We listen, but we don’t judge.
The one thing I’ve seen in my own eyes and experience is the groups everyone has. It’s their own clique of people they’ve let in. Over the years I’ve been on this server I’ve realized making new friends or just approaching people in general has became harder because of everyone finding their own little groups. Once the people have found their own groups to hang out with it’s usually hard to get into that group just to be friends with.
I wish the old srp could come back. Where people would be so open to greeting people, to welcoming them, and letting them in with their other friends. Where everyone would get along whenever they came across someone.
Now it’s based on popularity in the server. If you’re well known and popular it’s easier for you to fit in with everyone and get let in on groups. If not popularity then it’s the way your skin may appear if someone likes it they’ll approach you and talk to you and even stick around. If it’s not the way your MC skin looks then it’s your characters intriguing name making that person want to approach you.
This doesn’t just happen to veteran players but even to the newer players that join this community looking for people to interact with.
Another thing I’d like to mention the bias in tailoring. This goes to a comment that was made earlier about the srp shading style. I’m against it as well, I wish to see more unique styles from tailors. There is some out there but majority of the tailoring base is evolved around the srp style just for them to be noticed and get commissioned for their style. This also just doesn’t go for the srp style but it goes back to the well known players aka popularity that gets them commissioned. If they don’t have a srp style shading but are popular and well known in the server they will get orders or bids on auctions.
I wish and hope the community could expand more on variety of shading styles. I wish they wouldn’t have to feel like they must fit in with the community by having this same clean shading just to not be outcasted. I support bringing variety of shadings to the community. I support bringing more diversity of styles to the community. It should be more appreciated and supported by the community. We should stop displaying that everyone must follow this clean soft shading style to fit in. Instead we should encourage these different artists that bring style to their work. To make everyone stand out in their own way. To make everyone feel appreciated and valued by their style.
I miss that old srp. Where everyone would be appreciated and supported. Will it come back? Will a new evolved version of our community appear? I’m unsure. The community has dug itself so deep to this mindset of having to follow these standards or qualities to fit in. This even includes trying to make friends or be let into groups. But there’s hope that a change can be made to make a greater, supportive and appreciative community for everyone.
as somebody who started playing the server in 2021, even for a greenie, the amount of rules and obligations to fit into a group were quite obvious, the first thing you'd want to do as a greenie is explore the map and go to school, but instead, 13 yr old me thought "should i go make some friends, yk, with the cool people?" and that really became like a universal issue,
i even had a time where one of my main characters, despite having her own little bits of attention from other people, was jealous of somebody who was REALLY well known at school, she hated how much love that person got, and how many gifts and other rewarding stuff they got from other people, to the point where she wanted to write a fake diary of said person that didnt even write it on their own, or make up rumours about all sorts of things, but she never did write that fake diary, because her heart genuinely couldnt do that no matter how envious she was, she was waiting for Karma to hit the person in the ass, and surprisingly, it did
from an oocly standpoint, I think my characters jealousy was a great representation of how popularity can have a negative effect on other people icly, and have them do things that they didnt even wanna do before
enough of my yap, your take IS REALLY WELL SAID, i loved it sm