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What pokemon's would your character have? | bheom questionnaire


Level 72
3D Modelling Team
Drum roll pllleeaase . .
What Pokemons would your character(s) have if they were Pokemon trainers? :3


Level 29
If they stuck with what they are now on SRP
Reiji Kagami I can imagine him having a Rotom thats always outside of it's Pokeball, helping him with house hold chores. As or something he'd use for battles, most likely a Haracross which he would have help him with his classes or if he's battling (mainly because ICly he owns Rhino beetles)

Amano Kagami I see her owning a Chatot or Castform as she's does music and Chatot is associated with it, and Castform as a weather pokemon fit the theme how Ame's entire character is based on Rainy days and the weather. As for her Battle pokemon she would mostly have a Sylvion or Glacion

But In the case scenario they would become trainers It'll be my main Reiji who'll take on the journey (As Amano would most likely be an Poke-Idol) with the following team

Reiji's team:

Because he's from Hokkaido, I mostly use pokemon from the Sinnoh Reigon, and I want to use pokemon and a team that's in respect to his lore
- Typhlosion: Starter (*Cough* Legends Arceus)
- Garchomp: Psudo Legendary sweeper
- Vaporeon: Surf Pokemon & coverage
- Haracross: Coverage
- Rotom: Support (Also His walking pokemon possessing his phone or other electronical device)
- Togekiss: Fly Pokémon & more coverage

Ame's Team:
Her team would be more orientated for an Idol/Musician Career (like Reiji most of her team consist of Sinnoh Pokemon)
- Castform: Setting weather for the stage if she were to ever perform, being Sunny day, Rain or Snow
- Chatot: Widely associated with Music and is mostly her walking pokemon that's perched on her head or her instrument case (even more ironic her only fans are birds)
- Glaceon: Same role as Castform but could also battle
- Whimmsicot: A prankster pokemon she'd most likely own via trades while it's a cottonee, who can set Tailwind in a battle or on stage. Also her mon of choice against strong & intimidating Fighting and Dragon types
- Roserade: Same role as Glaceon both stage and battles
- Empolion: Her starter Pokémon
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Level 41
Community Team
Event Team
Teresa Keating's team
Purely based on her vibe, to be honest.
- Musharna -- Eeepy. Will eat your dreams for a snack. Quirked up and beautiful.
- Vivillon (Marine Pattern)
--Because it closely resembles a Blue Monarch butterfly. Seen on many of her personal belongings.
- Florges -- (White flower) -- Dedicates entire life to something like she does, doesn't discriminate on the types of flowers it uses to decorate its garden, and the white ones specifically 'can sync with the wavelengths of various colors to draw forth their power.'. Bringing the best out of things, love that.
- Altaria -- Looks like a heavenly cloud. Soars in the sky. Sings. Angelic ahh Pokemon.
- Cresselia -- Dex entries refer to it as a 'heavenly maiden' and speak of it having a 'veil'. My character *also* wears a veil.
- Frosmoth -- It shows no mercy to any who desecrate fields and mountains. Love that. Desecration of sacred things is BAD


Level 42
Charlotte picks things based on how cute she finds them, she doesn't really care about stats. So!

- Flareon
- Vaporeon
- Sylveon
- Raichu
- Blastoise (you can't tell me he's not adorable :( )
- Dusk Form Lycanroc!

As for legendary pokemon, if she had to carry one then it'd probably be Lunala. It has a very cute face.


Level 16

- Psyduck
- Pikachu
- All evolutions of Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard.
- Meowth
- Mew
- Snorlax


Level 60
Teacher Lead
3D Modelling Team
Saint Salvador’s Team - Ghost Specialist
• Mimikyu - Rejected and pretending to be something its not.
• Shedinja - A hollow shell of what is once was. Almost nothing can hurt it now.

Sirius Howell’s Team - Investigative Specialist
• Mr. Mime - Master manipulator, perfect for interrogations
• Gardevoir - Can predict the future and read human emotions. What else could a man want?
• Ditto - Can turn into anything, great for undercover missions
• Decidueye - Can mask its presence and attacks from the shadows. The team’s ace in case of a fight

Robusutā Inu-Heddo - ???
• Alolan Raichu - Vibes
• Arceus - Also vibes

Out of the three, Sirius would most likely be a trainer to feed his ego but this is moreso in the scenario they’re just continuing their lives as normal but pokemon also exist.


Level 72
3D Modelling Team
Thread starter
Saint Salvador’s Team - Ghost Specialist
• Mimikyu - Rejected and pretending to be something its not.
• Shedinja - A hollow shell of what is once was. Almost nothing can hurt it now.
they say pokemons match the trainer


Level 185
News Lead
CRACKS KNUCKLES. I love pokémon:
(All of these are purely off of vibe)

Annabell Sturm:

- Blaziken (Fire / Fighting) | Starter Pokémon (Level 99)
- Umbreon (Dark) | Family Pokémon (Level 90)
- Lucario (Fighting / Steel) | Pokémon that walks around with her! (Level 94)
- Gallade (Psychic / Fighting) (Level 85)
- Starraptor (Normal / Flying) (Level 80)
- Milotic (Water) (Level 75)

Mostly these Pokémon are focused on her story and lore. Especially as someone who was a KPD officer, I imagine her focusing on fighting types!

Kazuo DeLuca:

- [Shiny] Greninja (Water / Dark) | Starter Pokémon (Level 86)
- Houndoom (Dark / Fire) | Pokémon that walks around with him (Level 85)
- Weavile (Dark/Ice) (Level 78)
- Noivern (Flying/Dragon) (Level 77)
- Scizor (Bug/Steel) (Level 72)
- Ceruledge (Fire/Ghost) (Level 76)

Honestly. These are all just looks. Of course there's fire types, but I believe Kaz would lean more towards Dark types.

Hana Yagi:

- Bayleef (Grass) | Starter Pokémon (Level 71) | Similiar to how it is with Pikachu in the TV show. Bayleef just never chose to evolve further and Hana's of course never pushed!
- Luxray (Electric) | Pokémon that walks around with her (Level 70)
- Garchomp (Dragon / Ground) (Level 86)
- Roserade (Grass / Poison) (Level 65)
- [Shiny] Haxorus (Dragon) (Level 80)
- Ninetales (Fire) (Level 74)

Hana's team is definitely not a fighting team. But then you ask yourself, why does she have two scary Dragon types on their team? Because they were cute as babies. And (to her) are still cute. Mainly I imagine myself their team focusing on helping and aiding people!

All these characters I believe would have more levelled up pokémon as I've been playing each for quite awhile! Sturm's reaching to almost the 100's, Kazuo having it in the mid 80's.

Hana's Pokémon leveling jumps around a bit. But it's mainly in the 70's. I imagine the reason there are two with high level is there to represent how Hana is a bit underestimated. They see a tiny girl but then don't expect the massive dragon types next to her. (She will cuddle with them and has probably given them cute names) (Once you get to know the Pokémon, they are the most least threatening ones out there)
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Level 70
hey so this question is actually very funny because multiple months back i thought about a long fangame plot involving every single one of my ocs that i still haven't fully written down in a document somewhere because i love procrastination leaving said information residing in my head until i can fully get the drive to write it all down

fortunately enough i did barely write down some of the stuff i thought took precedence like their role and stuff. though the fangame itself will probably never see the light of day or be worked on despite me owning rmxp because i would probably explode and cry and die

answering the question with only the team itself after i elaborated all that would be boring so ill include their assigned role and a short synopsis because why not i only have one character that i'm actively 'playing' (i love hitting w+spacebar this roleplaying stuff might be fire other people can verify that w+spacebar is the prime srp gameplay of mine) anyways

c. hachiyanagi - reserve gym leader (water/ice)
initially presented as somebody else altogether (iykyk), they swiftly got into the reserve leader position via unknown means despite her sudden appearance, introduction and inclusion in the story. she is planned to tag along with the protagonist's party sometime before the gym battle, and subsequently, the point where she detaches herself from the party, before several sequence of events is played out resulting in her becoming a key piece of the story in the lategame. but that's a story for another time (never) because i wont spit out information about this ever again hopefully

as for her gym battle itself, its only planned for you to fight her while she is covering the ice gym leader position, since you're fighting the water gym leader way before an incident which makes both the water & ice leader go missing resulting in the league having to find a reserve for them in the first place
said team for the gym battle:
(a-ninetales, a-sandslash, arctozolt, mamoswine, eiscue, iron bundle :3. this team is meant for the icy field if you played the field effect fangames iykyk)
most of these mons you'd probably see on standard monoice teams except for eiscue. it's here because she loves it. (i do as well. might even give this thing a custom move im ngl) but people may wonder why she has a literal paradox mon on her team, and that effect is pretty much intended.
while i think i built this team w/ strong ice mons, intended to be fought and is placed near at the end of midgame (70-75 level cap), i think it crumbles apart if veil does not go off in the first place + strong options would probably start being available to you at this point. im not john teambuilder though so lol

she stops being a reserve leader at the end of the main plot, instead choosing to challenge the league herself after everything calms down with her own team.
(lycanroc-dusk, gholdengo, eiscue, iron bundle, flutter mane, silvally-any (she switches its memories based on whatever shes facing), built with zero fields in mind do you guys like the idea of turn 1 splintered stormshards)
sorry no explanations for this one im too lazy lol

for her srp counterpart, i think she would probably only have eiscue, lycanroc-dusk and flutter mane, the other 3 team slots being left empty.
a legendary mon she could possess is kyurem if she had to run around with one. she definitely is planned to deal with kyurem in the story i wrote though


Level 29
Random though as a School Faculty. If Pokémon existed In SRP, I can imagine there be a Pokémon that lives in the school and help out school faculty with their duties.

Examples of how I see it
would be a Pokémon that lives in the school and helps with cleaning alongside caretakers.

A loose Porygon2 would occasionally pop in and out of the science and math related classes.

Either Chancy or Audino that regularly helps out the school nurses with handling with injured people or Pokémon

And of course the school faculty members themself having their own personal Pokémon who freely wonders around the school like Reiji’s Rotoms or Yua’s Rock/Ground Pokémon
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Level 42
Random though as a School Faculty. If Pokémon existed In SRP, I can imagine there be a Pokémon that lives in the school and help out school faculty with their duties.

Examples of how I see it
would be a Pokémon that lives in the school and helps with cleaning alongside caretakers.

A loose Porygon2 would occasionally pop in and out of the science and math related classes.

Either Chancy or Audino that regularly helps out the school nurses with handling with injured people or Pokémon

And of course the school faculty members themself having their own personal Pokémon who freely wonders around the school like Reiji’s Rotoms or Yua’s Rock/Ground Pokémon
I would have an absolutely massive steelix in shrine


Level 30
Random though as a School Faculty. If Pokémon existed In SRP, I can imagine there be a Pokémon that lives in the school and help out school faculty with their duties.

Examples of how I see it
would be a Pokémon that lives in the school and helps with cleaning alongside caretakers.

A loose Porygon2 would occasionally pop in and out of the science and math related classes.

Either Chancy or Audino that regularly helps out the school nurses with handling with injured people or Pokémon

And of course the school faculty members themself having their own personal Pokémon who freely wonders around the school like Reiji’s Rotoms or Yua’s Rock/Ground Pokémon
That's a good way of looking at it tbh, as faculty myself it wouldn't hurt to have a charizard wondering around while I punish students for misbehaving.


Level 64
Oh em gee idk how I've never seen this I'm absolutely autistic about pokemon so here we go

Ken "V" Nescu’s Pokémon team leans toward Dark/Ghost types, mostly due to the fact that everyone in his life has either left him or died.

• Feraligatr | Starter [Lvl 75] – Ken has always been a fan of water, so it makes sense that his starter would reflect that. Feraligatr is also the only Pokémon Ken always keeps out of its ball. I specifically chose Feraligatr because of its feral nature, which mirrors Ken’s.

• Annihilape | His First [Lvl 68] – This angry, too-stubborn-to-die, rage-driven fighter perfectly represents Ken’s refusal to let himself die or succumb to injury. It’s also a great representation of just how angry he is at the world.

• Umbreon | Around the House [Lvl 59] – Umbreon represents Ken’s tsundere nature—massively so. He wouldn’t use Umbreon in combat too often. Ken has always been a fan of the moon, and I feel like Umbreon would remind him of that. I also picked this one purely based on vibes.

• Dragapult | [Lvl 65] – I mostly picked Dragapult based on vibes and for the sake of having a Ghost type. His team is meant to reflect him and his traumas, which cast a huge, looming shadow over him… speaking of shadows...

• Gengar | [Lvl 70] – Gengar is the main star in terms of representing Ken’s trauma. Gengar embodies his every regret, his every burden. It is the definitive representation of all the death he has been surrounded by and exposed to throughout my time playing him.

• Metagross | [Lvl 75] – Metagross is a bit of a funny case because it stands out so much compared to the others on the team. I chose Metagross specifically to represent Ken’s mental fortitude—his ability to keep himself (somewhat) sane despite everything that happens to him. It symbolizes his ability to persevere.

I do feel like I've yapped too much so I'll leave it at this but I've made teams for every character I've made or have played it's great I love it

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