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Vehicle-based arrest, traffic stops and tickets | LAW & POLICE SUGGESTION


Level 84
What's your Minecraft Username?: HampterHunter
What's the title of your suggestion?: Vehicle-based arrest, traffic stops and tickets | LAW & POLICE SUGGESTION

What's your suggestion?:
An alternative to having an easy and often times unfair vehicle based arrest due to license plate tracking.

Cops will not be able to instantly go and arrest someone based on their vehicle license plate if caught violating road laws or street racing on the CCTV. However cops will have said vehicle in a BOLO List for Traffic Stops, If a cop sees the same car/owner driving they can initiate a traffic stop by flagging them to stop or turning on their sirens if they are to be in a Police Cruiser. (Regular face the wall thing if the driver is on-foot)

If the car matches the CCTV Evidence they are to be able to conduct a search both for the car and the driver. Which often times will lead to an arrest or heavy fine of Reckless Driving.
(Reckless Driving fine is given if the Owner's car is the same but the driver is wearing an entirely different outfit.)​

However if they pull over a driver who owns a wanted car but is driving a different car, they are to only able to conduct questioning and light vehicle inspection for recent usage in a 5 day timeframe.
(Police can still match keys to the same car used as infraction if it's present in the driver's Inventory and without proof of hiding the vehicle.)​

This only applies to light infraction and suspected street racer. When a cop witnesses a street race happening they are able to give chase and shut it down and arrest the driver immediately as they would normally.​

Also Tickets counts as Police Quota if you guys have that.

What would be traffic violation tickets reasonings be?:

Street Racing Related:
- Vehicle used in Street Race (Street Racing w/ Civilian Witness, Confirmed car but not appearance in traffic stops)
- Speeding Ticket (Street Race w/o Civilian Witness, Unconfirmed Appearance and different car)
- Heavy Reckless Driving (Confirmed Appearance but different car during traffic stop)

Public Occurences:
- Minor Reckless Driving (Driving on curbs, driving on the wrong side of the road)
- Parking Violations (Parking in restricted spaces/Parking Improperly that blocks traffic)

Specifically for street racers they CAN action to park their car somewhere and hide it upon reaching an area with no cameras, leaving the keys behind so that If they were to be pulled over, they must provide an evidence of the car being hidden ooc-ly, and therefore the key to the vehicle is no where to be found when body searched. However they are at risk of gaining the fine for 'Vehicle used in Street Race' if there are witness accounts or 'Speeding Ticket' if it's only caught in CCTV.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This will benefit both Cops and Vehicle users, it allows cops to deal with road laws violation in a more interactive way. They can pull over drivers based on matching serial plate on a CCTV Footage and conduct vehicle search and body search.

Cops will also be allowed to issue citation and tickets to Drivers who broke road laws with the reason of:

- Vehicle used in Street Race'
- Speeding Ticket
- Minor Reckless Driving
- Parking Violations

Upon getting a ticket, the driver will be marked as incapable of operating a vehicle and can be arrested if caught driving. These can be paid off at the station and will have the same 3-day cooldown before being able to be paid off.

Also traffic stops are cool and can produce interesting interactions between the cops and the drivers.
Cops gets easy quota and activity, Drivers will be more careful when driving, and Racing gets more risky but not the unfair kind.


Level 21
+1 I would love to just be driving around and get pulled over and taken everything i own but joking aside seems like a blast to be stopped whilst driving and the rest of the idea's sound like a blast as well seems like it would be fun and would cause some more realistic roleplay within the server and would stop people from just driving on the wrong side of the road and such, an idea could be to have the boxes that the CCTV could record you driving over a specific SPEED LIMIT that the server would set up on signs of course it's hard work but would take a stop to it and sent them a fine.

But either way mate good points and i agree in it!
Eichi Holland [COLLEGE B]
Allison Holland [Grade 12]
[Notable] WistiRP

Discord: @WistiER
"Life can be tough but it all get's better."


Level 331
Just for your information, KPD is unable to tie a vehicle to an owner. We're not too keen on vehicle-related crimes altogether due to the severe lack of possibilities police has (police blockades don't work since people just go on the pavement, turn around unreaistically, or simply minge past the blockade).

The only way to actually stop someone is by tasing the driver (tranquilizers don't work on cars), so any updates that give KPD a more fair chance to deal with these situations is a +1 from me


Level 84
Thread starter
Just for your information, KPD is unable to tie a vehicle to an owner. We're not too keen on vehicle-related crimes altogether due to the severe lack of possibilities police has (police blockades don't work since people just go on the pavement, turn around unreaistically, or simply minge past the blockade).

The only way to actually stop someone is by tasing the driver (tranquilizers don't work on cars), so any updates that give KPD a more fair chance to deal with these situations is a +1 from me
It's not just making it fair but rather... actively enjoyable so to speak, but makes it more enjoyable, KPD still get advantages but It's also make it that racing can be a bit more... bearable when the cops are on instead of the usual "If cops are on, don't street race" but maybe even invoke a few chases to make it more fun.

As well as a side activity which is traffic stops, come on. Imagine traffic stop-ing Ezri Akai with the no doors vehicle. Would be funny.


Level 73
I was arrested once because they tracked my car's license plate even though it was a lancer evolution, the arrest was voided since— they can't actually connect a car to a specific person. However, that's not my point, adding more ways to interact in the middle of traffic would resonate for a unique experience for officers and players alike.


Level 19
There are already fines in place if players are going to reckless drive in the Karakura streets. While I'd love to see some updates that actually help KPD trying to stop people from recklessly driving, I don't think taking away or stopping them from using their cars is a fair way to go around the idea.

The idea of speeding tickets won't be possible, speed can not be controlled in the car as its an upgrade and there isn't actually any speed limit in Karakura, it's only if they reckless drive out of the road or swerve pavements etc. The same with parking violations, people don't park their cars and leave it due to the fact it could dispawn and they'll risk losing the car, they can only park for x-amount of time until the car is gone.

I will only agree to the suggestion if it gives KPD a benefit of able to catch the cars that are doing DUI or Evasion with a vehicle, but everything else is a -1


Level 84
Thread starter
There are already fines in place if players are going to reckless drive in the Karakura streets. While I'd love to see some updates that actually help KPD trying to stop people from recklessly driving, I don't think taking away or stopping them from using their cars is a fair way to go around the idea.

The idea of speeding tickets won't be possible, speed can not be controlled in the car as its an upgrade and there isn't actually any speed limit in Karakura, it's only if they reckless drive out of the road or swerve pavements etc. The same with parking violations, people don't park their cars and leave it due to the fact it could dispawn and they'll risk losing the car, they can only park for x-amount of time until the car is gone.

I will only agree to the suggestion if it gives KPD a benefit of able to catch the cars that are doing DUI or Evasion with a vehicle, but everything else is a -1

I think you misunderstood my suggestion, Speeding Tickets is only for Street Racing that is caught in CCTV but no eyewitness, Parking Violation while rare can be applied to the same bunch or people that just likes to use cars to go around or likes to show them. Fines as much as I've never heard it, would be too linear at the moment, and even then most vehicle related crimes are punished by Jailtime immediate.

The suggestion aims to give KPD advantage but also give people who are avid street racers to do their thing without having KPD being able to arrest them instantly by catching them off-guard somewhere because cops see them in CCTV or someone snitched despite them wearing helmets and outfits to conceal identity.

This suggestion is not aimed to make KPD even more powerful against people who do vehicle related crimes, but instead it's to make them more enjoyable to engage in as well as giving a new activity that they can do to both Street Racers and other Drivers alike.


Level 2
i feel like this would be fun and just gives more opportunity to interact with KPD and vice versa instead of immediately tazing someone out of a car, more RP opportunities is nice +1


Level 73
No because:
- Some people on the server are from places where people drive on the right side of the road. This may add confusion when they get pulled over. "Oh I didn't know."
- Turbo booster is hard to control, unless it pops up on perfectly straight roads, you're bound to drive on the sidewalk. Would be hard to stop at crosswalks mid-boost too.
- These points aren't problems worth fixing: the fact we can't ICly run people over makes reckless driving not dangerous to people's lives, therefore not needed for a law.

Yes because:
- Street-racing is an issue, and it'll be cool to see cops pull people over instead of just driving the cars to locations like pwp and TP criminals to jail (kinda lame imo)
- With the added school bus stops and "No Parking" signs, it appears SRP is going down the path of actually having traffic laws! (More custom signs anyone?)

Conclusion: If done right, it will expand RP experience and can bring more to us regarding realism and traffic.


Level 163
Gives KPD more things to do and for the car community such as bringing excitement and adrenaline moments it opens up more roleplay experiences as well


Level 8
+1 i dont see much with cars done apart from racing, so it would be cool to have those type of rp scenes another W suggestion


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- We have a system planned to track drivers in cars once we've made the update to 1.21!​

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