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Accepted unposses' (unhaunt) Professor Application!!!


Level 0


✦ What is your Minecraft username?:

unpossess (main is unhaunt)

✦ What is your time zone?:


✦ What is your discord username?

✦ Link all previous applications you made on the server:


Moichido UVG

✦ Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

A 9.7, I mostly play around all times from Monday - to Thursday, As I don't currently go to school on those days I'm on all the time, during Friday I'll be on during the morning and mid-day. Saturday and Sunday are both days I have low availability, Due to this I can make up most of my time playing during the weekdays, as I'm currently not in college.

- Times Available -

Monday | All Times

Tuesday | All Times

Wednesday | All Times

Thursday | All Times

Friday | Wakeup - 5 Pm & 9 Pm - Sleep

Saturday | 10 AM - 1 PM & 9 PM - Sleep

Sunday | 5 PM - Sleep

✦ Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

I have been within the server since maybe 2019 or 2020. I first started the server mostly RolePlaying in school, but I got in many fights, leading to me starting GangRP and I picked up a lot of DetailRP and P2L. Though within my time on the server I was able to do CollegeRP and attend more serious classes and see how other teachers teach I am still doing GangRP and own a lovely Gang Named Moichido Yakuza. In this time I have learned a lot about DetailRP and how to detail an action of doing something. I have roleplayed with Cops doing PoliceRP and recently did some PainRP & EmergencyRP with EMS popping my bone into place. Recently I have been trying to attend more classes so I can see how each teacher/professor teaches classes. I have also played a little bit of MazeRP, learning how to do different styles of RP. MazeRP is just a lot of yapping and doesn't involve actioning to do something, which I love to do. So, I turned to trying to be a teacher!

✦ What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

[Grade-12] Ryu R. Fushiguro | unhaunt
[College][B] Ark F. Zol | unhaunt
[Grade-7] Talia Fushiguro | (what I will be applying on) | unpossess
N/A Slot | unpossess

✦ What is the subject you want to teach?:

Physical Education


✦ What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

I would like to become a professor since it involves more Roleplay, Since I have learned a lot about DetailRP I will involve that in teaching. Also, the server is called SchoolRP, It is the main aspect of this server and I would want to be more involved in it. Also, I would like to up my reputation on the server, as I'm only seen as doing GangRP, SchoolRP has a wide variety of things to do along with lots of people to meet. I think it could be quite fun being able to experience another type of Roleplay, Involving teaching, breaking up fights, and overall just interacting with other students and teachers as a professor.

✦ Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

1. VOLLEYBALL DAYY !!!: I would split the class into teams to fill the court, First I will do a demonstration of how to set the ball up in the air with another student, and everyone will go to their court and practice it. Once each student has learned how to do so we will learn how to Spike the ball. Once I do a demonstration of that they will go to the courts and practice that too. Then I will tell them to combine the 2 of them with another person and do the set into a spike. By the time they learn all that it will be the end of class, but if it's not they can have fun and do whatever on the courts!

2. BASKETBALL BASICS: During this class period I will teach the students how to simply shoot a ball into the basket, and how to pass the ball. I will do a demonstration with hopefully a Basketball student in my class, but if not I would ask if someone would come up and do the demonstration. After that, the students will either go into 2 or 4 teams practicing shooting and passing along with getting rebounds. Once they have been practicing for a few minutes or so I will bring the class back in and they will have to do a first to 10 points by 1s and 2s and the winner gets a prize!

✦ Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

The class would take a field trip to the beach! At the beach, the students will get active or relax in the sand. Students can have a jog along the water and play volleyball on the courts with their teacher. Students may also bring a swimsuit! for if they want to go swimming in the ocean, or have fun at the waterpark. There are many sports activities to do at the beach. If I were to have some kind of specific thing to teach, Miss Fushiguro would do volleyball or keepy-up on the sand, She would give demonstrations of what to do and how to do it. It can be from a basic serve to spiking, or other basic things. Miss Fushiguro would make sure the class would have fun at the beach! and make sure they get a great tan!


✦ Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

As soon as Miss Fushiguro saw the students she would verbally tell the students to get away from the bobcat jock, She would tell the college jocks to mind their business and not bully the lower classmen or anyone for that matter. If the jocks do not comply they will be given 1 more warning before She will issue out detention, and she would radio in a few other teachers to get the college jocks away from the high school students. Each student will receive a detention slip that surrounded the Bobcat for not listening to teachers, and bullying/fighting in school.

✦ Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

As Miss Fushiguro saw the student disrupting the class she would pay attention to him, and keep an eye on him. If the student keeps disrupting the detention, I would ask the student to keep quiet and stop disrupting the room, failure to do so means they will receive a few verbal warnings. If they are still being immature I will talk with the other faculty in the room, making sure I make the right move. If no one else is there I will contact SLT so they can receive a harsher punishment for disrupting the detention room.

✦ Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

Miss Fushiguro would verbally call them out in class telling them to put their phone away. If they refuse to do so I will then threaten detention and give them verbal warnings (most likely 2-3) They will most likely stop but if they continue to play music and disturb my class with the phone, I will walk over and take it keeping it on my desk until the class is over. The student will also receive detention at the end of the day for disturbing my class.

✦ Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

My character would immediately tell them to break it up and verbally tell them to stop and to not fight, if they keep continuing I will try and pull them apart. If that doesn't work and they keep throwing hands I will threaten SLT or Detention, If they continue to fight after that I will call on my radio for another teacher to help me pull them apart, all students involved in the fight will receive detention for fighting on school grounds.

✦ Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Talia is 5'7 and weighs around 114 lbs, her hair would be a dyed dark crimson red. Her eyes would be an emerald-like green with spots of brown in them. Talia would have an hourglass-like build with tattoos across her fingers and a tattoo that is on her right thigh.

Talia is very passionate about teaching and passionate about teaching students how to play sports and loves to tell them about the muscles that work your body during them. In her free time, she is an Athletic Teacher, she helps recovering athletes from injuries. If she isn't working she will most likely be found shopping for jewelry because she loves to collect earrings and nose rings, and she loves tattoos as she has lightning on her right thigh. Talia is super passionate about Volleyball because she played a lot in her high school and college days. She will also go to professional Volleyball games to see if she would be on their level (she always would.) Talia gets along with mostly everyone, and almost always has 1 thing in common with every person or teacher she meets. In the future she would like to teach until she grows old, she will retire from teaching, or maybe even retire being a coach for her kid's sports teams. Talia loves to interact with students and tell them about her past life.

✦ Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.

✦ Make sure this is over 100 words. ✦

Early life

Talia grew up in the Fushiguro Estate main household as one of the 10 kids of Sanahada Fushiguro. She grew up in tough times after losing her father but was able to put the sadness into Volleyball which she played at Karakura High as a Bobcat. Throughout the years she would dream of being a professional volleyball player but in her 12th-grade year of high school, she got an ACL Rupture and wasn't able to play again. Due to this, she had to find something else to do for college! She had perfect grades and was always getting to class on time.

College Life

Talia made her decision, she was going to study Physical Education since she loved to meet new people and thought teaching Physical Education would be wonderful! So she hit the books and decided to go to Osaka University in Osaka, Japan. During this time she lived in a small 1 room apartment with a microwave and not much spare money, During her time studying in Osaka, she figured out she would work as a personal trainer for people with athletic injuries since she learned a lot about what muscle does what and what bone does what when doing activities. She would soon graduate with a Major in Physical Education and a Minor in Athletic Coaching. She was able to get a Bachelor's Degree.

After College

After college Talia was able to get a Job close to where she graduated, she started teaching Physical Education at Shimizudani High School. She loved to teach and loved to meet other teachers and talk about their different teaching styles. After 6 years of teaching there, She would get homesick. She decided to move back to Karakura and go back to where it started. She wanted to teach at the place she loved most, Karakura High School & College.



꒰✧ Full Name:

Talia Fushiguro

꒰✧ Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Miss Fushiguro

꒰✧ Given Name(s):

Talia Fushiguro

꒰✧ Preferred Name:


꒰✧ Age:


꒰✧ Gender & pronouns:

Female | She/Her

꒰✧ Religious Denomination:


꒰✧ Marital Status:


꒰✧ Nationality:


꒰✧ Current Location:


꒰✧ SECTION 2: Academic Details

꒰✧ Teaching Experience (# of years):


꒰✧ Working Experience (# of years):


꒰✧ Academic Degree:

Bachelor's Degree

꒰✧ Year of Graduation:


꒰✧ Major(s):

Physical Education


Athletic Coaching

꒰✧Native Languages:


꒰✧Other Languages:

꒰✧Preferred Teaching Subject:
Physical Education

(if I'm not able to own a gang on my main while being a teacher on my alt it's okay I'm fine with being denied)

꒰✧Additional notes about your application (if any): this is my first app please be nice!
(a picture of my character in her casual wear)




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Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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