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[UPDATED] Melena Makiyato's Biography


Level 1

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Physical Character Description
A 5'4 Blasian (Black-Japanese mixed) girl with black hair that flows down to her midback.

Her eyes are slightly narrow and hooded with full lips to match. Her figure would be slightly average but not fully, being more bottom heavy than top heavy (think of a pear shape :]). Her default accessories consist of pink acrylic nails, shiny gloss on her lips, and gold hoop earrings to compliment the entire look. If you see her walking around then she'll most likely be wearing some kind of green on her outfit. Green is everything to her.

Personality Description
Melena can be described in multiple ways depending on who she's with. Some people may describe her as a quiet bystander, some may describe her as a goofy and energetic spirit, and others could just call her "out of pocket". The truth is she's all three, all depending on how she feels at the moment. Even despite all of these traits (positive or negative), she carries herself with confidence that radiated off of her skin. She did tend to be a bit of a hot head though, she's fairly easy to annoy. She also has a sharp tongue and just LOVES to make threats she can't live up to. She can talk about getting her hands dirty but in the end she will never do so. Her attitude is a mix of sassy and just plain bitchy to people who she feels like are getting on her nerves. She's also very nosey, like this girl can't mind her business for the life of her.

Birth Information

Born in Kyoto, Japan on November 3rd

Her mother is Asian, and her father is Black. She looks more like her father though, so people tend to assume she's a foreigner despite it being the opposite.

Miscellaneous Information

She is a PANSEXUAL!!

She has a weakness for animals, they're just so cute!

Speaking of cute, she basically folds for ANYTHING cute.

She also has a weakness for sweets, homegirl has one hell of a sweet tooth.

Her favorite Sanrio character is Kuromi!

If she were a PowerPuff Girl, she'd be Buttercup.

Before Karakura (aka LORE!!)

This story takes place in Kyoto. Where she lived and attended school in before moving to Karakura in the second half of her 9th grade year.

Melena was easy to get along with. From elementary school all the way to junior high, she had a knack for getting along with people no matter what their interests or personalities were. This didn't make her a "popular girl" though. That title belonged to a girl named Homaru.

Homaru had brown hair and big hazel eyes. Her beauty was flawless and she could light up a room in less than a few words. She was practically untouchable. While her peers would conflict with each other, she remained the one thing that nobody dared to touch. For her image was too perfect to ruin. Even as her friend, Melena could hardly ever chat with her due to how much other people would get in the way to start a conversation of their own. But since she was popular, Melena couldn't entirely blame her for it.

Her streak of popularity hit it's end when someone spread a rumor about her online, one so bad that it spread to the entire school. That was when Melena got a taste of how fragile things like reputation and popularity were in this world. One rumor, true or not, had managed to sink Homaru from a queen, to the dirt under everyone's shoe. Melena tried to continue being friends with her, to be a person she could turn to, but she ended up cutting her off when she realized how much the bullying and backlash would affect her as well. So she made the selfish decision to leave her by herself, in order to save her own fragile reputation.

Then Homaru disappeared. She stopped showing up to school, went silent on all her socials, it was like she vanished into thin air. Some people thought she had just decided to move schools, others just assumed she ended her own life. In the end, nobody could say for certain what happened. They could speculate all they wanted but nobody had a way to contact her or her family, including Melena. Melena, the one guilty for following the crowd instead of her friend.

A year passed by since the incident, everyone moved on from it as quickly as the whole thing started. It was like everybody forgot about her. But who was there to take her crown that she had left behind? Unfortunately for Melena, she ended up fitting the role perfectly. She didn't realize she had taken Homaru's role until her peers started being incredibly nice to her for one reason or another and noticing things about her that she never thought anyone would notice. Even if she was uncomfortable, she was determined to fill her role. So, she played her part.

Everything went smoothly, she kept herself up on the pedestal everyone expected of her. But one day she found a note in her locker, reminding her of just how fragile popularity was once again.

"You're a snake. You're the one who chased Homaru out just so you could get her status. Were you jealous? What a joke. I wonder if you'll disappear the same way she did when people find out? Watch you back Makiyato. If you don't disappear, I'll make you :)"

This note is what started the stalking incident. While it wasn't Melena who started the rumor, who would believe her? If Homaru could be eliminated by one rumor from an anonymous source, who's to say she won't suffer the same fate? Melena couldn't go anywhere without a random number blowing up her phone with death threats, pictures of her from strange angles, even going as far as to threaten her family. At first, Melena thought it was one of her classmates, so she started to be nicer to people she never usually hung around. However, the messages kept coming.

Even worse, her strange and cautious behavior was starting to get noticed by her peers. They'd occasionally ask her if anything is up or if something happened. Even if they were genuine, she put on a mask and smiled, shaking it off as nothing more than just their imagination. Even her parents started to notice how often their daughter would lock herself in her room. They assumed she was being bullied but they didn't want to force Melena to tell them in case it was a different scenario. The messages continued. She would block one number and then an hour later another number would pop up. Anytime her phone buzzed she'd hesitate before checking the message.

She just couldn't get rid of this psychopath.

The last straw hit one weekend when she had gotten another message from the number. It was a photo of a dead bunny, the sick bastard. She screamed and threw her phone across the room, getting up and stomping on it until the screen went black. This fit of rage, this outburst, this was proof of just how TIRED she was. She didn't want to deal with it anymore, she couldn't bear it. After this moment, her parents decided that they would move out. No matter what was going on, it was clear that their daughter's mental health was declining, and they needed to do something about it.

So it was decided, they would move to Karakura to get her away from whatever was causing her trouble, and it worked! Once Melena had found herself a chance to start over, things were getting better. Her stalker could never find her in a place that not even she knew existed. Everything was perfectly fine!

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