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Accepted x4kam | Teacher Application "Wings of Lucifer, the lost treasure"


Level 105
Out-Of-Character Information
x4kam Teacher Application!.gif
What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


Do you have a microphone?:

Yes, I do.

What is your time zone?:

I reside within the timezone of GMT.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Of course.

Describe your activity on the server:

I’ve been playing on SchoolRP for roughly 2 years now. Within this I’ve accumulated a few encounters in some factions. One of the most notable being my time spent in Governor, as well as my time in Councillor. I spent roughly two months in both factions. Being a part of Council definitely opened my eyes to alot of things about the School side of the server.

I can spend at least four hours on in a day, often spending most of my time completely silly little tasks or communicating and roleplaying with others. There isn’t alot that’ll get in the way of my activity other than school due to me being in my last year of school, this is a priority. This shouldn’t hold much of an issue until around may time next year, when my GCSE’s are taking place.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:

Being here for nearly two years causes alot of application, so i’ll only note those of importance.

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

Adult Vihaan Mues
Grade-12 Noboru Drakos Takada


What subject are you applying to teach?:

I’m applying to teach Physical Education.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:

My main motivation comes from the time that I spent as a Highschool Councillor. This time lead to me to often watching over classes and / or assisting teachers with anything that they needed. Being so interactive with this side of the server really drew me to it as a whole. Shortly after leaving Councillor I went for Professor. I’ll admit, I didn’t stay here long due to a lack of motivation to creating classes. However, what sparked my need to re-apply is that I now have the time as well as the motivation to create write and complete such classes that I couldn’t before. As well as this, I’ve bumped into enough dead ends over the last few months that just simply lead to me yearning for a new beginning.
Teaching is also a faction that allows for me to show off my expanding skill-set. Allowing for me show off my communication, lecturing as well as detailing work. Being a teacher is both an inclusive and hard job, that I believe I am now ready for.

Ludovica was the character I played during my time in the councillor, and is also the one I am using to apply for this spot. As a child, he always found a fascination in education and the knowledge of things. Something that he specifically yearned for was the work of sports. As an eager, curious child he always found himself endorsed in some form of sport. Being a part of the counseling team allowed for him to see the job through his own eyes, and find this glint in it.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
Of course

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:

Yes of course, training allows me to better my skill-set before I’m set out in the faction.

x4kam Teacher Application! (2).gif

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:

Class logs are a discord channel that automatically tracks the amount of classes that any and all teachers host. Logs are individual to each teacher and allow for the Higher-Ups to see how much they are to get paid, as well in a way to check if they are active or inactive when they should be. It holds importance as it stops any confusion and is undeniable evidence of the teachers classes.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

Whilst in the classroom, do not speak unless spoken to. This rule is set in place in a way to stop any distractions during lessons and allows for the children to have complete listening on what I’m saying. If you wish to have your own personal conversations, keep it to a whisper. This means no one will be talked over and allows for a smooth flow of everything. Breaking this rule can cause me to kick you from the class, and if you repeat the offense I will hand out a detention.

Keep your phones off and away unless you are given permission to get them out. This is to connect to the last issue of distractions and allows for complete and utter concentration whilst you are attending my class. The phone not only distracts you and other students, but means I have to put in effort to tell you to put it away which lessens time that I can spend teaching. Whilst I know it’s a small issue, any small fracture can cause a leakage in the glass basin.

Remain respectful to any classmates or faculty that are in the class during my teaching. This assures complete comfort and happiness during any teaching that I am going to do. If you remain respectful, and keep to yourself then it stops any future or present conflict. This also allows for trust to be built up with anyone in the classroom, forming a unity that allows for even smoother flow. If you break this rule, you will either get removed from the classroom, or receive a detention dependant on the severity.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

Being here for two years means that I have a handful of experience that I’ve gained from my time here. One of the main things I am known for is my time in CrimeRP. Being a part of this gave me the skills that you will see me use when I become a part of your faction. Teamwork, communication, intimidation, dedication. Even in my time here, I’ve kind of floated through anything and everything. Doing some tailoring, working in a few shops as well as even being in a Governor for a couple months.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: These are often the most educated and lasting member of their subject that they teach. Those who hold this role keep track and monitor anyone else who teaches in their subject. These people may often keep contact with SLT and even have a word in promotions, demotions as well as removals from the faction e.t.c. This is the highest paid individual in their subject, and is often the most respected and known.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: This is a good place to calm down and settle down when it comes to how you plan out and how often you play your lessons. You aren’t expected to be the most active yet you’re still expected to hold classes often. If you wish to get to the highest role, keep those classes coming.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: This role is a good step up from those who are unqualified. You are judged entirely on your performance whilst you are in this role. You are to be expected to attend any events or opportunities you are given. If you wish to keep grinding that system, you are to hold classes when possible as well as complete any tasks you are presented.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: This is the role that I will receive if I get into this faction. You are expected to work your very hardest to earn a spot to be Newly Qualified and you are still to keep proving yourself time and time again to complete the whole ladder. You are to go through training, show off your skill-set and represent the benefits they receive from allowing you into the faction.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Unsurprisingly, as a teacher you are expected to educate those around you both ICly and OOCly about anything that falls under your subject. You may be the one that is to guide that one namemc to becoming more advanced, or you may be the one that gives that one skill-set to some students. Outside of the server, you may be educated enough to answer questions in the KA discord server, as well as helping anyone that needs it. As well as this, you are supposed to be able to adapt your teaching style in a flow in order to suit students that attend your class. If someone wishes to learn through hands-on activity, you are to show them how to do something directly, or even just play through a game of the designated sport with them. You are supposed to be able to completely teach your subject through many methods in order to suit others. In regards to paychecks, teachers earn money based on how much of their quota is fulfilled within each month, the least amount acceptable being 10 classes, and the most being 22. As well as this, the higher you climb the ladder of qualifications, the higher paycheck you are to receive.
Free time is often spent grading assignments and dropping the grades into the designated discord channel in the Karakura Academics server. As well as this, you may spend time planning out future assignments based on previous ones that set. I’d use a planner for this and most likely stick to a strict schedule based around my OOC life.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:

It’s called SchoolRP for a reason. Seeing as most of the playerbase are centered around StudentRP, teachers play a crucial role in the server and what makes it engaging. StudentRP and SchoolRP simply can’t occur without the use of a teacher role. The most memorable part of the entire server is the school and the classes held, and these just can’t happen the same way without a teacher present.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:

Character Information
x4kam Teacher Application! (1).gif
Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?:
“Feasty eyes for someone so scared to talk, aren’t you?”

As you were wandering through the halls, just like your clueless self does, you’d set eyes upon Lucian. Lucian was an averagely heighted male, standing at roughly 6”4 with his incredible posture. The man seemed, by default, rather disciplined. His posture almost seeming like someone took a pin to each of his shoulders and nailed it to the air behind him. His head remained upright, never showing a double chin yet instead showing off his rather hawk-like defined facial features. His jaw was.. Impeccable, carved and chiseled to match his cheek-bones. You saw him from the side, you lucky fuck. His hunter eyes seemed to ponder around the corridors, until they met yours. As he connected eyes with you, you couldn’t help but find yourself enticed by their extraordinary coloring pattern. They seemed to fade from a baby blue to this almost full, light gray palette. His thin, yet almost cushioned lips curved into a soft smile as he noticed you, his porcelain fangs showing beneath his lips. As you indulged into his appearance, you seemed to notice how perfect his hair was. His matte black, messy hair seemed to waver around his head. It’s wavy texture carving into a middle parting almost mulleting idea.

You’d trace further, your eyes gliding down his neck. Yet the glide seemed to come to a halt when you noticed some not well hidden scars that lined the side of his neck. On one side, it looked as though something dug it’s talons into his neck, leaving behind a scar. Yet on the front, just before his adams apple laid a little scratch from what seemed to be some shard of glass perhaps. Due to his almost rockstar sense of style, you could clearly see from his shirt and outfit how perfectly his body was formed. You noticed their both muscularity, yet also their lean frame.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?:

When it comes to his students and coworkers, Lucian was rather open to making new accomplices around the school. Often finding himself casually talking down the radio to other teachers, or leisuiring around in the faculty office, talking and hanging out with any other staff members. Do bare in mind that this never gets in the way of his work. Of course having a social life in your job is a good foundation, however your actual job holds far more importance.
One thing was pretty much always seen, however, with how Lucian treated others. You see, as an individual he’d completely rely on the idea of his respect for others being like a health bar in a game. You damage me, I treat you with less respect, you treat me well and I reflect the same. For example, if a co-worker or student was to insult or ignore Lucian repetitively, he’d reflect the same behavior and not treat the individual with the same respect as others. Harsh, I know, but it makes you more careful doesn’t it? However with all of this, he will constantly keep professional throughout and not cause chaos with this.. rule.

What are their plans for the future?:

To be the inspiration of a star. To be the light that makes the room full. To make an impact to even one individual.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

My first course of action once noticing the individuals would be to approach them, with a rather calming, almost intimidating demeanor as I simply observe the situation. If my presence doesn’t make a change to their actions, I’d interrupt their activities and simply ask what they were doing. I’d do my best to de-escalate the situation, asking for them to calm down and quiet themselves as they are serving as a disturbance to other people on the campus. I will warn them of consequences for actions, using another student as an example. If they continue, I would hand them a detention slip. If still, they continue, an SLT report would be made before I take them to the front office.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:

There are two ways this plays out. Firstly, if the individuals are just being quite and not at all engaging with my lesson I’d ask if they were finding this an intriguing topic, and what they found wrong with it. If they simply respond with “I don’t know”, then I would bluntly tell them that if they had no issue with the subject then they should hold some form of contribution or show that they are paying attention, as well as warn them of a future quiz where this information is to be used. Secondly, if they were just being overall disruptive I would halt the situation immediately. I would warn them of the fact they were breaking clear classroom rules before I continued with my lesson. If they were to carry on, I’d issue a detention to just one of the main students, almost as a warning shot. If they were continue each of the students involved would collect a detention slip as well as be removed from my class.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:

As mentioned previously, my character often carries a rather welcoming demeanour. Often making sure that conversation was made as he repeatedly made social advances on the people around him. Associating himself well with those around, he’d carry this friendly personality around to everyone. He often found himself matching the energy that was given to him, yet tried to keep it as bright as possible in the moment.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me clasped his hands together with a gentle smile curving upon his lips. His eyes widened brightly as he said to the students “Good Morning! Today we are going to be going to the volleyball courts to play out a few games, so you can show off those skills I told you to practice!” Lucian then took his hands away from eachother, using one another to role up his shirt sleeves before he continued “You are to play to the rules exactly. If you fail to remain professional or play inappropriately, I will be handing out consequences” He then stood up from his desk as he walked over to the door, opening it as he said “Make your way over, don’t go elsewhere unless I instruct you otherwise. Understood?”

/mec seemed to waddle around the class. His eyes glancing over each and every student, checking for phones for cheating, checking for any hidden notes e.t.c. His eyes fixated into a squint as he took a glance at Silvia. As he read her general facial expressions he made his way over, kneeling down onto one knee by their side as he said in a rather comforting, concerned whisper “Are you okay? You look stressed” Lucian looked worried, his head tilting slightly with an almost comforting facial expression “If you need a break I can hold your paper for a moment and you can step outside, and I can just give you the time back at breaktime.” He continued, his warm expression seeming to calm her.

/me turned to the board as he grabbed the chalk into his right hand. “Now!” he exclaimed energetically, his smile apparent as he began writing on the board. He then turned to the class as he pointed to the few lines on the board behind him “You all did well with your assignments previously, so let’s have a game of hangman.” His smile remained as he saw the students face light up as he continued “I’m thinking of a position in football.” He began!

/me eyes widened as the irritation continued. He placed his pen into the pot as he simply leant back against his chair, his eyes squinting into an almost hawk-like shape “You.” He began, looking directly at Davian. “Want to share your answer to the last question?” Lucian knew, of course, that the child simply hadn’t done the work and was just wasting time for others. His smile began as he saw the students face drop “No? So get on with it. That’s your last warning, one more and I see you after school.”



In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
“Lucian Chalmarest”
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): “Mr. preferably. Sir would be nice. ”
Given Name(s): “Lucian Chalmarest”
Preferred Name: “Mr. Charlmarest”
Age (Minimum is 25): “Losing track at this point, but 28”
Gender: “Male”
Religious Denomination: “Atheist yet I respect those who believe.”

Marital Status: “Single”
Nationality: “British.”
Current Location: “Karakura, Japan”

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years): “Four years.”
Academic Degree: “Doctorate”
Year of Graduation: “2014”
Major(s): “Psychology and Social Studies”
Minors: “Business Studies and Education”

Native Languages: “English, of course.”
Other Languages: “Japanese, Russian, JSL and Italian”

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: “No.”

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:

Do you have any questions?:
Last edited:


Level 41
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction!
Please join the Karakura Academics server to gain your roles and receive further instructions.​

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