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what srp opinion do u have that will have you like this

꩜rios .ᐟ

Level 60
I personally believe that constantly removing aspects of GangRP in an effort to make it more "roleplay based" can sometimes do more harm than good. If it continues on, I believe it’ll risk making the GangRP community even more inactive than it already is over time. Instead of taking things away, it would be more beneficial to bring new things into GangRP, as many have suggested before.

also please don’t attack me guys


Level 73
SchoolRP is a very reputable roleplay server, one of the most recognised in the micro society of roleplay in general.

Hence, whilst I believe that the development team puts a considerable amount of work on the server, I do not believe the playerbase should normalise the amount of raising bugs and dysfunctional game mechanics that have been afloat recently.

I also do not think anyone should attack other concerned players who complain about these game mechanics being broken, especially if they are integral ones like a player being unable to receive their allowance.


Level 58
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I personally believe that constantly removing aspects of GangRP in an effort to make it more "roleplay based" can sometimes do more harm than good. If it continues on, I believe it’ll risk making the GangRP community even more inactive than it already is over time. Instead of taking things away, it would be more beneficial to bring new things into GangRP, as many have suggested before.

also please don’t attack me guys
damnnnnn im ngl i didnt even know ppl still gangrped...


Level 29
SRP Opinion/Hot Take: Skin Racism

I feel like people who uses Name MC skins tends to get a lot of hate by the SRP community. I am aware ever since I joined the server that bullying other's MC skins is a reportable offense, but I see it happening with myself and my friends even till now. I remember going onto, VC via the Academy server and one person was roasting about my skin and every time I join call, they always call me out for being a loser and always brought up the fact ill always be a greenie for not having a reshade. I wasn't able to do anything about it as they got banned, which is likely why it stuck with me.
FYI: I do know how perms work and I always follow through with it.

I completely understand that Using a SRP Shaded skin shows dedication to the server and I know a lot of really cool and kind people oocly who uses an SRP shaded skin, but I feel it's gotten to the point where having one seperates a veteran from a newer player. And the reason I use a NameMC skins is because I personally make them for myself and I prefer my style of skins over the SRP version. And personally I really dont care what skin you use whether it's nameMC or SRP shaded, so long as if you don't berate and bully others over a Minecraft skin.

PS: Im not directly saying oh all people who uses SRP shaded skins hate the NameMC style, and again I know a lot of really cool people, that still uses SRP shaded skins and still respect the the skin style I use, This is only for me to express my SRP Opinion.
(So plz No hate on anyone or even myself)
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Level 27
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Content Team
Fine, I will say it, I am not a fan of Beyonce...
Please don't murder me!! :D


Level 43
SRP Opinion/Hot Take: Skin Racism

I feel like people who uses Name MC skins tends to get a lot of hate by the SRP community. I am aware even since I joined the server that bullying other's MC skins is a reportable offense, but I still see it happening with myself and my friends even till now. I remember going onto, VC via the Academy server and one person was roasting about my skin and every time I join call, they always call me out for being a loser and always brought up the fact ill always be a greenie for not having a reshade. I wasn't able to do anything about it as they got banned before, which is likely why it stuck with me.
FYI: I do know how perms work and I always follow through with it.

I completely understand that Using a SRP Shaded skin shows dedication to the server and I know a lot of really cool and kind people oocly who uses an SRP shaded skin, but I feel it's gotten to the point where having one seperates a veteran from a newer player. And the reason I use a NameMC skins is because I personally make them for myself and I prefer my style of skins over the SRP version. And personally I really dont care what skin you use whether it's nameMC or SRP shaded, so long as if you don't berate and bully others over a Minecraft skin.

PS: Im not directly saying oh all people who uses SRP shaded skins hate the NameMC style, and again I know a lot of really cool people, that still uses SRP shaded skins and still respect the the skin style I use, This is only for me to express my SRP Opinion.
(So plz No hate on anyone or even myself)

I remember that VC you're talking about, that guy was incredibly rude in general for literally no reason, sorry it stuck with you. :(


Level 23
Personally i dont really like the current state of Gangrp, Right 2022 was toxic as hell but it was fun. And the community was at an all time high in terms of activity i personally just dont like current state of gangrp.


Level 206
I demand more options for monetizing the server (balancing appeal to whales and benefits for the public) and in turn offering more monetary incentives for content creators, marketing, and media team members to implement immersive material, create publicly visible narratives - and share our presence with the larger rp community.


Level 89
Creating the subway system was not worth it in the long run, as it is now faster to go walking fom the plaza station to the beach station than by using the subway itself. It also broke some parts of the sewers and was not properly connected with the underground. Lastly, the Kiken station lore is unknown and I hope it is not an station that was abandoned in the same way masamaru was. Maybe that it was an station that was never used due to lack of fudning during it's construction.

I believe that it should have been built on the negative height as it would have neither damaged the sewers system, and there would have been space for two lines that go in opposing directions, making the train both fast and efficient enough for it to be used. It would also be an excuse to extend downwards the sewers a bit, adding a sense of verticality in the underground.

I think the subway can be updated and done much better, as the coding and model and everything looks good. Only thing that is a bit annoying is how the model of the character looks weird when you ride the subway.

Oh and regarding gangrp. I am not in the gangrp community, even though kuert is very connected with the underworld we do not actively gangrp ourselves therefore I sometimes feel like one part of the world that my team is in might be going through a bad time and I don't exactly know why. However the amount of gangs disolvements in the last months does not indicate that part of the community is going north. I don't know whose side is wrong or right, I am simply stating the facts that something is wrong and needs to be changed. Maybe is the community's mentality or maybe it some changes can cause bad experiences and they should be polished. Based on the little info I know I believe it might be related to the community's interaction with the leaders of gangs, as many of the leaders reported feeling burnt out or similar feelings.
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Level 89
I demand more options for monetizing the server (balancing appeal to whales and benefits for the public) and in turn offering more monetary incentives for content creators, marketing, and media team members to implement immersive material, create publicly visible narratives - and share our presence with the larger rp community.
Please don't add unskippable adds :pray:


Level 44
if u make someone uncomfortable and they told you they are uncomfortable
you should probably stop


Level 58
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Thread starter
I demand more options for monetizing the server (balancing appeal to whales and benefits for the public) and in turn offering more monetary incentives for content creators, marketing, and media team members to implement immersive material, create publicly visible narratives - and share our presence with the larger rp community.
yasss i support media team pay raise ❤️


Level 82
errmmmm ... this is gonna be long buckle up.
cold and rude characters are outta style stop please we have enough 'fuck you lookin' at?' and 'non of your business' chars ..
every other char i want to randomly interact with is just rude , and idc nor mind if its your char go wild with it but its soooo repetitive. what happened to curious characters? actually unhinged ones? hear me out though : the bubbly char who ISNT childlish. ey? EY? SOUNDS GOOD ........

same with the innocent trope, the girl/boy who is sheltered beyooond belief .. some people roleplay it well, the others it comes off as weird.. also the chars who DO have the mentality of a kiddo at 17-18-19 and get into relations ....... that doesnt feel off?? not at all??? IM JUST SAYINGTHAT ITS VERYOFF PUTTING to see a char who we all know has some sort of issue that causes them to behave in this manner- but then have a partner .. Who isnt nEARLY on the same level in their mentality ................. like id get it if its a gaurdian-role but .. a partner???? are we suuuuure of that?

also, can we stop giving green-tag characters the mentality of a damn child??? we all have been 13-14-15 ....... im sure that you weren't behaving like a toddller .. i get that it's like, bcs there's no actual child roles (for a good reason) but please, CALM DOWN! .. again, excluding people who nail down that role. but too many mess it up. im not asking yall to suddenly have 45 -age chars in a 13 y/o body but .. be level-headed abt it .. REALISTICALLY .. what 13 y/o is gonna be speaking with the naivety of a three year old???

familyrp : stop making parents' lives hell :(( there's a difference when having a char with no playable parent, and one that has present ones! While we all love wild roleplay, remember that people do deal with the consequences of your character, and when it gets too much, too often, too 'meaningless' its VERY draining and makes roleplay a bad experience overall! I had this happen twice, and in both times the family ended up disbanding and the char inactive .................
( ofc this is with the exception of characters who do have a valid reason or do it with balance! )

this might be a bit of ahot take, but throughout my four years on SRP GOING on five, i need to say this :

can we respect staff and faculty???? helloo???? even if you're frustrated, you don't gotta wish horrid things abt them or slander them??? guys, their just doing their job ... complaint? take it up to the head of whatever it is or speak in a RESPECTFUL AND INOFFENSIVE WAY WITH THEM . dealing with an issue in a reasonable manner should always be the first and last resort. You can rant to your friends if anything, its all good yalls' friends and sometimes youre frustrated, but at the end of the day, nothing is gonna be fixed unless we're reasonable abt it, and patience is key for ALL parties involved. if you're high on emotion, just ask for a moment- im sure they'll give it to you in favor of a more logical conversation!
( yes, it's upsetting if you miss your roleplay bcs of a misunderstanding or a false x,y,z - but we need to be level headed... this is still roleplay, and the people behind the screens are not BOTS. . )
( i hope this doesn't end up being a controversial take. . )
( i rewrote this three times so its formatted well..)

(INSTANTLY send me a msg on forums if you think anything is ill-written here!)


Level 44
Community Team
rivalry has worsened and it has almost 0 chances of getting better

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