Level 36
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Dr. Herrington, Val, Grandma, Nana
England, Birmingham
Ninety-One | 91
Five-Foot, Nine-Inches | 5'9"
One-Hundred and Fifteen Pounds | 115lbs.
Valery Herrington's hair is a small grey bob that ends at the bottom of her neck. It is neatly combed and straightened every day and gives off a nice volumised look. She has a fringe that swings down the right side of her face, neatly put to the side with a hairclip. A small strand of hair goes down the left side of her face that is also neatly placed with a hairclip. Her hair is a lovely grey that reminds people of silver jewelry.
Valery's eye's are a lovely pale blue, her eyes have seen many things in her lifetime and look sort of worn. They remind people of wisdom when they look into them. Her forehead has a few wrinkles on that have come with age and her mouth have small smile lines.She has black mascara on the top and bottom of her eyelashes with eyeliner to join it. Above her eyes is a light eyeshadow to make her eyes look wider. Her eyebrows have a dark tint to them; they are darker than her hair. They have been nicely plucked and waxed to give off a more formal and clean look. Her nose is small and thin, with a few freckles dotted on it. Her cheeks are rosey with a little bit of old-fashioned pink blush brushed on them. Her lips are a nice red as Valery puts on red lip liner and lipstick on every day. Her teeth and white yet a little faded due to her age. They are perfectly aligned and straight. Her ears are quite small and do not poke out. Many holes can be seen in them from past piercings, yet she still wears one on each lobe.
Ma's voice is quite high. It is very posh and formal and can sometimes get on a person's nerves. Her voice is very elegant and girly, but also has that grandmother tone too it that every grandmother has. Her voice can sometimes break and get weak if she speaks for too long due to her ancient age. Her words are always well-spoken, and she rarely uses modern day slurs. Sometimes she will say older words that the younger generate do not understand, yet older people might. Her voice can seem kind and comforting to some. This is what some might say her voice sounds like:
Ma Herrington has a slim curvy body. She looks slightly underweight but for the most part she is very healthy and takes care of her body. She goes on daily walks and makes sure to eat her seven-a-day. She has a small chest due to her past surgery. She has her nails painted the same colour red as her lips; she has a wedding ring on her last hand that was given to her by her deceased husband, Miguel Valézquez. Her body is quite wrinkly due to her old age and she tends to hunch over and hold onto her cane to rest her back.
Valery normally wears a brown leather jacket, a white shirt tucked into a black pencil skirt and then black high heels. She has a wooden cane in one hand and a louis vuitton handbag in the other. However, sometimes she will hold a medkit instead of a handbag. Inside her medkit are the basic first aid equipment, like plasters, tweezers, antiseptic spray, etc.. Yet she does have a few more technical pieces of equipment like a scalpel and mobile AED. The medkit requires a key to open it due to the dangerous pieces of equipment that are inside of it.
Valery has a very mixed personality; she has one main one but she can a few different ones. Usually, Ma Herrington is kind and sweet. She is very polite and will always call people a "dear" or a "hun." She will always offer out support to those who need it and likes to help in whatever way she can. She likes to be friends with everyone she can and have a good time in her old age. However, if on her bad side she can be quite aggressive. She can get quite rude and in your face, her age and her height do not effect the anger she can have for someone. And sometimes, she uses her good connections against those who do anything to either her or her family. She always puts her friends and family before anyone else.
Valery is a heart surgeon. She first studied medicine in England at Oxford University. She went through her studies and passed her examinations. She got her degree after eight years in university. Even though she is a heart-surgeon, in emergency situations at A&E she is allowed to perform surgery in other areas. During her time at university, she took a second course in psychology. She got her degree but never used it until later on in Karakura, but we will get to that later.
Ma Herrington is not a christian or a catholic yet she does believe in some sort of higher being than herself. She does not do prayers or sarifices or anything like that, she just believes that there must've been something to create the big bang and life on earth. She decides to believe in heaven because she likes to believe that her friends and family that have deceased are in a better place, yet she knows deep down that there is no heaven waiting for her.
Ma Herrington has no abnormalities.
Valery used to have breast cancer back in the beginning of 2019. When she got diagnosed she moved back to England to get treated as the only healthcare in Karakura was Happy Pills and she was the one who was in-charge. Once she had gone through her surgery and treatment, she came back to Karakura half a year later.
Still in progres...
Valery Herrington was first introduced into SchoolRP on September 30th 2018. However, she was first called Valery Valézquez. She was married to a drama-teacher named Miguel Valézquez. However, he later had a heart attack in the school and died. Valery Valézquez was made the new owner of Happy Pills Pharmacy and this was the start of how she became a very popular grandma.
As soon as she became the pharmacy owner, she got too work. She opened the store straight away and sold whatever stock was left to get a bit of money for a restock. However, she did not get that much at all and was struggling and so she got a small business grant from the Karakura Council. She used this to get a restock of all the medicines in Karakura, all the medical equipment and then all the fruits and vegetables. Once restocked, she redid the prices to make things more affordable for the citizens and created discounts for certain ages. For example, if you were an elderly, you would get a discount on a cane as you need it more than a high-school student would. Yet, if you were a high-school student then you would get a discount on things like notebooks, fruit and vegetables. This quickly spread and many people came to purchase from Happy Pills, business couldn't have been better.
After a little while of running Happy Pills, a big event occurs. Karakura is going on holiday! Ma packs her things and walks to the bus. She waits outside with the rest of the citizens until the bus is ready. Once the bus is ready, she takes her things and journeys to the airport. Once at the airport, she goes through security and hops onto the aeroplane. It was quite relaxing, she had gone on this holiday with one of her step-granddaughters, Autumn Valézquez (L1bby). They ate some Lamb Curry and had these weird stick things for dessert when they heard an announcement. The plance was going down, everyone screamed! Gas masks fell and everyone was putting them on whilst we went lower and lower and lower... The plane crashed into the water, everyone rushed to the exit where they went down an inflatable slide into some inflatable safety boats. Luckily, there was an island nearby where we all scattered too. Ma lost contact with Autumn and she feared the worst. There was no time to waste, they got to work setting up camp on this island. Ma had joined a small group of people, one of them being Luke Herrington (Im6). Luke seemed to know what he was doing, he got to work organising everyone to get food, water and fend off any wild animals. They set up tents and beds inside. Ma went up to Luke and told him she was a doctor and that she owned Happy Pills back in Karakura, Luke decided to put Valery in charge of the medical tent. She was to stay there and look after the injured. She had little to no resources yet she did all she could. Luckily, all her patients had survived due to her treatment and expertese. Once it had hit nightfall, Luke stood on top of one of the tents, myself and someone else stood on top with him. We spoke of what the gameplan was and then he asked for a name for the group. Ma blurted out the first name that came to her head and that was "Medical Madness." Luke surprisingly agreed to the cheesy name and from then on we was the grey team AKA medical madness. A day later, a cargo ship arrives and we swim onto it, the water was freezing and it was hard to get over but Ma and the rest of the team managed it. Then, Ma was rejoiced with Autumn and she gave her the biggest hug and they travelled home. Soon after, Ma went back to Happy Pills and made sure to look after anyone who needed medical attention.
After a little while, Ma Herrington installed a therapy room to the side of Happy Pills. She got a backdoor installed and started to use this therapy room in order to start global therapy sessions and then private therapy sessions. She would host these herself but she would also hire other the******s. Currently there was an empty slot for the head the****** as Ma had no found a suitable person to take that role yet.
A month later, Luke must've remembered what Valery did on that island because she got an unexpected visitor knocking on her shop door. She opened the door to see Luke and Charles Herrington (Promotey). She let them in and Luke asked for a chat in the therapy room. Ma hobbled on over and took out her keys, unlocking the therapy room doors and letting them inside. Luke and Charles turn their chairs over to face Ma and invite her into the Herrington Family. Ma accepts the Herringtons as her new family and soon gets to know all her new grandchildren. Thus, making Happy Pills now controlled by the Herrington family. Luke and Charles escorted Valery to the estates where they gave her a set of keys, one for the main estate door and one for a small cottage - which would be her new home. She thanks them and begins to move in.
Ma Herrington finds herself a head the****** and that was none other than her granddaughter, Lyra Herrington (Melck). She was put in-charge of the other the******s so that Ma could deal with other things with the pharmacy. Lyra was in-charge of booking appointments, hosting them, prescribing medication and sports, etc.. People would come through the back door to book appointments at the desk. The therapy room was a success!
A week later, Luke visits Ma back at the pharmacy once more. They go back into the therapy room with a cup of tea and discuss a new organisation named "Herrington Aid." Luke wanted Ma to be in charge of the Physical Aid Management due to her skills and expertise. Ma accepted almost instantly and they got to work with the new organisation. The organsiation was a charitable one to help out the citizens of Karakura.
Later on in the year, Valery was thinking about how there was almost no healthcare apart from Herrington Aid in Karakura. She was thinking about all the gang activity and all the injuries that both citizens and police-officers would get with no one to help them. And so, Valery formed her very own EMT Service. She gathered a few of her workers who had first aid training and got to work. She made sure to advertise about it, give out phone numbers to citizens so that they always have someone to call if they were in trouble and to let them know about Happy Pills being the main centre. Now, there was some sort of paramedic service around Karakura and it worked a charm. But that still wasn't enough for Valery, she still thought there wasn't enough healthcare in Karakura. And so, she decided to start advertising check-ups in Happy Pills. She used the therapy room as a check-in and waiting room and then she used the small medical station in the back of the pharmacy to perform the check-ups. She managed to hire a few doctors, one being one of the EMT workers who actually had a degree in medicine. Her name was Rhoda Ghana (L1bby). The check-ups became more popular around Karakura and soon enough there was a proper healthcare system in Karakura. Ma also hires the medical-professor that worked at the college, his name was Dr. Spencer (Mityyy) and the Head-Nurse at the school, Freya Knights (XToDoubt). Success!
It's near christmas now and Ma Herrington has a new boyfriend. He was called Leonardo Kaderona (ImDimi). They met through Ma Herringtons EMT Service. Leon becomes Head-Paramedic in the service and Ma becomes manager of blockymart, his shop. She now had even more responsibilties on her plate. She opened up blockymart and served customers many times, it was different then what she was used too but she didn't mind. She had fun doing it and she was helping others. It turns to December and Ma and Leon go on a cute christmas date, they dress up as Mr. and Mrs. Claus and walk around snowy Karakura. They have snowball fights, build snowmen and go out for dinner. She was very happy with him.
It was christmas day! Ma Herrington had closed Happy Pills for the day, however EMT were still available. Ma got into a cute dress and went to Herrington Towers. Once there, police-officers made everyone face the wall and get patted down before going to the Herrington Christmas Party. However, Valery did not need to be searched and just went straight upstairs. Halfway up the stairs, Valery gets tired and has too sit down; Luke zooms past and picks her up - helping her to the top floor. Once at the top floor, announcements are made and then dinner is served! Everyone enjoys their meals and then it is time for secret santa. Valery's secret santa was none other than Ujie Herrington (Ryanark). She goes through her bag and gives him about 25 presents. Ma Herrington was given a diamond by her grandson, Valdemar Herrington (Srav). The family photo is taken and then music is played as everyone chats and has a good time. It is at this moment when Ma asks to speak to Luke in private, she tells him about her engagement to Leonardo. Luke then announces this to the rest of the family.
It's a new year! Valery is still the only person running the healthcare in Karakura. She speaks to the Karakura Council and requests a medical bay above her shop. The council agree and say they will begin installing it later on. However, they tell Ma that it will be a while until it gets installed. Ma Herrington also asks for toilets, which gets accepted and they get built into the shop straight away. The toilets were needed for when patients needed to get changed, do urine tests or needed privacy.
Ma Herrington's biological granddaughter visits town, Jennifer Herrington. She wishes to follow in her grandmother's footsteps and start her career in the medical department. During her time at Karakura, she joined the EMT Service, visited the school and did medical presentations and communed with the rest of the town; she was making friends. She looked very much like Valery when Valery was her age. Jennifer only had the privilege of meeting a few Herringtons during her time in Karakura.
Ma Herrington and the owner of Sayonara Gift Shop, Mike Akihito (MikeShotZ) have a falling out. But, this becomes bigger than a normal falling out - they end up sabotaging each other's shops. Firstly, Ma gets Harvey Herrington (Hallucinogenics) to dump trash on Sayonara's entrance. Because of this, Mike decides to spraypaint Happy Pills with graffiti that says "Yare, Yare, Daze." This made Valery extremely angry and so she gets her connections together and decide to make a plan. The plan was set and a bunch of people in clown costumes sneak into the shop in the middle of the night, they flood the store with water and the shop had to close down for a couple days. After that, Mike and Ma did not speak for a few months. Until, they bump into eachother. They somehow make ammends and now they are pretty good friends.
Ma Herrington had a build up of stress and needed a break, she unfortunately resigns from Happy Pills. Little does she know, no one else will ever own the Happy Pills Pharmacy in Karakura ever again; it actually won't even exist in Karakura anymore. Ma Herrington leaves town and moves back to Birmingham in England.
A few months later, Ma Herrington returns. She goes to visit Happy Pills to see that it has been knocked down! She is distraught and heartbroken at this moment. In it's place, is a huge hospital. This angered Valery, the fact that she worked so hard to put a healthcare plan in place for Karakura and then as soon as she leaves a hospital is placed and she isn't even there to see it happen. However, about two months later the hospital flops. The head-physician is no longer in town, the doctors and nurses get underpaid and the healthcare goes back to how it used to be - it didn't exist. Valery knows that it should be her that will bring back the healthcare to Karakura, she has done it once so she can do it again. She contacts the Karakura Council and gets hospital plans in place. She gets to work, directing the builders on what goes where, even helping them out. She put on her game face and got that hospital finished in record time with the help of the head-construction worker (iISuperrIi). After the construction side of the hospital was in place, she decided that the city needed ambulances. She once again contacted the Karakura Council and got a road directing from the hospital into the city, she got ambulances built and parked in the ambulance station.
Once this had happened, she began the hiring process. She needed doctors and surgeons fast. She sent out advertisements and newletters that medical staff were needed and to Valery's surprise many people applied. Even some old EMT staff from Valery's EMT Service applied and some old hospital workers reapplied. She got to work into making a change to the Karakura Medical System. She had a countless amount of interviews, meetings, emergencies and then she had so much paperwork to complete. But this time, she was not going to give up. She even went one step further and made the entire healthcare system free for all patients in Karakura. Instead of the doctors and nurses living off the citizens, she made it so that they got proper paychecks from the Karakura Council; you must trust me when I say these paychecks were hefty. After doing this, she noticed the number of animals that increased in Karakura and how there was no animal healthcare system in place and so she went out of her own way and created a veterinary system with the help of the clinical lead veterinarian, Tanifuji Saiky (Lovely_Ocean). We created kennels for animals that had no homes and looked after them until we could find a new owner, we created animal surgery rooms and then animal check-up rooms. We hired more vets for the cause.
Ma begins to think on how she even got to where she was today and links it back to Happy Pills. She remembers how much good it did for Karakura and decides to bring it back, she renamed the pharmacy inside of the hospital to "Happy Pills" and changes it to the classic green and white colours in its honor. She hopes the name brings a smile to those familiar with the pharmacy. She advertises that Happy Pills was open for the first time since it was destroyed; it felt good. She was happy that she could finally do that again. She writes down the classic "Saving Lives Since 1989" quote near the entrance.
A month later, we had our first hospital evacuation. Valery walked outside the hospital to notice a whole gang with weapons and masks standing outside. She ran in her heels over to the nearest emergency button and pressed it. A siren went off and a default help message got sent to the KPD. The front doors locked shut. Ma ran over to reception and used the hospital intercom, she told everyone to evacuate to the top of the hospital onto the roof. She made all the workers take out their midozolam, which was a tranquiliser drug. Valery made sure there were hospital workers at the stairs helping everyone up. If there were any people in recovery rooms that were unable to move then hospital workers would take out a stretcher and move them up themselves. If there were casualties that needed urgent treatment in resus then we would have a doctor inside treating the patient and then a hospital worker outside the door with midozolam out the protect them. As soon as the KPD arrived, the rest of the hospital workers that were either protecting the emergency rooms or directing people up the stairs had evacuated to the roof. Ma Herrington stayed downstairs along with the clinical managers to get all the information they could from the KPD. The KPD took about thirty minutes to deal with the gang and then Ma got the all clear to stop the lockdown procedure. She stopped the alarms and make hospital workers escort all civilians outside and all patients back to the recovery rooms.
The forensics had left Karakura. This meant that there were no autopsies or coroners for the KPD and so murderers might be left on the loose. Ma did not like the thought of this and so she contacted the KPD and told them if they ever needed autopsies that they could come to the hospital and a doctor or surgeon would perform one in the morgue for them. That way, detectives can get more information on the body and the crime and a murderer could be put to justice.
It's halloween! There is a massive Karakura fair going on to celebrate as well as a costume contest. Ma wanted to get involved and so she decided to dress up at 'Ma the Witch.' During her time in this cosplay she ran the 'BOO Bar!' where she handed out whiskey, beer and other alcoholic beverages. She made sure that everyone was having fun and that everyone was taking part in the fair. She advertised the bar lots of times and would even try to scare people! She had lots of fun herself and made sure to be in the group photo at the very end!
Later on in the year, Ma Herrington hosted her own charitable event outside the hospital alongside the Fawcett Family. She put out markets outside the hospital and had Fawcett family members work in them. Leo Fawcett (Berttie) and Laurence Fawcett (Aulliver) were in-charge of the operation along side Ma. The operation was all about giving out food and water to those who couldn't afford it. It was called Fawcett Foodbank. We took in donations from others and gave those donations to those who needed the food and water. Many people turned up and the family as a whole had helped a lot of civilians of Karakura.
A month later one of the clinical managers, named Dr. Nana Hira (cuetea), passes away due to a very serious illness she had. She passed due to heart failure and the whole of the hospital team was distraught including Valery who was very upset. In her honor, Valery made sure to make a grave outside the hospital with their name engraved in it and after this she hosted a funeral for her. Hospital staff, police officers, citizens and school workers all came to pay their respects. Ma says a few words for Dr. Nana Hira on the hospital intercom.
Now that the healthcare system in Karakura is functional and working, Ma felt like her job was done. She was getting too old to be carrying the healthcare system in Karakura so she decided to hand down her job as Head-Physician to her trusted Clinical Manager (cuetea). She bidded everyone in the hospital team farewell, she said goodbye to her friends and family and then she left Karakura once again and went back to Birmingham in England.
Ma came back to Karakura around the time of July 2020. When she came back, the first thing she did was check on how the hospital was doing. Luckily, it wasn't knocked down like Happy Pills was but she was quite sad too see that it had gotten a lot stricter since she left.
Ma Herrington needs a new job. She decides to look around the shopping district and hands in her CV to several different stores. The make-up store ICON reads over her job application and accepts her. The owner, Agnes Dvorak (Amtias2), taught her how things worked and Ma got straight to work. She started making quite a lot of money due to this job. Recently, the owner has been on vacation and it was up to Valery to open the store whilst she was gone. Of course, she was more than capable and she opened the store many times whilst Agnes was on vacation. She made lots of money and helped out a lot of customers.
A week later Ma is walking around the city and spots her grandson, Marcel Herrington (sslatt). They have a catch up and Ma speaks about how she feels like she is in danger. She talks about how she needs a place to go if someone tries to hurt her and Marcel happily gives her keys to the Myriad Towers. Ma will often go inside if she ever needs somewhere to stay or if she feels like she needs protection. She likes the fact that the tower is close to the hospital. Whilst talking to Marcel, she also speaks about how she hasn't seen much of her family recently. It turns out, a lot of the Herringtons have actually left Karakura; this made Ma quite upset as she misses quite a lot of her grandchildren. The city seems empty without them.
A month later, Ma Herrington meets two women. One of them was called Kirby (Reib) and the other was called Priscilla Giordano (kisaful). They let Ma drive but Ma had a little bit to drink before hand, she loses control and drives into a lamppost. Her head hits the wheel and the glass shatters into her face - her arm twists and breaks into a funny position. Kirby falls out of the car and onto the floor - under the car. Priscilla's body was sprawled on the back seat, her nose bleeding. All three of us was unconscious. The car's horn was constantly beeping due to Ma's head being leant on it and the airbags had been activated. The car's engine was still on and the car begins to smoke. A boy, Juan Fawcett (ImRicked), walks past and manages to call for the police and the hospital. Before they arrive, a man in a motorbike helmet takes Kirby from under the car and kidnaps her. However, Ma and Priscilla are unconscious so they did not know of this. KPD and EMS arrive, they manage to get Ma and Priscilla out of the car before it sets on fire. Everyone is told to stand back as the KPD put out the fire and the EMS take Ma and Priscilla to the hospital. They are taken to resus where Ma only just survives. They wake up and speak to the KPD about how Kirby is missing...
Ma Herrington has fully recovered but feels like she has no purpose in Karakura anymore. All of her tasks that she has had her heart set on have been completed. She knows she will probably not be able to be Head-Physician again but she has no other skills. And that is when it hits her, she is in Japan and there are endless possibilties. She takes a visit to the Karakura Council and requests for a certain business. Now, we wait to see if she gets it.
Things take quite a strange turn for Valery. She gets a response from the Karakura Council but the response was not what she thought it might be. She did not get a yes or a no for her new business, but instead gets a new job. She was back in-charge of the hospital. She was put back in-charge of the thing she never thought she'd be able to working at again. She was thrilled! She got too work immediately. Currently, she has added ID Cards, updated the uniforms and added expiration dates to prescriptions. She has also added back Happy Pills to Karakura, when she first adverted so many people came! However there is so much more too come!
Love strikes! Ma recently hit it off with a woman called 'Arawareru Inue.' They met up and Valery invited her to her apartment. They have snacks and watch a scary movie in her bed, as they both fall asleep together. Since then, Arah has been visiting the Hospital to see Valery every other day; she makes sure to call her every day.
It was Ma's second time in Karakura for the cosplay convention. During the cosplay event, some of the EMS and Ex-EMS decided to dress up for the contest. Ma decided to join them and they went down to the school gymnasium. During there time there, they got their photos taken on the stage and outside in the booth and then decided to partake in the mascot hunt! After that, it was announced that 'The EMS Squad' came second place in the cosplay convention! The EMS were filled with joy. To celebrate the cosplay convention day, Valery let the EMS carry on with their job in their cosplay outfit as long as they had their I.D Card on their shirt pocket. Overall, it was a good day for the EMS.
Jennifer Herrington is back in town! After some thought, Jenny decided it was best to go back to Karakura to visit her family. Yet, only a few remain. She visited the hospital to see Valery, looked around the shopping district and got her new bearings. Maybe Jenny might get a new job?
Valery has noticed a few more things need changing/adding to the Hospital. Firstly, she has decided to implement ID Cards for Hospital workers to flash to people at a scene of an incident, if they need to go in the Karakrua Police Station, when in the Hospital, etc.. This way they can prove who they are saying they are, even when off-duty. She has also noticed that when people hurt their legs, the only thing they can get given is a cane. This is a danger hazard, therefore Valery has decided to implement crutches into the hospital. The equipment for surgeons is severely outdated; so, Ma has decided to implement head-lamps in order for surgeons to get a better look at what they are performing surgery on. Finally, she has noticed a lot of coughing and colds in Karakura recently, therefore she has decided to implement some cough medicine into the pharmacy. This can soothe people's throats and make them feel better!
To be continued...
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Thanks for reading my biography!
I still have so much more to write but I will do some more another time, there's probably so many spelling and grammar errors but oh well! Anyway, cya later!

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Dr. Herrington, Val, Grandma, Nana
England, Birmingham
Ninety-One | 91
Five-Foot, Nine-Inches | 5'9"
One-Hundred and Fifteen Pounds | 115lbs.
Valery Herrington's hair is a small grey bob that ends at the bottom of her neck. It is neatly combed and straightened every day and gives off a nice volumised look. She has a fringe that swings down the right side of her face, neatly put to the side with a hairclip. A small strand of hair goes down the left side of her face that is also neatly placed with a hairclip. Her hair is a lovely grey that reminds people of silver jewelry.

Valery's eye's are a lovely pale blue, her eyes have seen many things in her lifetime and look sort of worn. They remind people of wisdom when they look into them. Her forehead has a few wrinkles on that have come with age and her mouth have small smile lines.She has black mascara on the top and bottom of her eyelashes with eyeliner to join it. Above her eyes is a light eyeshadow to make her eyes look wider. Her eyebrows have a dark tint to them; they are darker than her hair. They have been nicely plucked and waxed to give off a more formal and clean look. Her nose is small and thin, with a few freckles dotted on it. Her cheeks are rosey with a little bit of old-fashioned pink blush brushed on them. Her lips are a nice red as Valery puts on red lip liner and lipstick on every day. Her teeth and white yet a little faded due to her age. They are perfectly aligned and straight. Her ears are quite small and do not poke out. Many holes can be seen in them from past piercings, yet she still wears one on each lobe.

Ma's voice is quite high. It is very posh and formal and can sometimes get on a person's nerves. Her voice is very elegant and girly, but also has that grandmother tone too it that every grandmother has. Her voice can sometimes break and get weak if she speaks for too long due to her ancient age. Her words are always well-spoken, and she rarely uses modern day slurs. Sometimes she will say older words that the younger generate do not understand, yet older people might. Her voice can seem kind and comforting to some. This is what some might say her voice sounds like:
Ma Herrington has a slim curvy body. She looks slightly underweight but for the most part she is very healthy and takes care of her body. She goes on daily walks and makes sure to eat her seven-a-day. She has a small chest due to her past surgery. She has her nails painted the same colour red as her lips; she has a wedding ring on her last hand that was given to her by her deceased husband, Miguel Valézquez. Her body is quite wrinkly due to her old age and she tends to hunch over and hold onto her cane to rest her back.
Valery normally wears a brown leather jacket, a white shirt tucked into a black pencil skirt and then black high heels. She has a wooden cane in one hand and a louis vuitton handbag in the other. However, sometimes she will hold a medkit instead of a handbag. Inside her medkit are the basic first aid equipment, like plasters, tweezers, antiseptic spray, etc.. Yet she does have a few more technical pieces of equipment like a scalpel and mobile AED. The medkit requires a key to open it due to the dangerous pieces of equipment that are inside of it.

Valery has a very mixed personality; she has one main one but she can a few different ones. Usually, Ma Herrington is kind and sweet. She is very polite and will always call people a "dear" or a "hun." She will always offer out support to those who need it and likes to help in whatever way she can. She likes to be friends with everyone she can and have a good time in her old age. However, if on her bad side she can be quite aggressive. She can get quite rude and in your face, her age and her height do not effect the anger she can have for someone. And sometimes, she uses her good connections against those who do anything to either her or her family. She always puts her friends and family before anyone else.
Valery is a heart surgeon. She first studied medicine in England at Oxford University. She went through her studies and passed her examinations. She got her degree after eight years in university. Even though she is a heart-surgeon, in emergency situations at A&E she is allowed to perform surgery in other areas. During her time at university, she took a second course in psychology. She got her degree but never used it until later on in Karakura, but we will get to that later.
Ma Herrington is not a christian or a catholic yet she does believe in some sort of higher being than herself. She does not do prayers or sarifices or anything like that, she just believes that there must've been something to create the big bang and life on earth. She decides to believe in heaven because she likes to believe that her friends and family that have deceased are in a better place, yet she knows deep down that there is no heaven waiting for her.
Ma Herrington has no abnormalities.
Valery used to have breast cancer back in the beginning of 2019. When she got diagnosed she moved back to England to get treated as the only healthcare in Karakura was Happy Pills and she was the one who was in-charge. Once she had gone through her surgery and treatment, she came back to Karakura half a year later.
Still in progres...

Valery Herrington was first introduced into SchoolRP on September 30th 2018. However, she was first called Valery Valézquez. She was married to a drama-teacher named Miguel Valézquez. However, he later had a heart attack in the school and died. Valery Valézquez was made the new owner of Happy Pills Pharmacy and this was the start of how she became a very popular grandma.

As soon as she became the pharmacy owner, she got too work. She opened the store straight away and sold whatever stock was left to get a bit of money for a restock. However, she did not get that much at all and was struggling and so she got a small business grant from the Karakura Council. She used this to get a restock of all the medicines in Karakura, all the medical equipment and then all the fruits and vegetables. Once restocked, she redid the prices to make things more affordable for the citizens and created discounts for certain ages. For example, if you were an elderly, you would get a discount on a cane as you need it more than a high-school student would. Yet, if you were a high-school student then you would get a discount on things like notebooks, fruit and vegetables. This quickly spread and many people came to purchase from Happy Pills, business couldn't have been better.
After a little while of running Happy Pills, a big event occurs. Karakura is going on holiday! Ma packs her things and walks to the bus. She waits outside with the rest of the citizens until the bus is ready. Once the bus is ready, she takes her things and journeys to the airport. Once at the airport, she goes through security and hops onto the aeroplane. It was quite relaxing, she had gone on this holiday with one of her step-granddaughters, Autumn Valézquez (L1bby). They ate some Lamb Curry and had these weird stick things for dessert when they heard an announcement. The plance was going down, everyone screamed! Gas masks fell and everyone was putting them on whilst we went lower and lower and lower... The plane crashed into the water, everyone rushed to the exit where they went down an inflatable slide into some inflatable safety boats. Luckily, there was an island nearby where we all scattered too. Ma lost contact with Autumn and she feared the worst. There was no time to waste, they got to work setting up camp on this island. Ma had joined a small group of people, one of them being Luke Herrington (Im6). Luke seemed to know what he was doing, he got to work organising everyone to get food, water and fend off any wild animals. They set up tents and beds inside. Ma went up to Luke and told him she was a doctor and that she owned Happy Pills back in Karakura, Luke decided to put Valery in charge of the medical tent. She was to stay there and look after the injured. She had little to no resources yet she did all she could. Luckily, all her patients had survived due to her treatment and expertese. Once it had hit nightfall, Luke stood on top of one of the tents, myself and someone else stood on top with him. We spoke of what the gameplan was and then he asked for a name for the group. Ma blurted out the first name that came to her head and that was "Medical Madness." Luke surprisingly agreed to the cheesy name and from then on we was the grey team AKA medical madness. A day later, a cargo ship arrives and we swim onto it, the water was freezing and it was hard to get over but Ma and the rest of the team managed it. Then, Ma was rejoiced with Autumn and she gave her the biggest hug and they travelled home. Soon after, Ma went back to Happy Pills and made sure to look after anyone who needed medical attention.

After a little while, Ma Herrington installed a therapy room to the side of Happy Pills. She got a backdoor installed and started to use this therapy room in order to start global therapy sessions and then private therapy sessions. She would host these herself but she would also hire other the******s. Currently there was an empty slot for the head the****** as Ma had no found a suitable person to take that role yet.

A month later, Luke must've remembered what Valery did on that island because she got an unexpected visitor knocking on her shop door. She opened the door to see Luke and Charles Herrington (Promotey). She let them in and Luke asked for a chat in the therapy room. Ma hobbled on over and took out her keys, unlocking the therapy room doors and letting them inside. Luke and Charles turn their chairs over to face Ma and invite her into the Herrington Family. Ma accepts the Herringtons as her new family and soon gets to know all her new grandchildren. Thus, making Happy Pills now controlled by the Herrington family. Luke and Charles escorted Valery to the estates where they gave her a set of keys, one for the main estate door and one for a small cottage - which would be her new home. She thanks them and begins to move in.
Ma Herrington finds herself a head the****** and that was none other than her granddaughter, Lyra Herrington (Melck). She was put in-charge of the other the******s so that Ma could deal with other things with the pharmacy. Lyra was in-charge of booking appointments, hosting them, prescribing medication and sports, etc.. People would come through the back door to book appointments at the desk. The therapy room was a success!

A week later, Luke visits Ma back at the pharmacy once more. They go back into the therapy room with a cup of tea and discuss a new organisation named "Herrington Aid." Luke wanted Ma to be in charge of the Physical Aid Management due to her skills and expertise. Ma accepted almost instantly and they got to work with the new organisation. The organsiation was a charitable one to help out the citizens of Karakura.
Later on in the year, Valery was thinking about how there was almost no healthcare apart from Herrington Aid in Karakura. She was thinking about all the gang activity and all the injuries that both citizens and police-officers would get with no one to help them. And so, Valery formed her very own EMT Service. She gathered a few of her workers who had first aid training and got to work. She made sure to advertise about it, give out phone numbers to citizens so that they always have someone to call if they were in trouble and to let them know about Happy Pills being the main centre. Now, there was some sort of paramedic service around Karakura and it worked a charm. But that still wasn't enough for Valery, she still thought there wasn't enough healthcare in Karakura. And so, she decided to start advertising check-ups in Happy Pills. She used the therapy room as a check-in and waiting room and then she used the small medical station in the back of the pharmacy to perform the check-ups. She managed to hire a few doctors, one being one of the EMT workers who actually had a degree in medicine. Her name was Rhoda Ghana (L1bby). The check-ups became more popular around Karakura and soon enough there was a proper healthcare system in Karakura. Ma also hires the medical-professor that worked at the college, his name was Dr. Spencer (Mityyy) and the Head-Nurse at the school, Freya Knights (XToDoubt). Success!
It's near christmas now and Ma Herrington has a new boyfriend. He was called Leonardo Kaderona (ImDimi). They met through Ma Herringtons EMT Service. Leon becomes Head-Paramedic in the service and Ma becomes manager of blockymart, his shop. She now had even more responsibilties on her plate. She opened up blockymart and served customers many times, it was different then what she was used too but she didn't mind. She had fun doing it and she was helping others. It turns to December and Ma and Leon go on a cute christmas date, they dress up as Mr. and Mrs. Claus and walk around snowy Karakura. They have snowball fights, build snowmen and go out for dinner. She was very happy with him.

It was christmas day! Ma Herrington had closed Happy Pills for the day, however EMT were still available. Ma got into a cute dress and went to Herrington Towers. Once there, police-officers made everyone face the wall and get patted down before going to the Herrington Christmas Party. However, Valery did not need to be searched and just went straight upstairs. Halfway up the stairs, Valery gets tired and has too sit down; Luke zooms past and picks her up - helping her to the top floor. Once at the top floor, announcements are made and then dinner is served! Everyone enjoys their meals and then it is time for secret santa. Valery's secret santa was none other than Ujie Herrington (Ryanark). She goes through her bag and gives him about 25 presents. Ma Herrington was given a diamond by her grandson, Valdemar Herrington (Srav). The family photo is taken and then music is played as everyone chats and has a good time. It is at this moment when Ma asks to speak to Luke in private, she tells him about her engagement to Leonardo. Luke then announces this to the rest of the family.

It's a new year! Valery is still the only person running the healthcare in Karakura. She speaks to the Karakura Council and requests a medical bay above her shop. The council agree and say they will begin installing it later on. However, they tell Ma that it will be a while until it gets installed. Ma Herrington also asks for toilets, which gets accepted and they get built into the shop straight away. The toilets were needed for when patients needed to get changed, do urine tests or needed privacy.

Ma Herrington's biological granddaughter visits town, Jennifer Herrington. She wishes to follow in her grandmother's footsteps and start her career in the medical department. During her time at Karakura, she joined the EMT Service, visited the school and did medical presentations and communed with the rest of the town; she was making friends. She looked very much like Valery when Valery was her age. Jennifer only had the privilege of meeting a few Herringtons during her time in Karakura.

Ma Herrington and the owner of Sayonara Gift Shop, Mike Akihito (MikeShotZ) have a falling out. But, this becomes bigger than a normal falling out - they end up sabotaging each other's shops. Firstly, Ma gets Harvey Herrington (Hallucinogenics) to dump trash on Sayonara's entrance. Because of this, Mike decides to spraypaint Happy Pills with graffiti that says "Yare, Yare, Daze." This made Valery extremely angry and so she gets her connections together and decide to make a plan. The plan was set and a bunch of people in clown costumes sneak into the shop in the middle of the night, they flood the store with water and the shop had to close down for a couple days. After that, Mike and Ma did not speak for a few months. Until, they bump into eachother. They somehow make ammends and now they are pretty good friends.

Ma Herrington had a build up of stress and needed a break, she unfortunately resigns from Happy Pills. Little does she know, no one else will ever own the Happy Pills Pharmacy in Karakura ever again; it actually won't even exist in Karakura anymore. Ma Herrington leaves town and moves back to Birmingham in England.
A few months later, Ma Herrington returns. She goes to visit Happy Pills to see that it has been knocked down! She is distraught and heartbroken at this moment. In it's place, is a huge hospital. This angered Valery, the fact that she worked so hard to put a healthcare plan in place for Karakura and then as soon as she leaves a hospital is placed and she isn't even there to see it happen. However, about two months later the hospital flops. The head-physician is no longer in town, the doctors and nurses get underpaid and the healthcare goes back to how it used to be - it didn't exist. Valery knows that it should be her that will bring back the healthcare to Karakura, she has done it once so she can do it again. She contacts the Karakura Council and gets hospital plans in place. She gets to work, directing the builders on what goes where, even helping them out. She put on her game face and got that hospital finished in record time with the help of the head-construction worker (iISuperrIi). After the construction side of the hospital was in place, she decided that the city needed ambulances. She once again contacted the Karakura Council and got a road directing from the hospital into the city, she got ambulances built and parked in the ambulance station.

Once this had happened, she began the hiring process. She needed doctors and surgeons fast. She sent out advertisements and newletters that medical staff were needed and to Valery's surprise many people applied. Even some old EMT staff from Valery's EMT Service applied and some old hospital workers reapplied. She got to work into making a change to the Karakura Medical System. She had a countless amount of interviews, meetings, emergencies and then she had so much paperwork to complete. But this time, she was not going to give up. She even went one step further and made the entire healthcare system free for all patients in Karakura. Instead of the doctors and nurses living off the citizens, she made it so that they got proper paychecks from the Karakura Council; you must trust me when I say these paychecks were hefty. After doing this, she noticed the number of animals that increased in Karakura and how there was no animal healthcare system in place and so she went out of her own way and created a veterinary system with the help of the clinical lead veterinarian, Tanifuji Saiky (Lovely_Ocean). We created kennels for animals that had no homes and looked after them until we could find a new owner, we created animal surgery rooms and then animal check-up rooms. We hired more vets for the cause.

Ma begins to think on how she even got to where she was today and links it back to Happy Pills. She remembers how much good it did for Karakura and decides to bring it back, she renamed the pharmacy inside of the hospital to "Happy Pills" and changes it to the classic green and white colours in its honor. She hopes the name brings a smile to those familiar with the pharmacy. She advertises that Happy Pills was open for the first time since it was destroyed; it felt good. She was happy that she could finally do that again. She writes down the classic "Saving Lives Since 1989" quote near the entrance.
A month later, we had our first hospital evacuation. Valery walked outside the hospital to notice a whole gang with weapons and masks standing outside. She ran in her heels over to the nearest emergency button and pressed it. A siren went off and a default help message got sent to the KPD. The front doors locked shut. Ma ran over to reception and used the hospital intercom, she told everyone to evacuate to the top of the hospital onto the roof. She made all the workers take out their midozolam, which was a tranquiliser drug. Valery made sure there were hospital workers at the stairs helping everyone up. If there were any people in recovery rooms that were unable to move then hospital workers would take out a stretcher and move them up themselves. If there were casualties that needed urgent treatment in resus then we would have a doctor inside treating the patient and then a hospital worker outside the door with midozolam out the protect them. As soon as the KPD arrived, the rest of the hospital workers that were either protecting the emergency rooms or directing people up the stairs had evacuated to the roof. Ma Herrington stayed downstairs along with the clinical managers to get all the information they could from the KPD. The KPD took about thirty minutes to deal with the gang and then Ma got the all clear to stop the lockdown procedure. She stopped the alarms and make hospital workers escort all civilians outside and all patients back to the recovery rooms.

The forensics had left Karakura. This meant that there were no autopsies or coroners for the KPD and so murderers might be left on the loose. Ma did not like the thought of this and so she contacted the KPD and told them if they ever needed autopsies that they could come to the hospital and a doctor or surgeon would perform one in the morgue for them. That way, detectives can get more information on the body and the crime and a murderer could be put to justice.

It's halloween! There is a massive Karakura fair going on to celebrate as well as a costume contest. Ma wanted to get involved and so she decided to dress up at 'Ma the Witch.' During her time in this cosplay she ran the 'BOO Bar!' where she handed out whiskey, beer and other alcoholic beverages. She made sure that everyone was having fun and that everyone was taking part in the fair. She advertised the bar lots of times and would even try to scare people! She had lots of fun herself and made sure to be in the group photo at the very end!

Later on in the year, Ma Herrington hosted her own charitable event outside the hospital alongside the Fawcett Family. She put out markets outside the hospital and had Fawcett family members work in them. Leo Fawcett (Berttie) and Laurence Fawcett (Aulliver) were in-charge of the operation along side Ma. The operation was all about giving out food and water to those who couldn't afford it. It was called Fawcett Foodbank. We took in donations from others and gave those donations to those who needed the food and water. Many people turned up and the family as a whole had helped a lot of civilians of Karakura.

A month later one of the clinical managers, named Dr. Nana Hira (cuetea), passes away due to a very serious illness she had. She passed due to heart failure and the whole of the hospital team was distraught including Valery who was very upset. In her honor, Valery made sure to make a grave outside the hospital with their name engraved in it and after this she hosted a funeral for her. Hospital staff, police officers, citizens and school workers all came to pay their respects. Ma says a few words for Dr. Nana Hira on the hospital intercom.

Now that the healthcare system in Karakura is functional and working, Ma felt like her job was done. She was getting too old to be carrying the healthcare system in Karakura so she decided to hand down her job as Head-Physician to her trusted Clinical Manager (cuetea). She bidded everyone in the hospital team farewell, she said goodbye to her friends and family and then she left Karakura once again and went back to Birmingham in England.
Ma came back to Karakura around the time of July 2020. When she came back, the first thing she did was check on how the hospital was doing. Luckily, it wasn't knocked down like Happy Pills was but she was quite sad too see that it had gotten a lot stricter since she left.
Ma Herrington needs a new job. She decides to look around the shopping district and hands in her CV to several different stores. The make-up store ICON reads over her job application and accepts her. The owner, Agnes Dvorak (Amtias2), taught her how things worked and Ma got straight to work. She started making quite a lot of money due to this job. Recently, the owner has been on vacation and it was up to Valery to open the store whilst she was gone. Of course, she was more than capable and she opened the store many times whilst Agnes was on vacation. She made lots of money and helped out a lot of customers.
A week later Ma is walking around the city and spots her grandson, Marcel Herrington (sslatt). They have a catch up and Ma speaks about how she feels like she is in danger. She talks about how she needs a place to go if someone tries to hurt her and Marcel happily gives her keys to the Myriad Towers. Ma will often go inside if she ever needs somewhere to stay or if she feels like she needs protection. She likes the fact that the tower is close to the hospital. Whilst talking to Marcel, she also speaks about how she hasn't seen much of her family recently. It turns out, a lot of the Herringtons have actually left Karakura; this made Ma quite upset as she misses quite a lot of her grandchildren. The city seems empty without them.
A month later, Ma Herrington meets two women. One of them was called Kirby (Reib) and the other was called Priscilla Giordano (kisaful). They let Ma drive but Ma had a little bit to drink before hand, she loses control and drives into a lamppost. Her head hits the wheel and the glass shatters into her face - her arm twists and breaks into a funny position. Kirby falls out of the car and onto the floor - under the car. Priscilla's body was sprawled on the back seat, her nose bleeding. All three of us was unconscious. The car's horn was constantly beeping due to Ma's head being leant on it and the airbags had been activated. The car's engine was still on and the car begins to smoke. A boy, Juan Fawcett (ImRicked), walks past and manages to call for the police and the hospital. Before they arrive, a man in a motorbike helmet takes Kirby from under the car and kidnaps her. However, Ma and Priscilla are unconscious so they did not know of this. KPD and EMS arrive, they manage to get Ma and Priscilla out of the car before it sets on fire. Everyone is told to stand back as the KPD put out the fire and the EMS take Ma and Priscilla to the hospital. They are taken to resus where Ma only just survives. They wake up and speak to the KPD about how Kirby is missing...

Ma Herrington has fully recovered but feels like she has no purpose in Karakura anymore. All of her tasks that she has had her heart set on have been completed. She knows she will probably not be able to be Head-Physician again but she has no other skills. And that is when it hits her, she is in Japan and there are endless possibilties. She takes a visit to the Karakura Council and requests for a certain business. Now, we wait to see if she gets it.
Things take quite a strange turn for Valery. She gets a response from the Karakura Council but the response was not what she thought it might be. She did not get a yes or a no for her new business, but instead gets a new job. She was back in-charge of the hospital. She was put back in-charge of the thing she never thought she'd be able to working at again. She was thrilled! She got too work immediately. Currently, she has added ID Cards, updated the uniforms and added expiration dates to prescriptions. She has also added back Happy Pills to Karakura, when she first adverted so many people came! However there is so much more too come!

Love strikes! Ma recently hit it off with a woman called 'Arawareru Inue.' They met up and Valery invited her to her apartment. They have snacks and watch a scary movie in her bed, as they both fall asleep together. Since then, Arah has been visiting the Hospital to see Valery every other day; she makes sure to call her every day.

It was Ma's second time in Karakura for the cosplay convention. During the cosplay event, some of the EMS and Ex-EMS decided to dress up for the contest. Ma decided to join them and they went down to the school gymnasium. During there time there, they got their photos taken on the stage and outside in the booth and then decided to partake in the mascot hunt! After that, it was announced that 'The EMS Squad' came second place in the cosplay convention! The EMS were filled with joy. To celebrate the cosplay convention day, Valery let the EMS carry on with their job in their cosplay outfit as long as they had their I.D Card on their shirt pocket. Overall, it was a good day for the EMS.

Jennifer Herrington is back in town! After some thought, Jenny decided it was best to go back to Karakura to visit her family. Yet, only a few remain. She visited the hospital to see Valery, looked around the shopping district and got her new bearings. Maybe Jenny might get a new job?

Valery has noticed a few more things need changing/adding to the Hospital. Firstly, she has decided to implement ID Cards for Hospital workers to flash to people at a scene of an incident, if they need to go in the Karakrua Police Station, when in the Hospital, etc.. This way they can prove who they are saying they are, even when off-duty. She has also noticed that when people hurt their legs, the only thing they can get given is a cane. This is a danger hazard, therefore Valery has decided to implement crutches into the hospital. The equipment for surgeons is severely outdated; so, Ma has decided to implement head-lamps in order for surgeons to get a better look at what they are performing surgery on. Finally, she has noticed a lot of coughing and colds in Karakura recently, therefore she has decided to implement some cough medicine into the pharmacy. This can soothe people's throats and make them feel better!

To be continued...
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Thanks for reading my biography!
I still have so much more to write but I will do some more another time, there's probably so many spelling and grammar errors but oh well! Anyway, cya later!

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