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x4kam Police Application #6 "Not acid, nor alkaline"


Level 105
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
[-] Do bare in mind alot of this is similar to my old application, not due to lack of effort but due to my motivations being the same theme. [-]
x4kam KPD Application No#6 (1).gif

IGN (In-Game Name):


Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?

I am situated within the GMT timezone

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

I'll note the few ones that I deem that should be known on this. I've been around for nearing two years.

Governor Application, Accepted

Professor Application, Accepted

Council Application, Accepted. [This is the character I'm going to use.]

KPD Application No5, Denied.

Describe your activity on the server:

Timing, e.t.c
Okay lets start with the basics then. I tend to spend roughly four hours on daily. My timetable ranges around 4pm-7pm GMT dependent on other OOC events that happen in my life. As well as this on weekends i tend to have a far more vast time online ranging from anywhere within 10am-7pm.

Things that may stop me from being online as much.
Over the course of the next year i am going to be spending the majority of my time focusing on school as it is my last year in Secondary School where i am going to be sitting my GCSE’s. Due to these being such big exams, my timetable may vary from day to day due to school activities i would prioritise over minecraft. However, it shouldn’t really be much of an issue until Spring time. As well as this, I may lose the odd hour after school due to a catch-up or revision session, other than this I'll stick completely to the given scheduele.

I am rather happy to say that I have an OOC life (I know right, crazy) and a lot of these events will be prioritized over this. It shouldn’t happen much however it will happen at times due to perhaps medical appointments or other things that are deemed more important, obviously with a given inactivity log before hand.

Time spent on the server.
It’s genuinely crazy for me to think that i’ve been around for nearing two years. And within that i’ve done quite a few.. Notable things. You see, nearing the start of my time on this server, much like others i found myself drawn towards the criminal side of the server- being that little namemc that everyone went “Oh not this guy” to. However, within a few months of this i managed to work my way up to gaining a few positions in some little gangs that really pushed the start of my career in karakura [Not the best for a KPD application, i know, but worth nothing].
Shortly after this, roughly about a year in i took a turn that every player does at some point and got into tailoring and tried my luck in that, i got a few positions and still dilly in the dally every now and then.

Since then, i’ve managed to find my ways into a few factions, one of the main examples being my time that I spent as a Governor. This time was well spent and I managed to get a couple key spots and make a good few suggestions whilst in my time there.

What is your motivation for applying?:

Time in Town Faction
During my time in the Town Faction as a Governor, I noticed a lot of complaints were very much pointed towards the KPD. I’m not saying “Oh yeah I’m going to make this place so much better”, purely because there is no set guarantee for this; what I am saying is that I have a couple ideas of things that I would personally do to make mine, and others experience better in the faction. I’m not saying these things out of the idea of ideas being stolen e.t.c. Being a part of the Town faction also highlighted for me the importance that KPD brings to SchoolRP. I'll go through this in more detail later on in the application, but being a Governor opened my eyes and showed me how much KPD actually means to the daily SRP going ons.

Fitting in.
This isn’t like a pick me statement, it’s more just the idea of KPD being the best fit for my RP style and my skills. You see, the main reason I joined Town faction was due to my interests within the legal side of the server. As I said in my Governor application, something that I always sought for in my time in CrimeRP was the enjoyment of listing off crimes that I had committed. As well as this, I’m rather known for my CombatRP skills. Not to sound big headed, but seeing as that is one of my main passions in RP, i’d say that I’m better than the average.

TL:DR, I have a passion and skill in both the legal and combat side of the KPD.

Improvements within myself.
There are many things that every single individual can improve on. I have a few of these. For example, with me I learn to struggle with formality. Or in other words, I’ll learn the hard way to be more formal. Whilst I do enjoy the silliness of this server, learning to be formal is something I look forward to. Whether this be through Higher-Ups being harsh to the point where I will only be formal. Or to the idea of me developing a more formal demeanor as I develop through my time in the faction. As well as this, I quite enjoy the idea of improving my decision making skills. From day to day in KPD, there are many cases where I will have to make almost immediate decisions that can decide anything and everything in a roleplay scenario.

Something else that has happily came across, is more time in my schedule for SRP. With school calming down and my OOC life socially slowly dying [Sad, i know], I’ve managed to put more time aside for SchoolRP. Whilst there will be inactivity, much alike all other officers, I should generally make more time for the faction than I would have previously.

Overall, this'll generally lead to me being able to attend any trainigs that occur, as well as all and any events that I'm to be needed for.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?


Baton: A compact weapon designed for subduing criminals, the baton can be mugged and requires action to be taken out unless out of range. With a close-range span of 2 blocks, all officers have access to this item.

Police Radio: A waterproof communication device utilized to connect with Emergency Medical Services (EMS), the police radio can be handheld or worn on the shoulder. It remains unbreakable if the officer possesses Major or KPS. Action is required to speak within range, serving various purposes such as calling for backup, coordinating with fellow officers and hospital staff, and warning of potential threats.

Breathalyzer: Used for measuring alcohol levels, the breathalyzer cannot be mugged and requires an action to use. Typically applied to individuals in stopped vehicles, this tool plays a crucial role in maintaining public safety.

Handcuffs: Constructed from steel, handcuffs serve as restraints for suspects or criminals. Resistant rolls can be contested, leading to an arrest for resisting arrest. Each officer carries two handcuffs.

Stun Blaster: A non-lethal weapon causing a two-minute shock to the victim, the stun blaster cannot knock out opponents, cannot be mugged, and requires action unless the target is in active movement. It must be actioned to be taken out unless out of range, with a seven-block firing range and the potential to grant major permissions if used or hits.

Crowbar: Designed for pulling doors open, the crowbar delivers a two-hit knockout within a two-block range. It can be mugged but necessitates valid permissions. Action is required for equipping or using, limited to Corporals or higher.

Pepper Spray: Incapable of knocking out targets, pepper spray cannot be mugged and grants minor assault permissions. It blinds for a maximum of 30 seconds, necessitates action to be taken out, and requires rolls for usage.

Tranquillizer: Accessible to police sergeants and detective inspectors, the tranquillizer requires action and a successful roll to be taken out within range. Equipped with a total ammunition of 2 darts, reloading demands both rolling and action. It cannot be mugged, and no rolls are required to hit an individual.

Riot Shield: Accessible to all officers, the riot shield, when in use, prevents the user from using other items. It can be mugged and is offensively employed to push a target out of range. Successful rolls and actions are necessary to swap hands.
Gas Mask: The standard-issue gas mask, commonly found in the black market, provides essential protection for officers in hazardous situations. Its primary functions include the following:Can be mugged with appropriate permissions.
  • Effectively neutralizes the impact of pepper spray, safeguarding officers from its debilitating effects.
Luminol Spray: A roleplay item with no physical representation, the Luminol spray is used by officers to identify hidden bloodstains and dents on weapons and objects. Its unique characteristics is:
  • Cannot be mugged, emphasizing its role as a forensic tool for investigative purposes.
First Aid Kit: A standard-issue first aid kit equipped with essential medical supplies, including a tourniquet and gauze pads. Its crucial attributes is:
  • Adds five minutes to the bleed-out timer, offering immediate aid to injured individuals until EMS assistance is available.
Body Camera: Worn as a chest-mounted device, the body camera is a constant recording tool monitored from the station during an officer's duty hours. Its functionalities are outlined as follows:
  • Vulnerable to breaking with blunt force, provided the assailant has the necessary permissions.
  • Cannot be mugged, ensuring the integrity of recorded footage.
Vehicles: The KPD boasts two distinct vehicles—the police bike and the police cruiser—each introduced at different ranks. These vehicles, essentially reskinned versions of standard models, feature a distinctive siren for enhanced law enforcement capabilities.

Non-Item Roleplay Items:
  • Flashlight: Illuminates dark areas.
  • Baton Holder: Carries the baton.
  • Key Holder: Holds keys to rooms and jail cells.
  • Key: Opens jail cells and rooms.
  • Body Camera: Records visual data.
  • Disposable Gloves: Used for inspecting items and crime scenes.
  • Finger Print Scanner.

Radio Codes

Code 0
I've not given the meaning to any of these as it'll give some form of metagaming.

Upon acceptance into the faction, you will be bestowed with the cadet rank. Becoming this role you must showcase your idea of maturity and overall show your capabilities as an individual. As a cadet, your responsibilities are centered around basic police equipment, including a Stun Blaster, Baton, Handcuffs, Pepper Spray, Breathalyzer, Radio, Gas Mask, and Riot shield. The possession of these items is contingent on your responsibility level; failure to meet expectations may result in item confiscation or removal from the force. Following a brief introduction and station tour, you have some freedom in your activities, albeit with clear restrictions. Cadets primarily manage the front desk, handling reports, bails, protective custody, and other related tasks. Additionally, they oversee CCTV to identify wanted individuals and monitor ongoing crimes. Despite these responsibilities, the scope of activities for cadets is limited due to their training status. The focal point of their journey involves various training, encompassing both informational and physical aspects, leading up to cadet evaluations and eventual exams.
After Cadet you can then be sent to a different roles, such as:

Main Division
Patrol Officer
We can describe these roles as the following:

The Commissioner serves as the head of the police force, overseeing department operations, conducting meetings, and collaborating with the higher-ups on matters such as promotions and applications to ensure smooth functioning of the department.

Next in line is the Captain, responsible for supervising the Lieutenants in the Main Division to prevent any misuse of power. They also play a crucial role in selecting suitable candidates for promotion to the Lieutenant position, conducting examinations, and making decisions based on performance.

The Lieutenants, positioned below the Captain, are integral members of the higher-ups in the Main Division. Their primary responsibility is to monitor the conduct of lower-ranking officers, conduct cadet examinations, participate in decision-making processes for police applications and promotions, and oversee Sergeant trainings in collaboration with the Captain. Promotion to Lieutenant also grants access to the police cruiser, adding to their responsibilities within the faction.

Beneath the Lieutenants are the Sergeants, who must demonstrate readiness for the role through training and taking on responsibilities. Similar to Lieutenants, Sergeants lead calls, conduct line-ups, and resolve issues among officers or with civilians. Promotion to Sergeant requires proving suitability for the Lieutenant position to higher-ups, and also grants access to a Tranquilizer.

The Corporal rank is a significant advancement for officers, providing access to new tools like the crowbar and police bike. With the crowbar, Corporals can participate in raids and assist in searching residences. Additionally, being promoted to Corporal allows officers to train upcoming cadets and lead their own cadet trainings.

Patrols Officers
Upon passing their examinations, Cadets are promoted to Patrol Officers, marking their first advancement in rank. This promotion allows them to go off-duty
with permission, patrol without supervision, and respond to calls independently.

Upon acceptance into the police faction, individuals will transition into the role of cadets under the guidance of higher-ranking officials. As cadets, they are bound by certain restrictions, including the inability to independently respond to calls, take time off, or leave the station without supervision. However, it is important to note that there may be occasional exceptions to these regulations if authorized by a superior. The primary responsibility of cadets is to participate in a comprehensive two-week training program, which encompasses both theoretical and physical aspects. Following the successful completion of two examinations, covering their acquired knowledge and skills, cadets will progress to the next stage and be promoted to the position of Patrol Officer.

Moving forward into the Detective Division. This division shares similarities with the Main Division, but differenciates itself by granting detectives additional privileges and responsibilities. Detectives possess the authority to conduct fingerprint ****ysis, carry out interrogations, compile and work on case files, engage in stake-outs, and perform patrols without requiring explicit permission. Furthermore, they are authorized to collect blood samples and establish temporary surveillance if deemed necessary. Due to the confidential nature of their work, I will refrain from disclosing further details regarding their operational procedures. It is important to emphasize that these specific abilities are exclusively reserved for detectives, and officers from the Main Division are not permitted to engage in these activities. However, it is worth noting that higher-ranking officials within the Main Division are granted the authority to collect blood samples and ****yze fingerprints. Joining the Detective Division will grant individuals the prestigious [Detective] tag within the game, as well as distinct uniforms. In the subsequent sections, I will provide a comprehensive overview of each rank within this division.

The Detective Superintendent (DSI) holds the highest position in the Detective Division and is responsible for overseeing all operations within the division. They have the authority to select officers from the Main Division to join the Detective Division based on their suitability. Additionally, the DSI plays a crucial role in identifying potential candidates for the position of Detective Chief Inspector (DCI), which I will elaborate on shortly.

Detective Chief Inspector
The Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) is a senior rank within the Detective Division, second only to the DSI. DCIs share similar responsibilities to other higher-ranking officers in the Main Division, but they also have the privilege of conducting detective trainings and examinations, although I cannot confirm this with absolute certainty. The DSI is responsible for selecting suitable candidates for the DCI position, who must successfully pass the rigorous DCI examinations.

Detective Inspector
The rank of Detective Inspector (DI), also known as Detective Inspectors, grants individuals access to specialized resources such as the Tranquilizer and police cruiser. DIs are also authorized to conduct their own detective trainings for Detective Constables, providing them with valuable guidance and mentorship.

Detective Sergeants
While I may not possess detailed knowledge about the specific duties of Detective Sergeants (DS), I have been informed that they are essentially detectives who have been promoted after successfully completing and passing their detective exams. Their experience and expertise contribute to the overall effectiveness of the Detective Division.

Detective Constable
. The initial rank that a detective receives upon entering the division is that of Detective Constable (DC). As a DC, they undergo comprehensive detective training, where they are instructed in the various tasks and responsibilities associated with being a detective. This serves as a foundation for their future career development within the Detective Division.

[This is the part of the faction that I wish to partake in :)]

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

To put it simply, Karakura wouldn’t work the same without KPD. Without the KPD, GangRP will take an almost formidable end. This is out of two main ways. You see, if individuals don’t get arrested, they will simply use the same characters again and again and eventually that entire part of the server will just run completely dry. As well as this, removal of the KPD rids of individuals being caught, this means that crime will happen to such a point where boredom will become the main factor of many individuals leaving the server entirely. As well as this, EMS and Karakura Town both completely rely on the works of KPD. For example with town hall, Judges and such will struggle to gain quota without KPD arresting individuals as they have to work on non-guilty pleas as well as warrants.

GangRP is undeniably one of the most popular activities among players. It's often considered the easiest and coolest thing to try out, especially for newcomers. You can start by simply dealing alcohol to underage kids in the game, but if you're up for more excitement, you can even join a dangerous gang and cause all sorts of trouble. From knocking people out to cutting off limbs and even getting permission to take someone's life, the possibilities are endless. But GangRP isn't just about the gang members. There are also plenty of interesting events involving other characters like jocks or various lore events. You might witness a gang attack or even spy on secretive gang meetings. However, the Karakura police department plays a crucial role in maintaining order. So, they're always ready to protect the city from any kind of threat.

As well as this, KPD give a sense of realism to the server. In the simplest way possible, no real life city would run smoothly without the help of a police department. This is highlighted within the server as shown with any sort of crime scene. You think your next door neighbor is a highly torturous and dangerous criminal? BOOM. Raid. It's a realistic and extremely fast pace faction that keeps us with the entirety of the server.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yes of course.

In-Character (IC) Section

x4kam KPD Application No#6.gif

What's your character's full name?:

Ludovica Ludavitch

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

Ludovica will be 34 years old.

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

He is a male, and uses He/Him pronouns.

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:


What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

JSL, Russian, Italian

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Walking into the room you’d set eyes upon the mezmerising view of Ludovica. The first thing you were drawn to were the perfect shape and colour of his eyes. Their dashing blue haze shimmering in the nearby lantern light. Matching this was his golden blonde hair, curling messily to fit his almost round yet so sharp facial structure. His golden brown skin seemed to work perfectly with his overall look, giving this almost glint to his view. Upon his ears and neck was many selections of jewlery, raining from chains, to crosses to beads. In general, the individual seemed to make his appearance match his face, giving golden, tanned coloration to each outfit. He noticed you, a smile contorting across his features. His lips curving into a soft smile, his fangs hiding behind his sacred, thin lips. He walked towards you, his jacket flowing in the wind as he strode, his posture almost perfect. He kept on hand in his right pocket, and the other was left vacant other than a pocket watch dangling from his trouser pocket. As he began to step closer to him you couldn’t help but notice his strong scent. It was both a mix of ash yet the tasty after taste of some form of wooden smell. An odd mix, yet it enticed you. He began to speak to you “ I’m new round here, could you direct me to the station ? “. You tried to answer, but you couldn’t. His voice was simply to engaging. It’s deepness somehow matching such soothing as he spoke to you. You? Grabbed in already? How fun.

[-] A case file was attached [-]

Obsessive Compulsive Disoder.Something that Ludovica struggles with is OCD. This means that he frequently gets unpleasant and unvoluntary thoughts that connect to something that he's doing. Often tricking him into thinking he'll be a cause of something if something isn't done. This can be reflected in his actions regularly as he completes certain actions to re-collect and relieve of these thoughts. In his example, flicking a dead lighter four times.

Depersonalisation-derealisation disorder

This disorder allows for Ludovica to feel that he often resides from outside of his body physically. This leads to alot of the time an idea of being dull in conversation. He may seem like he's lifeless at time, however it mostly happens in high-stress situations.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Although he seemed to appear as a casual being, Ludovica would rather keep himself professional in almost all circumstances. His rather, pretty- looks seemed to make it seem like he was a soft being. Yet he was nothing of the like. Due to his time in the military, Ludovica kept himself rather disciplined in his ways of acting to others. He tends to keep rather to himself, often making himself entertained with say- pen-spinning or something like that. During a professional situation this definitely showed. Around others, Ludovica seemed to keep reserved- making conversation when appropriate but in general being to himself.

Yet in a casual situation it was almost like his cage was unlocked, not like he was going to leave but he had the option. You see, he still showed the fact he could be this professional, quiet character; yet seemed to keep conversational and talking with those around him. He made the odd joke, allowing for his demeanor not to just be this black cloud, yet also allowed for himself to still remain almost alert.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

He consistently maintains a professional demeanor, both for himself and his colleagues, as he always has. He recognizes that the KPD relies heavily on teamwork and collaboration, so he is more than willing to work with others to tackle challenges. Ludovica thrives in a team setting and diligently fulfills his responsibilities. Before taking action, he carefully weighs his options and avoids rushing into decisions. Once he identifies the most effective approach, he shares his ideas with the team to gather their input. Ludovica also excels in collaborative environments and completes his assigned tasks effectively. He takes the time to consider his choices before proceeding, ensuring he doesn't act impulsively. He was generally a team worker. "It's hard to fight an entire army with just a soldier". It was an almost embedded quote that he seemed to live by. As much as one is good at gathering intel on their own, its hard to physically do a lot on your own, and at the right pace. Team work is pretty much needed for almost all of the work in KPD.

What's your character's backstory?:

Beginning of life:
“Why start out life boring?”

Ludovica was born into a rather ran down, lower class family. At a young age something seemed to happen between his father and his mother and they’d decided to split. Seeing as the divorce papers also constituted a restraining order, him and his father had to move completely away from his home town in order to find complete solace. Moving from yorkshire to a place like Japan was one of the biggest moves that was ever made... in that family. Seeing as they had little to no money on hand, they took out a loan and decided to move down to a little town called Karakura. Here, apartments were up for sale at only 50 grand [WOAH]. The move was rough, endearing if you will. Both a humbling experience for the father and an incredible learning journey for the young, eager mind of Ludovica.
Once moved they’d decided that it was best to stay here and enroll Ludovica in the nearby school, making sure he was disciplined well.

School life:
Ludovica wasn’t exactly the most popular in school. Being a new kid in both town and in school wasn't the best of work, especially at teenage years. Being so young made him yearn for some form of social security, or something of the like. Ludovica began communicating and becoming friends with the teachers, often lightening the mood for them and allowing for his reputation to grow with the faculty. Eventually, he was welcomed into the councilor roster. He spent a lot of time here and ended up being a counselor until he left the school due to being too old. Though he left his time of being a councilor behind, he knew that work experience both benefitted him and those who were surrounded by him.

The farewell of education:

“You hurt me, but for the better”

Ludovica spent his last few weeks in school treating it like a funeral. The school treated him in such a pleasant and wonderful way upon moving to the city, so it seemed almost right. Walking down near back gates he bumped into a professor, one he spoke to regularly. “Leaving already?” the professor asked. “I’m too old sir, I need to keep moving in life.” Ludovica replied. “You know that I have other places to move sir, as life moves on, so simply do I”. The professor gave a soft, warming smile “You do know you’ll be missed. The councilor room just won’t have the same energy without the shine of.. You.” The child gave a slow, almost hesitated shrug “If one bee leaves the hive, the hive doesn’t lose all its honey. You won’t lose everything if i leave, will you?”

After school:
Once leaving school, he decided to stay in Japan. Being one of the heritage he decided to collect some more work experience and enrolled himself in the military. Upon entering it was an almost immediate action that he was placed into training.
This, was one of the hardest places to be at such a young age. And for Ludovica, it was no different.
You see, Ludovica carried this sort of- ****y demeanor to him as a child. Someone who was always trying to be the best of the best, and only really thought up of himself. Going into the military was both the change of how he acted physically, but the trauma he collected within it.
Cadet Training.
Ludovica was enrolled into the D squadron, being a part of the attack side of things was what best suit his physical attributes as well as his- agitated attitude. Training consisted of one of the most brutal training sessions that they could offer.
Wake up: 0430
Make bed, brush teeth and sort out foot locker: 0445
Line up at end of bed for: 0500
Marching training: 0530- 0900
Post work: 0900-1100
Food break: 1100-1130
Physical Training: 1130-1500
Rifle Training: 1500-1700
Physical Training: 1700-1900
Food: 1900-1930
Make bed, brush teeth, shower and sort out foot locker: 1930-2000
Sleep: 2000–0430

You get the general gist.
One of the main things that Ludovica suffered with was from the Rifle training. It was never his strong suit finding his way around mechanical beings, and a weapon of destruction was no different. When in training, he often found himself being one of the slower shooters. This wasn’t due to him being mentally slow, but due to his perfectionism causing him to have almost perfect aim and perfect conditions when he took each and every shot. He seemed to excel in the Physical Training though. Being rather young gave him the advantage of building muscle so effortlessly quickly, making him one of, if not the strongest in the squadron.

The mission.
Over his time in the works of being in the military, Ludovica worked many missions. This one seemed to hurt him the most, though.
“You do realise that if I go in that FUCKING TUNNEL I’ll get done for?” Ludovica yelled, tears almost forming in his eyes. The sand tunnel behind him now being completely collapsed and parts of the one he was currently being in crumpling as he spoke. “Would you rather die to the hands of suffocation or the hands of a tunnel, Sergeant?” his Cadet said, his eyes watering already yet his voice determined. Their mission took place in Malaysia, there were suspects of a ********* orginisation plotting something against the Japanese military, and seeing as it seemed like a small job, only Ludo and his workers were sent in.. No other squadron. “If I go then you have no leader.” Ludovica said, the bomb-shells above them causing for his voice hard to hear. He turned slowly to the individual to his side as he said slowly “Tell the boss he trained me well.” Ludovica then just.. Ran in.

Now this seemed like it would be the end of Ludovica. Running into a tunnel of the enemies was just a death sentence. However once he ran into the room he’d found the tunnel wasn’t collapsing due to the bombs above, but due to the enemies purposefully blowing up their main base and just leaving. However upon entering Ludovica did fall into a pit of glass, causing for his arm and neck to be cut up in the glass. He passed out, obviously. And woke up with a medal of bravery on his shirt.

General knowledge
x4kam KPD Application No#6 (2).gif

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?:

[-] The individual adjusted himself, clasping his hands before stretching them forwards and backwards to make a crisp sound from his knuckles. He then looked up, a rather blank stare upon his face as she said monotonously [-]

“Owning a Pocket Knife classes as a Major Crime under the bracket of Possession Of Illegal Weaponry. Being caught with such an item results in a three month prison sentence as well as a felonious criminal record.”

[-] A slight chuckle escaped from his lips as his eyes darted around before he said rather slyly [-]
“Or in other words, sir, it is illegal.”

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

[-] He looked down onto the table, tapping his hand four times on the leg of the table before stating with a slightly eager, yet oddly disconcerned face [-]

"Five medical items that do not require a prescription are Paracetamol, Cough Syrup, Eyepatches, Bandaids, and Wooden Canes."

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

[-] Ludovica leaned forward, his eyes glinting within the nearby light as a smile was drawn across his lips [-]

“If I was to find that my workers we’re assalulting an inmate my co-worker, I’d turn on my body-cam almost immediately. Theres no point in doing all this without having the proof of whos in the right and whos not. Once into the room I'd try and deduct if it's in self defense or if the officer is being incorrect in their actions. Either way the first thing I'd do is to make sure that the inmate and my co-worker were completely seperated. Afterwards, I'd place the inmate back into their cell, keeping the officer to one side as I do so. Afterwards I'd instantly question the officer, asking questions such as `What caused this?'"

[-] A measured inhale was drawn between his teeth as he continued in his.. monotonous voice [-]

"An investigation would then follow. With the help of both me and my co-workers, we'd all work to find some way to conclude who harmed who first. Did the officer do it in self-defense? Did the inmate have a maniac episode? Myself and the co-workers will look into any questionable conduct, taking even more work if many officers were involved. In the rare case we do find misconduct, we gather the evidence together and move to the next stage"

[-] He'd place his hand beneath his chin, intetwining his chin with his fingers as he continued speaking [-]

"With all and any evidence in hand, a very worked out and calculated interrogation is held between the higher-ups and any involved co-workers. Recording devices as well as body-cams being used constantly for evidence of the officers answers and facial expressions throughout, in order to deduct whether they are lying or telling the truth. Should they confess to any transgressions or make some form of mistakes to their answers, it is to be immediately documented and for any forms of undeniable evidence to be sent to the Higher-Ups."

[-] He then shrugged, bringing his hand back down to his jacket pocket as he spoke one last time [-]

"Afterwards, all evidence and any forms of statements worth saying are forwarded to the higher ranks for what they deem the appropriate actions."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

"What I do is completely dependant on both what the officer has in hand, as well as what the criminal has equipped."

[-] The individual sat back into his chair, crossing his arms as he looked up to the ceiling [-]

"If my co-worker was announced as the weaker indiviudal, I'd assure that back-up was called before instantly tranquilizing the criminal. Whilst backup was on it's way I'd assure that the individual was both detained and looked for as most of these have a tendency to run away. Once I knew that back-up arrived I'd assure that the individual was placed into their cell for questioning before taking it in my hands to care for the officer, taking them to EMS and assuring that they had all the help needed with anything afterwards."

[-] He then smiled again as he said with an odd sarcasm to him [-]

"If it is deemed as the officer being the stronger one, and it was just a feisty citizen, I'd repeat the same course of actions. Making sure that the individual was stunned and detained. These ones are often the ones easier to keep at bay; with this I'd ask the officer what happened to lead to this and make sure that the arrested individual was kept completely in his own space during this. Afterwards, I'd arrest them for any charges given, assure they were searched in the process. For example, if after giving them the charge of assault on a government official I was to pat them down and find any illegal weaponry. I'd immediately ask for a warrant to search their properties, in the case of finding further incriminating evidence."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

"I'd arrange an almost two-faced interaction. I'd act to the individual that I was the same, slowly gaining their trust as I slowly gathered more and more information on them. Of course, I'd do all of this with the Higher-Ups knowing. My approach would be discreet yet completely methodical. I'd systematically begin collective evidence through any conversations or observations through both mine and others interactions around the building. Deducting sheepish body language, carefully watching who they talk to when they're off shift as well as seeing if there were any sudden dips in their activity or quota points. I'd keep discreet, of course and make sure any evidence or even small suspicious actions are documented carefully."

[-] He seemed amused, for once. Why join such a business of hierarchy if you were to betray it anyway? [-]

"Once I have any and all proof of their mishaps, my first and most impulsive action would be to report any findings to the Higher-Ups. Alongside my evidence, I'd tell them how, where and why I decided to set upon the mission of gathering it, both allowing for them to have more of a scenic view of the evidence, but also allowing for them to know specific dates and times of when these things happen, so they can connect it to any crimes that perhaps had gotten away with things so on. Moreover, I would refrain from interacting with the suspected co-worker, as it poses both a threat to my job as well as to my own safety."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

"I'd request the money that they were offering. Once they had given it me I'd ask for the other money that was very much needed for that hefty fine they just received."

Notes: Thank you for reading my application. This has taken me days to complete as it's... my sixth one now. I hope to be accepted and spend all the time possible in the faction.
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Level 317
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Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
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Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
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