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whozits | KPD Application


Level 3

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Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

[MAIN] whozits
[ALT] whatzits (Applying)
[ALT] Foive

Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?

PST (Pacific Standard Time)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

IC Accepted

(08/11/2023) Shopkeeper [ACCEPTED]

OOC Accepted
(04/12/2024) Event Team [ACCEPTED]

Describe your activity on the server:

Just coming off of recent inactivity in general, I’d say I’ve been super active within the SRP community. From a very, much-needed, break, SRP has honestly been a lot more fun to me as of late. I have been consistently, shopkeeping, tailoring, roleplaying, CombatRP, DetailRP, JockRP, etc. within the server. Overall, I am rather active within the community and just recently joined the Event Team, which I’m super excited to be a part of! I, of course, shall be going into detail as just to what exactly I’ve been contributing to the SRP community. I won’t be speaking on the Event Team, considering I’m brand new and have yet to make any contributions!

First of all, my primary and most important role on the server, and honestly the one I’m most proud of, is shopkeeping! I have been the shopkeeper of Umisachi since August of 2022, and it’s been let me just say, a big ol’ but wonderful, adventure. I consistently have opened (except on inactivity) 12 times per month, which is the required quota. I make sure to remain active within my shop, including keeping up to date with announcements, new items, Onrain posts, and much more! It genuinely takes a lot of time, care, and dedication to create a successful shop, especially time. So much effort is put into running a shop, which requires me to remain active within the server, ordering stock, messing with shop layouts, and making sure my employees are active as well. All in all, shopkeeping is what’s been keeping me active for so long, had I not been accepted as a shopkeeper, I don’t know if I’d be here filling out this application.

Second of all, my pride and joy, my money-making love, tailoring! Funny enough, I’ve been doing tailoring for far longer than shopkeeping, mainly for that scrumptious moola. I’ve been a tailor since I think mid-2022? Anywho, that was a period where I wasn’t really roleplaying and was much more interested in leveling up my attributes and making money. This is where my activity on SRP seriously spiked. I had so much fun learning how to tailor, getting inspo from fellow tailors, developing my shading style, and meeting new people. I was taking orders all the time, may that have been from official openings or friends. I spent a lot of time practicing, and it was worth it in the end. Jump on over to now, I’m a rather successful tailor, and relatively active when it comes to it. I’m currently a tailor for both Misfits Corp. & Jaibatsume Cosmetology. I’m probably working on orders or making skins for auctions/friends when I'm not roleplaying. Pretty much, a lot of my activity when I’m not directly on the SRP server, I’m tailoring for the SRP community, which is something I’ve been doing for a while and have come to learn to love and be proud of.

Last of all, my new love, way of meeting friends, and the constant tackling (and bullying) of college Spartans, the Bobcat Female Football Team! Now, I have to say, this has been where most of my recent activity has been happening, rivaling against them sucky ol’ Shartans (I love you guys dw). But in all seriousness, I’m having so much fun with JockRP, fellow sports team members, the constant rivalry, and the insane drama that comes with it. I cannot express how much fun I’ve been having with it in the past few weeks. I’m now roleplaying multiple hours a day as my beloved character Chinatsu Tada. Let me just share some of the crazy activities I’ve been a part of. Including but not limited to, getting locked in a cage by the Bobcat Male Football Team the day after I joined, and also eventually majority of them being brimless. Having a full-on team rivalry at the team houses, bangs were cut, eggs were thrown, people were dog piling, just pure chaos. And later on, learning, somehow I’m better at volleyball than at football. Ironic ain’t it? And the most recent, psychotic activity, which was all the Bobcat peeps gathering together headed by Valentina Cruz, to kidnap lead Spartans. I had so much fun just running around, scheming, and catching Spartans, it lasted for hours, red paint was dumped on poor Tono, and Keiji was kidnapped by Bryson and saved, it was pure happiness. Overall, I feel as if most of my recent, and hopefully some of my future activity is from sports teams, which has allowed me to further develop my DetailRP, JockRP, and CombatRP. Anyways, proud #6 of the Bobcat Female Football Team.

You may or not be tired from reading all the SRP activity. . .this one’s shorter, pinky promise. So, there are a few things preventing me from being online, including my part-time job and school. I do not have a consistent schedule when it comes to my job, it’s just open all week and they schedule me whenever I’m needed. So, if this were to cause an issue with training times and such, I could request certain times off of a day from work if needed. I am currently enjoying my freedom in the summer, but I do start college in August, which I expect will eat up a lot of my time. But focusing on now, I’m mostly available during the night, and all day on weekends.

What is your motivation for applying?

New Experience
In my entire 1 ½ years spent on SRP, I’ve only been a part of 2 factions. Those being the shopkeeper and sports team factions. I’ve also considered KPD as one of the more active, well-known factions. The vast amounts of applications every wave opening proves my point. KPD has caught my eye since the very beginning, and my motivation for applying to the KPD faction draws from it. Whilst roleplaying on SRP, I’ve always seen KPD in major events hosted by the Event Team. Along with seeing them running around in their gear, chasing criminals, drunk shopping, tranquilizing bears, and tasing people, it seems like such an amazing clique to be in. I’m always looking for new roleplay opportunities, my current role as a shopkeeper sadly doesn’t provide much of that. Being on the sports team has been entertaining, but comparing JockRP to CombatRP, it’s a whole other cup of tea.

KPD and EMS seem to be the most active when it comes to roleplaying multitudes of scenarios every day. I mean, you’re most likely fighting, training, chasing, and tasing on a daily, so much can happen with that. You’re also able to connect with another faction, that being EMS as they often work together. KPD also provides the chance to create new lore with your character. Fighting against people nearly every day, helping citizens, and being an overall part of the force, can greatly help develop an interesting and well-developed character, someone you can have fun playing as. I also feel as though OOCly, a lot of people in KPD are good friends, spending a lot of time with each other, it’s not surprising. Overall, gaining the experience of being able to be part of the KPD faction, along with being provided new roleplay opportunities, character development, and meeting new people, it’s my primary motivation for applying.

Onlooking KPD
By now, it’s been made very aware that I’m a shopkeeper! Just a little FYI, I run the shop Umisachi and have recently created a 15% KPD Discount on all items within my store! Now, the main reason for doing this was because a few months ago, when I started opening again with new items, hoards from KPD would come to the shop, and I found it so funny. Even had a KPD officer hide behind the counter one time, fun times. Getting to the point, I’ve gotten the chance to look upon the KPD within my store. They always travel in groups of 2 or more and have occasionally hung around outside the shop when done purchasing. Those people who’ve come to my shop, make it seem like it’s so exciting to be a KPD member. One time, I believe there was a government party going on, I opened, it and had a few drunk officers shopping, it was so hilarious to watch. They were all helping each other out, trying to eat the poor Manta-Ray Plushie ‘Pancake’, it was a whole adventure to witness, and I wanted to be with them, experiencing the chaos. My poor security guards have also fallen victim due to wearing masks when KPD was shopping, bad idea.

Besides the KPD shop experiences, from my little GangRP experience, I’ve had a few occurrences with KPD intervening. I, as the lil’ noob I was, always booked it when I saw KPD, because they scared the heck out of me, and were feared, especially with the /roll 200 feature. I’ve always been more on the good rather than the evil side, and GangRP just wasn’t really for me. I wanted to be the one protecting citizens, capturing criminals, wearing some pretty cool uniforms, having access to cool gear, and whatnot. It’s also pretty well-known that GangRP can get a lil’ toxic (at times, not all), which I do not like, and have experienced way too much toxicity from other games already. I didn’t need any of that in my SRP experience. KPD as far as I know, is a very welcoming and well-put-together community, with handpicked people who have good reputations amongst the server. My motivation for applying as a KPD is to be able to have the opportunity to be a part of a chaotic yet fun, faction. Along with being on the opposite side of GangRP, going against them rather than being a part, of it is a new experience and a learning chance. Justice, am I right?

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

From the very little amount of knowledge, I possess on the topic of SRP police work, this specific area of expertise includes a wide range of responsibilities. Listing just a few, police work generally involves protecting the citizens of Karakura from crime, and enforcing the law with, of course, the assistance of the government and EMS. What would we do without them? Police work can span from arresting criminals, investigating cases, and your average patrolling of the town. I’ll be delving deeper into my knowledge of police work, with fancy little graphs, no more paragraphs (yet)!

Main Division
Detective Division
Detective Superintendent
Detective Chief Inspector
Detective Inspector
Detective Sergeant
Detective Constable
Patrol Officer

Arresting Criminals
Tasked with arresting those who’ve committed a crime. Criminals are placed into custody or restraints. The purpose is to hold the criminal to answer to a charge, or to prevent them from committing an offense.
Assisting Citizens
This can range from helping citizens at the front desk, answering an emergency call, guiding those during a natural disaster, or even just helping to save a person’s cat from a tree.
Filing Town Logs
Relating to judicial cases, filing town logs is generally used for I’m assuming information, requesting warrants, a lawsuit, or suing a criminal for injustice against oneself.
I assume that this is mostly done by the Detective Division, but, bringing criminals into a cold, dark, room with a singular light bulb, and questioning them for information they might need.
Overseeing the City
KPD possesses access to the lovely CCTV system, being able to watch crime happen from a singular room, with a lot of monitors. Here, they’ll sit and watch for crime, and head out if something comes up on the security cameras.
Patrolling the City
Walking, running, and scouting, for criminals! This is probably the most well-known responsibility, traveling around the city on a designated route, to make sure nothing suspicious is up with gangs or criminal activity.
Raiding Properties
After (sometimes) gaining a warrant, KPD can raid property for contraband, weapons, hidden criminals, and much more! They break the door down with a crowbar and proceed to search the property for criminal possessions.
Taking Care of Inmates
Yes, watching over prisoners! KPD is also tasked with watching over the inmates, aka criminals! Making sure they don’t escape, are fed, and do their chores as required. Probably one of the more boring responsibilities, but of course, still important.
Taking Reports
Reports this, reports that, endless reports! Perhaps a bear attack, a kidnapping, a fire, someone being brutally beaten to death. The KPD is required to take reports called upon them by the citizens of Karakura and must go out to venture and assist in said reports.

All Officers + EMS
A cute little device used by emergency units to check how much alcohol a person has consumed. It’s used to estimate how much alcohol is in the blood.
All Officers
Steel circles with chains are used to restrain the target’s wrists together. Preventing them from trying anything funny.
Pepper Spray
All Officers + EMS
A device you’re able to use 3 times to temporarily blind target, used by emergency units. A scary little thing containing an ingredient that irritates the eyes, causing extreme pain and burning sensations.
Police Baton
All Officers
A steel stick that’s used by officers to apprehend criminals. It is a reliable tool and controlled weapon, used as self-defense, and can be offensively used to either strike, jab, or leverage a target.
Police Radio
All Officers
A waterproof (like my mascara) communication device used by emergency units, allows officers to discuss emergencies, strategies, locations, etc.
Riot Shield
All Officers
It’s pretty much a strong glass window used by officers for extreme protection in dangerous cases. It can be stationary or held and is used to push targets out of range.
Stun Blaster
All Officers
Taser, taser! *SCREAMING* Anyways, it’s a stun device used by officers to immobilize a target and prevent them from moving, and sometimes cause them to freeze mid-air.
Police Sergeants + Detective Inspectors
A plastic (for some reason?) device used by officers to neutralize threats. This can be anything from a bird to a bear, and to the scariest of all, humans. Shoot ‘em, and they take a quick little nap. No harm, no fowl!

Additional Equipment
Body Camera
All On-Duty Officers
It’s in the name, but it’s a live-streaming waterproof camera that’s attached to the front of an officer’s uniform. It’s constantly recording and its information is stored and accessed from a cloud database. It possesses similar properties to the CCTV system.
Police Corporals
Used to pry down those pesky wooden doors, and to forcefully open those annoyingly locked containers.
Disposable Latex Gloves (ItemRP)
All On-Duty Officers
Non-fingerprint-proof gloves worn by on-duty officers. A necessity of possession, and is kept on oneself at all times.
Fingerprint Scanner
All On-Duty Officers
Again, in the name, but it’s used to determine if a suspect’s fingerprints match the ones of a target sample officers are pursuing. If matched, you’re busted!
First-Aid Kit
All On-Duty Officers
A rather small kit is used in medical emergencies when an ambulance or the EMT service isn’t available. Will grant more time to survive, and will slow down bleeding.
Gas Mask
All On-Duty Officers
Police-issued, of course! Used to protect oneself from biological threats such as gas leaks, and pepper spray, and can help with pollen allergies.
Luminol Spray
All On-Duty Officers
A very useful spray is used to identify blood on services such as bats or masks. The only way to avoid the master spray is to have cleaned your possessions with either hydrogen peroxide, or bleach and water, though you could probably smell the bleach. . .

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

The Karakura Police Department is important to SRP in so many ways. ICly-wise, Karakura’s got what, 400+ citizens on average? It is necessary to have law enforcement available in such a large town, especially with rising gangs, kidnappings, and an overall increase in crimes. Around Karakura are a few known criminal hotspots, which citizens are recommended to avoid. These brave police officers are on the constant lookout, paroling streets, revealing masked individuals, and overall protecting the citizens of Karakura from crime. Without KPD, all hell would break loose. The town would fall into complete and utter chaos, with burning buildings, vandalism, and gangs sectioning out turfs, no one would want to leave their homes. But with the KPD, citizens are mostly able to walk around town without a worry in the world, with a constant watch over the CCTV, they’re protected and watched over. Police officers also offer a sort of barrier during the day, causing most crimes to be acted upon during the night when most people are sound asleep. They constantly work with the EMS, helping to clear out a safe area for EMS to arrive, or even delivering injured citizens themselves to the hospital. Overall, the Karakura Police Department is important to SRP ICly, because without it, there’d be no one to fear, and chaos would ensue.

OOCly-wise, the KPD faction is as important as CrimeRP. The two are opposites, constantly at each other’s throats, this helps to keep both heroes and villains entertained in a way. KPD helps to enforce ICly rules and laws, overall maintaining a balance within the server. Constantly with CombatRP and GangRP, KPD brings a new card to the table, fear. Gangs have to constantly watch out for KPD, committing underground crimes, unable to do anything in broad daylight. The constant battle of justice and crime, seriously allows people to engage in fun situations, may that be a chase and run, sewer mapping, or even scheming a kidnapping. With this, a police force within a semi-realistic server brings a shape of reality to the server. Similar to TownRP, people can involve the police in situations such as bear attacks, a lost person, or even just needing assistance with something as simple as a broken down car. KPD also works alongside the amazing EMS faction, which allows even more roleplay opportunities amongst themselves. There could be a situation in which there was a fire, and multiple people were injured. Both KPD and EMS would have to strategize on how to successfully put out the fire, and save those injured. Overall, KPD is important to SRP OOCly, because it’s a faction that involves most people within the server, a necessity. SRP Karakura is a town in Japan, after all, it needs some cool officers to roam around, ya know?

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

I acknowledge that if training is held whilst I'm online, I'm obligated to attend or I will be fairly punished.

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What's your character's full name?

“Name’s Susu Min.”

How old is your character (if accepted)?

“29 years of age, haven’t broken down just yet.”

What are your character's gender and pronouns?

“Female, gone by She/Her.”

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

“Bachelor's in forensic science, I was given a secure job offer in Hiroshima, Japan, straight after my undergraduate years. Didn’t find the need for a master's.”

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?

“In order of most to least fluent, Mandarin, Korean, and JSL.”

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

“You’re looking at me already, aren’t you? You tell me.”


Susu Min was a striking blend of Chinese and Korean heritage. Standing at a rather tall height for a woman, 5’7, her presence commanded attention in any room she entered. Despite the heavy eyebags beneath her quite mesmerizing hazel eyes, she possessed a quiet demeanor, almost as if she didn’t want to be seen. Strands of waist-length raven hair cascaded down her front, tied up neatly in a low ponytail down her back. The raven-colored hair framed her pale skin well, and her wispy bangs did their best to cover the scar that ran from her left eye to her right nostril. A single beauty mark adorned her right cheekbone, adding to her unique allure. Her toned physique was complimented by intricate lotus flowers trailing down her right arm. Occasionally seen with glasses, she always seemed to have her head down in either a book or her laptop. A trait further emphasized by her preference for business attire. While she may not conform to conventional beauty standards, there’s an undeniable magnetism to her presence. A lingering scent of lemons accompanied her wherever she went, sweet, but sour.

“A bit about myself? Alright then. .”

From the outside, Susu Min was seen as a cold person, with a constant expression of hate plastered on her face. It’s not like she could help it though. She had a RBF, and while she didn’t talk much, it’s not like she hated everyone, they just didn’t know her. She’s quiet, keeps to herself, and is overall an oddball of sorts. She really adores those who take pride in their education and likes to surround herself with intelligent individuals. Those whom she lowers some walls to, see her for who she truly is, a thoughtful and passionate person, who just wants constant adventure in her life. Her personality doesn’t shine like others, it more-or-so stays hidden in the shadows, but her passion is what shines when given the chance. It’s something easily noticed, she’ll get a small sparkle in her eye when a subject interests her, or she’s faced with a difficult challenge, her cogs start ticking, and her brain is one to behold. She sometimes tends to drift off into her thoughts, leaving reality for a bit as she takes time to herself. She could walk around for hours, just lost in her thoughts, being very much, an overthinker. Overall, Susu’s a person who doesn’t wear her heart on her sleeve, but it’s there when you take a chance to look for it.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

“I’d consider myself well acquainted in professional settings.”

Susu acts as a professional herself, she thrives in those types of settings. Being in the field of forensics, she’s often accompanied by officers, detectives, and other professionals at the scene of crimes. She always arrives prepared and is very punctual when it comes to needing to be somewhere on time. She easily and efficiently gains info on new subjects, being rather adaptable and flexible to situations that may change suddenly or need to head in a different direction. She does not stop until her work is done, if she needs to work overtime, it’s no problem for her. Overall, she’s a very professional individual, her calm yet demanding demeanor can take charge when needed, but also listen carefully to instructions.

“It’s not often that I’m inclined to hang out ‘casually’.”

On the other hand, Susu is not one to do well in casual settings. It’s almost as if she has no idea what to do with herself. If she doesn’t have any instruction or anything to guide her, she’s completely lost. Being the anti-social person she is, it’s sometimes difficult to conversate with those who aren’t her co-workers, or whom she doesn’t know. She’s not fond of meeting new people, as she struggles with casual conversation if it’s not in a business setting. Not being the most approachable, if she were in a group of people hanging out in a restaurant, she’d probably be sitting in the corner, reading a book. A bit lame but, that’s Susu for you. She’s much better when surrounded by those with similar interests to her, but she’ll learn, eventually.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

“The idea of co-workers is one that you cannot escape. You need them when you least expect it.”

Susu thinks co-workers are the friends you never had. She finds it so easy to conversate, talk to, and discuss job interests, and findings, and thoroughly enjoys brainstorming with them. Although never really talked to them outside work, inside work she considered her co-workers ‘friends’. She’s always viewed them as a team, one that you have to work with as a unit. How else would anything get done? Being able to bounce ideas off of one another, along with finding details she didn’t even see herself, really opened her eyes. She finds it fascinating to view how other minds work, it’s one of her few perks, people watching. You could know barely anything about her, but she’d know everything about you. Overall, she considers co-workers a necessity in the workplace, people that you have to work and get along with.

“How is anything to get done if you’re not working together as a team?”

Considering Susu is more of an independent person, she does all right in teams. It’s not her favorite thing in the world, but when it works, it works. She views teamwork, especially in large situations, as necessary in some cases. Often in her job, forensics, multiple people are working together to solve a crime. People are talking to witnesses, ****yzing the body, people setting up barriers and flags, and trying to predict what exactly happened. It’s as if all the cogs in the machine started ticking, causing it to run smoothly and efficiently. In her eyes, teamwork is not always necessary but sometimes needed. She doesn’t mind working in a team if it’s in a professional or business setting, and it’s a case in which she knows what to do. Overall, the idea of teamwork is something she tries to avoid, but sometimes desperately needs it.

What's your character's backstory?

1995 ~ Quiet Lotus

No crying. . but how could that be? “Is she okay? Is my baby alive? Why isn’t she making a sound?” These thoughts traveled through a mother’s mind, unknown as to whether her child was in this world with her. She’d beg the doctor for an answer, her husband not in sight, stuck somewhere in Shanghai traffic. With a tear-stricken face, the mother screamed at the doctor for an answer. “WHY IS SHE SO QUIET? IS MY BABY OKAY?” The doctor only shook his head, bringing the silent baby over to a table as he performed CPR on her tiny heart. A cry could be heard from the table, the mother reaching out for her calling baby girl. The doctor covered with a mask, couldn’t be seen smiling, but the doctor didn’t matter, all that mattered was her quiet little lotus, was alive and well, cradled in her arms. “Oh my quiet lotus, how you’ve given me a scare.”

Born dead in the city of Shanghai, China, a girl who went by the name of Susu Min. Daughter to a Chinese mother and a Korean father. In her early years, Susu was quite bright for her age. She’d constantly read, read, and read, it was all she did, but in two different languages. Susu at the age of 5, was able to both read and comprehend Mandarin and Korean, thanks to all her books, oh- and her parents. Growing up in a rather vibrant household, she was surrounded by such cultural diversity, indulging herself within both cultures to honor her parents. Her father cooked, and her mother cleaned, they were seen by outsiders as an unbreakable link, each other’s halves. Although an only child, her family was surrounded by constant warmth and love, despite the occasional language barriers faced by her parents, nothing could stop their bond. She was infatuated by the world around her, one day wanting to travel the world as her parents once did together.

2001 ~ Bear Tear

Why was there a bear. . staring at her? Its beady eyes would sparkle with hunger. She was alone. “Shit, this isn’t good. . .this is no-” 15-year-old Susu’s thoughts were forced to pause as the bear suddenly leapt at her, swiping its paw at her face. With quick reflexes learned from gymnastics, she was able to react quickly, jumping back at its strike. She felt a trickle of blood travel down her nose, to her mouth, tasting that oh-so-metallic blood. Her left eye went blurry, blood entering its socket. A hand traveled up, tracing a diagonal cut from the left of her eye to her right nostril. “My eye... I can’t see- this isn’t good, I need to get out of here.” Being in total darkness, it was unknown as to why or how she got here in the first place. The bear growled from the abyss, but she was gone like the wind. Leaving a trail of blood in her tracks until stumbling upon. . .a dead body. . .a woman.

Susu’s life changed greatly when her family decided to relocate to South Korea. Her parents weren’t much of the city folk type, and nor was she. They found a nice cabin to stay in, surrounded by vast forests. Adjusting to the country, the culture, and even the language, Susu struggled to adapt. Thankfully, her father was her biggest supporter and helped her through the challenges. He helped her embrace her Korean heritage, taking her trips to the bustling city, Seoul. Being rather wealthy as both parents were lawyers, they decided to send Susu to private school, considering she was exceeding in her education at public school, they wanted to give her an opportunity, a challenge, a promising education that would help her with deciding her future career. At this private school, Susu struggled to make friends, she wasn’t much of the social type, and the only people she was close to, were her parents. She remained a lone wolf through her teenage years but excelled in her academics. It wasn’t until the bear attack, that people started to notice her, the big scar plastered on her face stuck out like a sore thumb. She didn’t care much for the attention and did her best to avoid people. The body she stumbled over on the news didn’t help either, she was considered a suspect, how? She didn’t know. Eventually, though, she was cleared as a suspect. Wanting to learn more about this strange woman, Susu started researching, she found the woman’s identity and even managed to find her autopsy. This made Susu extremely interested in the aspect of forensics, ****yzing dead bodies, crime scenes, all of it. This was her passion, and she knew it. Who cared about popularity, and friends? All she needed was to observe, and that was it.

2010 ~ Studies in Forensics

“Their fingerprints don’t match, but he was holding the weapon? Who could be stupid enough to even. . .”
Her thoughts wandered through every possibility. She was given a mock case in her senior year of high school. This couldn’t be that hard, could it? Why don’t they match up, that’s the biggest question, who’s the other suspect? The mannequin just stared up at her, she was surrounded by 3 of them, all of them connected to an unsolved murder case. “It can’t be you, you were murdered. Slashed from head to toe- but this one over here, it’s got the matching fingerprints to the weapon, but how could that be? When the weapon is being held by this dumbass, UGH.” Frustrated, she took off her goggles and tossed them off to the side, throwing her tools to her side. If she couldn’t even figure this out, was she going to be able to survive in the forensics world?

Having healed well from the bear attack, besides the trauma and now intense fear of bears, Susu was now pursuing her academic journey in the world of forensics. Having graduated at the top of her class, and discovering that body, she was now ignited with a passion for solving mysteries, after having experienced her brush with danger, and maybe, death. She said goodbye to her parents and her home in South Korea, and pursued her career at a prestigious university in Tokyo, Japan, the city capital. She soon learned to love the city but missed her small town in Shanghai, and her little house in the forest of South Korea. Moving past this, she immersed herself in the intricacies of crime scene investigation and forensic ****ysis. Starting, she greatly struggled, having to be tutored and asking her professors for help on certain subjects. This wasn’t high school, this was the real world. She eventually caught up with her studies, and later excelled, being at the top of her class, once again. While gaining her bachelor’s in forensics, her dedication and raw talent caught the attention of renowned forensic experts, who offered her a secure job right after her undergraduate years. Her job mentored her, taught her things she didn’t know, and helped shape her into a formidable forensic investigator.

2016 ~ Hiroshima, My Love

“Why the fuck is there a serial killer in this investigation? It was safe they said, just ****yze the crime scene they said, now I’m here hiding from a literal murderer!”
Susu’s thoughts screamed in her head as she was hiding in a container lot in Hiroshima, Japan. “Thousands of people were murdered in this city, and I’m going to be one of them!” She shook her head, shoving back the intruding thoughts as she plotted a plan, to get the hell out of there. She had just arrived upon the scene, alone. She’s done this plenty of times, gathering evidence and bringing it back to the lab, but now there was someone after her, someone who wanted her dead, just like the bear. “If I could just get to the dock from here, it’s a straight run to the local police station, shit. . .” She heard a clank of metal to the left of her, she peeped around the corner, knife in her hand as she was faced with the serial killer. Knowing this moment all too well, she sprinted backward as the killer lunged at her. He missed her, that was a first. She ran through the halls of containers, having no idea where she was. “Where’s the sea at? Where is it, it has to be here somewhere, this isn’t a maze Su, think it through, think it through. Climb.” She hopped up on one of the boxes lying around and clung to the metal on the container as she managed to get herself on top of one. Spotting the killer from a distance, having lost him earlier, she stayed low, ****yzing her surroundings. She spotted the dock, it was right in front of her, ironically. “Just run, I know you’re tired, but just, run.” Jumping down, she booked it straight ahead, reaching the dock, turning around to see the serial killer running after her. Her eyes widened, body frozen with shock, no, this couldn’t be happening now. Don’t think back to it, he’s a man, not a bear. Her feet moved before she could organize her thoughts, and she bolted to the police station, lights still on, thankfully. Blasting the door open, she screamed. “HELP ME, PLEASE. THE SERIAL KILLER, HE’S HERE!”

Now having a secure job in forensics, she was living her dream. Every summer, she got the opportunity to visit a different country. She got to pursue her passion during the work year, ****yzing, observing, reading, gathering information, and researching, oh how she loved it all so much. She was in the forensic department of the local police force based in Hiroshima, Japan. The city where tragedy struck, but it still grew and thrived, even after. Her keen intellect and insane attention to detail made her a valuable asset to the team. Every day, she tirelessly worked to unravel the truth behind complex criminal cases. Despite the haunting memories of her past, she thrived in her newfound life. Still calling her parents every week, she cooked the recipes her father taught and cleaned every inch of her apartment, just as her mother did. Susu found solace in her work, finding a great purpose in bringing closure to the families of victims and helping to deliver justice to the perpetrators. But, even in her perfect life, she wanted more. She wanted to face the criminal head-on, she longed for more than she had.

2024 ~ Is Karakura the Place for Me?

“I can’t believe how much happens, and how much there’s to do in such a small town. It’s so different from Hiroshima.”
Her inner thoughts once again, bustled through her mind as she traveled around this town called Karakura. Suitcases in hand, having just landed from the airport, she heard of the great police force here, the Karakura Police Department. Even with only a bachelor’s, she was qualified with her experience in forensics. “At least the apartments are rather cheap.” She’d be found standing in front of a penthouse in this place called the School District. She wished to have one closer to the department, but it was all she could find, big for such a small person. “I guess it’ll do for now, now where can I find an application. . .” Now standing in front of the Karakura Police Department, she’d be asking the person at the front desk for an application. “Application, please.” Although her thoughts were full of colors, and raced through her mind, when it came to actually talking to people, she was rather anti-social and kept her words short. The policeman handed her an application, telling her if it was good, she’d be called in for an interview. “Thanks.” She was ready to embark on her new journey, the town of Karakura.

Susu’s thirst for challenge grew, having quit her job in Hiroshima, she heard of this supposedly amazing police force in Karakura, Japan. They were renowned for their fearless officers and daring missions, unexpected events always occurred, and gangs lurked around. It was a town of crime, it was perfect for her. She just needed to be a part of it, it was her new calling. Determined to push herself, she made the bold decision and moved fully to Karakura, Japan. If it would go well, she didn’t know. She could always go back to forensics if she needed, but what she wanted, was to face criminals again. Get that thrill, bring them to justice, those horrible souls. Little did she know, her journey was far from over, there were so many new things in front of her. A completely new town to explore, hell, even make some friends in. Trials and tribulations await to shape her into a new person. She was ready, but was Karakura?

Ghosbusters Event (3).png

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

“According to the law, you’re not allowed to legally own or carry a pocket knife in Karakura. Assuming, this is to prevent any stabbing or murder cases and to overall make the town a safer place from crime. If caught with one though, you are to be charged with illegal weaponry and face jail time.”

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription:

“From my research, I’ve gathered that some medical items that do not require a prescription are paracetamol, multivitamins, iron supplements, melatonin, cough syrup, wooden canes, bandages, eyepatches, and glasses.”

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

“If I were to witness a co-worker physically abusing an inmate? Assuming this is on duty, I’d not hesitate to walk right on over and stop the physical abuse. I’d forcefully pull my co-worker aside, and tell them to stand them against a nearby wall. I’d then proceed to quickly speak over my radio, alerting co-workers of the situation, in case I needed backup if the abuse were to pursue further on the inmate, or even myself. If my co-worker did try anything against me, without question I’d fight back and defend myself, probably tasing them if possible, to immobilize them. But let’s say they agreed and remained against the wall, I’d then handcuff them for safety measures. I’d proceed to check up on the inmate, observing their injuries, and checking to see if they needed medical assistance. I’d bring them to a different area for both our safety. Let’s say in this case, they were injured and in bad shape. I’d phone the emergency services, and tell them to send over an ambulance. With my med kit, I’d do my best to mend their wounds to temporarily stop the bleeding, keeping an eye out for the abusive co-worker. Once an ambulance has arrived, I’d report the inmate's injuries and what I medically helped with to the EMT on the scene. After the inmate was safely taken away, I’d immediately report the situation of what happened to my higher-ups, and we’d work it through from there. That’s what I’d personally do in that situation.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

“What should I do if I were to see my co-worker being assaulted? Again, assuming this is on duty, I’d pull out my taser, threatening the perpetrator that if they did not listen to me, I would tazer them. They’d get one warning, and if they proceeded to assault my co-worker, it be an immediate tazer. In this case, they didn’t listen and attempted to launch a punch at my co-worker. I’d immediately tazer then drag the perpetrator away from my co-worker and handcuff them, quickly talking on my radio as I did so, requesting backup in case there were more around the area. I’d check for injuries, and see how badly they were wounded. Let’s say this case, an ambulance was not required, and they were just beaten up a bit. I’d proceed to question them on the situation as to what happened if there were any more, and what they think we should do. I’d then take them to the hospital along with the perpetrator to get checked on for any hidden injuries such as internal bleeding. The perpetrator once treated, would immediately be brought to the department for further questioning and investigation. That’s what I believe I’d do in that scenario.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

“What I do if I found out that a co-worker became corrupt and was helping criminal organizations? Well, after learning about this information, I’d immediately start preparing to gain proof and evidence of this endeavor. Action must be taken quickly, as if a spy were amongst us. That co-worker could be feeding personal information to those criminal organizations to use against us. Time would be of virtue, but I would quickly and efficiently gather as much information as possible, may that be from CCTV, my bodycam, documents, texts, or anything I could find. I would be discrete about it, of course. You wouldn’t want to let them know you’re on to them. Pretend to be their friend, like they’re doing nothing wrong at all. And then, you strike. I’d strike by presenting all my proof and evidence to the police higher-ups, and from there, they’d decide how to deal with the co-worker. I’d, of course, act as if everything were normal, but I’d be secretly observing them, maybe even following them around if they were meeting up with the heads of the criminal organizations. This could allow the department to gain info on the criminals as well, to help us stay one step ahead. But, that’s how I’d handle it.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

“Please, a criminal trying to bribe me? Absolutely not. I’d immediately inform them that they could be fined for bribery. If they further insist, I’d charge them a fine for bribery. If they refuse to pay, I’d let them know that if they do not pay, they will be detained. Of course, if proof was requested, my bodycam would be able to provide that, as it’s always on while on duty. That’s how I’d react.”
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