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Varinka Kyoshiro Helvete || Biography


Level 11


First Name:


155cm, 5'1

Hair color:
Maroon-ish... idk the exact color it is, but close enough!

Eye color:



Right eye
Right leg

Body structure:
Slim and fit

Marital status:


Varinka has been a strong person ever since she's been little. She's been working out ever since she's been little, getting stronger and stronger every single day. She keeps this strong and fit lifestyle since

She's not afraid to get physical if she needs to, having excellent hand-to-hand combat skills from many years of experience. Although she will avoid physical confrontations if she can.

Varinka knows how to handle certain situations very quickly, as well as she is quite intelligent in regards to some certain topics that she is quite passionate about, willing to lecture someone if they really want to


Varinka sometimes can get way over her head, appearing to be overconfident about herself, which sometimes can lead to her downfall... and sometimes be hated as well... and other times results in her being knocked out as a result

Anger issues:
Having some anger problems, Varinka can get quite angry over some simple things. Watch out, you don't wanna make this woman mad

Zone out:
Varinka tends to zone out quite a lot.... it's an unhealthy habbit that she has. Wonder why she does this?

Varinka tends to get into other people's business when she isn't supposed to, which can result in people getting quite annoyed with her. Even Varinka knows that she can get nosey, but she doesn't care


- Intermittent Explosive Disorder:
Sometimes Varinka can suddenly have an explosion of anger out of no where, without being provoked in any way. Although very difficult, she can and will calm down after a certain period of time. Luckily she's learned to better control her anger, although occasionally there will be a slip-up.

PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:
Witnessing some very dangerous situations when she was young, Varinka has been traumatized by witnessing all of the gang activities back at home, as well as been a victim of bullying. Something that she hasn't recovered from since. Oh, she is also afraid of anything sharp from being knocked out and had her limbs removed as well as being carved.


Varinka isn't usually a very talkative woman, usually remaining quiet and keeping to herself. However, she is willing for other people to come up to her and start a conversation. Despite her expression looking cold, she isn't usually a rude individual unless you were to insult her or anyone that she cares about. She tends to remain neutral in her conversations, even at family members, although she does try to play that motherly role in the Kyoshiro family due to most of them being quite immature and always getting in trouble with law enforcement.

[Past occupations]

Gang member:

Formally a member of multiple gangs, Varinka has finally decided to quit the gang life after being betrayed by her own higher-up years ago, although she's decided to keep her mouth shut as to not rat anyone out, as well as to avoid being affiliated for any gangs. Ever since, she's been living a happy and peaceful life.... for the most part. Former gang members knows that Varinka can be a dangerous person.

Okinasa Cashier:
Well.... it wasn't a steady job, but it was a job non-the less. It most certainty kept her out of trouble with the law, as well as kept her busy and away with anything negative that was on her mind during that time. It helped her with keeping up with rent for her apartment during her time in college.

[Current occupations]




Nikandr Kyoshiro:

"God damn it Nik... I knew that your carelessness was going to end you up in prison for life. You should've listened."

Aki Kyoshiro:
"I don't understand you sometimes.... one moment you can be talking about something completely normal, and the next moment you ask one of the most stupidest questions to exist on this planet."

Yori Kyoshiro:
"You remind me too much of Nik... I hope you don't share the same fate as him... you're too young."

Akira T. Kyoshiro:
"We should talk again someday whenever you're around. We haven't done that in quite some time."


Kaede Tenorio
"Words cannot describe how much I love you and how thankful I am that you are in my life my love. Without you, I don't know where I would be at currently. All I can say is.... thank you, for making me the happiest girl on this planet, and I love you."

Hiroko (Diseased):
"Sometimes it still hurts ya know? But I've learned to move on now for you. I miss you still."

Eliza Zakharov (Ex-girlfriend):
"Fuck you. Words cannot describe how much I despise you. So glad that I never have to see you again in my life. Good riddance."

Vanessa Osiris (Ex-girlfriend):
"Can't date someone who's not willing to protect me, but I hope that you live your life to the fullest."

Nabi (Unknown):
"Unsure where you went.... but I hope that everything is ok. Hope that nothing bad happened to you."

Sorina K Morozov (Unknown):
"It has been quite some time since I've last seen you. Hope you're doing well, and I hope to see you sometime soon best friend."

Agana T, Kiyoshi (Friend):
"Seems like you don't really come to this town anymore. I understand. It's a hell hole anyway. Hope you visit every now and again."

Deno von Moltke-Lowe (Friend):
"Glad to be on good terms with you once more. Let's just forget our bad past and move on."


Denisa Drakos Ketsueki:

"Don't know why you have such a grudge against me, but fuck you. Don't ever talk to me."



[Art/Old Varinka]

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