Level 9

Basic Information
Name: Ambrosia-Mel-Palas
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Date of Birth:20/04/2002
Place of Birth: Chelmsford, United Kindom
Nationality: British
Spoken Languages: English
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Religious Beliefs: Atheism
Detailed Information
Ambrosia has long, curly brown hair and round brown eyes. She is quite pale. She is 5 Foot 5 inches and has a straight nose. Her ears are small and round. She has naturally well-shaped teeth and is always smiling.
Ambrosia is very short tempered, she is very loud, but kind. Ambrosia is a very athletic person, she also loves relaxing to soft music. The only bad trait about Ambrosia is mainly her anger and stress that build up inside her but she usually listens to music to let stress and anger away.
Medical Records:
Ambrosia has suffered with asthma for most of her life, she also suffers from depression due to death of her father and her aunt.
Character Voice:
Ambrosia has a British accent which is very high pitched but when she is angry her voice changes to a very low pitched voice.
Ambrosia always carries a pencil in her left pocket. She also carries around a spare notebook.
She normally wears a navy blue skirt, and a sleeved white shirt.


Yasmeen- Mother -Alive
Michael- Father - Dead
Bohdan- Grandad- Alive
Tracey- Nanny - Alive
Zeck- Uncle - Alive
Gemma- Auntie -Dead
Zariya- Sister - Alive
Ambrosia was born with a wealthy family that spoilt her, a lot. Her family were also very popular as Ambrosias father was the king of pop. Ambrosia didn't like being popular she used to lock herself in her room, making sure nobody could set foot in her room. Her mum didn't like that Ambrosia did this sometimes she would invite her friends round just to get her out of her room, Ambrosia hated it. A few years later Michael had died, Ambrosia couldn't take it ever since then she suffered from depression and she couldn't even leave the house. Two months later Ambrosia left the house to go meet up with her friends and she bumped into her
friend, she was very happy but then her friend walked of. Ambrosia ran home and told her mum, who still hasn't gotten over Michaels death. Her mum walked up stairs, ignoring Ambrosia. Ambrosia ran to her room and packed her bags, ready to run away, Ambrosia was stopped by her sister, her sister stopped Ambrosia from leaving but she couldn't stop the depression. Ambrosia had to move to another school which had made her very upset, she lost all her friends and the memories of her father faded. Ambrosia settled Into school quite well and she is very good in all her classes besides maths and science
Personal Relationships
PrincessOwlton (Zariya) - Butterfliies (Yasmeen) Michael (Dad)

Basic Information
Name: Ambrosia-Mel-Palas
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Date of Birth:20/04/2002
Place of Birth: Chelmsford, United Kindom
Nationality: British
Spoken Languages: English
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Religious Beliefs: Atheism

Detailed Information
Ambrosia has long, curly brown hair and round brown eyes. She is quite pale. She is 5 Foot 5 inches and has a straight nose. Her ears are small and round. She has naturally well-shaped teeth and is always smiling.
Ambrosia is very short tempered, she is very loud, but kind. Ambrosia is a very athletic person, she also loves relaxing to soft music. The only bad trait about Ambrosia is mainly her anger and stress that build up inside her but she usually listens to music to let stress and anger away.
Medical Records:
Ambrosia has suffered with asthma for most of her life, she also suffers from depression due to death of her father and her aunt.
Character Voice:
Ambrosia has a British accent which is very high pitched but when she is angry her voice changes to a very low pitched voice.
Ambrosia always carries a pencil in her left pocket. She also carries around a spare notebook.
She normally wears a navy blue skirt, and a sleeved white shirt.


Yasmeen- Mother -Alive
Michael- Father - Dead
Bohdan- Grandad- Alive
Tracey- Nanny - Alive
Zeck- Uncle - Alive
Gemma- Auntie -Dead
Zariya- Sister - Alive
Ambrosia was born with a wealthy family that spoilt her, a lot. Her family were also very popular as Ambrosias father was the king of pop. Ambrosia didn't like being popular she used to lock herself in her room, making sure nobody could set foot in her room. Her mum didn't like that Ambrosia did this sometimes she would invite her friends round just to get her out of her room, Ambrosia hated it. A few years later Michael had died, Ambrosia couldn't take it ever since then she suffered from depression and she couldn't even leave the house. Two months later Ambrosia left the house to go meet up with her friends and she bumped into her
friend, she was very happy but then her friend walked of. Ambrosia ran home and told her mum, who still hasn't gotten over Michaels death. Her mum walked up stairs, ignoring Ambrosia. Ambrosia ran to her room and packed her bags, ready to run away, Ambrosia was stopped by her sister, her sister stopped Ambrosia from leaving but she couldn't stop the depression. Ambrosia had to move to another school which had made her very upset, she lost all her friends and the memories of her father faded. Ambrosia settled Into school quite well and she is very good in all her classes besides maths and science

Personal Relationships
PrincessOwlton (Zariya) - Butterfliies (Yasmeen) Michael (Dad)
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