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In Progress UPDATED ‣ PRIEST: Sōzen Tachitsu.


Level 7
Sorry for the re-upload, I wanted to redefine and sort out my application ❤

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section




I do ! I'm partially mute and have a speech impediment but I'm happy to use it!

Currently, I'm online everyday for at least 4-5 hours. I attend college on Wednesday and Thursdays and have to do quite a bit of training/exercise so I will have a couple days where I'm not able to get on for as long but nothing where I'd be inaccessible! Not only that, I'm always available on discord to be contacted; so it's like I'm always there.

I'm applying for the position of Priest for the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery.

Currently, my knowledge is very basic as there is not much documentation readily available, especially in English! But if provided I would be thrilled to indulge myself in Shintoism as I believe it's practises are truly wonderful, many of the displays and rituals are incredibly artistic and I believe it should be preserved and honored; to be able to do that would be amazing.
I understand the presence of many Kami, not just the existance of one; each Kami making up the world around us and our natural scenery, that Kami reside within Shinto shrines and are both cared for and entertained by worshippers and shrine staff alike. It is common for those who visit shrines that are accustomed to walk on the left side of pathways, as the centre is reserved for the Kami living amongst them. Before a set of Torii gate or a singular torii gate, those passing through must bow beforehand in a sign of respect, as once passing through; it is believed you are within the Kami's plane and not your own, like a guest to someone's home.

I believe I stand out more than other applicants due to my previous roles and prior experience being a maiden, I have always been one for detailRP and have years of experience within doing literate writing, literateRP and longer actions that describe my characters movements. Alongside this having a character within a family that has many connections will bring an interesting dynamic, as the Tachitsus' are generally extremely close with Shintoism through their marrital rituals and events, which would strengthen the bond between the family and the monastery much more.

I acknowledge that by submitting this application I am putting my time towards a faction that I will have enough time to set aside and fully dedicate myself to the training, detail and involving myself in a niche RP side of schoolRP that not many are fortunate enough to experience, and I will take the joy of being accepted to heart and attempt to develop the monastery, its Kami and staff to be enjoyable for people from all other positions on SRP.

In-Character (IC) Section

Sōzen Tachitsu



Complicated. (Unmarried)





The male sat down, dusting off his shirt and looking up at the interviewer, bringing forth a soft smile that tugged his cheeks up to crease his tired eyes. " My reason for applying is very personal to me, my family has closely followed Shintoism and still incorporate so many parts of modern Shintoism into their lives, rituals and more. We hold remembrances for those passed here, I know I and many others come here to pray, and that our marriages can only be truly officialised done through the shrine, as it is the most important way to remember our heritages and where we come from." He clasped his hands together. "I want to provide the sanctuary and peace this place brings me to other people, because becoming at peace and being able to connect to your surroundings is the best possible way to engage with the Kami positively... At least in my experience." He chuckled softly, bowing his head. "Thank you."

The male brought a finger to his chin, tapping it in thought before sighing. "From memory, I can recall a great tragedy that struck the Monastery, forgive me if such topic is a difficult one; but I believe the lows must be recorded and etched in stones as much as the highs. I remember a great fire, I believe it to be in the 90s; sudden and violent, it quickly swallowed the Monastery and lapped away at whatever wood it could find, leaving remnants of the horrific event charred and secluded in the caves of this beautiful realm, the Kami were forced to leave in such an event, and the abandonment caused great horrors to befall Karakura as a result, earthquakes, chaos... it was only until they decided to pay more attention to the shrine, and to rebuild it to what it is today that peace began to take hold once more, and that it would become as great as it is today. To say I am proud, an understatement. This place is an area of Godhood and cherished memories for so many... Truly the rebuild is.. monumental." He smiled genuinely, glancing around the room that they were in with a reminiscent expression.

The letter would be penned by hand with a fountain pen on a lavish piece of paper using cursive handwriting, eloquent yet not hard to read. It was clearly a practised art.

Dear Monastery Lead,

I write to you today in hopes of getting your attention, upon the rebuilding and renovation of the shrine, I have seen great pride; monumental events, loving stories and more... The monastery has become a great place, and firstly I must thank you for this. Though, this would not be a letter of thanks without me asking for something in return, which may seem selfish... but I only hope for you to listen to me as you read this to yourself.

In ages of prosperity, joy and laughter.. the shrine has become bustling with students, teachers, and adults alike, hoping to either interact with the Kami, or simply take in it's peaceful environment... due to this, I believe that the shrine could always use a helping hand; which leads me to my main point. I kindly ask of you to consider taking I, Sōzen Tachitsu, in as a staff member for the Monastery. Humbly, I would accept even an opportunity to lend a hand unpaid to ensure that the shrine is maintained to the best standard, and kept safe from the evils of this world; of which I would hate to see the shrine struck by tragedy again.

I hope that this would be possible, as I have been a frequent visit, and this is a holy place for my entire family; it would be an honour to be able to stay amongst the Kami in such a place, upon the mountaintop. I happen to be quite an active man; able to lift heavy items, bring things where they need to be, and a handyman; so I am told by my mother. If these skills could be of use to you, I implore you to seek me out, for I will be willing to lend each hand I have, and also my soul.

Thank you.
Sōzen Tachitsu.
There would be an omamori attached.

Extra Character Information [Optional]

Though his personality will be described within his backstory, here is a modern overview of Sozen and how he interacts with those around him.

Sozen Tachitsu is a man that struggles with social anxiety, and commonly has issues speaking up about what he needs, though has no issue correcting others due to his past in the army. He most commonly speaks in a soft, deep gravelly voice with a stoic expression; though behind this forced confidence, he is an artistic and mindful man with a passion for Shintoism. Sozen practises art and dance in his free time, and intermixes this with his love for Shintoism by performing his own Kagura dance and own routines, both by himself and when he has volunteered with shrines prior, mostly soon after he had left the army. Beneath a rough exterior lies his self expression, as he crafts paintings and designs from the petals of flowers he grew from his own apartment to recreate both scenes of Kami and those of which he had seen during his time being deployed. While his art has no meaning, the true intention of his creative nature is to mask his anxiety and paranoia surrounding his PTSD, art being the best way he is able to distract himself alongside his practise of Shintoism.
Sozen believes that the Tachitsu family is under punishment from the Kami, a generational curse that they must work hard to uplift; due to the events surrounding Metagarou. Upon witnessing the actions of Ryoichi and other family members, he has deemed their family to be in karmic debt to the citizens of Karakura, causing them to act impish. By sticking close to Shintoism and his moral values, Sozen hopes to free his family of their chains and return the Tachitsu family to the protective nurture of Karakura's resident Kami, no matter how big of a task it may be.
He is incredibly protective of his family, and his hom apartment, not too far from the shrine, beholds 2 Kamidana, and ofudas containing protective scripture in hopes that it brings those who enter the shielding they need. Though this plays into his paranoia, the act of creating offerings to the Kami, such as tamagushi and his popular salmon fillets is one of his biggest comforts he can provide for himself.
Sozen Tachitsu's in home Kamidana, laiden with filleted salmon as an offering.

Sozen is a tanned male, standing at around 5'7 with a stern expression. His body is covered in scars, the most notable being upon his right leg; third degree burns slashing at the skin towards the nub at the thigh; where the rest is replaced by a worn plastic prosthetic. His hair is dark and fluffy, curling around his war-torn face; which has a significant scar over his eye. As he has aged, Sozen's face has wrinkled to get smile lines, severe eye bags and forehead wrinkles which make his sharp features more recognisable - defining his face with a mature look.
His body is slightly chubby, being just above average weight; though despite this, he maintains a healthy amount of muscle as well as a higher body fat due to his strength, diet and workout routine. More scars are littered across his body, as well as remnants of flower petals and paint, of which he uses to create portraits and paintings of various scenes in a messy manner. The male is lightly perfumed with the scent of sandalwood from his many visits to the shrine and from being around lots of incense, which only serves to accentuate his calming aura, a stark difference to that of the rest of the Tachitsu's. On his back, a tattoo in a thick font covers part of his left collarbone, reading "Xin-Hai. Forever 28." a tribute to his former assumed lover.

- Sozen has participated in a card reading / fortune telling with Haruka Sakura-ki, to learn the process.


Taking life as it comes is not everyone's strong suit... such as Sozen's.
Sozen Tachitsu was born in the midst of a snow storm, late December, the day before Christmas Eve. The hospital was snowed in, though luckily the birth was easy. He was a quiet child, barely uttering a babble or cry, except for his needs... a blessing in such a already overwhelming household for his parents.

The boy grew quite fast, wobbling around at 3 months on his knees and hands, and managing to prop himself up soon after. His development was something monumental for him, but not for his parents; who had seen it before with his siblings and were later unimpressed by his efforts. He took to school well, though never spoke... not one person even believed he could, though he could certainly understand what others said about him. "Strange", "Creepy", "Piercing eyes.." He was described as, though his childish mind couldn't comprehend how he was so different, he simply moved on. It was at 8 the child spoke for the first time, uttering to himself during his extra curricular work, only to fall upon deaf ears; as no one was nearby. It were as if he were a ghost to his family.

Highschool came with little promise. His grades were beginning to average out, and he was still a recluse; not a friend in sight. He was tired of it all, and finished high school, barely passing with minimal grades; instead he intended to leave for the army.

He left as he had came, silently, and without acknowledgement, the air around him as cool as the storm the day he was born as he was deployed for the first time. Though tradegy would strike later in his military career. A silent strategist he was called, he specialised in directing troops to where they need to be and mocking up plans for missions; which landed him in a higher-up role...until there was an explosion in the night.

The base they had been staying at had been in hostile territory, and unbeknownst to the soldiers stationed there, they had come under siege. Sozen was tasked with fixing the site's boiler with his partner at the time, though during the seizure the boiler was badly damaged to the point of exploding, the main explosion causing him to lose his lower leg and be bound to a wheelchair for months before he could receive a prosthetic. He often re tells this story as one of caution, to always watch oneself and ensure the safety of those around you at all time; especially since the shrapnel of the boiler's explosion led to his partner losing his life that night.

Sozen sat upon the shrine, painting a brutal scene from petals and many shades of acrylic paint. His eyes grim with the memories as he did so, as he attached the petals to the painting to give it texture; he spoke. ❝ This portrait defines one of the most important memories I have. The loss of my ... I believe to be romantic partner, Xin-Hai. We were so close when we were stationed out in the wilderness, each night we would sneak off to the abandoned shrine near the encampment, like bewildered lovers; we would hold one another under the moonlight amongst the Kami that lived there, talking and laughing to each other... ❞ Sozen turned away, shaking his head as tears began to form at the corners of his eyes. ❝ My first and only lover, my darling Xin-hai.. We spoke the night away, and eventually were made partners within our base. We found it to be a blessing, perhaps it was some sort of... un-official wedding before our sudden departure from one another. It was that dreaded day within the boiler explosion that I lost him, boiling water flooded the room and... I had to leave him behind to save my men, I hope he forgives me, for I have not yet... forgiven myself. ❞ His darkest moments revealed, as he turned, the cherry blossom petals surrounding him blew gently in the wind, a reminder of the soft winds that once encompassed Xin-Hai and Sozen during their warm embraces. The painting, finished then, depicted the brutal scene, the water made up of blue petals, and the depiction of Xinhai was made of Sakura petals from the shrine itself. ❝ May we meet once more, once the Kami have forgiven my family, Xin-Hai. Perhaps.. it was our familial curse, though one cannot be sure... ❞

Once he was discharged with severe trauma and injuries, he returned to Karakura, hoping to seek new peace... and despite his newfound confident in himself, something still irked him. Needing to plan meticulously each day, and stick to a strict schedule.. he was stressed by his own being. Attempting to follow this schedule to remind himself of his time in the army, and frequently waking at 4am with reminders for roll-call, he can only find peace within the city's mountains now, and brings himself there for comfort. Though, luckily, comfort has found him. One of his first friends, Haruka, a maiden; she encourages him and uplifts him and despite his tough exterior, he has brought hismelf to open up to her about his feelings, sexuality... and about Xin-Hai. Hopefully, this new peace will envelop his life to bloom anew, just as the sakura blossoms of the shrine bloom.

Self-Knowledge Details
Forgive me for my lack of knowledge, if I get details wrong, I hope to re-learn what I once knew, but it has been quite a while since I studied Shintoism!

What duties do Shinto Priests and Maidens have?:
Working at the shrine is quite tasking, priests and maidens must ensure the up keep of the shrine, not only for those who visit, but for the Kami that reside within the shrine as well. They may sell goods, such as omamoris, perform dances and rituals, offer tea and support for those visiting the shrine, and can provide fortune slips to those attending. They can also help visitors fulfill plaques and make wishes.

What are the steps needed to be taken at the purification trough before entering the Shrine?:
To cleanse oneself before enterring the shrine, they must use a wooden ladel, using the water provided to first use the right to place water into the left, before transferring the ladel into the newly cleansed left hand to cleanse the right. Once this is complete, using the ladel the individual must cleanse their mouth with the water, draining any remaining water down the ladel by holding it upright to clean the ladel for the next individual. It is then that they are able to enter the shrine.

How are offerings to a Kami performed?:
Offerings to Kami are preformed by the leaving of money [often small sums] or food [cooked or otherwise] these are placed before the offering box, which is usually a wooden structure with a sacred bell hung above. Upon leaving this, a priest may recite prayers, also known as norito, though everyday people can perform offerings too. After this is done, each ritual is different for various people and areas across Japan, but to outline the main process; you ring the holy bell with the provided rope, bow twice, clap your hands twice, and then you may recite your prayer, finishing with a third and final bow. While this is common, you can simply leave food and money at shrines without praying in return to simply pay your respects.

How do you perform a tea ceremony ritual?:
Traditionally held in a tea room upon a tatami floor, a tea ceremony is performed by summoning; often by bell. The host will deeply clean the utensils before the event begins before the guests are invited into the tea room. Guests will share a bow with the host and will then will then serve the tea to the first guest, who will raise the bowl or cup in respect before drinking from the back of the cup, complimenting the tea, this is carried out by each guest as the tea is shared between one another.

Explain what a Tamagushi, Ofuda and Kagura Suzu is and what they're used for:
Tamagushi - A branch from a sakaki tree decorated with strips of silk or paper, maidens or priests may present these as offerings for Kami during special events or rituals.

❝ Ah, tamagushi. The delicate art of creation is something I enjoy sincerely, taking the branches of the evergreen sakaki tree and using fabric shide to affix to them is my second favourite part of being at the shrine. I enjoy teaching the young how to create them, and I often speak prayers upon each tamagushi I make to ensure that when offered, they bring upon joy to the Kami. ❞

Ofuda - A talisman, usually paper or wood, which is said to be imbued with the power of Kami depending what is enscripted upon it, such as protection, banishment etc.

❝ Ofuda. One of my most important items, sigils of protection that bring upon us the Kami's blessing and protection from evil spirits. I also keep beans on me, though that is to protect my children from Oni. They can be carried or hung in doorways or in areas with highly negative energy. I choose to enscribe prayers and incantations onto my Ofudas by hand, though many you can purchase from shrines. ❞

Kagura Suzu - A ritualistic instrument used during the Kagura dance to entertain the Kami. A set of bells upon a wooden base which often tells stories. Often held by Mikos during the dance.

❝ Kagura Suzu, I am highly familiar with these, as I previously participated in many Kagura dances during my time in Osaka, before I came to Karakura. These set of 12 bells are beheld by Mikos during our sacred dances. Truly gorgeous woods with only the highest quality bells to entertain the Kami with.. ❞

Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship?:
Sozen would worship Sarutahiko Ōkami .

If you have any questions, just drop me a DM!
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Level 84
Community Team
Lore Team

Due to the amount of positions open within the team and the sheer number of applications the team has chosen to place you onto pending. Next round of applications your application will be reviewed and either denied or accepted depending on who else has applied.

Please DM divingblues if you want to have your application removed or change it.


Level 49
Shrine Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply but unfortunately we have chosen to deny your application as others stood out more.

You are free to apply again in the future!

If you have any questions please DM me on discord via randomlyaccepted.​

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