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Denied UrMomRp's Shop Application | Miyage-Hin Mato


Level 138
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Player Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I would rate my activity on the server to be 9/10. I am a very active member of the community, playing at least a minimum of 2-3 hours a day, and could play for many hours more. Most often spending 9 or more hours online. I joined SRP in February of 2022, and have been very active since.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have 2 previous bans on my main account, and one on the account that is being applied with.
1. For ERP. This was back in 2018. I was on a call with a group of friends and was dared to say something inappropriate in game. I thought it would be fine since I was with my friends, but then I was banned at that time. I then logged onto an alt account(Applicant Account) which was banned for bypassing this ban.
2. For bypassing. I logged onto my banned alt account to try and use it for an animal whitelist. I had forgotten this account was banned. When I logged into the account however, my main account got banned for bypassing on February 27, 2022. I appealed the ban and was unbanned on March 16, 2022.
I have learned from both of these bans, and have kept my record clean since then, only getting one warning, which was removed after proven to be false. I have made sure to keep all rules in mind, and to follow them as best as possible.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I acknowledge the fact that if I am inactive, I will be demoted

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Ban Appeal (Accepted)
RexLobo JSL App (Accepted)
RexLobo Korean App (Accepted)
JayyLobo Russian App (Accepted)
JayyLobo JSL App (Accepted)
JayyLobo Reporter Application (Accepted)
RexLobo Third Lang App (Accepted)
RexLobo Russian App (Accepted)
JayyLobo BMD Application (Denied)
QuitUniversity Nurse Application (Accepted)
RexLobo French Application (Accepted)
QuitUniversity French Application (Accepted)

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
(Alt) UrMomRp | [Grade-8] (Chosen to be aged down, and enough time has passed to change age back up to grade-12)
(Main) RexLobo | [College Bachelor]
(Alt) JayyLobo | [Reporter]
(Alt) QuitUniversity | [Nurse]

Shop Information

What shop are you applying for?:
I am applying to take ownership of Miyage-Hin Mato

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:

I want to become a Shopkeeper to be able to experience more of what SRP has to offer. I have experienced working in a shop, and have truly enjoyed the experience, and still do when it does open. I remember how ecstatic I was when I was accepted to work at the shops I currently work at, and to open another shop and allow others to feel the same way I did will make me feel like I am giving back to this community I have come to love and enjoy. I also have joined the reporter and the school factions, as a reporter and a nurse. I have gotten to experience those different environments, met more people and made new bonds. Owning the shop Miyage-Hin Mato will give me the opportunity to create a safe place for other players to form bonds and make new experiences, similar to what I have made for myself. I would be able to show off my leadership skills in more ways, and will prove to be an asset. This is a responsibility I know I will be able to take, and will be able to manage the shop properly and open frequently.

Being a player that is online for many hours of the day, I know I would be able to open the shop often, at least two or three times a week, giving players a chance to buy things they really want. Playing the amount I do, I know the flow of player traffic, so I will be able to open at times where most players are online, to cater to more needs. Along with knowing when to open and opening frequently, players will be able to earn a wage as employees. They would be able to roleplay as employees, serving customers items they wish to purchase, and the customer will be able to have new items to roleplay with, and show off the diversity of their characters.

Though I do not have the most experience on the server, I know I can manage this shop. My small time has yielded a lot of progress, as I have made my presence known in many different aspects. I know the basics of how to BusinessRP, and can always learn more. I know I can learn as I work, since that's how I learned a majority of my roleplay, from gangrp to nurserp. I am very passionate about applying to become a shopkeeper, since I know this role is a great fit for me. I will continue to apply until I achieve my goal of owning a shop in SRP.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
I plan on having the shop have a more traditional Japanese aesthetic, along with a more modern twist as well. The shop will sell an assortment of items that can be classified as “gifts”, which can range from electronics, to plushies, to accessories. The items sold will be explained below. I would like to change the design of the shop a good bit, interior and exterior wise, but not by much. The shop already has the appearance and vibes I am going for, but I want it to stand out more compared to the competition.

That added to the fact it's right at the entrance of the shopping district, where many people pass daily. The location is perfect and easy to find. Making the colors more appealing will attract people to it, and making the inside easier to maneuver around by spreading the items out would make it a lot more appealing, and make it easier to find what you’re looking for.

The interior would change slightly, making aisles larger and more maneuverable, pushing back the registers, as well as adding a third to make purchases quicker. I would firstly remove the giant wall that holds the signs of the items to free the main area, and possibly add a little table there to show off newer or more wanted items. I would then split up the items into groupings, depending on what they could be classified as, and give them their own individual aisle. This is for ease of the customer, and will also line up with the way the inventory would be for the store.

The part of the shop that is unique would be the aesthetic, since no other store has the traditional Japanese style. Even though Karakura takes place in Japan, there are many people who bring a character from all over the world, and bring their culture to the town. Adding a place where the tradition of the country the server takes place in will show off more things to players, possibly bringing the player count that plays Japanese characters up, or at least makes them more curious about it. That, along with the fact that it will be more specialized towards giving to others, rather than purchasing for yourself. Other stores, you purchase items that you will most likely use or keep to yourself, but the store theme that I am going for is giving. Of course, there will still be people getting things for themselves, but if enough emphasis is put on gifting, then eventually the customers will do so, and that will bring the community closer.

Due to the nature of the store with giving, they also want to give back to the community. A percentage of the shop's monthly earnings will be donated to the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery. This is as thanks to the shrine staff in preserving the religion native to this country. This is also so the shrine can continue to get renovations and also so they can host more events and show off the religion to others.

A small idea that will bring joy to someone's day would be to give away an item at random during certain openings. It wont be too frequent, where everyone expects their own item, but will happen just enough to be known about. It will happen once a month, and given to a paying customer. This will only work for those who spend above a certain amount, just so we are still making sure not to give away to someone who would probably just run off with it and sell it off for more. This would spread awareness and bring more popularity to the store, and can be broadcasted or kept a secret until the event starts. The item would not be that expensive, and one that is sold at the store, but it could still be appreciated by someone.

What will you sell in your shop?:
I will try to keep the stock as similar as I can to what they currently sell, though I will remove a few sorts of items to make way for newer customs specifically sold for the store. I will be removing the items that do not match what the store would be selling. Looking at the list of items the store sells, that would include the Boba drinks, chewing gum, cigarette packs, water guns, masks and more. This is so the store can focus on items that can be given as gifts, which can range from the accessories, such as the glasses, earrings, purses, and watches, electronics like the phones, laptops, and gaming consoles, and an arrangement of plushies.

The custom ideas for this shop would include traditional Japanese items or items that represent or show off Japanese culture, such as:
Yin-Yang Earring
Untitled design (11).jpg

Origami Earring
Untitled design (13).jpg

Kitsune Plushie
Untitled design (12).jpg

Kanzashi Hair Pin
Untitled design (14).jpg

Shop Aesthetic:
I would like to alter the shop aesthetic to have more of a traditional Japanese style. The color/block scheme would be pink/red, white, and birch, with the paper walls as well.

Shop Exterior Example 1
Untitled design (9).jpg
This entrance seems more plain than I would like, but changing the colors to brighter ones would definitely make it stand out. The front would be open, allowing people to funnel in more at a time, rather than only a few people entering at a time. Since the store looks to be smaller than others, the open entrance will make it seem much more spacious.

Shop Exterior Example 2
Untitled design (10).jpg
This entrance is a bit more grand, but still not as bright as I pictured. Again, I would make the color scheme pop more, being more aesthetically pleasing.

The employee uniforms would be kimonos, to further show off Japanese culture. These will be custom tailored for the store, and can be altered however the employee wishes, if they do want to. This is so they can express themselves, and really make the shop have a homely feeling to it.
Examples of these would be:
Male Uniform
Male Uniform.jpg

Female Uniform
Untitled design (15).jpg

How many employees do you plan to have?:
I plan to start off with 6 trial employees, with higher positions to allow more employees later on. After filtering through the first batch of trial employees, I will open applications again and let in another round of 6. I choose to keep the amount small, since there will be only 2-3 employees working per shift.
There will be different roles, starting with:

Shop Owner (1)
The owner of the shop, and the person who holds the most responsibility of managing the shop. The shop owner is the individual who orders stock, as well as ensuring employees are doing the right things. This is the individual who has the final say in hiring and firing employees, but has the help of his managers in that decision. The owner will have to create the discord server, as well as manage the server, making sure to include all the necessary channels, make sure its working well, banning anyone who would cause issues or is causing issues, etc.

Managers (2)
The managers are the individuals who maintain the shop when the owner is unavailable. They are the most trusted employees. These two employees are the ones who help keep track of stock and help in making major decisions, such as the hiring and firing of employees. They are the ones who inform the shop owner to reorder stock, if they have not already. They are able to request for shifts to start and watch over the shift if the shopkeeper cannot.

Senior Employees (3)
Senior employees are the employees who have proven themselves to be hardworking. They make it to the most shifts, are honest with their dues, as well as keep up good appearances when working. They are still cashiers, working the registers, but they are trusted more, and have more benefits, including less pay being deducted from them. They can also request for a shift to start, but they need to have either a manager or the shopkeeper present for it to start and progress.

Employees (Cashiers) (6)
The employees are the backbone of the shop. They are the ones who work the front and manage the registers. They deal with the customers and are the ones taking the orders and handing out the desired products. There would not be as good a shift without these employees.

Trial Employees
Every worker in the shop begins as a trial employee. This is the first step in progressing through the ranks of the shop. These employees are then scouted by higher management and are then promoted to normal employees, where they can progress higher depending on how active they are, and how much they are trusted by management.


Additional notes about your application: N/A

Do you have any questions?: N/A


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Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Another application has been chosen to run this shop. Nevertheless, thank you for applying.

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