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Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

By applying to verify your own business, you gain access to a multitude of features that include hosting your own business related events, utilizing shared private office spaces, and collaborating with other business owners to bring your ideas to life. Business owning is not like shopkeeping, however it does open up a multitude of possibilities to encourage roleplay in the business industry. Advertisement of your business in the town discord is crucial to growing your business as well as roleplay experience. Applications will be reviewed once a month. Be sure to read through all of the rules before applying. Best of luck!

  • All RoleplayHub's OOC rules apply here. Make sure to go through them before applying.
  • Make sure you have joined the Town Discord.
  • Criminal Roleplay/Gang Roleplay is not permitted within your business.
  • Your business will be inspected once a month to ensure that it is active in the discord and on the server.
  • Your discord server ownership must be transferred to the town faction lead or owner upon acceptance.
  • You must have a business that remains active, does not break rules frequently, and has a good standing within the community.
  • Your business must be realistic and comply with SchoolRP's rules.
  • You cannot perform / act on tasks or duties of an existing faction, e.g. a private detective firm, a private law firm, a merchant/shop, etc.
  • You cannot be given a a paycheck from the server, only faction positions can offer this.
  • It is recommended that you establish your business and hire a small team of employees before applying.
Failure to follow any of these rules can result in removal from verified status.

  • Make sure to take your time and fill in each question with as many details as you can and proofread it before submitting.
  • Format the title of your post with your IGN, followed by the title of your business application (i.e oInfi | Verified Business Application).
  • Make sure to bold every question, do not bold the answers.
  • Text color should be kept black, though minor changes are allowed.
  • Use proper grammar & spelling. (You may use grammarly)
  • Plagiarism or submission of someone else’s work will result in a blacklist from verified businesses.
  • You may not be on the verified skin tailoring roster in the SchoolRP discord and a Verified Business owner at the same time (i.e oInfi Tailoring cannot be both approved in the SchoolRP discord and a verified business)


Describe your activity on the server:

What is the name of your business?:
Attach a discord link to your business here:
In a paragraph or more, please describe what your business does:
Is your business non-profit or for-profit?:

What is your business’s mission statement?:
What do you plan to accomplish with your business?:
Specify one event your business would host/take part in on the server:

Do you understand that your business may lose its verified status if not kept active?:
Do you have any additional comments?:
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