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Wyatt Belmont's Character Bio (WIP)


Level 1
Wyatt Belmont
The Basics..

8b791786e2d55416d9167bb988821168.jpgFull Legal Name:
Wyatt Nolan Belmont​
Nickname: Wy​
Age: 18
General Info..
Birthday: March 6th, 2006​
Gender: Male​
Sexual Orientation: Straight​
Nationality: American

Language(s): English, Japanese


Weight: 156 lbs

Build: Slim/Fit, Non-Defined Build

Skin Color: Porcelain

Eye Color: Faded Dark Blue

Hairstyle: Wavy, Long hair (shorter at the front)

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Due to Wyatt's upbringing in a country environment, he dresses as per custom for most who live a country lifestyle in the rural America. Due to his passion for rodeo, he gives his attire a colorful flair as he wears brightly colored, unique patterned button down shirts. Mostly Wrangler and Roper brand shirts, as a callback to bull riding apparel in the 1980s and 1990s. He also wears Wrangler jeans, preferably the lighter color of such to pair with his boots. Mind you, the jeans he wears are worn and do show their working nature with dust still engrained into the seams. The same goes for his boots, but he does have a separate black pair for formal events. To cap it off, he has a black leather belt coupled with his silver Junior High Finals Rodeo Champion buckle.

Standing at about 5 feet, 11 inches, Wyatt is a fairly average height for his age, albeit he does appear smaller than most outside his height. He doesn't weigh a whole lot, but don't let his weight and slim physique fool you. After years of working on a ranch from a young age, and training for rodeos has allowed him to build a strong upper, lower body and core. His muscles are more subtle and not as defined as most with athletic builds, he is just as fit as any athlete. As for looks, he does have a slightly charming gaze to him with faded blue eyes combined with his cow boyish wavy hair, that while slightly shorter over the front of his face, is a medium length from the back. It makes for a homegrown shield on his neck when he doesn't have a cowboy hat on, and add to that country persona. He will occasionally have light bruises on his body after trips to his family ranch in Wyoming. Along with that, he has a vaguely visible scar over the left palm of his left hand. Other than that, he sticks out like a sore thumb in his looks compared to most in Karakura who for the most part, dress accustomed to Japanese culture or dress casually as such with urban lifestyles.


Joseph Elias Belmont - Alive

"The only thing me and my dad ever bonded over was bronc riding. and since I stopped showing interest after the injury.. Well, we never saw eye to eye again, and we really hated each other later on in life."

Evelyn Aurora Belmont - Alive
"My mom cared for me about till I was five. After that, she really could've cared less. I really think the only thing holding her back from abandoning me was her infatuation with my dad."

Nathan Waylon Belmont - Dead
"I didn't get to know my brother very well since I was still very young. However, he always made time to play with me when he could've gone out with friends. Nothing really felt the same after the funeral and I really wish he was still here.."

Cooper Isaac Belmont - Alive
"My grandad was always such a fun guy to hang around with. He bought me my first set of chaps when I started riding broncs and he really was just there for me much more than my parents ever were."

Friends & Partners
Juliana "Jules" Thompson - Alive

"She was my first friend when I moved to Karakura, and well- she's my first ex too. I don't like how things ended between us, but I was really left with no choice since she did up and leave with no warning. I just hope she is doing good for herself, as I hold no harsh feelings towards her. We both hopefully have moved on, so I can take some solace in that."

Elizabeth Thompson - Alive
"Lizzie is Jules' younger sister by about a year. She's great to be around, but since I haven't seen either of them for a long while now.. Well I just assume that they both moved back home. It hurts in hindsight that she didn't even say goodbye when they left, because I never heard anything about it from her. I don't blame them though, this place is not an ideal place to live in my opinion anyway. The fact I'm still stickin' around here is lost on my own mind too."

Zen Aloris - Alive
"Zen is one of my longest standing friends in Karakura, well one of my few friends here anyway. He's had my back since day one and that really hasn't changed. Well, I don't see him often anymore, and honestly I can kind of assume why. He always seemed like he had a darker side to him, but I won't judge him off of that. He doesn't try to drag me into any of his business, and is just a great friend whenever we do run into each other."

Cherry Lee Kramer - Alive
"Cherry is my second ex in the grand convoluted history with between us. Really we started off great, but she just never seemed to commit or actually stay around. I can't hold too much against her from our early days, as we were both still younger. But her actions towards me more recently kind of built some animosity against her. I could only let myself get strung along for so long before I just up and left. She didn't like it, but she brought it on herself by leading me on this long. I won't say I outright hate her, but it's not like she ain't given me reason to."

Angel Berkeley - Alive

"Angel was only in my life for a short bit, and that was purely because I was roommates with Cherry for a brief stint after coming back from overseas. We hung out and had some fun, mostly so I could keep her away from Cherry's drinking and gambling habits. What really made me enjoy having her around was how she made me feel like an older brother. Somewhat like the way Nathan was to me, and I think that really helped me mature more from where I was before I met her. She occasionally still texts me from Pennsylvania, and she's doing fine for herself over there, so that gives me peace of mind."

Sara Willows - Alive
"As it stands, Sara is my third and current girlfriend, and hopefully we stick together this time. I had a crush on her back when we both still lived in Cheyenne, but I never said anything simply because we just never really talked. The chances we ended up in Karakura and had a second chance to rekindle past feelings is quite a stroke of luck. She's liked me since we were kids in grade school, and I'm genuinely stumped I didn't catch on earlier. I really am in love with her, and I can honestly see myself by her side for a long time. As long as she gives me the chance to be with her for that long of a time."

Logan Bourque - Alive
"I met Logan because he was rooming with Cherry after I left for the Marine Corps. This guy has to be the definition of pure hearted, because this guy always has a smile on his face and a good word to say any time you speak to him. He is fanatic over hockey, seeing as he's originally from Vancouver, but I'm the same with rodeo so we're not too different. I'm very surprised that he doesn't have all the girls in this town flocking too him, but then again, they all seem to have interesting attitudes and preferences. Either way, he's a real great guy to be around, and will always leave you with a smile on your face."


Life In Cheyenne
Wyatt Nolan Belmont was born on March 6th, 2006 in Cheyenne, Wyoming as the second of two sons to Joseph Elias Belmont and Evelyn Aurora Belmont. His older brother Nathan Waylon Belmont was twelve years old at the time of Wyatt's birth. Wyatt grew up in a very country setting, as despite his family living within the city limits of Cheyenne, they spent a lot of time on their uncle's ranch ten miles west of the city. Nathan and their father Joseph would spend every weekend, and most holidays helping on the ranch, as their uncle Cooper mostly ran the place on his own, aside from two ranch hands he employed. Nathan enjoyed helping out, but he was never really enamored by the western lifestyle his uncle lived. Wyatt on the other hand, was starstruck by this way of life. Before he could even walk, he rode a horse with his had holding him in the saddle, which despite being only two at that point, stayed in his memories forever. Wyatt's first ever rodeo was one his father took him to, in the July of 2007. Cheyenne Frontier Days, possibly the biggest rodeo in North America that wasn't the National Finals Rodeo in December, or Houston Stock show & Rodeo in the spring. Wyatt and his father would go every year, where Wyatt grew to love the saddle bronc and bull riding events.

By the age of six, Wyatt's uncle and father decided to put him on the back of a calf, wondering if he'd just decide to not pursue bull riding. Wyatt's first ride resulted in him going face first into the dirt, but as soon as he got up, he immediately wanted to get back on again. His mother surprisingly was all for Wyatt pursuing rodeo, as his older brother Nathan did with baseball. Wyatt's mother, Evelyn, had some preferential treatment bias when it came to Nathan and Wyatt. She typically preferred Nathan, as he was extremely smart in school, and was gifted as a baseball player for his high school team. Despite Wyatt only being six, she really didn't see him going very far in life and really wasn't concerned over it. As long as Nathan got far in life, then she could tolerate one son being in her mind a "failure" while the other one prospered. Regardless, she figured that if Wyatt could be good at rodeo, then it would be acceptable to her in a sense of success. From then on out, Wyatt would compete in youth saddle bronc and bull riding events from as far south as Texas, to Northern Montana. Mostly being done during the summer, and holiday breaks, as he had to attend grade school.

Wyatt wasn't particularly special at anything in school, but he got by which was good enough. He made some friends in school, mostly kids who also enjoyed the western lifestyle like he did. Although he did talk to this one girl named Sara Willows, they never really became friends, as they didn't talk a whole lot. Sara was the same age as Wyatt, younger than him by a few months. Her mother and father were both police officers, and surprisingly they lived about six or so houses down from the Belmont residence. Since they first met in first grade, she always had taken a liking to Wyatt, but she never said such due to them not knowing each other well. Regardless, the both of them were acquainted with each other, but none of that mattered much for Wyatt, as in the summer of 2012, he brother who had recently graduate was now enlisting in the U.S. Army. Nathan had all the possibilities open to him after high school, with scholarships for baseball to multiple colleges, including UCLA and the University of Colorado. However, He chose to not go to college yet, and instead enlisted in the Army just a month after graduation. Nathan was a kid when attacks of September 11th occurred, and the ensuing wars in the Middle East never left his mind. Out of a belief of duty to country, and wanting to keep a tradition of military service in the family alive, he joined up.

Nathan told his parents a couple weeks before enlisting, and while they initially disapproved, they did accept it and supported Nathans' decision.

(That's where it ends for now since I just brought the guy back now.)
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