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Why are Police Force hated?


Level 32
I think that there should be a law on that. Technically yelling "Fuck you cop!" or "Fuck the Police" is verbal harassment and could be taken as a crime.
Technically, but I think it's more the people saying it. Do you go to a police officer you see on the streets and yell 'fuck the police'? I'd take that as a no.


Level 38
What the fuck is with the font? It's so fucking bright.

And it's quite obvious why people hate the police, gang members don't want to get their shit taken away by the cops especially if they have custom weapons and etc.


Level 43
Well, Don't have the weapons, If you put yourself in that position to have a possibility of being arrested. Then you take the responsibility for being arrested. It was your decision to have weapons.


Level 16
I think that there should be a law on that. Technically yelling "Fuck you cop!" or "Fuck the Police" is verbal harassment and could be taken as a crime.

I feel like a cop should have better things to do than arrest or give a ticket to someone who is just calling them names. I mean sure, if it gets extreme but if it’s the simple “fuck the police” then it’s kinda mediocre.


Level 43
I mean its simple, The people hate cops because we correct them whenever they do something illegal. They put themselves in that situation and position in life.

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