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Witch-hunting GangRPers


Level 1
IGN: Dcqth


WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Staff members to stop being extremely bias with the police, not to mention a fair amount of police being actually staff. I understand this is going to get a shit load of hate, because there's alot of people out there who instantly assume that we're doing it wrong, but in-fact they don't GangRP. This is beginning to piss me off. I can't really do anything without being patronised for uh, either stuff that I do ICly and shouldn't have any place in an OOC conversation or the fact that I 'break rules'

I was warned today for making a throwaway character, basically a character that has no backstory or fabric behind them, and only exists to be used once. This characters name was Abdirahman Abdisuliman, just to make it very clear, he's Somalian, and the most common name in Somali is Abdi. My previous character, Abdikarim Abdirizak, I didn't have him for very long and I'm fairly sure both characters shared the same suits. I wasn't given a single chance to explain myself, so I'm going to remind the people reading this thread that this was the only character I had, as my old character I had for about a day before I was arrested.

To summarise, I would like for the ability to express myself before being warned, as the warns just rack up and then lead to a ban. For example, there was a staff member who had lost his character John 'Wick' Wong, to which he made John 'Kennedy' Ki. Literally the same first name, he didn't receive any sort of punishment at all. I cannot make a single character without it being called a throwaway because I cannot make a single character without it being arrested in the next day or so, for those of you who claim that GangRPers need to 'be more smart', We can't do that either as whenever we have a good idea, it's quickly made into a rule that we're not allowed to do that!



Level 14
Well, I'm pretty sure what people mean by 'be more smart when gangrping' is not for things like changing your skins to change clothing, etc. What they mean (At least in my opinion) is if you're going to kill someone, PLAN IT OUT. Have a place to hideout at for a bit after doing the murder, CHANGE INTO A DIFFERENT OUTFIT BEFOREHAND, and leave behind no lose ends.

However, I do see an issue with my opinion on being more smart. Since the time limit for kill perms dramatically decreased over the last few months, it's obviously harder for people to do get a good plan going for a murder. Especially when you're going to kill a cop since the perms only last for one day.


Level 184
Feedback from this side of the community is being monitored & responded to now more than ever. Any issues that have been DM'd towards me regardless if I gave a direct response to the reportee or not has been addressed to staff members which is pertains to also

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