OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:
What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? x4miyaa
Please include ALL your alternative accounts: None
Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: Yes I do, my user is @kokonois_wallet
List your timezone and country: GMT+8 , Singapore
Describe your activity:
I’ve been on SRP since 2019 but I only really got into it during May of 2024. I’ve been very active in Gang and Crime RP and since december of last year I was accepted into Professor. I am on every day, but due to my time zone and college mixing together, there are days where I can’t be on till 6am. When I am able to, I tend to stay on SRP till 6am!
What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? x4miyaa
Please include ALL your alternative accounts: None
Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: Yes I do, my user is @kokonois_wallet
List your timezone and country: GMT+8 , Singapore
Describe your activity:
I’ve been on SRP since 2019 but I only really got into it during May of 2024. I’ve been very active in Gang and Crime RP and since december of last year I was accepted into Professor. I am on every day, but due to my time zone and college mixing together, there are days where I can’t be on till 6am. When I am able to, I tend to stay on SRP till 6am!
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
12am - 6am 6pm - 12am | 7pm - 12am | 7pm - 12am | 7pm - 12am | 12am - 6am | 12am - 6am | 12am - 6am |
Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
[DENIED] Teacher Application
[ACCEPTED] Professor Application
What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
I would love to expand on my writing skills. I've been writing for as long as I can remember, but I feel as though I could be writing much better. I would say that my main motivation for applying would be to improve my writing skills. I look forward to reading how the other reporters write and learning about the different reporting styles. Of course I also look forward to putting my personality into my reports!
Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
I have been writing for as long as I remember. From young, English has always been my favorite subject. I took my national exams for English at 16 and surprisingly I scored myself a distinction! I'm not the best at writing but I would say that my skills are still there. I can write but there is definitely room for improvement.
The way writers use their words to bring something fictional to life has always intrigued me. As English is the first language of my country, I’ve grown up speaking english. From a young age, I have always enjoyed reading. (A hobby that kinda died as I grew older…) And when I have the time, I enjoy dabbling in writing short stories of my characters.
Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes, I am aware of the rules and I will follow them.
Why should we accept you over others?:
I feel like I have something to add to the reporter team, my willingness to learn and my creativity helps me stand out against the other applicants. I'm a hard worker so I promise that I'll deliver on monthly quota. I have lots of ideas that I would love to use on my reports. I really want to better my writing skills and being a reporter would help me.
It's sort of like a win-win situation! I get to let my creativity out AND up my writing skills.
Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Yes I do.
Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes, I will stay active and complete the monthly quota.
Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
Based on what I've seen, reporters keep the town of Karakura up to date on the current affairs. Be it a protest, an event, new locations added to town to little reports on favourite sweets! Reporters write on a huge variety of topics. They cover anything and everything! Not to mention they do desk work by selling newspaper to people who drop by the station!
IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

[Art is NOT done by me.]
Full Name:
"Good evening, my name is Nishiyama Kyoshiro. Pleasure to meet you."
As the blond spoke, his lips would curl into a warm smile. Raising his right hand, he'd tuck a stray stand of hair behind his ear before stretching his hand over the table to shake the interviewer's hand.
Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
"Please, call me Nishiyama. Mr Kyoshiro makes me feel old."
A soft chuckle would escape Kyoshiro, crossing his right leg over his left he'd lean forward. Resting his elbows against the wooden table, he simply looked forward, his grey eyes practically shining with determination. It was clear he wanted this job.
Current Age (25+):
"I'm still really young, I recently turned 26 last week."
Past job/work experience:
"I used to work at a pizza store and worked as a waiter at some hole in the wall cafe when I was studying back in the mainland but apart from that.. no other jobs."
"I have a Bachelor's in Creative writing as well as a Bachelor's in communication."
Reaching into his little brief case, he'd pull out two certificates. Both nicely laminated and kept in a file. He'd place the two certificates on the table, sliding them over slightly so the interviewer could reach them.
Nationality and born location:
"Takayama, Japan. I'm full Japanese."
Phone Number: 030-
How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
"Hm.. that is rather difficult. But I would say that I am an ambivert. I prefer staying to myself and just being with family but once I get close to someone, I let myself 'act out'. Once you get past the stranger and acquaintance phase, I swear I'm fun! I'd say I'm a young soul at heart. When it comes to work, I certainly put my all into it. I don't allow myself to be distracted. I'm a huge family person, main reason why I returned here but- We aren't here to listen to my lore. To put it simply, I am able to goof around with people I am comfortable with but I am also able to be responsible, mature and professional when it comes down to it. I'm able to differentiate work and personal life.. and yeah! Overall I would say that I'm a great person.. I think!"
What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
"I am interested in writing about everything and anything. I love learning and meeting new people - despite being a little nervous to approach them at first! I want to learn more about the town my family is in and I'd do anything to ensure my reports are well written. If needed, yes. I am willing to go out of my comfort zone. Anything for a good report! Am I right?"
What are your expectations for the job?:
"I hope to meet some new people, make some new friends and of course earn some money to survive in town. I expect to interact with all sorts of people, both young and old. I want to write fun reports for people to read."
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
"Me? Criminal record? I've got none! Crime has never been my thing."
Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
"I am fluent in Japanese, Spanish and Mandarin. I picked up two languages for fun but surprisingly they came in rather handy!"
You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)
#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

[A template was used for this report.]
#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.
Juggling relationships and responsibilities.
[!]Click! The camera turned on and three figures could be seen. A young lady with a baby on her lap sat on the couch and Nishiyama sat on the couch directly opposite them.[!]
[!]The blond would offer the pair a warm smile, tapping his pen against his clipboard before he spoke.[!]
"Good evening, thank you for agreeing to this interview. I'll start off simple. Could you introduce yourself?"
[!]The female would return the smile, gently bouncing her baby on her lap.[!]
"I am Sofi, Lahela. I am currently 20, and I am a student in Karakura Community College. I have a 5-month old daughter, Kyo Hattori-Lahela."
[!]He'd scribble her name down on the piece of paper.[!]
"Pleasure to meet you two. I'll go straight into the questions if you don't mind. Did you have any doubts about having a child in the beginning?"
[!]Letting out a soft sigh, she would glance down at her child.[!]
"At first, I did have doubts, because, obviously, I was 19. I was not ready for a child."
[!]Nodding slightly, he'd glance over at the child. Offering Kyo a toothy grin before returning his gaze to the young mother.[!]
"What would you say you struggle with the most?"
"I struggle with time. I struggle juggling my athletic duties as a co-captain, I juggle my friendships with those around me, and with my child. I have to make time for her, and also my friends, teammates, family, and studies."
[!]Once again scribbling down her answers.[!]
"Could you run me through a normal day in your life? How is it like? Chaotic?"
[!]Reaching down, she would hold her hand out to Kyo, smiling brightly as the baby held her index finger[!]
"A normal day starts with me waking up and getting ready. I wake Kyo, my daughter, to get ready as well. On some days, I bring her to a relative's, or her father's, for babysitting, before I head over to school for my day. Some days, I take her along. After school, I pick Kyo up, and return home, or head out with her. At the end of the day, I am the one handling her mealtimes and routines."
[!]Once again scribbling down her answers.[!]
"Were your family supportive of your decision? How did they react?"
[!]Frowning slightly, she'd look at Nishiyama.[!]
"My parents. . . Have no response. My calls were sent to voicemail. They were not even present when she was born. However, my eldest sister has been supportive of me since the beginning, despite the circumstances of how my daughter came to be. She has been very supportive, helping me take care of her, she gives me advice, and she has been very crucial in this time. My other siblings, such as my sister, has also been very supportive. She loves taking care of Kyo as well. Although, it has not always been this way. Some of my siblings did not react too well, they were unsure if I was ready for a child. Valid, really. I was 19, and fresh into college."
"Do you notice a difference in treatment when it comes to your friends when they see that you have a child?"
"Occasionally. There are good sides to this, though. Sometimes, my friends are more accommodating to me because of my daughter. For example, they include her in plans, and even ask how she is doing. But on the bad side, I see that some people look down on me for having a child at my age. I cannot blame them, it is not an ideal situation to be in. I just suck it up and move on."
[!]Letting out a soft hum, he'd look at her. A look of empathy washing over his face[!]
"How do you juggle having to care for a toddler and being a track member at the same time?"
"Occasionally, I bring Kyo to practice. When we have runs, I leave her in the care of a teammate, or someone whom I trust, and are present at practice. It is enjoyable, and my teammates adore her a lot. I also try to include her in my team's plans, which means, that I bring her around a lot!"
[!]Once again scribbling down her answers.[!]
"Were any of your relationships affected because of your child?"
[!]Biting on her inner cheek, she'd take a moment to respond[!]
"Yes, they were. I would not like to go into specific details, since this is a public interview. For instance, I have had a partner not want to acknowledge the existence of my child, which angered me. I understand if a potential partner does not want to date someone with a child, since. . . I am still young, and nobody should HAVE to take care of someone else's child at such a tender age. After all, I am still in college. As such, I try to introduce Kyo to most people I know, so that gets that out of the way."
"If you could choose to change one thing about your current life by going to the past, what would you change?"
"I would definitely keep Kyo around. She is an important part of my life, and I would never trade anything for her. Although, I would love to change the way I initially felt towards her. Almost right after Kyo was born, I left Karakura for Hawaii, my hometown, because I was not ready for the reality of having a child. I came back when she was 3 months old. I missed 3 months of her life, which I realise now, was a missed experience I will never get again."
[!]Once again scribbling down her answers.[!]
"What are you plans like, regarding the future and your child?"
"I hope to raise her here in Karakura, and in Hawaii too. Hopefully, I get the chance to bring her home, to meet her relatives, and experience my childhood!"
"Any last words?"
[!]Offered him a smile, picking Kyo up as she would put the baby back into the carrier.[!]
"Thank you, for this interview Ms Lahela. I hope to see you and Kyo around!"
[!]Click, the camera would turn off[!]
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