players online

Vehicle Rentals/Leases


Level 15
What's your Minecraft Username?: jayharu
What's the title of your suggestion?: Vehicle Rentals/Leases

What's your suggestion?:
Imo, vehicles are quite expensive and saving up to them if not in a rich family or part of a well paying job, you arent getting one for a couple of months. When I was a greenie on the server, it took me 4 months with lots of begging when I was in different families to afford a bike (which got stolen two days later)

My point is- what if there was a way to pay for a car rental or something? Like 200K Yen a month until fully paid off or a way that you can buy a car for a certain number of days before it needs to be handed back + interest, so its a way the economy could keep going as well.

Im not too sure if this suggestion was made already, if so please politely tell me but its just an idea as the roads of Karakura feel very useless in a way for the small percentage that do have a car.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Helping for there to be more purpose to the streets and a way that players can buy a proper vehicle!


Level 146
There is already an IC loaning service that players can use to purchase a vehicle, here is a link to their Discord. Though, I do think more should be done to promote this business (and those like it) because most players don't even know this exists (including the me from 5 minutes ago before I checked the business roster).
(This shilling isn't free, @Infi. I expect my compensation in the next 3-5 business days.)

As for temporarily renting a car just for fun, I think it would kind of soil the appeal of them; 100% subjective opinion here, but the only reason cars are cool are because only a few people are driving them around. If any random schmuck could get one for a few hundred thousand, it would just be less fun.


Level 39
My point is- what if there was a way to pay for a car rental or something? Like 200K Yen a month until fully paid off or a way that you can buy a car for a certain number of days before it needs to be handed back + interest, so its a way the economy could keep going as well.
Considering the following:
If you gain, on average, $4,500 per Fishing Rod plus $4,000 per /vote (If you don't get any bonus; that means the basic $500 per the 8 votes);
If we fish 3 times a day that's $22,500 plus the $4,000 of daily votes it's $26,500
If you only play in weekends, cause you may have school or college you need to prioritize over the game, that would be 8 days a month; being $212,000 per month. If all of this is true, you will be able to pay the cheapest car in approximately 15 months, that if there is no discount for the car the day you buy it.

What is proposed here is paying $200,000 monthly to fully pay the car rent/loan, which if used in 15 months, in comparison with a paid car, would be $3,000,000. 250,000 less than the price if you want to buy it fully. If you want to apply interest, that means the interest should be above $250,000 to make the price more just for the people that bought the car fully, otherwise there would be no reason to buy cars no more since the rental would be more economic in the first year.

Personally, instead of encouraging the addition of car rentals or car loans as a server solution. I would promote loan companies and promote the player-based solution to this problems. This could achieve three things; 1st the auto-regulation of prices depending on the demand of the product, and 2nd; the competition and economic benefit that this could bring to the buyer and the loaner, making it a new form of business in Karakura, and making the staff tackle other issues that can't have player-based solutions or alternatives. I know that there is already a loaning company in the city, but I already tried and they can't loan high amounts of money (necessary to pay a car), so all I am saying is if there is more competition for these types of businesses, the issue you are referring to would be more easily resolved. I know that this is hard to achieve, mainly because of the lack of interaction that people have with businesses or the lack of information about said business.


Level 15
Thread starter

Considering the following:
If you gain, on average, $4,500 per Fishing Rod plus $4,000 per /vote (If you don't get any bonus; that means the basic $500 per the 8 votes);
If we fish 3 times a day that's $22,500 plus the $4,000 of daily votes it's $26,500
If you only play in weekends, cause you may have school or college you need to prioritize over the game, that would be 8 days a month; being $212,000 per month. If all of this is true, you will be able to pay the cheapest car in approximately 15 months, that if there is no discount for the car the day you buy it.

What is proposed here is paying $200,000 monthly to fully pay the car rent/loan, which if used in 15 months, in comparison with a paid car, would be $3,000,000. 250,000 less than the price if you want to buy it fully. If you want to apply interest, that means the interest should be above $250,000 to make the price more just for the people that bought the car fully, otherwise there would be no reason to buy cars no more since the rental would be more economic in the first year.

Personally, instead of encouraging the addition of car rentals or car loans as a server solution. I would promote loan companies and promote the player-based solution to this problems. This could achieve three things; 1st the auto-regulation of prices depending on the demand of the product, and 2nd; the competition and economic benefit that this could bring to the buyer and the loaner, making it a new form of business in Karakura, and making the staff tackle other issues that can't have player-based solutions or alternatives. I know that there is already a loaning company in the city, but I already tried and they can't loan high amounts of money (necessary to pay a car), so all I am saying is if there is more competition for these types of businesses, the issue you are referring to would be more easily resolved. I know that this is hard to achieve, mainly because of the lack of interaction that people have with businesses or the lack of information about said business.
ou okay okay i see what u mean


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team

I don't think this is necessary to have, plus the server devs would have to make an ENTIRELY new plugin for something that players can just work extra for ingame through many ways or being given loan money.


Level 163
I'm going to agree on the others on this. Especially with what Miamorchito said. And what philbertman42 said!
The loaning businesses really need to get some advertisements going to help people with situations like this and other issues. I mean they were made for a reason.


Level 16

Considering the following:
If you gain, on average, $4,500 per Fishing Rod plus $4,000 per /vote (If you don't get any bonus; that means the basic $500 per the 8 votes);
If we fish 3 times a day that's $22,500 plus the $4,000 of daily votes it's $26,500
If you only play in weekends, cause you may have school or college you need to prioritize over the game, that would be 8 days a month; being $212,000 per month. If all of this is true, you will be able to pay the cheapest car in approximately 15 months, that if there is no discount for the car the day you buy it.

What is proposed here is paying $200,000 monthly to fully pay the car rent/loan, which if used in 15 months, in comparison with a paid car, would be $3,000,000. 250,000 less than the price if you want to buy it fully. If you want to apply interest, that means the interest should be above $250,000 to make the price more just for the people that bought the car fully, otherwise there would be no reason to buy cars no more since the rental would be more economic in the first year.

Personally, instead of encouraging the addition of car rentals or car loans as a server solution. I would promote loan companies and promote the player-based solution to this problems. This could achieve three things; 1st the auto-regulation of prices depending on the demand of the product, and 2nd; the competition and economic benefit that this could bring to the buyer and the loaner, making it a new form of business in Karakura, and making the staff tackle other issues that can't have player-based solutions or alternatives. I know that there is already a loaning company in the city, but I already tried and they can't loan high amounts of money (necessary to pay a car), so all I am saying is if there is more competition for these types of businesses, the issue you are referring to would be more easily resolved. I know that this is hard to achieve, mainly because of the lack of interaction that people have with businesses or the lack of information about said business.
im like 90% sure loan companies ask u to pay back the double you borrowed sometimes which isn't ideal.

I'm neutral on this, -1 because cars are expensive in real life and people aren't affluent in srp anyway. inflation sukz

+1 because it helps bring cars to use and not just decoration for 90% of the people playing srp


Level 113
speaking as someone who wasted like a bunch of ic money to buy like three vehicles (because why would i use real money), its not.... its not worth it. its fun for like 2 days, maybe, at most. then its kind of just like.. in your inventory and you can use it to get places twice as fast, and vehicles are only fun when you get a custom one, which is a different thing entirely.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.


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