What's your Minecraft Username?: circusjax
What's the title of your suggestion?: Viewing Your Own IDs
What's your suggestion?:
Alright from the title you already know what this suggestion will be about. Currently the only way to know what's on your ID is to get someone you know tell you. Since you can't view your own Blood Type, etc. Instead of finding someone or just going up to someone to ask what their blood type or whatever information they want to know from the ID; why not have a command like /viewid or /id to see what's on it? Not only just your character ID, but also Faction IDs such as News Reporter, EMS, Government, etc.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
With this command or some implement made it would prevent having others wanting to know what's on their ID card by finding someone.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Viewing Your Own IDs
What's your suggestion?:
Alright from the title you already know what this suggestion will be about. Currently the only way to know what's on your ID is to get someone you know tell you. Since you can't view your own Blood Type, etc. Instead of finding someone or just going up to someone to ask what their blood type or whatever information they want to know from the ID; why not have a command like /viewid or /id to see what's on it? Not only just your character ID, but also Faction IDs such as News Reporter, EMS, Government, etc.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
With this command or some implement made it would prevent having others wanting to know what's on their ID card by finding someone.