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uouu's KPD application


Level 9
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
uouu (applying on/main acc)


Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?:

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
2020 [KPD]
2020 [EMS]

2023 [EMS]

Describe your activity on the server:
I am thoroughly active each day and every week. I log on my primary account 'uouu' and RP with friends that I know of, create RP scenarios with my other adult character. However, you may notice this gap between 2020 and 2023 for the faction applications. That is since, I believe I quit KPD early 2021 since I was going for female high school football captain, when it first got introduced. Which I did get and got occupied with, all the way till 2022 then had a break from SRP and came back autumn 2023. From there I have been in the same sports faction, female football that I was busy with until mid-June 2024. I have two characters I prioritize and still find things to do most of the time. Regardless, if I'm not on SRP; I'm most likely just out with friends for the night or day or playing other games. Onto general activity, I'm available to reply on discord unless I'm asleep. I should be awake most of the time in the afternoon, my time till past midnight. It all depends but I log on everyday, that's a promise. I give my activity a solid 9/10.

What is your motivation for applying?:
One thing about me is I lowkey will always have a passion for things that interest me the most. Topics like forensics, investigations and criminology in general, intrigue me a lot. Even now I still really find health-work, the anatomy and such things regarding emergency services exciting and it just interest me so much that it will always be in the back of my mind. Both OOC and IC. I still have no clue where this passion came from, where and when it got me hooked - from true crime documentaries, criminal psychology, interrogations, cases. . The list goes on. All I can say it's fascinating and cool, truly.

I have been in both emergency factions before and both are equally amazing, at that time you couldn't be on both, but I was on KPD for a short period of time before getting hit with a difficult decision so this time I really want to give it another go! Since my schedule is free and I have no important roles - I can passionately put in lots of time and effort into KPD. I'd wanna see myself strive and commence further character development.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?:
As an Ex-KPD and Ex-Doctor CL - I definitely have the basics down still. As far as I remember, there are various of scenarios to go through, trainings, quotas (such as arrests), taking mugshots, on duty patrol. Those are few things I can list from the top of my mind, however starting as a Cadet, I recall you cannot leave the station at all, at least never alone. If you were to patrol it'd have to be with a higher-up or permission from a higher-up to go with, as an example, a patrol officer.

I am taking this from assumption, and awful memory but I assume somewhere from the main division, you have the option to choose the detective path if you want to. I'm still iffy on that but what I can say is I'm truly aware that each rank have different duties and do's and don'ts. I'm not gonna sit here and lie through each or take a guess but a few of them speak for themselves and as for others, I have forgotten and actually don't know their specifics. I know the few roles you start with don't permit you to do this and that, I get the idea. What I can say is that I'd love to expand my knowledge, put in the most effort I can and motivate myself. I will never turn down an opportunity of change or constructive criticism. We help each other in and out. With all that being said; it's been years since I involved myself and I can imagine the faction and rules have changed.

At last I will list the rankings of both existing divisions.

Patrol Officer

Detective Superintendent
Detective Chief Inspector
Detective Inspector
Detective Sergeant
Detective Constable

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?:
Imagine the KPD faction did not exist... Where would all the adrenaline-rush and risk go? There's no batman as of now and I imagine there'd never be. Jokes aside, for GangRP to be important and fun, there must be a counter. Same for KPD, though GangRP may not always be the case. I find both roles extraordinary and fascinating. Many RP opportunities and character development! Either way, these two need each other. Actually, the town of Karakura does. It is the KPD's duty to keep Karakura safe and protect from all possible criminal activity. Sure, there's levels to how important each call report is. It varies from delicate duties like, fining somebody for carrying alcohol while underage, maybe intoxicated in public - to investigating gang activity, search warrants and more so severe emergencies. KPD is here to ensure the safety of Karakura's environment regardless of what it may be. This city is in their arms.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?:
Yes, understood.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Tomine Ogawa

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female, preferably she/her

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Bachelors degree in Criminology

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

A strong figure located at 5'7'', adorned by short black hair, framing her static facade with a smile placed upon often. Something just screams harmless and friendly.
Tomine normally sports casual clothing with color or anything designer. Let's be real, she may be pretty and look boring, yes... her personality on the other hand, is the opposite. (NOT BORING) She's the type of mother to join her kids for trick or treating because she wants to wear a costume but her heart cares for them too much and her soul wants to spend as much time with them as possible. Wholesome if you ask me. Tomine treats others with proper respect, manners and some banter on the side if she finds it fitting. Other than that, she's laid-back and supportive.

Nonetheless, Tomine is active and ready for whatever's possible. In terms of emergency situations, it's hard to keep calm and easy to forget everything and rather resort to panic. "What do I do again..?!" < That is not the case for miss Ogawa. Her ability to break things down and respond correctly to different scenarios is a great strength. Her care, love and protectiveness is like no other. I promise you she puts others first rather than herself. Even criminals have family, yes, but what's done is done and you'll get what's coming to you.

Onto the more fun bit! You see, she is quite the snack-lady. Raisins, sunflower seeds, cupcakes, oranges, candy. She loves it all. Don't worry, she keeps her physique strong and fit by working out precisely and frequently. No harm in a little sweet tooth? "
Cough candy is my favorite. What about you?"

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

If we're talking professional, she is collected and keeps her composure. Her choice of words have transitioned to more formality and a hint of delicacy. The lady is not a complete statue. She communicates what's necessary and does what needs to be done. She won't hold back. That sounds a little too scary for her. Tomine is still easy to get along with! - and keeps those near her safe.

Casually, she will sneak in a joke for some laughter or spread a smile around. Putting her professionalism to the side, she's damn right witty and fun. Like a ray of sunshine, the coffee you need before starting your morning, the ingredient you can't miss when baking your favorite dessert, a true important essential in every-day life. That's how Tomine views herself and even others in many aspects. Meaning not only she treats people with care and respect but values them at the same time. No matter who you are, you are important in someone's life.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Alright now this comparison might be weird, but it makes sense in my head. Imagine all of the factions as the 5 senses. Touch, sight, smell, hearing and taste. Now what will the other be if you lost one? Sure you'd still manage but it would suck, right? Take that as an example of every-day jobs. They're completely necessary and important no matter what role you're playing. Now put yourself in a spot where teamwork works perfectly, you executed a mission greatly together and another where it lacks. Communication is non-existent or poor, others aren't abiding, people lack of trust and complaints regarding this and that. For teamwork to make the dream work, it's got to have the bare planks holding it together. No matter how small your role may be, you're doing just as much as everyone else! We've all got responsibilities shaped in different forms and we can all bring them on the table together as long as we cooperate and got each other.

Onto co-workers, Tomine adores every single one and sees them as nothing more but dear friends. She can trust them and communicate openly with positivity or worry. If a colleague were to concern her, Tomine wouldn't hesitate to ask what's bothering them nor helping them in needy situations. Whatever it may be, it's important, they're like family.

What's your character's backstory?

In the heart of the city Nagasaki, Japan; Tomine Ogawa had been born and welcomed. In Kanji, Tomine means good fortune, beauty and sound. Her beloved parents raised her well enough to be classified as spoiled but not bratty. Tomine never had any interest in further gifts, money or another private school. She values time, care and effort. Actions speak much louder, in her mind. Her childhood up to 13 years young was nothing special. In the home with two pets, many friends to laugh with, tennis practice, school clubs and last of all parents. . meaning she's an only child. This seems pretty neat, right? Surely there's nothing to complain about... That's always what people said to her, whenever she spoke her mind about how no one dares to express themselves the way they want to. Everyone was the same. Did she actually feel alone and lonely during this time? If she were to tell you that she wanted to live a normal, average life.. you'd laugh, wouldn't you?

So we're in Junior High, soon to be in High-School. Nothing has changed though, still in Nagasaki. You think she'd dare to run away? No. Anyway, as the vice-president of fashion club with many meetings whilst still occupying herself with tennis practice. It... was soon kicking her. High-school is coming. What is she gonna become when she's older? It's not always a good thing to be openminded. Since Tomine Ogawa was the type of woman, or girl that had many dream jobs in mind. From pilot, to baker, professional kickboxer, working in the beauty industry. . Those were all dream jobs she had in mind as a youngster, out of the many. Though a certain title captured the spotlight of her mind - a dermatologist. She obviously was not familiar with that word however working in a Spa and taking care of people's skin, somehow fascinated her. She marked her official trail. Dermatologist it is!

Well, oh boy. Tomine is officially growing up before realizing. She's in that timeframe where everything changes. Her persona, love interests, hobbies, appearance, style. You name it. This was rather quick. Finally in High-school, yes still in Nagasaki - Tomine dropped tennis and lost her taste in fashion, meaning the club no longer sparked her interest. She didn't know growing up this way meant forsaking your family at home. A huge part of her changed, no - Tomine actually had no idea this whole time. Up until her age of 18, both her mother and father hid a secret. A tragic one. Tomine's father, was originally a wanted criminal. Like the huge gang boss you can imagine, committed many crimes and participated in gang activity. Do you see where this can go? Either, the word spreads around and everyone bashes Tomine for it or, she simply despises her father and wants to become nothing like him. Some things you can't have in this world and Tomine received both of these options. Which fueled her mind and hatred for her father. Now it makes sense, wherever all that money came from that made her receive such a privileged life. Don't forget, she was constantly picked on and called harsh words due to her father's title. He did nothing about it. Of course not, she isolated away and refrained from talking to them at all. It didn't seem he cared about that. She hated all the gifts."Happy birthday Tomine, iPad for you in the bag. Love you." Filthy money. What parent figure chooses a gang over her daughter? Indeed, scrap out dermatologist.

The sudden turn in her path was devastating. Although serving as a police officer wasn't what scared her. It's how her head was replaying what it'd be like arresting him one day. Sure she could tell on the police in Nagasaki, but she had no great evidence nor couldn't bring herself to do it. It was aching and breaking her heart. So badly, she started leaning towards someone else, opening up and receiving comfort. That soothed her mind and made her feel safe. Tomine was seeing a boy. . man, yes.. Soon to be boyfriend. Whom was on her side and motivated her for studies, exams and climbing her way up there. What nobody expected, was two twins. In 2006, twin boys had arrived! Woohoooo. In the span of a year of knowing the guy, they both officially became parents and married one another. Luckily, her man was wealthy too with legal money. So, they'd move in together in a home, safely but surely raise two boys while Tomine focused on her studies to achieve her dream career. Her dad was still in the back of her mind.

Whenever our dear Tomine is determined, she IS determined. You bet she's going for that degree. Bear in mind she had children to take care of, so this took longer than usual as she was permitted to re-take classes later in the future due to raising two boys. That was no trouble since the Ogawa twins were soon hitting teenage years in the span of this timeline, Tomine settled and went for the goal. Occupying herself with college and university. You'd guess right that she passed her exams, built her credit to the ideal score and receiving a bachelors degree in Criminology. Just a couple references, CVs to hand out and training to get to! She's about to do it, starting as an officer. . while it feels like it was yesterday she figured out about her father. Has she moved on? It's not been crossing her mind lately... Though rumors say, her father is no longer in Nagasaki. No word from him either. She didn't let that stop nor break her. Years pass by while succeeding as an officer and she's her hitting 30s. . her boys closer to the age of 18 than 10 and a beloved husband working his ass off.

Before you know it, both of the twins have grown to the exact age Tomine was when she broke. They had a normal, still spoiled... life in Nagasaki. Excluding the part where they wouldn't feel lonely, Tomine made sure of that. She'd never want them experience the same as she has. It became emotional to witness it. She's practically became what she dreamt of ever since the secret hit her. However, the bitter feeling still lingered. Could it be the city's fault? Was she able to let go of her homeland? You could. . say that. A couple encouraging words coming from her son, regarding a new town. What if she's unlucky here? Will things be better or worse? We'll see.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?:
''No, possession of a pocket knife is illegal to carry which will result in an arrest on the said person. Not so slick...''

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription:
''Paracetamol - Melatonin - Glasses - Multivitamins - Eyepatch''

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
''HEY!!.. Not a pleasant sight at all to say the least. If I am alone with my co-worker, oh boy, I’ll resolve into enabling my body-cam and radio for back-up. Shortly after that, attempt to intervene the two and do my best to put an end to the situation until my backup has arrived. Now, my colleague got to calm down and explain themselves after being separated. Is the poor inmate alright? Of course not, EMS would be needed to - depending how critical the victim's injuries are. Paramedics on the way. Seriously though. .This is nowhere okay and shouldn't be taken lightly. I’ll make sure it won't. Referring to a strict arrest, not violence.''

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
''Inform the radio and request back-up. I'll waste no more time and get my taser out before assisting my co-worker the best I can. Arrest any involved for assault on a government official. If they possibly evade - close down the further escape routes by blocking them with officers on duty, and communicate your location. I can assure that won't happen with my chase abilities, but. If... And also don't forget to get my co-worker treated by the EMS for any injuries.''

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?:
''Interesting, wow… Is it appropriate to provide more information regarding it? Like, an interrogation almost. Maybe they'd believe I'm on their side so I can gather more evidence without an eyebrow raised! I am too nosy. . probably not. I guess it’s best for me to gather the evidence and report it to the first higher-up I can reach at said moment, ideally whoever is on-duty.''

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?:
''That sounds ridiculous. I’ll keep my composure, laughing is not very appropriate even if I’d really like to. I will not accept nor listen. Tell them to not attempt such a thing again. They continue? Oh my goodness... I mean, do people enjoy getting cuffed and arrested? What’s the point? Charge the fella a fine for attempted bribery. The safety of this city matters more to me - not foolish money.''
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Level 317
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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