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XenaRP's Police Application


Level 1

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
PepsiOverdose (Main)

XenaRP (Alt applying with)

Previous bans:

I do not have any previous bans

Describe your activity on the server:

I'm on daily for mostly 5-8 hours a day unless there's something IRL that prevents me from getting on that certain day.

Which timezone are you in?

AEDT (Daylight Savings) or AEST (Currently AEST) AEDT occurs at 2am on the first Sunday of October and ends on the first Sunday of April

Do you have Discord?

Yes I do, my discord is Pepsi#3494

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:

I do have a microphone and I'm fine with using it.

List your current and past applications:


Xena Italian Language App Denied

Xena Korean Language App Accepted

PepsiOverdose (Main Account)

Lost Custom Denied (Didn’t have Video Evidence, Had to contact Mike)

What is your motivation for applying?:

I want to be part of the KPD because I’ve watched many people who work in the KPD on duty and found the job very interesting. I believe it would give me a new perspective on roleplay while allowing me to try new things. I even have friends in the KPD and I think it would be fun to roleplay alongside them, one even being this char’s twin sister, Violet Minho or P.O. Minho. I've also taken the time to study policing and how to apply as I wish to join the force IRL as a Forensics Officer.​

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?

I'm not too familiar with them IRL as I have a sound understanding of them, but from observing and having friends in the KPD I know how they conduct/enforce their laws. I also know how an officer should act in public and within the station.

What are the Police ranks?

Police Commissioner
This is the highest attainable rank within the Police Force. The one given this rank controls/leads the Force and makes important decisions on behalf of the Force.

Head Lieutenant
Head Lieutenant is the second highest rank attainable within the Force and they help make decisions with the Commissioner as Head Lieutenant is classed as second in command. The Head Lieutenant also acts the same as the Vice would if the Head were not available as the Head steps in for the Commissioner when they are unavailable as the Head Lieutenant is next in line to be Commissioner.

Vice Head Lieutenant
Vice Head Lieutenant is the next rank above Lieutenant and they help make decisions in the force alongside the Head Lieutenant and if they were unavailable they would act as the Head Lieutenant.

Once you’ve received the rank of Lieutenant you are considered a Higher Up within the force and you receive a Glock-17. Only higher ups have the privilege of having one.

Sergeants are a rank higher than corporal and when you receive this rank it symbolises that you’ve been within the force for a considerable amount of time, sergeants are also next in line to become Lieutenants. With this information they should be setting an example of leadership and being a good role model for the lower ranks.

Corporal is a rank higher than Patrol Officer and given to those that are promoted from Patrol Officer to Corporal. Corporals are given the ability to train the Cadets and help them pass their Cadet Test to become Patrol Officers. Corporals are also given Crowbars to use when necessary in raids. They are also given pepper spray.

Patrol Officer
This is the second lowest rank within the Force and Cadets are promoted to this once they complete and pass their Cadet Test. A Patrol Officer has the ability to leave the station and go on patrols alone but it’s not advised with the crime rates. Patrol Officers also have the ability of going Off Duty.

Police Cadet
Police Cadet is the lowest rank in the Force and given to all new members. Those with this rank may not leave the station without permission and must have someone accompany them if they do. Cadets are assigned tasks within the station to complete such as filing reports, inmate care, visitations and sitting at the front desk to provide any help to those who visit. An example of this is assisting a citizen bail an inmate out.

Detective Ranks
Detective Superintendent

Detective Chief Inspector

Detective Inspector

Detective Constable

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

I've never worked in the KPD but I do understand how it works as I've watched many arrests, searches and I also have a friend who works in the KPD. I have seen her on patrols and watched her arrest multiple people. I also know a lot of information that police officers use on a daily basis, such as call signs. Some that I know are 11-99 which means an officer needs help, 10-20 which means what is your location, 10-19 meaning returning to the station and many more. I also have knowledge of almost everything on an officer's utility belt, such as a taser, luminol spray, radio, handcuffs, a first-aid kit, etc. OOCly I know both the command to pat someone down which is /rs and how to jail someone which is /jail (IGN) (Cell Number) (Time). Finally the last thing I know is while on patrol you must keep your taser out in the c****, forest, sewers, and alleyways.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

The Police is important within Karakura as it keeps the citizens of the city safe and if there was no Police Force the city would be filled with Gangs, constant violence, vandalism etc. Also with there being a Police Force within Karakura it gives GangRPer's a sense of fear when they see a police officer in sight and it adds to the roleplay experience.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

I do acknowledge that.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?

I understand that and I am completely aware of what I am applying for.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?

I understand that I will be punished if I don't attend and will attend any training sessions that are held whilst I'm online.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

I understand and will not take things OOCly when dealing with training and situations including IC harassment.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how they look, what makes them unique?

Kohei is a Korean Male standing at 5’10 and weighing 75kg with a Muscular build. He’d have Black hair that would complement his brown and blue eyes. He’d also have a scent of male cologne that would follow him. Kohei would usually be seen wearing a red/black or white outfit.

What they're like on and off the job?

On the job Kohei is a very professional person. He loves sticking to rules and doing his job to the best of his ability. When out on patrol he is very attentive to everything around him to make sure he and his partner stay safe.

Off duty Kohei is a lot more humorous and playful. He enjoys hanging out with his friends and even playing volleyball. He is usually found at the beach volleyball courts or in his apartment on his days off.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?

Kohei sees his co-workers as family and wishes to protect them to the best of his ability. He believes getting along and having good bonds with the people he works with will make the ability to carry out his duties a lot easier, not only for them but for his co-workers as well.

Kohei’s plans for the future are to help keep karakura and the citizens who live there safe to the best of his ability. He would also like to move through the ranks and help train the new cadet’s coming into the force.


Kohei Minho was born on 12 November, 1986 in Busan, South Korea. His mother gave birth to him and his twin, Violet, on a hospital bed, alone. His father, Yuuma wasn't there, he never was. Kohei and Violet grew up under their mother's gentle care. They had everything someone needed. Kohei and Violet loved each other, and their mother was their sole companion. Their father was absent almost every day of their lives that wasn't the first day of the month, in which he gave them mysteriously large amounts of cash to live off for the next 30 days. Even Kohei's mother, Myeong-Hee, didn't know where it came from. The three didn't care, and their lives would likely have gone that way forever if one event didn't happen.

Kohei, Myeong-Hee and Violet were at the local zoo when they spotted something. Someone, in fact. Violet laid eyes on her father. Kohei and Violet loved their dad more than he did, and being children who nearly never saw him, they rushed to go hug him. As they got close, they saw that he was holding something. That something was a baby, and that baby was the spitting image of Yuuma. The horrified twins backed away, but it was too late. A 7-month-pregnant Myeong-Hee had seen the baby. They had gone home in a state of sheer remorse. The reason Yuuma had been away was that he was raising not 2 children at once, but 3. He'd had a mistress for the entirety of Violet and Kohei's life, and they'd never known. The words Yuuma spoke when a sobbing, grief-stricken pregnant Myeong-Hee had confronted him about cheating would haunt Kohei for the rest of his life. "It's not like you deserve me. It's not like any woman does. You can't catch the wind, you can only watch it run away." That was the moment that Kohei decided that he would prove his father wrong. If you trap the wind in a box, it can't escape, ever.

2 weeks later, Myeong-Hee got full custody of the children, her pride and joy. She didn't need to file for divorce because technically, the two were never married, just engaged. After that, Yuuma was imprisoned for drug dealing. He was imprisoned for life, however, he had a child with him that his mistress didn’t want. Her name was Ruby, and she was 14 years younger than the twins. They were going to put Ruby into foster care, however, Myeong-Hee decided that she would take in the child in place of the one in her belly. The four filed for passports, but in the 6 years it took for them to go through, Kohei and Violet learned to love their new sister. Ruby grew up feeling as if she’d been born of her mother, and they liked it that way. Eventually, they moved to Japan. While they were there, Kohei and Violet attended Kararuka College while their mother raised Ruby. When the two graduated from College, Violent went on to join the KPD and is now a Patrol officer. Kohei considered his calling: Crime, as he was studying Criminology and Forensics Science while attending college. He’d never gotten back at his father, and this would be his chance. Kohei applied for the KPD a little after Violet as she was already accepted into the Force, he also learned Japanese along with Violet as it was a must to speak Japanese when going to college and joining the KPD. He graduated at 30 and went on to the Police Academy to do 4 years of training to become a police cadet, fighting crime.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name: Kohei Minho

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr

Given Name(s): Kohei Minho

Preferred Name: Kohei

Age: 34

Gender: Male

IC Phone number: 249-579-731

Religious Denomination: Unknown

Marital Status: He is currently Single

Nationality: Korean

Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training: 4 Years

Working Experience: None

Academic Degree: Masters Degree

Year of Graduation: 2005

Major(s): Criminology and Forensic Science

Minor(s): Law

Native Languages: First language is Korean

Other Languages: Second language is Japanese

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