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Volleyball Court speed boost


Level 16
What's your Minecraft Username?: kittyp4wz
What's the title of your suggestion?: Volleyball Court speed boost

What's your suggestion?:
Adding a speed boost to the Volleyball Courts.

How will this benefit the server and community?:

I've been practicing volleyball recently, and from what I've seen, it's way harder on my alt account with 2 speed than on my main with nearly 100 speed. I don't know how to word this, so people can add and critique in the replies. I was just thinking about this earlier and thought to make a suggestion to get different opinions.

For example, if someone hits the ball across the court, someone with a low-speed percentage wouldn't have a chance to hit the ball. I've noticed that the courts give you a jump boost to hit the ball, but what about a speed boost? I believe it would make the plugin a little more fair.

The speed boost could be anywhere from 50-100, that's completely up to the mods and devs... but as long as this is added, I think the volleyball plugin will be a lot more fun to use, too. I notice people getting a little upset when they can't hit the ball since it was hit too far, and sometimes I feel that way too.

Because what do you mean someone just hit the ball across the court and my speed is 2.................... embarrassing.

In my eyes, more people would want to play the plugin, and less people would get upset when it comes to being able to.. y'know, actually hit the ball! Aside from people I know rage quitting the plugin and no longer wanting to play, I thought this would be a fun suggestion to make since I've gotten multiple people to agree with me before even hitting submit on this post. This shows that members of the community would like to see this change added, in my opinion.
Grinding speed is always something fun to do, but not everybody has the time to do it. Grinding is incredibly time-consuming, and I believe having a speed boost on the courts would be a great way for people to have even more fun and stay focused on practicing instead of focusing on not being able to hit the ball since they're too slow !!!

More may be added later.
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Level 26
It's hard to play on an alternative account with low speed, not just for volleyball but also for other plugin sports. Even when simply practicing, or playing for fun, it's difficult to enjoy it due to lower attributes. I know that people will commonly say, just grind your speed. There's no issue with doing that, but on a limited-time basis - such as if one wants to try out for the team - it's not easy unless you're spending hours running around. Having enhanced speed only on the courts would be enjoyable for the player, and it won't take from their time of grinding the speed attribute outside of their playing of the plugin.


Level 16
Thread starter
It's hard to play on an alternative account with low speed, not just for volleyball but also for other plugin sports. Even when simply practicing, or playing for fun, it's difficult to enjoy it due to lower attributes. I know that people will commonly say, just grind your speed. There's no issue with doing that, but on a limited-time basis - such as if one wants to try out for the team - it's not easy unless you're spending hours running around. Having enhanced speed only on the courts would be enjoyable for the player, and it won't take from their time of grinding the speed attribute outside of their playing of the plugin.
You literally couldn't have said it better THANK YOU ILU


Level 73
Neutral leaning -1
What about football? Lower speed attribute lowers your ability to perform well... isn't that the point? Less athletic means you perform worse. That's where the gym and training come in. However I do find swimming and speed attributes to be ridiculous when it comes to working it up. It really needs reworked to make it obtainable for the average Grade 12 to at least have a chance to join a sports team or catch up to their friends.


Level 66
Neutral leaning -1
What about football? Lower speed attribute lowers your ability to perform well... isn't that the point? Less athletic means you perform worse. That's where the gym and training come in. However I do find swimming and speed attributes to be ridiculous when it comes to working it up. It really needs reworked to make it obtainable for the average Grade 12 to at least have a chance to join a sports team or catch up to their friends.
Stats shouldn’t be the factor that lowers your performance. It’s not a RPG server, that’s a Roleplay and everything should be focused on writing, except for some sports like Volleyball that are clearly skill-based. And grinding stats on alt account is incredibly boring and slow.


Level 15
neutral, leaning +1 !!

as somebody with ssuuupppeeerrr low ats on their alt, I 100% get it.... and grinding them is ungodly boring >_< . only downside is that none of the others rly have a boost, and if you do it for one, you should probably do it for the others to keep it fair for plugin users


Level 73
Stats shouldn’t be the factor that lowers your performance. It’s not a RPG server, that’s a Roleplay and everything should be focused on writing, except for some sports like Volleyball that are clearly skill-based. And grinding stats on alt account is incredibly boring and slow.
Yes, however giving a speed boost in one sport (volleyball) and not football, track, swim team etc. is unusual. I get the issue of struggling to keep up in volleyball, but it would be better for attributes to be easier to get up (swim and speed especially) because nowadays it's crazy how slow getting it up can be. It's slow because of staff not wanting people to grind it, but now it's at a point where joining sports teams are nearly impossible due to lower attributes.


Level 8
-1, here's why

as a nolife volling ball nerd emoji since i started actively playing the server, i have experienced the plugin at every level of speed.
For example, if someone hits the ball across the court, someone with a low-speed percentage wouldn't have a chance to hit the ball. I've noticed that the courts give you a jump boost to hit the ball, but what about a speed boost? I believe it would make the plugin a little more fair.
i REALLY hate to say it... this is a skill issue.
jumping at the right time, aiming for the ball and judging whether or not to shift hit are all skills a player has to learn at some point when trying to get better. being at a lower speed forces you to learn them quicker. i can go way more in depth on this, but uuhhh trust me ^-^
The speed boost could be anywhere from 50-100, that's completely up to the mods and devs... but as long as this is added, I think the volleyball plugin will be a lot more fun to use, too. I notice people getting a little upset when they can't hit the ball since it was hit too far, and sometimes I feel that way too.
if any action is taken, the best solution is for some sort of standardization where every player gets the exact equivalent of 100 speed. this way you satisfy new players who have trouble with the aforementioned catching and old players who are completely adjusted to the current speed on the court. simply giving every player the speed 2 potion effect is really not desirable...

lastly, the volleyball plugin is mainly a team sport. . your individual speed matters WAY less when there are two other (faster) players on the court with you.

as for the other sports, no comment- though i believe speed is more important in those


Level 146
if any action is taken, the best solution is for some sort of standardization where every player gets the exact equivalent of 100 speed. this way you satisfy new players who have trouble with the aforementioned catching and old players who are completely adjusted to the current speed on the court. simply giving every player the speed 2 potion effect is really not desirable...
I agree with this, but almost nothing else from your response.

We need to understand that not everybody who uses the volleyball plugin knows each of its intricacies, and that the beginning and end of some players gameplay is just left clicking the ball over the net; not everybody needs or wants to learn everything there is to know about SRP volleyball, so insisting that people should have to play at a lower speed for the sake of learning the plugin is a bit unfair.

We also need to acknowledge that players do not always play in a team. 1v1s have and always will be a staple for any sport because they require minimum preparation, two people just need to step on opposite sides of whichever court and then they're good to go. I can't say this with any authority, but I'd wager there's a lot less organized 3v3s happening on the courts compared to spontaneous 1v1s.

I can't comment on the necessity of speed in official 3v3s, but for the casual player who isn't into team structure or meta strategy, speed 100% influences the game. Even if you have three players on the court, amateur players aren't going to know how to work together efficiently, and as such will probably need to run around as a means for compensating for the lack of a proper team setup.

I am in favor of standardizing speed on volleyball (and other sports') courts, preferably by setting everybody's speed to whatever the equivalent of 100% speed attribute is.


Level 8
We also need to acknowledge that players do not always play in a team. 1v1s have and always will be a staple for any sport because they require minimum preparation, two people just need to step on opposite sides of whichever court and then they're good to go. I can't say this with any authority, but I'd wager there's a lot less organized 3v3s happening on the courts compared to spontaneous 1v1s.
you are right, there are lots more spontaneous 1s as oppposed to 3s or 2s. the main difference is that the game is generally being taken more serious the more people are playing, the spontaneous nature doesn't really matter.

and for casual unorganized games
We need to understand that not everybody who uses the volleyball plugin knows each of its intricacies, and that the beginning and end of some players gameplay is just left clicking the ball over the net; not everybody needs or wants to learn everything there is to know about SRP volleyball
I can't comment on the necessity of speed in official 3v3s, but for the casual player who isn't into team structure or meta strategy, speed 100% influences the game.
the "average joe" casual player who tries SRP VB for the first, or first handful of times typically plays against people of average speed and mindset, and does not give a damn whoever wins or for whatever reason. and this is what's happening with the current system already!

nobody NEEDS to study the game in depth, or have 100 speed to have fun just left clicking the ball around.
so insisting that people should have to play at a lower speed for the sake of learning the plugin is a bit unfair.
i am not insisting anyone HAS to play at a low speed to learn, i am just saying that if you are genuinely interested, and plan on learning those intricacies- lower speed is a great teacher.
I've been practicing volleyball recently
i went by the quite literal definition of "practice" repeatedly performing an exercise to get better. so i replied based on that context

thanks for your response though! you brought up some important points i hadn't considered :D


Level 66
Yes, however giving a speed boost in one sport (volleyball) and not football, track, swim team etc. is unusual. I get the issue of struggling to keep up in volleyball, but it would be better for attributes to be easier to get up (swim and speed especially) because nowadays it's crazy how slow getting it up can be. It's slow because of staff not wanting people to grind it, but now it's at a point where joining sports teams are nearly impossible due to lower attributes.
Oh, then of course every sport should have speed adjusted. I thought its obvious it would be re-adjusted to every sport. In this case, i understand your opinion.


Level 73
Oh, then of course every sport should have speed adjusted. I thought its obvious it would be re-adjusted to every sport. In this case, i understand your opinion.
Jocks/sporty people should be considered athletic inside and outside of the sport. Running and going to the gym would be a nice touch to get stronger so you can be fast on the pitch/court. I've been thinking about ways to make it easier for people to gain speed/ect boost and make it realistic, and one thought is to make attributes go backwards (if you don't use one for awhile it gets lower, however it's much easier to gain them back up again. Only goes down when your online but it's easier to gain than to lose). That thought will defo make people angry if implemented but if someone has a better idea I'm all for it. I just don't think this is the right way to do it realistically.


Level 21
+1 Well i think it would be a great idea even tho i do like the idea of training your way to glory and making stronger adjustments to your player like a attribute to be better and able to bat stronger like in baseball but it's not RPG as vexo said and it would take the basic learning time of the games extremely slow and way to grindy.

If i was to grind to become so good i would expect pay by SRP for doing that job and you dont even for the many hours you train normally.

Eichi Holland [COLLEGE B]
Allison Holland [Grade 12]
Personal Info [SRP INCLUDED]
[Notable] WistiRP
Discord: @WistiER
"Life can be tough but it all get's better."


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- Training your attributes is another component to being a sports team member, we encourage players who are trying out to 'train' their attributes in tryout announcements for this reason.​

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