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Vehicle Terrain Traversal Logic | CAR RELATED SUGGESTION


Level 84
What's your Minecraft Username?: HampterHunter
What's the title of your suggestion?: Vehicle Terrain Traversal Logic | CAR RELATED SUGGESTION

What's your suggestion?:

Now It's clear that most of us with a vehicle has at least been warned or told by staff that their vehicles are to not be used on certain places, such as sidewalks and other places, and in most cases this warn and scolding are perfectly justifiable, sometimes vehicle owners tends to get a little ahead of themselves and drive whatever it is that they have on sidewalks out of jokes and/or Lag Spike.

However this enforced rule also negates the potential roleplay behind vehicles especially smaller ones, and so I'm suggesting a Vehicle Traversal Capability Realism system of deciding whether a vehicle should or should not be where it is off-the-road.

What does it do?:

What it does is essentially opens the entire map to (sufficient category) vehicles, and essentially allows for certain vehicle types to traverse off the road (still illegally in-character) to places they never been able to PROVIDING that the path to get there is big enough and good enough for the vehicle. And also PROVIDING that the vehicle used is capable of traversing through such routes.

Why suggest this in the first place?:

To be frank, I just want to be able to roleplay further cars and their aspects, not to mention open up to new car related activities. Like come on, this is not even something to be add. It's simply just a written rule change which also benefit the 'niche' community of car enthusiasts in the server. (It's no longer small.)

Why would you drive anywhere other than the road?:

There are quite a bit of places that certain vehicles would be able to realistic-ly traverse on that are off the road, such as the beach, some alleyways, and even up a curb in the context of Racing (shortcuts) and also Miscellaneous reasons (Photography and/or Roleplay Props).

Minecraft Screenshot 2024.05.09 -
This level of Vehicle Traversal is NOT POSSIBLE due to:

  • Vehicle is a Hyper car with a LOW GROUND CLEARANCE for it to climb any form of curbs.
  • Vehicle Category are not typically used to traverse up a curb or obstacle.
Ex #2:
Minecraft Screenshot 2024.05.09 -
This level of Vehicle Traversal MIGHT be possible due to:
  • The Vehicle have a substantially higher ground clearance and therefore enough to get over a curb slowly.
  • The Vehicle is considered a truck and therefore have the capability of climbing due to it's 4-Wheel Drive system
  • The Area of the vehicle is one is big enough for it to climb up.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This will benefit towards vehicles as they are now, quite the roleplay tools, and are used much more often after the car plugins update, and I figured, why not give them a little more roleplay freedom to be used as roleplay props?
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Level 84
Thread starter
A Veeeery niche suggestion, for a Veeeeery niche sub-community, but hey, this don't add literally anything.


Level 15
your point is null and void
Huge -1

erm still minus one... Cars shouldn't be allowed onto the side walk, or places they just aren't meant to be. It'd cause a lot of issues as is... However there should be places such as pathways cars can go.
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Level 84
Thread starter
Huge -1

Its almost impossible to have the perfect mechanics you want without an actual mod, or barrier blocks.
thats why its illegal icly and not ALL cars can get on a sidewalk to traverse somewhere, only select kinds and also with sufficient space, so that pretty much removes 80% of sidewalks.
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Level 84
Community Team
Lore Team

Don’t get me wrong it’s a cool idea but someone’s destined to abuse this. No offence but cars currently are good enough on the road to have them off could cause some annoyance to roleplay away from the roads, cause issues trying to avoid getting hit when players go rough. Roads were built to be used and flat for cars to turn to and use when they need to get to places fast. They’re commonly heavily populated by cars and are there for the players to use. To have them go other places could be a nuisance as people have cars crash into their roleplay, drive past them or get in the way and cause issues.

More so to add on, where would they go? If you plan to use the forest or even suggest for a second using the forest, no. A forest is a FOREST I cannot emphasise this enough if we do this people will take their cars into the forest and use them which isn’t allowed. When it comes to natural areas or animal places the only people who are allowed to use cars or even use any 4 wheeled transport is the rangers. I do not want and I’m sure others don’t want cars driving through the forest. Forests are protected areas and shouldn’t have the noise it disturbs animals and affects their well being. I have worked as a small park ranger for a forest reserve near me and they try to avoid using cars at all unless it’s an emergency to avoid spooking the animals. I don’t think it would fit, the tree canopy is too low and it would cause too much ruckus there.

Even if this was allowed someone or people would use cars to minge out of the map. It’s a known fact that some SRP players love high ground and getting up into or on places they shouldn’t be on. Cars are no exception, they’re the perfect tools to be used for glitching into places and getting up to spaces you shouldn’t be into. I’m not saying people will do it, but let’s be honest someone will be trying. To give them a climbing advantage would cause more issues too and make cars get into trees with ease, climb buildings or just be in areas they shouldn’t be placed into. To add onto this as well the mountains are really steep and normally consist of 3-4 height blocks to give them that sudden jump. Giving cars the ability to climb would be asking for them to climb a straight up slope which cant always be done in real life without uneven terrain and support and I can tell you the mountains don’t offer that. Most hedges too are 3 blocks tall which would mean those climbing cars could shoot over them and go into these walled off areas by hedges.

Overall I love the idea it’s super fun but poorly thought out. Cars are great and should be used on the roads. Don’t try and bend the rules and if you tell a staff member you lagged or had a lag spike I’m sure they’d understand we’re pretty lenient. In general you shouldn’t be spawning your car anyway where it shouldn’t be. Show it off by all means, but do it on the road or even in a parking lot. To give players the freedom to have cars off-roading would lead to disaster and cause for a lot more issues, the forest wasn’t built for cars and off-roading. No forest is, it should remain a safe and quiet space for animals and was built to look pretty. Running cars along the beach would cause too many of them to be in the water and issues and give too many issues. Its a wonderful idea again I love it but you haven’t thought out how or what or where this could happen and what it would look like and why.
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Level 34
I don't agree with letting cars drive anywhere. I get that you're a great car enthusiast, but there's something about seeing cars where they shouldn't technically be that rubs me the wrong way, realistic or not. I understand allowing people to park their cars on the curb (I mean, that's something that happens), but going off-road for me is a no-no.

Also, I feel that that more enforcing would have to be put into place. With the whole "climbing" ruleset you're proposing, there would essentially have to be a weapons profile-like system implemented, with each custom car being an offshoot of an "official" car. Not everybody understands things like ground clearance, wheel drive systems and all.


Level 84
Thread starter

Don’t get me wrong it’s a cool idea but someone’s destined to abuse this. No offence but cars currently are good enough on the road to have them off could cause some annoyance to roleplay away from the roads, cause issues trying to avoid getting hit when players go rough. Roads were built to be used and flat for cars to turn to and use when they need to get to places fast. They’re commonly heavily populated by cars and are there for the players to use. To have them go other places could be a nuisance as people have cars crash into their roleplay, drive past them or get in the way and cause issues.

More so to add on, where would they go? If you plan to use the forest or even suggest for a second using the forest, no. A forest is a FOREST I cannot emphasise this enough if we do this people will take their cars into the forest and use them which isn’t allowed. When it comes to natural areas or animal places the only people who are allowed to use cars or even use any 4 wheeled transport is the rangers. I do not want and I’m sure others don’t want cars driving through the forest. Forests are protected areas and shouldn’t have the noise it disturbs animals and affects their well being. I have worked as a small park ranger for a forest reserve near me and they try to avoid using cars at all unless it’s an emergency to avoid spooking the animals. I don’t think it would fit, the tree canopy is too low and it would cause too much ruckus there.

Even if this was allowed someone or people would use cars to minge out of the map. It’s a known fact that some SRP players love high ground and getting up into or on places they shouldn’t be on. Cars are no exception, they’re the perfect tools to be used for glitching into places and getting up to spaces you shouldn’t be into. I’m not saying people will do it, but let’s be honest someone will be trying. To give them a climbing advantage would cause more issues too and make cars get into trees with ease, climb buildings or just be in areas they shouldn’t be placed into. To add onto this as well the mountains are really steep and normally consist of 3-4 height blocks to give them that sudden jump. Giving cars the ability to climb would be asking for them to climb a straight up slope which cant always be done in real life without uneven terrain and support and I can tell you the mountains don’t offer that. Most hedges too are 3 blocks tall which would mean those climbing cars could shoot over them and go into these walled off areas by hedges.

Overall I love the idea it’s super fun but poorly thought out. Cars are great and should be used on the roads. Don’t try and bend the rules and if you tell a staff member you lagged or had a lag spike I’m sure they’d understand we’re pretty lenient. In general you shouldn’t be spawning your car anyway where it shouldn’t be. Show it off by all means, but do it on the road or even in a parking lot. To give players the freedom to have cars off-roading would lead to disaster and cause for a lot more issues, the forest wasn’t built for cars and off-roading. No forest is, it should remain a safe and quiet space for animals and was built to look pretty. Running cars along the beach would cause too many of them to be in the water and issues and give too many issues. Its a wonderful idea again I love it but you haven’t thought out how or what or where this could happen and what it would look like and why.
Tackling this one by one:

1. While yes people would abuse it, that's insinuating the suggestion is for "Freedom for Vehicle Terrain Traversal." Period, which is really not what the suggestion is for, Yes the suggestion says that some cars should be able to get on curbs and go offroad, but It's Providing that the place it's headed is also completely proportionately and realisticly possible to traverse, such as the beach, with it's open ground, especially towards the beach houses parts.

2. The forest will not be considered a proportionately and realistic-ly possible place to drive on, as your reasoning stated, It's a dense forest, therefore does not include.

3. Most of the minge-able place is on the forest, which will be obviously undriveable by realistic standpoint.

4. The reason for the suggestion is that, for someone who loves photography especially car photography, taking pictures on roads and parking lots alone is a bit... boring sometimes, and so taking a picture on beaches can bring more to photography such as mood, and settings as well as adding more to the background of the photo.

So essentially your points are great, but some does missed the point of my suggestion entirely. Only specific cars can go off the road providing their size fits and the place they're going to is realistic-ly traversable by vehicles, Motorcycles will not be able to climb curbs regularly but can use the ramp crossing as an entry, Cars with lower suspensions and sports cars category of vehicles will pretty much be dead stuck and will only be driveable on the asphalt realistic-ly.

Also not to mention anything to do with this are also IC-ly Illegal so in the first place if it's possible, it's still a hefty risk.


Level 84
Thread starter
I don't agree with letting cars drive anywhere. I get that you're a great car enthusiast, but there's something about seeing cars where they shouldn't technically be that rubs me the wrong way, realistic or not. I understand allowing people to park their cars on the curb (I mean, that's something that happens), but going off-road for me is a no-no.

Also, I feel that that more enforcing would have to be put into place. With the whole "climbing" ruleset you're proposing, there would essentially have to be a weapons profile-like system implemented, with each custom car being an offshoot of an "official" car. Not everybody understands things like ground clearance, wheel drive systems and all.
I don't think It's that hard to enforce, since It's broadly just opens up certain alleyway for certain type of vehicles as well as the beach since It's by default very accessible realistic-ly by cars with medium capability of offroad, while as the Forest is just straight up no.

Hell, I've seen someone get warned for using a bicycle on the curb, which is weird. So the Idea is giving specific instances where cars can be used off the road providing it's possible from a realistic stand-point.


Level 84
Community Team
Lore Team
Tackling this one by one:

1. While yes people would abuse it, that's insinuating the suggestion is for "Freedom for Vehicle Terrain Traversal." Period, which is really not what the suggestion is for, Yes the suggestion says that some cars should be able to get on curbs and go offroad, but It's Providing that the place it's headed is also completely proportionately and realisticly possible to traverse, such as the beach, with it's open ground, especially towards the beach houses parts.

2. The forest will not be considered a proportionately and realistic-ly possible place to drive on, as your reasoning stated, It's a dense forest, therefore does not include.

3. Most of the minge-able place is on the forest, which will be obviously undriveable by realistic standpoint.

4. The reason for the suggestion is that, for someone who loves photography especially car photography, taking pictures on roads and parking lots alone is a bit... boring sometimes, and so taking a picture on beaches can bring more to photography such as mood, and settings as well as adding more to the background of the photo.

So essentially your points are great, but some does missed the point of my suggestion entirely. Only specific cars can go off the road providing their size fits and the place they're going to is realistic-ly traversable by vehicles, Motorcycles will not be able to climb curbs regularly but can use the ramp crossing as an entry, Cars with lower suspensions and sports cars category of vehicles will pretty much be dead stuck and will only be driveable on the asphalt realistic-ly.

Also not to mention anything to do with this are also IC-ly Illegal so in the first place if it's possible, it's still a hefty risk.
I do not agree with the beach either. As I already stated, they would drive their cars into the ocean, across the volleyball courts and cause issues and in general the beach is really crowded with chairs and stuff and it wouldn’t be suitable. If you’d like to go speak over beach rules and regulations with driving cars along with what conditions are right you’re welcome to DM me. Australia is known for its drivable beaches. However please consider and think over the consequences to using the beach as a drivable space, the placement of things across the beach and that it’s meant to be a place to leisure and some people fish and stuff along it. To drive a car along it? That isn’t practical and you’d be driving over towels, beach chairs and umbrellas.


Level 84
Thread starter
I do not agree with the beach either. As I already stated, they would drive their cars into the ocean, across the volleyball courts and cause issues and in general the beach is really crowded with chairs and stuff and it wouldn’t be suitable. If you’d like to go speak over beach rules and regulations with driving cars along with what conditions are right you’re welcome to DM me. Australia is known for its drivable beaches. However please consider and think over the consequences to using the beach as a drivable space, the placement of things across the beach and that it’s meant to be a place to leisure and some people fish and stuff along it. To drive a car along it? That isn’t practical and you’d be driving over towels, beach chairs and umbrellas.
what about the other far end of the beach, where the beach houses are? they're pretty much.... open spaces with nothing around, hell i'd make a suggestion for that entire place to be turned into parking lot due to how depressingly empty that spot is


Level 27
This is a no from me...

I understand that you want more vehicle transmission OFF the roads. But there isn't much room for that. Again, the beach or certain areas are obviously occupied by buildings, or structures. And are also populated by the players and or their roleplay.

The frontal part of the beach where the old 'Akihito' loan office or where the volleyball courts are located. Has a bunch of chairs or umbrellas marking the sand, which wouldn't be realistic to drive over. Nor on the furthest left side where the beach-houses are located because that is right next to block L. And the public dormitories.

In general, I feel like it'd cause more issues than necessary



Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Going to be a no from me as well unfortunately. To put it simply this will only overcomplicate things between the players and staff, and players will take advantage of it to drive on pavements where they're not supposed to with the wrong vehicle. There is plenty of road space and parking lots on the map to have infinite possibilities with vehicle roleplay, and it's best to keep it that way in my opinion


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
what about the other far end of the beach, where the beach houses are? they're pretty much.... open spaces with nothing around, hell i'd make a suggestion for that entire place to be turned into parking lot due to how depressingly empty that spot is
KimiNoUso has stated in previous suggestions that the map is slowly undergoing updates, and the beach is something that will be updated last on the list of district updates


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
I'm sorry, as much as I would love to drive my car on the beach or places it's not supposed to. It's a no from me


Level 20
Honestly The only vehicles that would even be like drivable in other places are motorcycles. But at the end of the day people would just abuse that for their own agenda so i doubt any of the car rules will be changing


Level 35
Community Team
as an experienced driver that quite often here's the screams of a senior admin when even touching the sidewalk...

its a no from me chief


Level 163
I think if Hunter wants to take photos anywhere else than the roads on a realistic level then I believe he should be allowed to do that. To prevent things being complicated with staff and the player base- as much as driving to a good scenery off road wouldn’t be able to happen at least let Hunter and the other car enthusiasts that love taking photos be allowed to place their vehicles in off road areas for photography wise. I can understand why taking photos on roads would get boring at some point. If you’ve ever played Forza or any other car game like Gran Turismo that lets you go to really cool areas for scenery photos that’s what I’m getting at for SRP car enthusiasts being allowed to do.

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