 60 minutes.

The soon the tornado made it's way out of Karakura, staff members need to break a certain amount of houses, a little part of apartment blocks, and etc.

Though, it would be more realistic if there was a real tornado plugin. This is a huge event and will cause for a lot of chaos, so a lot of staff members are needed for this event.

I have never, ever seen these types of events before. This would be a great thing to host, and it would be extremely exciting. How this will be organized and set up are mentioned in steps down below;

[STEP 1] | The school lockdown x the command.
There of course has to be a reason to lockdown the KHS; [IC] | A dangerous person has entered the school, they are armed and is being hunted by the KPD. Every single officer is looking for him, yet they figure out that the dangerous person is inside of school.

/event&6[ALERT] &fA dangerous man entered school, the school would immediately evacuate and lockdown. The gates would slowly be closing.

The KPD informs the KHS that the dangerous person who is on the loose, is inside the school; the school immediately locksdown and everyone hides. Whilst the dangerous person is inside the school, slowly the school employees see dead bodies near a certain amount of classes. The dangerous person would be killing a certain amount of students whilst being inside the KHS.

The KPD is still on the loose, they entered the school and are all armed. The KPD enters the school with a certain amount of FBI's; the person who is on the loose seems to be a extremely dangerous person who is capable of professionally murdering people.

The KPD find bodies everywhere, everyone is hiding and is terrified.

The dangerous person got caught by a police officer after a little while, the dangerous person would be shot in the leg and not be able to walk or run any further. Gun shots would be heard from around the whole school; the rest of the officers and the FBI's would run to the sound immediately and find the officer arresting the dangerous person.

OOC | The 'dangerous person' will most likely be a staff member, or a Event Team member. The police officers will be the current police officers that have the roles.

And the FBI's will most likely be the KPD's detectives. There is expected to be at least 3 - 5 FBI's.

This event will take over atleast 30 - 60 minutes, depends on how it goes. This event would be a SRP history event since something like this has never, ever happen or occur before.

[STEP 2] | Ending of the lockdown.
The ending of the lockdown will be simple; after the dangerous person has been arrested, there would still be a little chaos all over the school, but not as huge whilst the dangerous person was on the loose.

The dangerous person will be coming out through the front gates whilst being cuffed. Everyone will see who the dangerous person is.

The KPD Commission will be having a speech about this, where and when will be decided and figured out soon enough.

⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰​

You got 30 minutes to save someone. A innocent person is being held, hostage. Everyone in Karakura City received a message from an anonymous person. A message would be displayed, a video underneath the message would be send a few seconds after, mentioning; /event &6[MESSAGE] &f "Greetings, Karakura. You got 30 minutes to save them. If you are not on time, they die. TIP: [CODE MESSAGE PEOPLE HAVE TO FIGURE OUT]." |

/event &6[MESSAGE] &fA video would be send a few seconds later after the original message was posted.

The video would start playing, showing the following; the camera would be focussed on 5 hostages max, having their legs broken; all shivering and yelling in pain in a somewhat muffled voice. They would be taped, which causes their yellings to be muffled. A black figure, not easy to be recognized would appear from behind the hostages with a huge, sharp blade. The closer the figure came, the glitchier and odd the video became. | The video would begin freezing, glitching majorly after a few seconds, causing everyones phone to be shutdown for a few minutes because of the unexpected glitch.

⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰

[STEP 1] | The message.
This message will be send by a staff member through a /broadcast, mentioning the follow | "A message would be send to every single phone in Karakura. Message pop-up noises would be heard from everyone who had a phone on them."

The noise would sound like this; (1) Text Message Sound Effect - YouTube

[STEP 2] | The video.
For the video, we need a editor and someone who has a very good recording software and extremely good shaders.
The hostages in the video will be Event Team members.

A link will be mentioned in the broadcast that'll redirect to the video that was send by the anonymous person. The video will not be longer than 30 seconds.

The positions and all that will all be discussed with the Event Team members, it will all be seen in the video.

[STEP 3] | The hunt.
After the video was send to everyone in Karakura, people would be looking everywhere for the hostages, especially the KPD. The hunt will last for 30 minutes, if 30 minutes has been passed by, the hostages die.

Though- I had an better idea to make this more dramatic; another video would be send to everyone the soon their phone worked again, the video would clearly show them at a somewhat familiar spot everyone would know where it is which would give everyone in Karakura a easier chance to find the hostages. This video will be send when 20 minutes has been passed by.

A lot of people will come to the location due to it being a very familiar place. The KPD will of course show up and to make this more dramatic- I was thinking about leaving a 'gang member' with the hostages, having 1 hostage in a grip-lock with a knife. Threatening the officer to back up or else the gang member will slice their throat.

The gang member will most likely be someone from the Event Team, and the police officer(s) will be the regular police officers that have the current role. This event will be discussed with the KPD, the police officers will basically know how this event will work and will be able to know what their roles are in this event and what they are expected to do.

[STEP 4] | The ending.
The ending will be extremely dramatic. The hostage that would be in a griplock would be killed, the gang member sliced their throat. The KPD officers that were there would immediately fire at the gang member; officers who are there are expected to fire at least 4 bullets per officer to make it loud and more effective.

The other hostages that would be there in the video would be free, though not able to walk due to their legs being broken by the mysterious people in the video.

A lot of Hospital Staff members would come. This would be a very exciting event and easy to be organized.

⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰

NOTE: This event is originally planned by me, I am planning in hosting this event with my organization as soon as possible. | This thread will be editted as soon as possible for more extra- detailed things. I missed quite a few things in my application and I know it, my dear apologies, it will definitely be fixed soon enough!

OOC NOTES: The most used commands that will be used for these types of events are mentioned down below;

//wand [WorldEdit]
This was my Event Team application. I hope you enjoyed reading it and if you have any further questions, feel free to DM me! | lucee#5013.

Last edited:


Level 10

- Thank you for applying. But as a team, we have decided to deny your application. When more slots are open in the future you are welcome to apply again

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