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Accepted vCrim | Performing Arts | Professor Application


Level 2

What is your Minecraft username?:

What is your time zone?:

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)


Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Vehicle Request (Accepted)
Item Request (Accepted)
Item Request (Accepted)
Vehicle Request (Accepted)

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
4 to 5 hours
4 to 5 hours
3 to 4 hours
4 to 5 hours
5 to 6 hours
6 to 7 hours
5 to 6 hours

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

2018 Roblox
Back in 2018 my roleplay experience would begin, I would start playing a game called Bloxburg. ( this was on roblox ) The roleplays we did were family roleplays, School Roleplays, College Roleplays, we also did a tiny city roleplay.

2019 Gta

In 2019 I would start doing gta 5 RPs on a platform called FiveM. The roleplays I did were Police roleplay. I did this around 3 times on different servers and I did Gang roleplay on 4 different servers and EMS Roleplay, on 1 server.

2020 Minecraft
The beginning of my Schoolrp journey would begin in 2020 when I got minecraft for the first time. When I first joined I was clueless. I never did real roleplays, all I did was goof off until I just stopped playing as I got bored and I was clueless half of the time. Also I was very lonely with zero help.

2021 Minecraft
In 2021 I would relog into schoolRP but this time I met someone who helped me out learn about the server. He also was new but I would learn other roleplays like RomanceRP and just casualRP, and JockRP. I mostly did RomanceRP and some JockRP but I wasn't the best at it but enjoyed CasualRP the most.

2022 Gta and Minecraft
In 2022 i would hop back onto FiveM to play a server a friend of mine had been playing called the Bronx RP on that server i did PoliceRP and a bit of Gangrp, then i got bored and tired of the server so i left and, i logged back into Minecraft and i would start playing schoolRP again this time i learned a bit about combat but i never liked it but around this time i only did romanceRP again as well as Normal HS-RP then i took a break.

2023 Minecraft
Around end of summer time i would start to play schoolRP again, but this time i would learn something different, i would start to do GangRP after seeing multiple clips of gangrpers i got fascinated so i start to learn gangRP until i got to a level of okay not the best, but i was still learning, but in november of the year of 2023 i would End my time on Gangrp for sometime until i came back around december i would make new friends, and i would GangRP until 2024

2024 Gta And Minecraft
The begin of 2024 i would only GangRP but after some time i would do less GangRP and do random roleplays when i was bored, as GangRP felt like it was dying, around in february time i would start to get fed up with GangRP it was just not the same but until march i quit GangRP. Recently I’ve got back into FiveM servers and The server I’ve been playing on is called vanity network. It's a small Uk server, the roleplays i've done on there is some CrimeRP and some otherRP of my character working at a fish and chip shop called Pearls, but i have left vanity and i have been doing randomRPs on Srp again.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

Grade - 12

What is the subject you want to teach?:

Performing Arts


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

The reason that i am applying for professor is that the art department finally got space so im shooting my shot to become a part of the faculty faction. The main reason i am applying is that I’ve been really interested in professor faction, and recently most of my friends have been getting into factions and i felt left out so I'm trying to get into ones i really like the most and professor just felt right to pick out, i was going to apply back in february but the departments i liked were all taken so i have been waiting until now.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

      • Character Making - The first class i would love to host would be a simple class, in the class students objection is to complete a book with these questions, after students complete the work i will take the book back for next lesson

Student Name -

Characters Name -

Age -

What is their Job, if their dont have a job and are in school what type of school and degree -

How tall are their-

Do their have any injuries/scars -

How do their dress -

What type of hair style do their have and whats the colour/colour of the hair -

How do their act normally in front of people and not in front of people -

Extra if your character's job allows it to have a radio in these situations you're not carrying anything relating to your job, just things you would normally carry.

How would they act in these scenarios - “ You’re heading over to powerplant to go explore, you enter powerplant and you’re walk around taking picture of old crime scene, after taking your final picture you realise your lost so you look around for a exit but then, you have entered a massive room in a sudden you feel like your being followed and watched you make your way over to a table on the table there is random items all over it you see a mirror in the stack of items you pick it up and whiles you’re moving it up towards your face in the corner of your eye you see a mask figure in the mirror looks to be hiding behind a pillar peeking around it, their are around maybe 8 feet away from you they look to be 6,1 they look to be armed with maybe a weapon but its not clear if they do?” -

2. Acting - This class will be connected to the last class, but this time students will act like their character by introducing themself as their character, also then we will re and act the scenario they character would have acted.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

Town Hall Trip

In this trip I would take students to one of the most important places in Karakura, the Town Hall. I would take students to learn about the jobs in Town Hall, like Lawyer, Judge and Governor if lucky maybe the Mayor and deputy Mayor. Also on this trip I would do some acting, by asking Government members beforehand if we could do a little fake trial with some students.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

My character would act calm and jump in between the college jocks and the bobjack so their are distance and no altercation can take place, i would immediately radio in for some help as its a big group of jocks, i would start checking everyone for bruises on their knuckles and knees, if any was found i would start asking how their obtained these bruise if not a valid, to prove their haven't been fighting i would give them detention i would also check if anyone had got bruises on their faces, if so i would ask someone over the radio to take the student to a the nurses office, and i would warn them if seen causing more trouble i would give detentions.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

My character would act calm, knowing it's just a kid trying to get attention, so my character would tell the child to quit being stupid and to grow up, if not i will warn them saying

”If you keep continuing, I will give you extra work and you will complete both if not you will not leave.” if the child doesn't i will give them extra work, if they ignore me and don't even attempt the work i will call SLT to come and deal with the stubborn child.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

My character would act in a profession and calm way by warning the cheerleaders to quit using their phones and harassing students, if their still ignore my character he will warn them if they dont quit using they phones he will confiscate, if their ignore me i will take each phone and put it in a envelope with their names on it, if they still harass students my character will warn detention and if they ignore my character, he will just give them detention.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

My character will be act calm and profession, the first thing he would do is immediately radio in for some assistance due to his fail on breaking up the fight, whiles waiting on help my character will attempt to pull 1 student out of the fight and then give them detention, when help comes we will jump in between the fight and start pushing people back from each other, after all of us break up the fight i will start giving detention to everyone who was involved and then i will call SLT and let them deal with the situation


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?


Kuro has Metallic blonde hair, with greyish blue eyes, he always stands in a professional posture, Kuro only wears professional clothing, when teaching and while in school, Kuro is at the impressive height of 6,3 he is also 83kg.


Well Kuro hasn't had a big thought about his future but he had been thinking of trying to join the Police Academy due to his fathers history, being a part

of the law, but his main goal is to teach College Students about the Subject Performing Arts.

What makes Kuro Unique:

The thing that makes Kuro unique is that he always thinks about others before himself. Kuro can always connect with his students after many years of experience.


Kuro acts professional in front of students and always acts mature, in front of them,

But he’s different in front of friends; he always tries to make them laugh or be goofy in a friendly way but in front of strangers he just met he will always act mature and professional.

Outlook for his students:

Kuro will never have a an opinion about any of his students he will always treat them with the utmost respect always making sure they are all equals

Outlook on teachers:

Kuro also will never have any opinion to any member of faculty and will respect them with a lot of respect

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.

Make sure this is over 100 words.

The reason Kuro ended up becoming teacher due to his fail, in the police academy, he would attempt to join the police academy, due to his fathers history, his father would be a well known detective back in tokyo, and Kuro wanted to follow his fathers dream, after high school, so he attempt to join the police academy but failed, he gave up on his dream and wanted to teach the new generation about the Art of Performing Arts, so he set out his journey and studying, everyday until he passed his exam gaining a PHD in Performing Arts, He would start looking for a school to work at and found one and would teach drama for 2 years and after he teached another school Physical Education for 1 year and now he waits for his professor application to Karakura College.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:
Kuro Tsuji

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Given Name(s):

I don't have any given name so just call me Mr Tsuji

Preferred Name:

Mr Tsuji or Mr Kuro

Age: 29

Gender & pronouns:

Am a Male my Pronouns are He/Him

Religious Denomination:

Not religious

Marital Status:




Current Location:


SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

2 years teaching Drama in Tokyo and 1 year teaching Physical Education in Kyoto

Working Experience (# of years):

Worked in a school in tokyo for 2 years

Worked in another school for 1 year

Worked in a convenience store for 4 months

Academic Degree:



Criminology, Performing Arts


Law, Physical Education, Literature

Year of Graduation: back in 2017

Native Languages: Japanese

Other Languages: N/A

Preferred Teaching Subject: Performing Arts


Additional notes about your application (if any):
Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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