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UVG/VG Tournament,


Level 7
What's your Minecraft Username?: Bald1
What's the title of your suggestion?: UVG/VG Tournament,

What's your suggestion?:
Now this will probably never happen but, what if instead of simply applying for uvg/vg the crime factions hosts a tournament quite like fc where 5 members for example G.V go against five members From Takukan, and then whoever wins goes to the next round, and then the winner of the entire thing becomes a unverified gang, and then eventually when the uvg spots are all full, they can have a tournament for the next v.g and so on, another idea i had was challenges, so say all the uvg spots fill up, and a gang reaches its full potential thats isnt uvg, for example a new gang becomes extremely active has been around for a while and wants to be uvg but cant as they spots are full, they could contact a BMD through the hotline asking to challenge said gang for their spot, and then the same process happens declaring the winner the uvg

How will this benefit the server and community?:
so uh, more fun to UVG and VG making it more fun that a simple app


Level 5
I'm kind of leaning on both sides to be honest. There are a few issues I see here, But a main one is that rolling is mainly just- Luck. If you were to get a bad roll ONCE and lose the entire round or even the finals, Thats just cheating you out of an entire UVG spot. Your gang could be at the TOP of every other gang, But that one roll could ruin it all and I feel that the one to get that bad roll will get looked down upon aswell. I feel this WOULD give it a bit more thought of strength and commitment, And also give GangRP more RP for their position, But thats already been shown throughout its existence right?

+1/-1. Decent Suggestion, But I gotta keep it real

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