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Vincent Lee


Level 1

Vincent Lee

Basic Information

First Name: Vincent / Takeru

Surname: Lee

Preferred Name: Vincent

Aliases: N/A

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Height: 6’0

Weight: 180 lbs

Build: Toned and muscular build, broad shoulders but not overly big

Skin Color: Slightly tanned

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Hair Style: Naturally black hair, sides are kept short while the top of the hair is longer and dyed blond. The hair can be shaped into slightly side swept bangs or put into a comb-over.

Hair Color: Black and Blond

Fashion: Whatever is comfortable and easy to wear, such as a hoodie or T-shirt and jogger pants.

Abnormalities: Sociopathic, Bipolar

Date of Birth: December 20th, 1999

Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan

Nationality: Japanese

Race: Asian

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Religious Beliefs: Agnostic

Political Beliefs: Independent/Moderate

General Appearance


Vincent is rather tall and muscular, he has a peculiar hair style.


Vincent is normally a nice guy, speaking politely and never brash. He can either be quite social or be the quiet guy in the corner of the room you didn’t even know was there. He likes to look out for others and can be a great tutor.


Character Voice:

Vincent speaks in a low, clear, masculine voice.


Backpack equipped with some notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers and binders.


Normal casual clothes, hoodies, joggers, etc.


Working out

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:

Sociopath - Has a personality disorder in which he can become extremely antisocial and uncaring of his actions

Bipolar - He has one of two personalities at a time, this connects with his sociopathic personality disorder in which one of his personalities is very antisocial while the other is seemingly outgoing and normal.


Vincent is naturally intelligent and can learn things pretty quickly.

Vincent is quite muscular and strong.



Hanako Lee - Vincent’s mother, she is a very quiet and reserved woman. She is the most active parent of his, giving him small lectures though as she has aged she has grown more lenient to him.

Hirako Lee - Vincent’s father, he is also very quiet and reserved. He is a very inactive parent and rarely comes home as he is always busy out making money for his family.

Hanabi Lee - Vincent’s younger sister, she is very innocent and kind. She enjoys DIY activities and bakes for him from time to time.


Vincent was born into the world on a cold December night to a quiet but loving family. His home and childhood was relatively peaceful and happy. In middle school he was often bullied until one day he pushed back and got in a skirmish with one of his bullies. He pummeled the bully to a pulp, making him bleed from his mouth. When he was found by the teachers, he felt like he had done nothing wrong at all though the kid he beat got a concussion and went to the hospital. He was suspended for a few weeks after that in which his parents lectured him constantly. After that, he began to go to the gym vigorously or he would exercise at or around his home. He still kept up in his classes, reading and studying in his free time. He was quite popular in High school, known for his smarts, athleticism and outgoing personality.

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