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Denied Xaavia | Doctor Application


Level 7

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
I am active mostly every day, I do have irl commitments so sometimes i cant but im
usually on for 5ish hours a day.

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:
[Tsukina Sasaki] Occult Club member [Accepted]

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I have been roleplaying on creative servers since about 2013. I've always been a part of that scene across multiple servers and roleplay on discord often with friends, though it started with Skype and steam messaging lol. I've been doing DnD for about two years and do a campaign with friends weekly. I only joined SRP about a year ago, but I adore it and come on pretty often to roleplay with friends. One of my newer characters just joined the occult club and my other character hangs out at the Shrine with my IRL friend who's a Maiden there.

What is your motivation for applying?
I've always wanted to join the hospital since I have an IRL interest in that field. I can never work in it IRL because of disabilities, but I'd love to roleplay it since I study some of it anyways. I like the setting of the hospital and want more of a role on the server to roleplay instead of just wandering around the school aimlessly. My special interests in the medical field are radiotherapy, ER work and mortician work.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist):

What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?
Like I said previously, out my own time I have studied radiotherapy and ER situations. One of my best friends in real life is a nurse who has worked in palliative and aged care. I have done first aid courses and spend a weird amount of time listening to and reading medical scenarios. I know my knowledge may not be up to par with most people, but I have a motivation to learn.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
Yes. I’ll be held accountable for my actions.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
Yes, I’ll be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I will attend or suffer the consequences.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

In-Character (IC) Section
Character’s Full Name:

Eris Fujiwara

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Non-binary They/Them

Character’s Age (if accepted):

Character’s Academic Background
Currently in Grade 12

Character’s Nationality:
Born and Raised in Japan, Japanese on both parents sides.

Character’s Marital Status:
Unmarried, Single.

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Character’s Spoken Languages:

Backstory (100+ Words)・༓☽-biography-☾༓・.67644/

Eris, or their actual name Sora, was born in Okayama in an upper middle class area. Their parents were both Christian and Eris was an only child. Their parents were kind to Eris during their youth but their relationship went downhill when Eris realized they were a lesbian in their teenage years. This only worsened when Eris also realized they were autistic, nonbinary and decided to change their name. It was petty fights at first but became more hostile over time.

Eris began to spend as much time as possible outside of the house to avoid being around them, choosing to volunteer at animal shelters and attend boxing gyms. Eris didn't have many friends despite spending so much time away from home but they were content with the peace it brought. They found it hard to socialize and make friends and gave up at a pretty early age.

Eris' parents eventually decided to have another child, despite the large age gap their children would have. Their reasoning to Eris was that they wanted a child to "raise right" and Eris was reasonably offended by this. They decided they were done with Okayama and started saving money to move when they turned eighteen.

Eris worked odd jobs to earn cash, consisting of art commissions and temporary job positions. They occasionally dipped into petty crime, shoplifting food from stores to save money or stealing minor things like makeup. They were only caught once and got off with a warning for being a minor and this only added more fuel to the fire with their parents, creating an even more toxic environment.

Eventually Eris' sibling was born, a girl named Mai. Eris' parents were distracted with this new child, allowing Eris to spend more time at home without being bothered.
The day Eris turned eighteen they moved away from their home and arrived in Karakura. They decided to legally change their name to Eris once they could afford to, as they landed with not much cash in their pockets. They considered going back to a life of petty crime to save money, but decided against it, wanting to keep their new start positive. They hopped from bad hotel to bad hotel while they searched for housing until they ran out of cash, meeting a lifechanger on the docks that night.

Evangaline Delarosa was a strange girl, having approached a complete stranger, who smelled of alcohol, to talk. Evangaline invited Eris onto the dock amusement rides with them and took photos of Eris on their polaroid camera. After a night of strange, but fun, activities, Evangaline invited Eris to spend the night at their apartment since they had nowhere to go. Eris agreed, not being a fan of sleeping out in the open, but was hesitant since the offer was strange. They had met only hours before and was now being invited into her home.

What was meant to be a temporary solution turned into a strong friendship and eventually a relationship. The two would be inseparable at school, with Eris following Evangaline around enabling her weird ideas and yelling at the swim team with her. They became the sarcastic and unsettling balance to Evangaline's aggressively optimistic and chaotic nature.

Evangaline wanted to be a teacher at first, but then refocused her efforts on working at the shrine. Eris was disapproving at first but they weren't about to tell Evangaline not to do what they loved either. Eris set their sights on working at the hospital and began actually trying their best in school to achieve this. It proved difficult because of Eris' learning disabilities, but they were sticking at it.

Eris eventually came around to Evangaline's obsession with the shrine despite their initial hatred for all religions and spiritualities. They found the shrine beautiful and peaceful and tried to respect it and the people there, even if they didn't fully understand. They now show up at the shrine on a weekly basis to help make food and be a general nuisance to the spirits.

What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?

(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen)
Eris specializes in emergency medicine. They decided to specialize in this because of their love for fast paced, high pressure work. They hate being bored and thrive under stress if left alone. They studied radiotherapy as a second interest, more curious than anything else.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
After graduation, Eris would have moved away from Karakura temporarily, upset by their breakup with Evangaline and wanting yet another fresh start. They would have began work at a hospital, likely as a nurse in the ER department or palliative. They would have worked there for a few years before moving back to Karakura to apply to work at their hospital, again focusing on the ER department as a nurse. They would likely be an RN by now, having spent their time outside of Karakura working as an EN and studying their RNs.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Yes, working as a nurse in the ER and palliative. They would have likely hopped between jobs in the early stages of this, as most ENs tend to do as they learn.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
No, aside from their first aid courses done before their schooling.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Eris could be described as ghostlike, being uncomfortably scrawny and pale. They were of an average height, standing at about 5'6" with a shapeless build. They dyed their hair often and wore dark, messy makeup. They enjoyed wearing colored contacts and prosthetic elf ears when they dressed up, not caring all too much about fitting in with the social norm. Their eyes were downturned and tired, emphasized by the red makeup smothered on top of their already existing dark circles. Eris dressed in a range of fashion styles but mostly stuck to scene and emo and was never seen in shoes that didn't have a platform.

How does your character act on and off duty?
On duty, Eris could be described as cold and unapproachable. They had a habit of focusing on their work and forgetting that they were dealing with real people with real emotions and saw socialization with coworkers of a waste of their time. They were never directly rude in their word choice, but their tone and body language gave most people a bad taste in their mouth about their personality. Eris was rarely empathetic to patients but had a soft spot for people who were afraid of needles, relating to that from their own childhood. Their lack of empathy did not mean they were bad at their job, however. Though cold, they put their all into their work and took patient care very seriously. They may be disliked by patients, but they gave their all in their care.
Off duty, Eris was a lot more approachable of a person. Once they came out as their self described "work mode", they were goofy and impulsive. They could be a bit cold at first to strangers but never took too long to warm up to them. Eris spent a lot of their time gaming online and spending time at the shrine when off duty.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Eris functions better on their own but could work with a team when needed. They obeyed orders and were cooperative, but their cold attitude again made the entire experience unenjoyable. Eris thrived when left alone to power through as much work as possible.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Eris wanted to work in the medical field since they were a child and they hope the goal is achievable. Eris doesn't intend to leave this role unless made to by forces out of their control.
Eris also has a crush on Evangaline Delarosa, a shrine member. The two used to date in highschool but split up over a fight when Evangaline began stating her interest in the shrine work. Eris regrets this fight and wants to try and smooth it over with Evangaline.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
Eris is perceived as unsettling and unapproachable to people who don't know them. To the people that do, Eris is smug, petty and a bit goofy. They view themselves as more of the first one, definitely blaming their lack of friends on their unsettling nature and aren't aware that they aren't as unkind as they think they are.
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Level 258
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following reasons:

- Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the faction, we often have to deny good applicants because there are others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to server reputation or due to the detail that was put into their application.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 6pancake - via discord, and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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