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Vehicles & Storage

Alison Wither

Level 8
What's your Minecraft Username?: Alison_Wither
What's the title of your suggestion?: Vehicles & Storage

What's your suggestion?:
I propose implementing a dynamic vehicle storage system. This feature entails the addition of interactive trunks to vehicles, like Minecraft chests, accessible by left-clicking the designated storage area on each vehicle. Furthermore, players would also be able to access the storage by shift-right-clicking on the vehicle itself, ensuring intuitive accessibility across different vehicle types.

Here's a breakdown of the suggested storage capacities tailored to various vehicle types:

The storage compartment, integrated into the front basket, would offer between 2 to 6 slots (depending on the developers' decision), mirroring the limitations of real-life bicycle baskets.

Motorbike: Positioned beneath the seat, the storage area accommodates between 8 to 20 slots (depending on the developers' decision), reflecting the increased storage capacity compared to bicycles.

Hatchback Vehicles (e.g., Honda N-Box): The interactive storage, located on the rear door, presents a single Minecraft chest storage slot, in line with the compact nature of hatchback vehicles.

Cars (e.g., Toyota Prius): The trunk serves as the primary storage space, offering double the capacity of a double Minecraft chest, catering to the larger storage needs of cars.

Custom Vehicles: People who bought custom vehicles, can customize their vehicles, including the storage compartments. This is particularly useful for those who require more storage space than what is provided in some sports cars. Car modelers can decide on the number of storage slots for the custom car. When requesting a custom vehicle, players can select where they want the storage to be placed based on the car model. If players find that the storage is not in the right place, they can submit a bug report to have it corrected. To avoid any inconvenience, it is recommended that players retrieve items from storage before reporting the issue.

Important note: KPD (Karakura Police Department) Can pull over and search suspicious vehicles to check for weapons or illegal items. If they find alcohol, they should request identification from the player and may take action if illegal items are discovered.

Extra note for developers: If you feel that the amount of storage I'm requesting is either too big or too small, you can always adjust the number of slots until it makes sense and items in the vehicle won't disappear upon picking up the vehicle as it doesn't make sense for items to vanish when leaving your car ICly while picking it up OOCly.

**Extra note for all readers: Certain bugs may cause you to lose your stored items after picking up your vehicle. To avoid such an event, it is advised that you take a screenshot of the items in storage so that you can retrieve them if lost. Additionally, it is suggested that you avoid leaving your car unattended for way too long, as it may result in your items despawning along with the vehicle.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This feature not only enhances gameplay but also introduces realistic elements, such as the potential for police interactions and having more storage for instance, players could establish small businesses like food trucks, allowing them to transport and sell goods more efficiently. Delivery persons could also thrive, offering speedy and reliable transportation services between players or businesses. This update would be great if the car despawning and item disappearance bugs are fixed.
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Level 143
Government Lead
I like this idea, but what happens after you pick up your car? Do the items stay as a portable storage (like backpacks) or will they disappear upon picking up the vehicle?

Alison Wither

Level 8
Thread starter
I like this idea, but what happens after you pick up your car? Do the items stay as a portable storage (like backpacks) or will they disappear upon picking up the vehicle?
They won't disappear upon pickup, as it doesn't make sense for items to vanish when leaving your car ICly (picking it up OOCly).


Level 50
I hope that before pickup, players will be required to take out all items in the car before they can pickup.
But there will be a small problem, scenario simulation:
You prepare to move and load a lot of items in your vehicle. When you arrive at your destination, you park the car and prepare to go upstairs to put your things. After 5-10 minutes, you go downstairs and wonder, um, where is my car? (Cleared by the server), you may lose a lot of things.
In fact, the player's inventory itself has 36 slots. Isn't that enough?


Level 181
Community Team
Lore Team
Due to how people already don't pick up their Cars/Bikes/Jetskis, I don't think that is something we need as of right now. A future update sure, but right now. No, so; Neutral / Leaning to -1


Level 32
But there's a lot to be considered. As mentioned before, picking up the car will be problematic since the storage could be lost. To solve this issue, the mods will need to come up with a complex code. Apart from that, when it comes to customs, it would be extremely tedious to check each car of the players in the server one by one (Considering that most of them are customs).

I do agree that this would be a nice incorporation into the game, and I can't wait to see it in the future. I'm just stating some concerns I had at the moment I read it.

Alison Wither

Level 8
Thread starter
Due to how people already don't pick up their Cars/Bikes/Jetskis, I don't think that is something we need as of right now. A future update sure, but right now. No, so; Neutral / Leaning to -1
It's not just about picking up the vehicle, it also provides additional storage space when needed. This can be a useful alternative inventory for carrying many items that may not fit your regular inventory. For example, food trucks and delivery persons I mentioned and many other things could benefit from this. If you could reconsider changing your rating from -1, I would be very thankful since every comment and rating matters to me and if your rating is still leaning to -1 after reconsidering it's okay. :)


Level 181
Community Team
Lore Team
It's not just about picking up the vehicle, it also provides additional storage space when needed. This can be a useful alternative inventory for carrying many items that may not fit your regular inventory. For example, food trucks and delivery persons I mentioned and many other things could benefit from this. If you could reconsider changing your rating from -1, I would be very thankful since every comment and rating matters to me and if your rating is still leaning to -1 after reconsidering it's okay. :)
The whole reason I am leaning towards -1, is that the devs have to figure out a system with the current plugin to ADD a type of storage(which, if you look on the backlog of SRP stuff, backpacks are coming back to SRP as portable storage). Cars are already buggy as it is right now and the dev team is working hard in trying to figure out WHY it is happening. Until that is fixed, I do not think this is something that they should be focusing on and if they do accept this, it will be put in the backlog to get done GODS know when.

Our devs are working their hardest and this is just something they have to additionally do along with their current workload with updating the server and clearing out the current blacklog

Alison Wither

Level 8
Thread starter
The whole reason I am leaning towards -1, is that the devs have to figure out a system with the current plugin to ADD a type of storage(which, if you look on the backlog of SRP stuff, backpacks are coming back to SRP as portable storage). Cars are already buggy as it is right now and the dev team is working hard in trying to figure out WHY it is happening. Until that is fixed, I do not think this is something that they should be focusing on and if they do accept this, it will be put in the backlog to get done GODS know when.

Our devs are working their hardest and this is just something they have to additionally do along with their current workload with updating the server and clearing out the current blacklog
Let's not forget that what I'm suggesting is not related to any bugs or technical issues. Rather, it's something like the backpack storage feature, aimed at making the server more realistic. I've shared my idea to gauge whether others think it's a good one and whether it should be implemented on the server. The timing of its implementation is not crucial, but it should come after the issue with cars is fixed. Once it's implemented, the car bug is already resolved (if they accept adding it).
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