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Level 5

List any applications that you have created on the forums:



Describe your activity on the server:
I'm very active on SRP I would describe my activity to be a 9/10. I do work OOCly so that will effect my IC playtime, But other than that I'm always on the school roleplay server. and working on finding and expanding the world of criminal roleplay and gang roleplay. In the sever itself I primarily gang roleplay and secondarily life roleplay.

Specify your Discord name:

Specify the link to your gang's Discord: (This link must be permanent and have unlimited uses)
Rokuhara Tandai
Specify the number of members currently in your gang:
32 members in total

Specify one (1) idea for an event your gang would do:
EVENT NAME: Battle of three deities
I would like to do a 3-way war with Bonten and Valhalla like how they did in the Tokyo Revengers manga. Actually ICLY I'm going against both gangs right now and working on elevating the roleplay before we reach try to have the war. I feel as this war would be a great way to bring GANGRP back to its former spotlight as many other players feel like the CRIMINAL side of SRP is falling down in how much people want to CRIMINAL Roleplay in the server. We could also bring up the sales for BMD trying to prepare for a war and buying weapons which would help the entire Karakura Crime Underworld.

What is the name of your gang?:
Rokuhara Tandai

What are the themes/morals/beliefs/motives of your gang?:

- Rokuhara Tandai is a Japanese street gang based off of the gang from Tokyo Revengers.

- There Attires are a common black out & a mechanic jumpsuit with the Rokuhara logo plastered on the back.

- The Motives for them forming a street gang is because there father was the original leader. There father who name was Tamaki K. Takada went to jail shortly after he bought and sent all of his children plane tickets to fly them down to Karakura where he finally settled down.

Each one of his children getting them mailed to there address, After each one of them opening the getting the tickets excited to see there fathers the kids pack up and head down to the Airport.

Flying down to Karakura the first children to arrive were a young, Zai Takada, Mari Takada, Zay Takada. When they landed they headed to the location that was attached to the note gave them direction to apartment Complex H. While arriving and taking the elevator up to the 4 floor, They'd walk over towards the door.

They would see a posting from a government official with a check attached for 1000 Yen, The Letter attached read "Tamaki Ketsueki Takada Has been arrested for gang affiliation and more pending charges, Tamaki had notified us that his children are flying down here to live with him and we could not leave children with no food nor money. Take this check for 1000 Yen and spend it on whatever you need to get off your feet. Although this is all we can do for you, Thank you.

They would take the letter reading panicking and crying stressing about what they would do, Before a second letter fell out the posting. It would be a letter from Tamaki K. Takada, Telling them that he was sorry and will make it up to them. But one message stuck out the most it was a message for Zai Takada, Telling him being the oldest he needs to take care of his siblings at any cost.

With that posting there was another location edged into the 1st letter of the words, It would be a street name Zai and his brothers decoding the message picked up on it and headed to the location.

Not long before they walk in they were greeted by what was left of the Rokuhara Tandai, They quickly picked up on the resemblance in the children and quickly picking up on them being Tamaki's children. The Current lead taking place for Tamaki's arrest was Tenshi Yamashita. He'd be a sorta mentor to the children teaching them to take his spot and continue the gang and earn money for themselves.

The Rokuhara Tandai street gang motives are to step on anyone who try's to get in there way, with the Government taking there father away there hatred grew for Police officers the people who took the man who was supposed to take care of them. Forcing them to live this lifestyle, So Rokuhara decided to give them hell. The Rokuhara Tandai also values power, respect, loyalty, attachment, commitment, protection, security, unity, and acceptance. But among all those things they value and believe the world will be better without a strict and overpower government controlling it all. In greater detail the Rokuhara Tandai wants nothing more than to free the people of KARAKURA From the misleading governors, and government that controls it.


What differs your gang from the rest of the unverified gang roster and other applicants?:
The management and activity, We also are one of the few actual street gangs in Karakura. They fear nothing and want nothing but victory, with there fired sprits they will achieve greatness.

What reputation does the gang uphold in-character at the moment? Where are they most actively present?:
We are one of the most active gangs in the server right now, Fighting Kyogoku-Shyryo with them being one of the other most active gang in the server there name is definitely well know, and with the scare on the mayor of Karakura that boosted them to a iconic state of popularity. The gang is also known for their many small and big businesses they have in Karakura such as, Alcohol Distributing, Weapon Reselling and Bodyguard services.

Write a paragraph describing your gang and showcasing what they are capable of: (This is for the unverified gang roster. This section must have under or a maximum of 250 words and cannot go over this number; otherwise, your application will be denied)
The Rokuhara Tandai, a once-revered Karakura street gang, found themselves in a never-ending battle with their hated enemies, the merciless SCORPIO gang. Initially, the Tandai stood firm, their fiery determination unrivaled. SCORPIO's crafty methods and overwhelming might, on the other hand, finally led to the Tandai's demise, and the city came under their repressive dominion. But, just when hope seemed to fade, a gleam of resistance sprang from the shadows. The Rokuhara Tandai, reborn from the ashes of defeat, revived their fiery spirit and began on a daring journey to regain Karakura. The Tandai launched a strong and unrelenting war against anyone willing to fight, aiming to retake their throne and reassert their dominion over the city they once called home, fueled by their shamelessly merciless code of stepping on anybody who attempted to hinder their way. Rokuhara Tandai are back an they are after heads.
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Level 272
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead


Thank you for applying. However, I don't find Rokuhara suitable for Unverified at this time​

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