Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
ALTS: sleepyscar | guttedhalloween
Discord Name & Tag:
hoeqq (Hoeqq#3837)
Previous bans:
None! I have a clean record!
Describe your activity on the server:
Pictured below is just a general idea of when i'm free and on SRP throughout the week, of course things will change due to my job and school commitments BUT i’m pretty flexible when it comes to my time zone, I understand there will be events and such occurring in a completely opposite time zone to which if I can, I will most certainly make an effort to show.
3PM - 2AM | 3PM - 2AM | 3PM - 2AM | 1PM - 2AM | ALL DAY | ALL DAY | 8AM - 2AM |
Which timezone are you in?
AEST/AEDT [Australian Eastern Standard Time/Australian Eastern Daylight Time] (GMT+10/11)
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/zikris...ion-akaawii-reduced-format.50535/#post-165474 - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/english-teacher-application-akaawii-alt.48369/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/hoeqq-col-council-application.41709/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/hoeqrps-psych-professor-application.44616/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/hoeqrp_-school-nurse-application.43018/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/atscarlett’s-ems-surgeon-application.56622/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/lawyer-application-userscar.65293/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/userscar-reporter-application.62907/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/atscarlett-kpd-application.54428/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/aarlaas-kpd-application-2.60614/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/english-teacher-application-akaawii-alt.48369/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/hoeqq-col-council-application.41709/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/hoeqrps-psych-professor-application.44616/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/hoeqrp_-school-nurse-application.43018/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/atscarlett’s-ems-surgeon-application.56622/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/lawyer-application-userscar.65293/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/userscar-reporter-application.62907/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/atscarlett-kpd-application.54428/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/aarlaas-kpd-application-2.60614/ - DENIED
In addition to this I have several other applications on this server in regards to character authorisation like: Service Dog Application, 3rd Language Application, and multiple languages. I also have been accepted in IC applications such as tryouts; getting into the cheer, track & swim team and even got the opportunity to become captain of the swim team!

What is your motivation for applying?:
I feel as if I start most applications the same with the fact I started playing on SRP in 2016 when it was a very small and not quite fully formed. During that time I messed about and had some great memories before I quit and came back a few years later in 2018. From there, even still being on and off the server, I got to watch it grow and factions form! More specifically I watched the rise of GangRP alongside KPD. Although that faction always stood out to me I never really took the step in applying at the time. I mean I was still quite young and immature so I wouldn't have been a great fit at the time. Long story short, I had quit the server once more, finally rejoining for the last time in 2020 just as COVID hit us all! I spent a lot of my lockdown time on SRP and really built a name and reputation for myself. I started getting involved with factions like school faculty, teachers and professors. I even got myself involved in teams such as track, cheer and swim, becoming swim captain for a good 6 months too! As I grew more confident in my own RP skills I then applied myself to city factions like the government and town roles! I also got granted the amazing opportunity to be in EMS, a faction where I had spent basically an entire year in and trying out all the departments within. Throughout my time in EMS, I got to work alongside KPD quite regularly and meet majority of the officers who I instantly got along with. They made RP more fun and showed me how the faction works! Through them I found a new motivation to apply for KPD, getting encouraged even still after having some unsuccessful applications prior to this one.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
[I have recited majority of this portion from my last application as it still stands the same]
SRP provides players with a semi-realistic approach to policing duties quite similar to those you'd see in real life. As the majority of factions on the server do, you will be required to run through a set amount of training held by the higher-ups team or specified trainers. I assume KPD is quite similar to EMS in regards to training, such as there being two components - the 'informational' and the 'physical' both which readies you for putting it into practice with actual RP scenarios after the exam period (gathered you'd also have some experience already from being a cadet with station duties and so on).
As a cadet you start out with a 'limited' amount of freedom as you are to complete the required training. During this time, you begin with the basic duties which could also be known as 'front-desk duty', tasks such as filing reports made by citizens, allowing and running through visitations, completing in-station searches as required and responding appropriately to the 110 line. Of course once you pass your exams and get promoted to an officer, you'll be granted 'freedom' in which then you can continue on with duties that require you out of the station, such as: responding to 110 calls appropriately, patrol the city, conduct raids, escort and attend on-going trials and also act as a kind of 'crowd control' during populated events. Quite like EMS, with this freedom it becomes a little bit 'riskier' if you will. I believe with these tasks IF in an area considered or situation considered 'dangerous' or 'high-risk' it's heavily recommended that you have a co-worker with you and that you are armed with the appropriate equipment such as gas-masks, taser and pepper spray or in EXTREME (more sought out in crowd control and raids) cases riot gear.
Some of the equipment you'll have access to in this faction are:
POLICE BADGE + RADIO | - A leather wallet that showcases the user’s ID card, along with a badge that shows the officer’s department, badge number, and rank. - A communication device used by officers to communicate with emergency services and each other. |
HANDCUFFS | - Handcuffs are restraint tools designed to secure an individual's wrists, usually to make an arrest. |
BREATHALYSER | - A breathalyser is a device for measuring the blood alcohol level from a breath sample |
BATON | - A baton is a club made of wood, rubber, plastic, or metal. It is carried as a compliance tool by officers. |
X26-TASER | - A taser is an electroshock weapon used to immobilise suspects or violent and/or aggressive individuals, allowing them to be approached and handled in an unresisting and safer manner |
PEPPER-SPRAY | - Pepper spray is a agent used typically for riot control, crowd control, and self-defence. It is known to cause irritation and inflammation, and produces a range of signs and symptoms affecting the eyes, mouth, throat, lungs, and skin of the individual sprayed. |
CROWBAR | - A steel bar with a curved, sharp end used for prying open doors. |
RIOT GEAR | - Riot gear is made to protect officers from blunt force trauma, hard blows and penetration from sharp objects. Typically seen used in crowd control, raids and riots - more specifically gang riots. |
TRANQUILISER/DART GUN | - A specific type of rifle that shoots out a dart which is typically filled with a type of strong sedative. This can be used in response to bear calls or any aggressive or violent behaviour shown in any individual. |
POLICE BIKE AND CRUISER | - A small motorbike that allows officers to get around quickly in response to emergency callouts as well as improve traffic safety in required areas. - A vehicle that allows a group of officers to have a quick form of transportation during patrols and to enable them to respond to incidents and chases. |
The roles within KPD go as follows:
COMMISIONER | - The highest rank of the KPD, and the one in charge of the entire police force, providing central control, supervision, administration and coordination for the KPD, its members and its operations. |
DETECTIVE SUPERINTENDENT | - The DSI takes part in some of the larger investigations of the city. Their main job is to investigate crime as well as supervise and oversee the ranks below them to make sure they're working at their best. |
CHEIF DETECTIVE INSPECTOR | - CDI is usually the minimum rank held by a senior investigating officer, who heads major investigations (e.g. capital murder), and oversees the ranks below them, ensuring that they are working sufficiently. |
DETECTIVE INSPECTOR | - Detective inspectors will inspect crimes and carry out investigations along with Detective Constable, and gather evidence to help out with the investigation by doing things such as making arrests, taking reports, and various other tasks. |
DETECTIVE CONTABLE | - The detective constable is the lowest rank tasked with handling investigations. They generally have a better understanding of how to ****yse evidence and witnesses to complete their cases. The cases will usually consist of investigating smaller crimes such as theft, burglaries, and assault. |
CAPTAIN | - A CPT serves as the commanding officer of the main division within the KPD. They ensure department policies are carried out and are responsible for all individuals within their division, both officers and civilians. |
LIEUTENANT | - A Police Lieutenant is often the deputy officer in charge, it's also the first rank considered to be high-ranking. |
SERGEANT | - Sergeants supervise the ranks below them, but are not that much different from them. They're the middle ground of the ranks, and the ranks below them can look up to sergeants and seek guidance and help. |
CORPORAL | - Corporals will spend time leading small duties like patrolling, responding to emergency calls, and making arrests. They cooperate with higher-ups and give orders to the lower ranks. |
PATROL OFFICER | - Patrol Officer is the rank cadets receive upon successfully passing the cadet test. They are allowed to leave the station, but they're still a low rank of the police force and usually accompanied by other PO's or higher ranked officers when attending more serious callouts. |
CADET | - Cadets are the lowest ranking in the police force and is the first rank given to new, intakes, but still are obligated to take responsibility and do their job when necessary. They aren't allowed to leave the station until they become an a patrol officer, so they will attend the front desk, watch CCTV, do various duties around the station, or attend trainings. |
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
SRP is based entirely of realism, so of course in an environment like Karakura there is bound to be a chain of crime and chaos which needs to be dealt with just like in real life. The KPD is detrimental to SRP to maintain a fair player base and ensure that there are consequences for characters who do wrong and break the laws, this also applies to the increasing amount of gangRP. There needs to be something feared amongst these players and KPD does that justice (pun completely intended here!). They also provide the citizens with a sense of comfort and safety for their city and a guide to go to for help alongside EMS.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I fully acknowledge and understand that I am subjected to being demoted at any time.
Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I fully acknowledge and understand that to apply for this role I am agreeing to be 100% dedicated towards the Police Officer role.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I fully acknowledge and understand that if training is held whilst i'm online, I need to attend otherwise consequences will follow.

Character's Full Name:
Kōhī Heddo-Ayase
Character's age (if accepted):
Character's gender & pronouns:
Male | He/Him
Character's Academic Background
Kōhī has obtained his Masters Degree in Criminal Justice/Criminology and Forensic Science, alongside completing his research PhD on Human rights, Society, and Multi-level Governance.
What languages are you proficient in besides Japanese?
Despite Heddo’s native tongue being Japanese, he remains fluent in both German and English.
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
The word eccentric would be best suited to describe this bizarre individual. At roughly 6'1, he towered over most, flaunting his features, very distinctive to those of the infamous Heddo family - The blonde hair and deep green eyes. His beauty was almost ethereal, drawing those eyes in. . . YET he remained a piercing gaze, one which would seem to penetrate your very soul, revealing a depth of darkness and mystery that sends shivers down your spine. Of course in conversation one would be surprised that he speaks with such a soft and melodic tone. His words are articulate and carefully chosen, often leaving you wondering about the hidden meanings behind them.
Character's Full Name:
Kōhī Heddo-Ayase
Character's age (if accepted):
Character's gender & pronouns:
Male | He/Him
Character's Academic Background
Kōhī has obtained his Masters Degree in Criminal Justice/Criminology and Forensic Science, alongside completing his research PhD on Human rights, Society, and Multi-level Governance.
What languages are you proficient in besides Japanese?
Despite Heddo’s native tongue being Japanese, he remains fluent in both German and English.
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
The word eccentric would be best suited to describe this bizarre individual. At roughly 6'1, he towered over most, flaunting his features, very distinctive to those of the infamous Heddo family - The blonde hair and deep green eyes. His beauty was almost ethereal, drawing those eyes in. . . YET he remained a piercing gaze, one which would seem to penetrate your very soul, revealing a depth of darkness and mystery that sends shivers down your spine. Of course in conversation one would be surprised that he speaks with such a soft and melodic tone. His words are articulate and carefully chosen, often leaving you wondering about the hidden meanings behind them.
art by houndrats!
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Heddo-Ayase has quite a pretentious and alluring personality yet in the workplace he remains serious and keeps the upmost professionalism. He's very strong-headed in a sense that he is ready to jump into any kind of task thrown his way with no questions asked, perhaps this may become a weakness at some point in time... He's stern and can come off as very blunt at the best of times but he means well. Heddo-Ayase does not do nonsense - in a work environment that is.
However in a casual situation, his quirks come to play. Heddo-Ayase, quite like his Uncle, tends to enjoy toying with those around him! OF COURSE, this is just harmless fun...right? That's when his no-nonsense rule disperses. Regardless of this, he still does act his age and carries around that maturity with him at all times.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
"As anyone else would say, teamwork is crucial in a profession such as this. It is idiotic to believe you are a one-man army in this field. Being a part of a group with like-minded individuals working towards standing for the same front is truly the real essence of this job. No one should be fighting this long and tedious battle against crime and fraudulence on their own, hence it's best to stick together as a team"
Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower? Why?
"Depends what day of the week we're at... ha! But, I do see myself as more of a leader. I guess this really stems from my past, being involved in school leadership and such. I value autonomy and independence and feel as if I naturally gravitate towards more leadership bearing roles. However this does not mean I don't also see myself as a follower. In a profession like this being able to adapt and balance yourself into both roles is important and being able to recognise the collaboration of those two roles is truly what makes a good leader"
BACKSTORY (100+ words)
Heddo-Ayase; an estranged man, was born right here in the burning heart of Karakura. He was the first of four born to Yaban Heddo and Betel Vantu. This tight-knit family was far from picture perfect, but hey no family is ever perfect right? Himawari was the next to be born, followed by twins; Chizu and Miruku. Life so far was quite mundane, to the public eye that is. Inside those crystal clear windows to their penthouse floor a storm was brewing and not the good kind. Vantu had declared his dissatisfaction with the family, three girls and one boy? That wasn't going to cut it for him. He wanted to continue his wretched family traditions and as much as he had favoured his one son, he took his business elsewhere in quite a dramatic and violent outburst. However, fortunately for the Heddo family, they were well off without him. Yaban was already wealthy and didn't need support - Her children were also all very independent and gifted, so there was no need to stress about raising them on her own, it was all very possible. However was this independence truly a good thing for these kids?
The closest of the siblings were Kōhī and Himawari, a strange yet dynamic duo. The pair shared the same outlook on life and were rarely seen without the other. At such a young age this pair absolutely flew through the schools curriculum, gaining all sorts of awards and scholarships. But of course all this glory came with a sense of longing for more, something which Kohi could not ignore. While his mother disapproved the idea of him moving away, she was swayed within a few mere months. And just like that, he was off to boarding school at Aiglon College - deep in the Swiss mountains to complete his last few years of high school. Whilst secluded and mainly pursuing his academic studies, Heddo-Ayase found a new growing resentment for his father. The night he left was a memory that was forever engraved into the back of his mind. He was determined to find the man!
Unbeknownst to Kōhī, Vantu was also determined; to stay away. So of course this journey was nothing short of a giant rabbit hole. Vantu had changed his name and appearance drastically, not only that but he had fled his home country. Most people usually sought violent revenge in matters as such, but not Kōhī, he wanted to pry his way into Vantu's mind and manipulate his feelings or perhaps a simple conversation would do. He just needed some kind of clarity to feel normal. But to avail, even after years of searching, he came to nothing but confusing dead ends. Just when he thought he was close to finding answers, something was thrown into the mix. Heddo-Ayase grew excruciatingly frustrated with his findings, so he gave up. For now.
Amongst the chaos of his investigation he found some kind of passion, although most of the time it was drowned by the frustrations and rage, there was something there for him and he knew that. Hence, when he graduated High School he began applying for criminology and forensic science courses. With his gift for academics and his charm when it came to the interviews, he got accepted into one of the top universities in the UK. Of course this meant he'd have to move once again, this proved as no hinder however - He had already left home and practically gone off the grid in the middle of his mission to find his father. As for his mother and siblings, they all grew increasingly tired of trying to make contact, more so Himawari than the rest. She had no reason to care anymore as she indulged herself into some estranged hobbies and their mother got caught up in other business.
Alas, Heddo-Ayase spends his next few years immersed in his studies, gaining his masters in criminal justice and forensic science. Ready for work he set his sights on job opportunities locally, however that was put on a serious hold when he received a phone call from a unique looking number. It was his Aunty; Neko Heddo. His immediate response was to hang up when he caught wind on who the caller was but there was something intriguing about the context. Neko had complained that her twin sister; his mother got into a serious argument. An argument with a fake red head who mysteriously turned back up to Karakura looking for his children... Almost immediately he booked it all the way back home. Unfortunate his reunion with his sister was far from wholesome, all he got was the silent treatment with a few sly comments. Not that it mattered to him anyway, thats not who he came home for. On his way to the local mart, someone tapped his shoulder. Red hair and green eyes is what stood out to him the most, his father went to many lengths to change his appearance yet Kōhī could sniff out a pathetic man from a mile away. They talked for a brief moment before Heddo-Ayase finally got bored and took his leave. Of course this wasn't the last his father was going to hear from him. He had plans.
The night after his unruly return to Karakura was when chaos erupted. Just as Kōhī arranged to have a proper meeting with his father, sirens rang out on the streets headed straight to the hospital - Yaban was on route too. Word gets around fast in a place like this. . . Betel Vantu had just tried to murder Neko whilst on-duty. Oh my was his stay getting entertaining! Although the act was committed right under the nose of CCTV and in front of other workers, Vantu was let go scot-free. Kōhī still had a heart after all, even after he ghosted his family as a whole, so this attempted murder sparked a fire of rage, he had a role to play now. Vantu had laid low for a week or two before coming after his son, yet getting a hold of Kōhī was much easier than he first anticipated. Kōhi was playing right into the hands of his father and for a good reason too. It was roughly 12am, the pair had arrived at Vantu's tower floor and the conversation was flowing normally. That was until Vantu expressed his desire for Kōhī to stay with him. Rather than give him a choice, he demanded for him to stay. Kōhī agreed, he was going to need to build some trust first wasn't he? And so he did! He stayed locked up in the residence for a few weeks, curating this fake father-son relationship just to finally get what he wanted. No it wasn't violent revenge or an argument, rather it was justice he sought after now and thats exactly what he got. Vantu had finally opened up about his sick thoughts and admitted to wanting and planning on killing his Aunty Neko. As sick and twisted as this was, Kōhī laughed it off, for other reasons of course though! In his pocket was his phone recording the entire conversation. A conversation which he went right to the lawyers with. Thus, Neko being successful in her suit against Betel. He was locked away for good.
Where next for him? Was what he found questioning at ungodly hours of the night. He had no reason to up and leave now but he could see a future within the justice system. So with that he took his business to Karakura College, completing a PhD project on Human rights, Society, and Multi-level Governance. After his completion he set his sights on The Karakura Police Department, although this job was heavily frowned upon by his grandmother Heita, like his Uncle; Rīgaru he wanted to join the force and prove his family wrong. Alas he sent his application through, eagerly awaiting the results.
Heddo-Ayase; an estranged man, was born right here in the burning heart of Karakura. He was the first of four born to Yaban Heddo and Betel Vantu. This tight-knit family was far from picture perfect, but hey no family is ever perfect right? Himawari was the next to be born, followed by twins; Chizu and Miruku. Life so far was quite mundane, to the public eye that is. Inside those crystal clear windows to their penthouse floor a storm was brewing and not the good kind. Vantu had declared his dissatisfaction with the family, three girls and one boy? That wasn't going to cut it for him. He wanted to continue his wretched family traditions and as much as he had favoured his one son, he took his business elsewhere in quite a dramatic and violent outburst. However, fortunately for the Heddo family, they were well off without him. Yaban was already wealthy and didn't need support - Her children were also all very independent and gifted, so there was no need to stress about raising them on her own, it was all very possible. However was this independence truly a good thing for these kids?
The closest of the siblings were Kōhī and Himawari, a strange yet dynamic duo. The pair shared the same outlook on life and were rarely seen without the other. At such a young age this pair absolutely flew through the schools curriculum, gaining all sorts of awards and scholarships. But of course all this glory came with a sense of longing for more, something which Kohi could not ignore. While his mother disapproved the idea of him moving away, she was swayed within a few mere months. And just like that, he was off to boarding school at Aiglon College - deep in the Swiss mountains to complete his last few years of high school. Whilst secluded and mainly pursuing his academic studies, Heddo-Ayase found a new growing resentment for his father. The night he left was a memory that was forever engraved into the back of his mind. He was determined to find the man!
Unbeknownst to Kōhī, Vantu was also determined; to stay away. So of course this journey was nothing short of a giant rabbit hole. Vantu had changed his name and appearance drastically, not only that but he had fled his home country. Most people usually sought violent revenge in matters as such, but not Kōhī, he wanted to pry his way into Vantu's mind and manipulate his feelings or perhaps a simple conversation would do. He just needed some kind of clarity to feel normal. But to avail, even after years of searching, he came to nothing but confusing dead ends. Just when he thought he was close to finding answers, something was thrown into the mix. Heddo-Ayase grew excruciatingly frustrated with his findings, so he gave up. For now.
Amongst the chaos of his investigation he found some kind of passion, although most of the time it was drowned by the frustrations and rage, there was something there for him and he knew that. Hence, when he graduated High School he began applying for criminology and forensic science courses. With his gift for academics and his charm when it came to the interviews, he got accepted into one of the top universities in the UK. Of course this meant he'd have to move once again, this proved as no hinder however - He had already left home and practically gone off the grid in the middle of his mission to find his father. As for his mother and siblings, they all grew increasingly tired of trying to make contact, more so Himawari than the rest. She had no reason to care anymore as she indulged herself into some estranged hobbies and their mother got caught up in other business.
Alas, Heddo-Ayase spends his next few years immersed in his studies, gaining his masters in criminal justice and forensic science. Ready for work he set his sights on job opportunities locally, however that was put on a serious hold when he received a phone call from a unique looking number. It was his Aunty; Neko Heddo. His immediate response was to hang up when he caught wind on who the caller was but there was something intriguing about the context. Neko had complained that her twin sister; his mother got into a serious argument. An argument with a fake red head who mysteriously turned back up to Karakura looking for his children... Almost immediately he booked it all the way back home. Unfortunate his reunion with his sister was far from wholesome, all he got was the silent treatment with a few sly comments. Not that it mattered to him anyway, thats not who he came home for. On his way to the local mart, someone tapped his shoulder. Red hair and green eyes is what stood out to him the most, his father went to many lengths to change his appearance yet Kōhī could sniff out a pathetic man from a mile away. They talked for a brief moment before Heddo-Ayase finally got bored and took his leave. Of course this wasn't the last his father was going to hear from him. He had plans.
The night after his unruly return to Karakura was when chaos erupted. Just as Kōhī arranged to have a proper meeting with his father, sirens rang out on the streets headed straight to the hospital - Yaban was on route too. Word gets around fast in a place like this. . . Betel Vantu had just tried to murder Neko whilst on-duty. Oh my was his stay getting entertaining! Although the act was committed right under the nose of CCTV and in front of other workers, Vantu was let go scot-free. Kōhī still had a heart after all, even after he ghosted his family as a whole, so this attempted murder sparked a fire of rage, he had a role to play now. Vantu had laid low for a week or two before coming after his son, yet getting a hold of Kōhī was much easier than he first anticipated. Kōhi was playing right into the hands of his father and for a good reason too. It was roughly 12am, the pair had arrived at Vantu's tower floor and the conversation was flowing normally. That was until Vantu expressed his desire for Kōhī to stay with him. Rather than give him a choice, he demanded for him to stay. Kōhī agreed, he was going to need to build some trust first wasn't he? And so he did! He stayed locked up in the residence for a few weeks, curating this fake father-son relationship just to finally get what he wanted. No it wasn't violent revenge or an argument, rather it was justice he sought after now and thats exactly what he got. Vantu had finally opened up about his sick thoughts and admitted to wanting and planning on killing his Aunty Neko. As sick and twisted as this was, Kōhī laughed it off, for other reasons of course though! In his pocket was his phone recording the entire conversation. A conversation which he went right to the lawyers with. Thus, Neko being successful in her suit against Betel. He was locked away for good.
Where next for him? Was what he found questioning at ungodly hours of the night. He had no reason to up and leave now but he could see a future within the justice system. So with that he took his business to Karakura College, completing a PhD project on Human rights, Society, and Multi-level Governance. After his completion he set his sights on The Karakura Police Department, although this job was heavily frowned upon by his grandmother Heita, like his Uncle; Rīgaru he wanted to join the force and prove his family wrong. Alas he sent his application through, eagerly awaiting the results.
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"Absolutely a no, carrying and owning a pocket knife is illegal in Karakura and can only be bought illegally through a BMD. If stopped by police to be searched and it is found on you, it will be handed over to the KPD and you will get arrested for and charged with minor illegal weaponry. Further action may also be taken if applicable due to past records or other incriminating evidence."
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"Absolutely a no, carrying and owning a pocket knife is illegal in Karakura and can only be bought illegally through a BMD. If stopped by police to be searched and it is found on you, it will be handed over to the KPD and you will get arrested for and charged with minor illegal weaponry. Further action may also be taken if applicable due to past records or other incriminating evidence."
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
COUGH SYRUP | - Used to help aid in relieving symptoms from ongoing infections or to help improve an irritated cough. |
PARACETAMOL | - Used to relieve mild pain or aches. It can also help reduce a high-temperature fever. These are sold in a maximum of three. |
EYEPATCH | - A piece of bandage wrapped around an eye which is injured. |
WOODEN-CANE | - A supporter for individuals with problems walking. Typically for those who have suffered from a more serious injury or surgery in the past. |
UNBRANDED BANDAGE | - Bandages that are generally used to cover wounds, to apply pressure to bleeding wounds and to support and immobilise sprains and strains. |
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“If I were to witness one of my co-workers physically abusing an inmate, I would rush to intervene, restraining the PO and ensuring that no other harm can be made towards the inmate. I'd then try and diffuse the situation by reasoning with the officer to knock it off and only let go of the restraint once they agree to cooperate and not cause any more fuss. From there, I'd call for EMS if needed and radio another officer to go and help out the injured inmate. Carefully reminding the officer in question of their role and what it means to cross the line, as no matter if they're an inmate or what they have done, they are already serving time as punishment and do not need any more pain than necessary. Once the situation is completely dealt with, I'd report this incident to a higher up and let them take the reigns from there"
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“If I were to witness my co-worker being assaulted by an inmate or individual, I'd ensure that my body camera is in view of the situation whilst accordingly unholstering my taser and aim it at the inmate, warning them to back away. If for whatever reason it was unsafe to shoot the taser, I'd holster it, and move quickly; restrain the perpetrator with the help of the other officer if they are to physically do so, that is. From there I'd cuff the inmate and then call for EMS to tend to my co-worker. From here, I would search the perpetrator , confiscating any prohibited items and makeshift weapons that were found. The individual would then be charged for assaulting an officer and arrested. Following up from that incident I'd remain in touch with the affected officer to ensure they were doing okay.”
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organisations?
“Corruption is an interesting topic. If I were to discover a co-worker with the idiocy to go corrupt and aid criminal organisations with their activities, I'd ensure I have solid evidence of the affair and immediately notify my commissioner alongside the rest of the higher-ups about my discovery. I have no compassion for those who willingly chose to go corrupt, if there is another reason Im sure that would be looked into by the higher-ups team and from there, the situation is out of my hands.”
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“I'd sternly decline, it is basic common knowledge to not accept bribery or bargaining. I then would start assuring the criminal that there is no way out of their predicament, lecturing them. As well as this, I'd let my co-workers and higher ranking officers know of this attempted bribery, which would possibly lead to more charges against the criminal.”
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