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+1!!!!What's your Minecraft Username?: ethln
What's the title of your suggestion?: Usernames for viewing descriptions
What's your suggestion?:
Add back usernames to descriptions. What else can I say?
How will this benefit the server and community?:
It'll just better to have the usernames in the description, since it's better than doing /fn (name) all of the time. Right clicking someone is just easier.
you can still auto fill if u type out the full /findname instead of /fn eco sama. . but i do still agree with the suggestion that usernames should be added back to descriptions. how they will do that keeping the aesthetics that new descriptions have? idk..+1
1.20 doesn't have a proper auto fill so having to figure out how to EXACTLY spell someone's name and hoping they don't have a complicated way of spelling it is. Why make communicating complicated when we can just go back to right clicking each other?