IGN (In-Game Name):
What is your discord username?:
What is your timezone?:
GMT +1
Describe your activity on the server:
As always, i respond to this in the same way - this question can be interpreted in two ways;
- Activity as how much do you play
- Activity as what roleplay you engage in
Let’s start then!
On a scale of one to ten, my activity is solid eight. I log onto the server everyday, and I usually spend whole days on it. Back in the days, I was able to spend even more time online, as my personal record of being a nerd was spending 24 hours straight on a server. (I spent 24 hours on SRP and THIS happened.) Yeah, my dedication was really serious, especially when I was a councillor. I did more than I was expected to do, as I was constantly taking care of the faction I was in, planning out some activities, helping higher-ups etc.
So about my roleplay, I really appreciate in participating in high qualify roleplay, which includes good DetailRP (Not text walls, tho) I lay my hands mainly on some sort of RomanceRP, which currently takes my whole attention, due to how complicated relationship I have on my Highschool character. Not going to lie, I might have the most interesting relationship that ever had on a server. It sounds like ego top but trust me, this relationship is so developed - it’s not just a normal romance. Honestly, I’m really proud of how we roleplayed out. I also focus on the lore of my main character, she has dissociative identity disorder which is actually really hard to roleplay properly. Good character development is crucial for me, and that’s one of my favorite activities. From things I do not participate in, is unconsented GangRP/CrimeRP - while I do not engage in crime activities on server, I might sometimes give permission to physically assault my character if their reason is solid, it will have nice impact on lore of my character and I simply enjoy roleplaying with person who would attack my character. In my opinion, uncontested assaults are boring, people just want to speedrun it. It’s more like a PVP than actual Roleplay, and the loss side enjoys roleplay less.
List your current roles on the server:
{Grade-12} {Journalist} Neon ‘Mizu’ Hayasaka
{College}{B} Hitomi McMullen
If I’m accepted, I expect my roles to be:
{College}{B}{Journalist} Neon ‘Mizu’ Hayasaka
{Maiden} Hitomi McMullen
Link any previous applications:
What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?
Maiden, of course!
What is your motivation for applying?
Shrine is currently one of the places I visit really often, and I find people here really interesting to roleplay with. From my favorite ones, I can point out Asami, Charlotte, Haruka and much more. So, if I become a maiden, I will no longer visit a shrine spontaneously; it will be part of my character duty. Next thing is I am actually interested in shrine lore and people from it. I spent most of my time on the server in student council, now shall I dedicate my time for something new. Meaning of that is I want to learn something new, while still having fun and joy - this is the reason we’re playing, after all.
What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
I will not run around the bush, I do not know much about Shintoism. So, I will do a summary of research I have found about this religion. But the answer is yes, I want to learn more about Shintoism!
Shinto is a traditional religion originating in Japan. At its core is the worship of kami, which are spirits or deities associated with natural phenomena, objects and ancestors. The religion emphasises the connection between humanity and the kami through rituals of sorts, practices of enchantment and sacrifice. Shintoism has no sacred scripture, but is rooted in Japanese cultural and historical practices, such as seasonal Matsuri festivals and ceremonies at Jinja temples.
Shinto practices:
Jinja temples (Shrines, shinto shrines) are sacred lands dedicated to kami. They serve as places to perform rituals, but also to meet and integrate into the community.
Their features include Torii gates, which symbolise transitions into sacred space, purification pools and sacrificial halls.
Before entering the temple, hands must be cleansed in holy water. Seasonal festivals, known as matsuri, honour the Kami and celebrate seasonal changes, agricultural cycles or historical events have place in shrines. They most often include offerings, music and dance.
Offerings to the kami are most often manifested through the donation of food, sake or other symbolic items as acts of respect and gratitude to the spirits.
Another important aspect for temples are protective amulets (Omamori) and wooden plates (Ema) on which prayers or wishes left at temples are written.
What is your discord username?:
What is your timezone?:
GMT +1
Describe your activity on the server:
As always, i respond to this in the same way - this question can be interpreted in two ways;
- Activity as how much do you play
- Activity as what roleplay you engage in
Let’s start then!
On a scale of one to ten, my activity is solid eight. I log onto the server everyday, and I usually spend whole days on it. Back in the days, I was able to spend even more time online, as my personal record of being a nerd was spending 24 hours straight on a server. (I spent 24 hours on SRP and THIS happened.) Yeah, my dedication was really serious, especially when I was a councillor. I did more than I was expected to do, as I was constantly taking care of the faction I was in, planning out some activities, helping higher-ups etc.
So about my roleplay, I really appreciate in participating in high qualify roleplay, which includes good DetailRP (Not text walls, tho) I lay my hands mainly on some sort of RomanceRP, which currently takes my whole attention, due to how complicated relationship I have on my Highschool character. Not going to lie, I might have the most interesting relationship that ever had on a server. It sounds like ego top but trust me, this relationship is so developed - it’s not just a normal romance. Honestly, I’m really proud of how we roleplayed out. I also focus on the lore of my main character, she has dissociative identity disorder which is actually really hard to roleplay properly. Good character development is crucial for me, and that’s one of my favorite activities. From things I do not participate in, is unconsented GangRP/CrimeRP - while I do not engage in crime activities on server, I might sometimes give permission to physically assault my character if their reason is solid, it will have nice impact on lore of my character and I simply enjoy roleplaying with person who would attack my character. In my opinion, uncontested assaults are boring, people just want to speedrun it. It’s more like a PVP than actual Roleplay, and the loss side enjoys roleplay less.
List your current roles on the server:
{Grade-12} {Journalist} Neon ‘Mizu’ Hayasaka
{College}{B} Hitomi McMullen
If I’m accepted, I expect my roles to be:
{College}{B}{Journalist} Neon ‘Mizu’ Hayasaka
{Maiden} Hitomi McMullen
Link any previous applications:
What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?
Maiden, of course!
What is your motivation for applying?
Shrine is currently one of the places I visit really often, and I find people here really interesting to roleplay with. From my favorite ones, I can point out Asami, Charlotte, Haruka and much more. So, if I become a maiden, I will no longer visit a shrine spontaneously; it will be part of my character duty. Next thing is I am actually interested in shrine lore and people from it. I spent most of my time on the server in student council, now shall I dedicate my time for something new. Meaning of that is I want to learn something new, while still having fun and joy - this is the reason we’re playing, after all.
What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
I will not run around the bush, I do not know much about Shintoism. So, I will do a summary of research I have found about this religion. But the answer is yes, I want to learn more about Shintoism!
Shinto is a traditional religion originating in Japan. At its core is the worship of kami, which are spirits or deities associated with natural phenomena, objects and ancestors. The religion emphasises the connection between humanity and the kami through rituals of sorts, practices of enchantment and sacrifice. Shintoism has no sacred scripture, but is rooted in Japanese cultural and historical practices, such as seasonal Matsuri festivals and ceremonies at Jinja temples.
Shinto practices:
Jinja temples (Shrines, shinto shrines) are sacred lands dedicated to kami. They serve as places to perform rituals, but also to meet and integrate into the community.
Their features include Torii gates, which symbolise transitions into sacred space, purification pools and sacrificial halls.
Before entering the temple, hands must be cleansed in holy water. Seasonal festivals, known as matsuri, honour the Kami and celebrate seasonal changes, agricultural cycles or historical events have place in shrines. They most often include offerings, music and dance.
Offerings to the kami are most often manifested through the donation of food, sake or other symbolic items as acts of respect and gratitude to the spirits.
Another important aspect for temples are protective amulets (Omamori) and wooden plates (Ema) on which prayers or wishes left at temples are written.
Character Full Name:
Hitomi McMullen
*Blue-haired female gives you a confident look, taking a deep breath as she proudly says her name “My name is Hitomi McMullen.” smiles afterward, curling up with her hair as she waits for the next question.*
Character Title:
Ms. McMullen
*Hummed, resting her hands on her thighs. Hitomi began to speak in rather a soft tone, not giving any signs of stress. “Well, I’m fine with Ms. McMullen, though I prefer when people call me by my name.” stated, remaining in eye contact with an individual all the time.*
Character Age:
*Smiling slightly, without hesitation, she spoke. “22 rotations of the Earth around the Sun.” crossed her arms, adding afterward. “So, 22 years old. How did it go so fast?” Hitomi placed a finger on her chin, thinking for a moment.*
Character Marital Status:
*The girl’s facial expression changed as her marital status was mentioned. Her eyes squinted, although Hitomi tried to remain professional and not let her past ruin this interview. “I’m single, always been a fan of single-player mode.” Shrugged, a hint of pain was visible in the blue-haired girl's eyes.*
Character Nationality:
*Quickly regained her composure and tried to focus on the rest of the questions. The girl faked a smile, letting you continue. “My mother was born in Ireland, while I was born here. So, half Irish/Japanese.” nodded, The girl sounded proud when she mentioned her mother and their nationality.*
Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
Bachelors (Psychology)
*Blue-haired girl relaxed, taking a breath. “I finished my bachelor's Degree in Psychology.” Hitomi smiled brightly. “I was about to go for Master, but I was very overwhelmed.” Girl rubbed her cheek, waiting for the outcome of the interview patiently!*
Hitomi McMullen
*Blue-haired female gives you a confident look, taking a deep breath as she proudly says her name “My name is Hitomi McMullen.” smiles afterward, curling up with her hair as she waits for the next question.*
Character Title:
Ms. McMullen
*Hummed, resting her hands on her thighs. Hitomi began to speak in rather a soft tone, not giving any signs of stress. “Well, I’m fine with Ms. McMullen, though I prefer when people call me by my name.” stated, remaining in eye contact with an individual all the time.*
Character Age:
*Smiling slightly, without hesitation, she spoke. “22 rotations of the Earth around the Sun.” crossed her arms, adding afterward. “So, 22 years old. How did it go so fast?” Hitomi placed a finger on her chin, thinking for a moment.*
Character Marital Status:
*The girl’s facial expression changed as her marital status was mentioned. Her eyes squinted, although Hitomi tried to remain professional and not let her past ruin this interview. “I’m single, always been a fan of single-player mode.” Shrugged, a hint of pain was visible in the blue-haired girl's eyes.*
Character Nationality:
*Quickly regained her composure and tried to focus on the rest of the questions. The girl faked a smile, letting you continue. “My mother was born in Ireland, while I was born here. So, half Irish/Japanese.” nodded, The girl sounded proud when she mentioned her mother and their nationality.*
Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
Bachelors (Psychology)
*Blue-haired girl relaxed, taking a breath. “I finished my bachelor's Degree in Psychology.” Hitomi smiled brightly. “I was about to go for Master, but I was very overwhelmed.” Girl rubbed her cheek, waiting for the outcome of the interview patiently!*
Hitomi was born in Japan, though her mother, Maya, comes from Ireland. Maya was a business psychiatrist, then she changed her job, as she became a professor in Karakura College, eventually becoming a head of department. Her daughter was known for not being a really problematic kid, she wasn’t causing too many problems. As Hitomi started attending High School, it was clear that the girl was a good, well-behaved student.
In Grade-7, she met a deaf boy. He was really disliked by people, but not by Hitomi. She quickly befriended him, and learnt Sign language just to communicate with him. Boy was bullied, and Hitomi tried to fight against it. When school troublemakers started doing it again, the boy wasn’t even fighting with it. She went too far, as they destroyed his hearing aids. Hitomi was looking for the boy, and she eventually did. She protected the boy, sacrificing herself and getting bullied by them, letting him go. But Hitomi at least tried to fight with it, but they easily overpowered her. That was enough for the family of this boy, as they decided to change the school of their kid. Hitomi fully replaced deaf boy, as she became the next target of school troublemakers. She never experienced bullying on her own skin before except for this one incident, but she effectively fought against them.
In Grade 8, Hitomi began to develop the first symptoms of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) This made Hitomi a perfectionist - she liked everything to be perfectly organized.
The girl often wondered why she cared so much about things that were unimportant to other people. At first, Hitomi thought it was just her quirk and that other people didn't do this. However, over time, her thoughts and behaviors became more and more burdensome. Hitomi spent hours organizing things, repeatedly checked the doors to make sure they were locked, and constantly had thoughts about whether she had done something wrong. One day, she accidentally read something on the internet about viruses, diseases, and so on - from that moment on, she was terribly afraid of bacteria and viruses. She began to wash her hands and body very thoroughly, fearing that if she didn't do it, she would get sick and die. All of this was happening in Hitomi's head. Her mother did not notice the first symptoms until she was informed by the school... During breaks, Hitomi would run to the bathroom thinking she had been infected and had to quickly disinfect her hands. One time, she ran away and washed her hands for a full 30 minutes... the teacher noticed her long bathroom breaks. But she did not expect the reason - she saw Hitomi washing her hands, which were red from intense washing. She sent her to the school psychologist. After the first conversation, the psychologist was very concerned... Hitomi told her about her obsessive thoughts, compulsions, and so on. The psychologist was almost certain that the girl had OCD. She informed her mother, who took further steps. Hitomi established a good relationship with the psychologist, she liked to attend and talk to her, it helped her a lot. Thanks to her, Hitomi found an interest in psychology. After hearing the psychologist's suspicion, her mother decided to take Hitomi to a psychiatrist and psychothe******. The psychiatrist diagnosed Hitomi with obsessive-compulsive disorder and prescribed her medication, and the psychothe****** helped her fight OCD. In the end, thanks to the help of specialists and her mother who was also a psychiatrist, she coped with the problem of OCD. Although she still struggles with it, she knows HOW to fight it and does not give up.
In Grade-10 Hitomi joined a Student Council, and that’s when her true journey began. Due to how well-behaved student she was, she became a really good councillor. Hitomi obediently followed school rules and council guidelines, which school troublemakers did not appreciate. For the fact, she had many enemies as Hitomi stopped many troublemakers from bullying people or causing chaos. They tried to bully her and made Hitomi hate her role, but she was assertive. With authority she held, the girl was able to protect herself, effectively disencouraging her bullies. Well, for the time. A group of known troublemakers swirlied her for simply doing her job, and the girl made the worst decision she could… She tried fighting them back physically, having no other choice, but FAILED. She couldn’t even land a hit on them. But rumors have spreaded either way, people called her out for being corrupted. That’s when Asami (Back then Jaibatsume, as she was married to Mee-young) made some actions against Hitomi. Though Asami was not going to do what she should have, like reporting this to her higher-ups… she was going to bully Hitomi. And she effectively did, making her fellow co-worker literally scared of her. Hitomi wasn’t giving up, even though she was overpowered by Asami. One of Asami's serious actions was burning some of Hitomi’s hair. Then she went step further, asking Violet, the Football Captain, to cut Hitomi’s long hair. That was enough for her, she brought it up to Akiya Kusanagi, but there was no hard proof against Asami. Vice Principal, the current council’s lead decision was avoiding each other. If any of them would break this rule, it’d result in suspension from council. If it wouldn’t work, then further actions would be considered. Asami began to ignore Hitomi, which annoyed the younger councillor. She wanted to take revenge on her, but in the end she couldn’t do anything. Then, after talking spontaneously with Asami, an older councillor told her about the reason for this; she believed Hitomi was corrupt. All because of this stupid rumor. Hitomi told her whole story, and in the end, both girls made up.
In Grade-7, she met a deaf boy. He was really disliked by people, but not by Hitomi. She quickly befriended him, and learnt Sign language just to communicate with him. Boy was bullied, and Hitomi tried to fight against it. When school troublemakers started doing it again, the boy wasn’t even fighting with it. She went too far, as they destroyed his hearing aids. Hitomi was looking for the boy, and she eventually did. She protected the boy, sacrificing herself and getting bullied by them, letting him go. But Hitomi at least tried to fight with it, but they easily overpowered her. That was enough for the family of this boy, as they decided to change the school of their kid. Hitomi fully replaced deaf boy, as she became the next target of school troublemakers. She never experienced bullying on her own skin before except for this one incident, but she effectively fought against them.
In Grade 8, Hitomi began to develop the first symptoms of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) This made Hitomi a perfectionist - she liked everything to be perfectly organized.
The girl often wondered why she cared so much about things that were unimportant to other people. At first, Hitomi thought it was just her quirk and that other people didn't do this. However, over time, her thoughts and behaviors became more and more burdensome. Hitomi spent hours organizing things, repeatedly checked the doors to make sure they were locked, and constantly had thoughts about whether she had done something wrong. One day, she accidentally read something on the internet about viruses, diseases, and so on - from that moment on, she was terribly afraid of bacteria and viruses. She began to wash her hands and body very thoroughly, fearing that if she didn't do it, she would get sick and die. All of this was happening in Hitomi's head. Her mother did not notice the first symptoms until she was informed by the school... During breaks, Hitomi would run to the bathroom thinking she had been infected and had to quickly disinfect her hands. One time, she ran away and washed her hands for a full 30 minutes... the teacher noticed her long bathroom breaks. But she did not expect the reason - she saw Hitomi washing her hands, which were red from intense washing. She sent her to the school psychologist. After the first conversation, the psychologist was very concerned... Hitomi told her about her obsessive thoughts, compulsions, and so on. The psychologist was almost certain that the girl had OCD. She informed her mother, who took further steps. Hitomi established a good relationship with the psychologist, she liked to attend and talk to her, it helped her a lot. Thanks to her, Hitomi found an interest in psychology. After hearing the psychologist's suspicion, her mother decided to take Hitomi to a psychiatrist and psychothe******. The psychiatrist diagnosed Hitomi with obsessive-compulsive disorder and prescribed her medication, and the psychothe****** helped her fight OCD. In the end, thanks to the help of specialists and her mother who was also a psychiatrist, she coped with the problem of OCD. Although she still struggles with it, she knows HOW to fight it and does not give up.
In Grade-10 Hitomi joined a Student Council, and that’s when her true journey began. Due to how well-behaved student she was, she became a really good councillor. Hitomi obediently followed school rules and council guidelines, which school troublemakers did not appreciate. For the fact, she had many enemies as Hitomi stopped many troublemakers from bullying people or causing chaos. They tried to bully her and made Hitomi hate her role, but she was assertive. With authority she held, the girl was able to protect herself, effectively disencouraging her bullies. Well, for the time. A group of known troublemakers swirlied her for simply doing her job, and the girl made the worst decision she could… She tried fighting them back physically, having no other choice, but FAILED. She couldn’t even land a hit on them. But rumors have spreaded either way, people called her out for being corrupted. That’s when Asami (Back then Jaibatsume, as she was married to Mee-young) made some actions against Hitomi. Though Asami was not going to do what she should have, like reporting this to her higher-ups… she was going to bully Hitomi. And she effectively did, making her fellow co-worker literally scared of her. Hitomi wasn’t giving up, even though she was overpowered by Asami. One of Asami's serious actions was burning some of Hitomi’s hair. Then she went step further, asking Violet, the Football Captain, to cut Hitomi’s long hair. That was enough for her, she brought it up to Akiya Kusanagi, but there was no hard proof against Asami. Vice Principal, the current council’s lead decision was avoiding each other. If any of them would break this rule, it’d result in suspension from council. If it wouldn’t work, then further actions would be considered. Asami began to ignore Hitomi, which annoyed the younger councillor. She wanted to take revenge on her, but in the end she couldn’t do anything. Then, after talking spontaneously with Asami, an older councillor told her about the reason for this; she believed Hitomi was corrupt. All because of this stupid rumor. Hitomi told her whole story, and in the end, both girls made up.
How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?
As Hitomi comes from Japan and Shintoism was the main religion here, she respects shrine and everything included in it. She’d always bow politely to shrine staff and other guests, sometimes talking about topics such as basic life things. She loved drinking tea that her dear friend, Haruka, made for her. She was a maiden in the marriage of her mother, so the girl has met some procedures behind the scenes. Hitomi has no past of being disrespectful towards shrine grounds, she was actually interested in it.
You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
Hitomi, known for being a rule-respector, would get annoyed, as the girl would instantly try talking to the individual, politely explaining why they shouldn’t do it. If it wouldn’t work, she wouldn’t hesitate any minute longer to reach for further disciplinary actions.
Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?
Hitomi has a simple reason for it - her friend Haruka. She inspired Hitomi to become Maiden and work with her, making her want to learn more about shrine and spirits
As Hitomi comes from Japan and Shintoism was the main religion here, she respects shrine and everything included in it. She’d always bow politely to shrine staff and other guests, sometimes talking about topics such as basic life things. She loved drinking tea that her dear friend, Haruka, made for her. She was a maiden in the marriage of her mother, so the girl has met some procedures behind the scenes. Hitomi has no past of being disrespectful towards shrine grounds, she was actually interested in it.
You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
Hitomi, known for being a rule-respector, would get annoyed, as the girl would instantly try talking to the individual, politely explaining why they shouldn’t do it. If it wouldn’t work, she wouldn’t hesitate any minute longer to reach for further disciplinary actions.
Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?
Hitomi has a simple reason for it - her friend Haruka. She inspired Hitomi to become Maiden and work with her, making her want to learn more about shrine and spirits
Thank you for reading my application! I look forward to work with you if I’m accepted!
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