There was a specific place for gangs on forums before, I cant seem to find it so maybe they removed the applications. You can always start a gang in game, no need to apply just gather some friends, get weapons and go whatever you want to do. Lemme answer your questions:
- It takes weapons, people, backstories, hideout, rules, roles and a symbol for the gang. (I probably forgot some)
- I dont get the second question...
- I think the hardest rule for gangs it metagaming and rdm, a lot of gangs in the past got disbanded because the leader did something dumb, and some gangs try to find loopholes, (I cant think of an example) just to kill a person for it not to count as RDM, which is strictly forbidden
- Well they cant rob a store unless they are able to get in, have a reason and get the approval of the owner (I think), and they can kill anyone if they go by RDM rules, and they can obviously spread as much violence as they want.
Dont quote me on what im saying, ive never been in a gang nor do I like gangrp. So im not very sure about what im saying, its just from past bans and my past memory on the gang threads.