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Accepted xan's event team application yo!


Level 25

IGN: xansder

Explain your activity on the Server: My activity on RPH as a whole is pretty- excessive, to say the least. The amount of time I’ve spent on the SRP server, anyway. In addition to being bound to my home and having little to no schoolwork, I’m able to be consistent with my activity on the SRP server, even if I am idle at times.
As for the forums and discords, I am very much what one would call a ‘lurker’. Despite my activity on discord itself being pretty much 24/7, I tend to just watch the discords and forums instead of frequently having conversations on those platforms. I reside in the realm of Direct Messages.

What previous experience do you have working in a team?: As for working in any RPH-based community team… No, I have not. Although! I’ve been very collaborative and converse a lot to the teams as well as be a part of minor projects that require a team effort. I consistently speak with Lore and Event team members, asking about what goes on behind the scenes without having anything revealed of course, so I can have a better understanding of how SRP comes together.
As for out of RPH, I have plenty of experience. Sports teams, work teams, extracurricular teams… Yes, I have. Being a collaborative graphic designer, was once apart of a soccer team, and being apart of other activities like band and competitive robotics, I understand how important it is to communicate with your team and actively express any thoughts on what they are conveying to the team. It’s also very crucial to make sure all members of your team are actually communicating with each other and that none of them are isolating themselves or are feeling left out.

What makes you different from other applicants?:
While at the end of the day, I may be just a regular, passionate player of SchoolRP, I believe that there are a few things that might make my application stand out.
First and foremost, to put it lightly, event planning is 'not my first rodeo'. I was put in charge and hosted the Sports Banquet event that was hosted for high school and college students on teams recently, which I planned along with a friend of mine. I've written out many event documents in the past, relating to different things such as crime events, simple events that could gather the community as a whole, and of course ones such as this. I have also, as the College Swim Captain with the help of my team, hosted monthly parties at the Luxe from the most recent 'Cops and Robbers' party to the Disney themed party. I would say that these parties have been successful, but just to back this claim, I give you my word that MikeShotZ once stated in the OOC chat on the server during a slightly less successful opening that I should host more parties.
Event planning is something I enjoy immensely when it comes to SchoolRP, and I am interested in it not just for myself but for the SchoolRP community as a whole- what a possible document filled with a few plans, ideas, inspiration, and people could do to benefit the lore, entertainment, and community of SchoolRP.
Finally, my activity. I know this is a common answer for this question, and that high activity is expected of any community team member, but I am incredibly active on the server. Twice now, when applying for other things such as an ICly job, I have stated that my activity, on a scale from 1 to 10, would be a 27. As I write this, I still solidly believe that this is where my activity on the server stands. I've been invested in SchoolRP for over a year, and I doubt that my interest and dedication to the server will stop anytime soon.

Provide a detailed event proposal that would be seen by the Event-Team

Each of these events is categorized with two tags each to better understand what kind of events they are supposed to be.

FLASH - A flash event is what one would deem as unexpected to the community. Not previously announced within the RPH discords or announced in the server itself. Pretty standard.
PLANNED - The exact opposite of a flash event. To be announced days before the event actually happens. Also pretty standard.
INTERACTIVE - Though all events require the players’ presence, interactive events are considered to be events that require players to actively complete tasks that are broadcasted in the server.
PASSIVE - Passive events are more for just players’ enjoyment and aren’t meant to affect any lore or anything in the SRP world itself.



Using the Journalist team, they can cover a conflict that’s currently happening in the ocean on Karakura’s coast so that this doesn’t seem very out of anywhere. It’ll be entirely up to the Lore team to decide the two nations that are fighting, as I don’t know Karakura’s exact location… Which can affect which ocean this is happening in and which countries/nations/provinces even are going at it with each other.

Another typical day in Karakura, as most would agree on. Lifeless Autumn leaves scattered upon the ground before they suddenly subtly danced to life. Was it the wind? No, not this time around… Maybe it had something to do with the unusual horn blaring in the distance.
Not one of a police cruiser or an ambulance, but an entirely new one that isn’t heard often if not at all. It hails from the south side… The beach.

[ ! ] “Greetings, Karakura. This is your KPD commissioner speaking. We advise that you go about your normal day as we investigate this anomaly.”

Authorities, EMS, and regular citizens alike rush over to the location of the siren, only to see that a submarine has docked itself on Karakura’s shore.
Three uniformed people exit the submarine, roleplayed out to look distressed. I expect a chat flood, so this will be done in an /event of sorts. They ask for help and provide vague instructions to the citizens that gaze upon them.

“It’s going into total failure, we were sent out simply to scout!”
“Call for backup. Beam them!”

Or other dialogue.

- Event team/Lore team/trusted players to play military found within the submarine.
- The build team/world edit to create all the scenery required for the event.
- Staff to monitor the players.
The basics, one could say.

The event begins with the common knowledge in Karakura that there is an overseas battle between nations occurring by the coast of Karakura. A submarine from the battle would accidentally dock on the shores of Karakura, by the beach. It would turn out to be damaged, and not have enough resources to completely fix it. Players, hearing reports upon the state of the submarine would have the opportunity to choose between two groups to help. One group would go into the submarine, and the other would go to the lighthouse in hopes of calling for help & reinforcements for the submarine.
The submarine built upon the coast would be modestly sized, but there would be a sign within it that would teleport players to a larger submarine where they would have to do tasks to make sure the submarine would not go into total failure.
The plot twist for those at the lighthouse would end up being unable to succeed within their tasks, as the lighthouse would be discovered to have been decommissioned for years. The group would then instead head towards the KPD and / or the garage by the old 11/7 (the players would be encouraged by event team members among the crowd, followed by /events that would also state that the group was to do so). They would look for supplies to fix the submarine such as new bulbs or oil, before bringing the supplies back and managing to use the supplies and submarine to finally call for reinforcements to aid the submarine, using morse code or other possible means.

so basically, say a battle between other countries is going on in the ocean near karakura’s coast, yes? and basically a submarine nears karakura’s coast and docks itself on the shore on accident.. it turns out it’s damaged and there are not enough resources to fully fix it. there’s two groups, one goes into the submarine, and the other tries to go up to the lighthouse to call for reinforcements. the sub build on the coast can be tiny but inside there can be a teleport sign that tps players to a larger sub where they have to go and do things to make sure the sub doesn’t go into total failure.. meanwhile, the people at the lighthouse find out its been decommissioned for years and have to go to the kpd or the garage by the old 11/7 for new bulbs or oil (idk if it’s electric or oil/gas operated) and bring them back and use it to convey morse code to call for reinforcements.



The document for this event can be found below. I had written this alongside a friend a few months back and it actually ended up being executed! Though not exactly according to plan, I was glad it happened.


THE IDEA: Karakura’s first-ever Creative Commons festival is now LIVE! What is a creative commons festival? Well, it’s a celebration hosted to highlight all of the arts and how people can get more involved in creative clubs and businesses. Fashion, art, music, dance, etc, etc. The festival will have several booths and platforms there to showcase each club, organization, and business that chooses to be a part of it.

IDEAL LOCATION: The school, if chosen to keep it only KA-based clubs and classes, or the shopping district to include organizations and businesses with adult accounts and such.

HOW IT’LL WORK: Just like any other festival or dance, the creative commons festival will be announced ten minutes prior in the RPH discord. Booths and platforms galore will be set around the chosen area for each representative of a creative organization to show off what their group has to offer.

  • A raffle outfit giveaway from HERRI.
  • A flash mob from KA’s dance club.
  • A small fashion show from KA’s Fashion & Design club.
  • A short article contest from the journalists.
  • Learn how to Improv with the Karakura Theatre club.
And more, depending on who decides to be apart of the festival.

Thank you for reading!
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